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Published 23 Oct 2018

yashtimadhu taila in hair fall and premature grey hair

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Hair is the crown to our head, the priced accessory, that accentuates our look with endless styles.  The braids or bangs, a pony or bun or simply the laid back open flicks hair are fun, chic and the best ornamentation one could ask for. But alas!!! The shiny tresses are not for forever. They need lots of pamper, love and care else they might just fall off one by one leaving the crown barren or they might just start turning grey making you look old and a bit creepy. Common Causes of Hair Fall Some of the major causes of hair fall are: Scalp infection, Dandruff, Scalp psoriasis Hormonal imbalance. Genetic factors Nutritional deficiency like Iron, Iodine and calcium deficiency. Diseases like Anaemia, Typhoid, Diabetes and cancer. Certain medications, after chemotherapy and post surgery. Post pregnancy. Stress, worry and anxiety. Insomnia Improper hair care. Repeated Coloring, straightening, curling and other hair treatments. Excessive hair styling Use of harsh chemicals and other hair styling products. Solutions to hair fall and pre-mature greying While many might think coloring is trendy or applying henna is a sure cure to grey hair but they have their own repercussions. Degrading the quality of your tresses, fizzing the hair, causing hair fall, further greying are just a few of the many consequences. There are hair loss treatments and hair transplant options but they not only drill your pockets but they also tend to cause side effects. Ayurveda offers natural solutions that efficiently tackle the problems of hair loss and thinning hair, baldness, dandruff and scalp problems, split ends and premature graying of hair. All these problems can be shut down with the potent Yasthimadhu Taila prepared with Sesame oil base. This herbal Taila preparation is widely used in the treatment of hair fall and baldness. Benefits of Yasthimadhu for Hair  Yasthimadhu Taila benefits are known to Indians since thousands of years.  Yasthimadhu is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs. Packed with flavonoids, phytoestrogens, and other essential oils, this marvelous oil promotes the health of the scalp and takes care of the hair. The amazing demulcent and anti inflammatory properties of Yasthimadhu help in soothing the scalp by reducing various scalp conditions like scabs and dandruff. Regular application of the oil boosts hair growth and might even combat premature balding. Yasthimadhu tea is consumed by people to combat premature balding. How to apply? Licorice oil should be applied evenly in the scalp at least once a week. It helps in treating many conditions, including dandruff, dull hair, split ends, and sun-induced hair damage.
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