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Published 13 Oct 2018

Vegetarian Diet For Increasing Muscle Mass

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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vegetarian diet for increasing

Being fit and getting the best body is no more a confined concept to a particular profession or passion, rather it has become a way of life for many. With the hype of six packs and bulky bodies, muscle building is gaining popularity among all.

As per experts, muscle building is all about good nutrition. Diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fats helps in gaining muscles. Protein provides the amino acids that are used as the building blocks of muscle. While most protein-rich sources come from animal meat, there is a wide range of plant-based foods rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Here is a list of food items that the vegetarians and vegans can swear by.

1. Nuts

Nuts are a rich source of protein, calories, and calcium which makes them one of the best bodybuilding foods. Nuts particularly peanuts, almonds, cashews, and pistachios are loaded with protein, fats, and fiber, which are great energy boosters. 

2. Beans

Beans are the second-richest source of protein after meat. Beans such as kidney beans, pinto beans, etc. are exceptionally low in fat, and are loaded with proteins and fiber. Beans also contribute to muscle growth by enhancing the absorption of nutrients by the body. 

3. Legumes

Legumes are the best option for vegetarians and vegans looking for muscle building foods. They are low in fat, have no cholesterol, and are a great storehouse of protein.

4. Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables are brimming with optimal nutrients. Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, lettuce are loaded with calcium; folic acid; vitamins A, B, C, D, and E which are crucial in improving muscle concentration, reducing inflammation and neutralizing the harmful effects of oxidative stress. 

6. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are abundant in proteins. Broccoli is blessed with potent antioxidant and possibly anti-inflammatory qualities which aid in reducing muscle damage and helps in muscle building.

7. Quinoa

Quinoa is the traditional go-to carbohydrate for muscle-building diets. It is a complete food for muscle growth as it is bestowed with all the 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce by itself. It is also rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates.

8. Seeds

Flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds are packed with essential fatty acids, proteins, and fiber. The essential fatty acids in these seeds reduce inflammation and promote the recovery of tissues. 

9. Fruits

Fruits such as bananas, cantaloupes, and apples are extremely beneficial for muscle building. Rich in carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and vitamins, fruits are pivotal in increasing lean muscle mass. 

10. Fermented Dairy Products

Fermented dairy products are wondrous for muscle building. They are rich in calories and the presence of probiotics in these foods improves digestion thereby enhancing the absorption of nutrients in the body. 

11. Protein Shakes

Whey protein shake is the magical ingredient for every bodybuilder. The combination of carbohydrates and protein reduces excessive muscle breakdown, improve protein synthesis in the body, boost up blood flow to the muscles and act a steady supply of energy.

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