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Published 12 Oct 2023

What is Jaundice? Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents

Jaundice is a common health condition that causes the yellow discoloration of the skin, nail beds and the white part of the eye (Sclerae). It is triggered due to an excess accumulation of bilirubin, a yellow-orange bile pigment in the blood tissues. It may appear suddenly or develop deliberately. It can happen to people of any age, but mainly in newborns. Ayurveda, with a rich history of 5000 years, offers an effective natural treatment for Kamala (Jaundice) without any side effects.

What causes it?

Bilirubin is a waste material that is generated in the body when there is a breakdown in red blood cells while carrying oxygen to the body. It is stored in the gall bladder and transported through the liver in small quantities.  The liver eliminates these wastes through the stool.  When the body builds up bilirubin faster than the liver breaks the downing process, jaundice can be caused.

It can also be attacked due to

  • Malaria
  • Infection Liver infection from a virus Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E
  • Rare genetic metabolic disorder
  • Over dosage of certain drugs like acetaminophen
  • Auto immune disorders
  • Reaction to other medicine exposure
  • Gall stones
  • Pancreatic tumor
  • Cholestasis during pregnancy

Types of Jaundice:

There are three major types of jaundice that affect you

  • Hepatocellular Jaundice: It is a type of Jaundice that occurs due to liver disease or injury.
  • Hemolytic Jaundice: It occurs in case of excessive decomposition of the red blood cells leading to surplus production of bilirubin.
  • Obstructive Jaundice: It occurs as a result of blocks formed between the bile duct, joining the intestine, gall bladder, and liver.

Symptoms of Jaundice:

There are many symptoms that can be recognized easily. First, let’s have a look at the symptoms of Infants:

  • Telltale yellow coloring face
  • Lack of sleep
  • Poor feeding
  • Vomiting
  • Dark tinge in urine
  • Stomach pain
  • Diarrhea


  • Yellow decolorization of the face and white part of the eye
  • High fever
  • Lack of hunger
  • Chills
  • Itchy skin
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Clay-colored stool
  • Inflammation in joints

Risk factor:

It is very common in newborns, but there are many factors that elevate the baby’s health condition. Depending upon the severity, the treatment will vary from moderate to severe.

How is Jaundice treated?

Since the old times, our ancestors believed that Ayurveda is the best medicine for treating it effectively. In the Ayurvedic view, Jaundice (Kamala) is attacked due to the vitiation of pitta dosha, affecting the liver (Yakrit). The liver is the prime organ for pitta functioning.

Ayurvedic experts use selective herbs for herbal Jaundice medicine. Some of the Ayurvedic herbs that are used in Ayurveda are as follows:


Kutki with pittaghna and kaphagna properties is mainly used to destroy pitta dosha. Consuming this herb protects and stimulates liver functioning by reducing the increased amount of bilirubin. This herb also helps to treat colic pain, bile levels, constipation, and abdominal pain.

Bhumyamalaki (Indian Plum):

Bhumyamalaki is a wonderful herb used to repair the cells and tissues to enhance overall liver health. It has strong anti-inflammatory characteristics.


It is well known as a jaundice berry due to its hepato-protective and stimulative properties. It does wonders to treat fatty liver and other liver abnormalities.


Commonly known as wild carrot is used to treat vata dosha, pitta, and raktha datha. It acts as a best medicine for blood purifier.

“Patolakaturohinyadi kashayam” is a doctor-recommended ayurvedic medicine to treat jaundice with inhibitory and anti-inflammatory properties. It proves to be a powerful medicine treating tinea infection, liver diseases, psoriasis and pigmentation problems.

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