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Published 16 Oct 2018

Turmeric In Cancer Care

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Turmeric In Cancer Care
Cancer is a dreadful and fatal disease whose origin and cure are still under mystery. Cancer indicates the uncontrolled growth of genetically mutated cells in any part of the body.  In the recent years, rapid development has been seen both in the progression of the disease and treatment of the same. Though today we have multiple treatment options for cancer these choices come at a hefty cost not only for the pocket but also for overall well being. Studies on cancer revealed some of the potent natural ways to prevent and inhibit the growth of cancerous cells without having to go through the trauma of adverse effects caused by medications. Turmeric for Cancer Turmeric is the yellow spice root widely used in the preparation of a variety of curries. Apart from adding flavour and colour to our dishes turmeric is also enthralled with immense therapeutic potential.  Curcumin - The cancer fighter Turmeric contains an active ingredient called Curcumin which is potent for killing and retarding the growth of cancer cells.  Anti-inflammatory properties Turmeric helps in reducing inflammation in the body which may lead to the development of cancer. It stops the development of cancer by interfering with the cellular signalling aspects of the chronic disease. Triggers apoptosis Curcumin is capable of triggering apoptosis i.e programmed cell death, which is the body’s natural cycle of cell life.  Enzyme secretion Turmeric enhances the activity of important detoxifying enzyme and stimulates the flow of bile in the gastrointestinal tract. Proper digestion and non-acidic environment help in protecting cancer of stomach and intestine. A potent anti-oxidant Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that scavenges the harmful free radicals in the body which damages cell membranes, tampers DNA, and induces cell death.  Prevents against HPV Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory property blocks the factors that induce human papilloma virus and activates cancer cell death within the uterine lining. Better than chemotherapy and radiation therapy Cancer treatment procedures like chemotherapy, radiation therapy use cytotoxic drugs and strong rays to kill the cancer cells but in the process many healthy cells are also affected. Curcumin in turmeric has the ability to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Due to this property it may be considered a better alternative of cancer treatment but more research and evidences are required to back up these claims. Researches and studies Million dollar researches and studies are conducted on the subject to trace the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, precautions and treatment for different types of cancer. Over these years of continual efforts, many aspects of cancer has been unveiled and many are yet to be discovered.  A study conducted in 2009, showed that curcumin can kill cancer cells in multiple ways which makes it difficult for cancer cells to become cancer resistant. A 2007 U.S. study of using curcumin to treat bowel cancer showed that adding curcumin to the diet helped in killing cancer cells. Experiments and researches say that curcumin is effective in the treatment of prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer among many others. Final Verdict Turmeric has oodles of benefits for the body and does not cause any adverse effects. So, it is a wise move to add turmeric in your diet. Turmeric tea, turmeric water, turmeric milk are some of the awesome additions to a regular healthy diet.
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