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Often we suffer from stomach upsets, which create different problems—from stomach aches to the discomfort it leads to. It totally disrupts our concentration to do any work. Stomach aches and other stomach problems have many causes—from constipation, indigestion, gas, stomach infection, to overeating. There can be some serious issues that cause stomach ache likes ulcers, hernia appendicitis, and gallstones. The common symptoms of an upset stomach and indigestion are heartburn, nausea, bloating, and belching. We sometimes get bitter or foul-tasting fluid in our mouth or sour breath hiccups.
If you suffer from stomach problems, the first thing is to keep yourself hydrated by drinking a lot of water. The body needs water to digest and absorb the nutrients from foods. Vomiting and diarrhea also lead to dehydration very quickly, so you should keep drinking water. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
Also, when you face any stomach problems, avoid lying down. This is because when the body is horizontal, the acid in the stomach can move upward and cause heartburn. If you really need to lie down, then prop up your head, neck, and upper chest with pillows at a 30-degree angle.
Taking a warm bath also helps. The warm bath also helps to ease the symptoms of an upset stomach. You can also use a heating bag. Heat relaxes tense muscles and ease indigestion. Keep a heated pad on the stomach for 20 minutes or until you feel relaxed.
Whatever may be the reason, we don’t like the pain and want it to go away. If you do not want to pop up a medicine to get relief, you can try some simple home remedies which can treat the cause and give you relief.
Ginger: Ginger is an excellent cure for stomach aches and some kinds of stomach upsets. Loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, ginger gives instant relief. You can either chew on a piece of ginger or take it in beverage form. Try ginger ale or chop some fresh ginger root and make a cup of tea. Ginger reduces excess stomach acid and boosts digestion. It will also fight inflammation. Ginger combats the production of free radicals maximizing digestive juices, and neutralizes stomach acids.
Chamomile tea: Sip a cup of chamomile tea to ease the pain of an upset stomach as it acts as an anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatory properties also help stomach muscles to relax, which in turn, reduces the pain of cramping and spasms. If the stomach ache is due to digestion problem, chamomile tea will ease the tension throughout your body.
Lemon tea: An excellent source of vitamin C, lemon is a powerful antioxidant that helps in detoxifying the body and soothes many ailments including stomach upset. The acid found in lemon juice stimulates the stomach to produce more acid, which boosts digestion and fights stomach problems.
BRAT diet includes bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. It calms an upset stomach and gives relief from nausea or diarrhea. The components of BRAT contain low-fibre and high-binding foods, and they do not contain salt or spices, which may aggravate stomach problem.
Peppermint: Peppermint or mint is very effective in improving the digestion process. The antispasmodic effect of peppermint works on the muscles in the digestive tract and helps to relieve pain caused by gas. Mint has natural painkilling properties. It soothes intestinal and stomach contradictions, and prevents digestive muscles from getting tensed which usually causes nausea and stomach aches.
Apple cider vinegar: Take a tablespoon of acidic apple cider vinegar. It will neutralize an upset stomach. Alternatively, you can mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and a teaspoon of honey, and sip it slowly. The acids in apple cider vinegar will reduce starch digestion, and allow the starch to get to the intestines and keep the bacteria in the gut healthy.
Rice water: The leftover water after you cook rice has many health benefits including getting rid of stomach pain. When rice is boiled in water, it releases some compounds that can accumulate inside our stomach, and reduce the pain of ulcers or gastritis. It is also effective in curing diarrhea. You can add some flavour to it by squeezing a little lemon juice or mixing a spoonful of honey.
Fennels’ carminative, diuretic, pain-reducing and antimicrobial properties give quick relief from stomach ache. In normal times also, we have fennels after having food to get the food digest quickly.
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