

Sutraneti is an ancient yogic technique to cleanse the nasal passages with the health of a specially designed thread. This practice was highly effective in ancient days to help prevent respiratory diseases. Today when a life-threatening respiratory disease is taking the globe by storm, ayurvedic doctors are reminding us of our ancient protective techniques which we have ignored and forgotten over a period of time. 

The practice of sutraneti might look a little bit frightening in the beginning for some people but once you get used to it, you might even get addicted to it. It is indeed mind-boggling to think our ancient sages could device techniques like this though this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Nettie Sutraneti threads are an offering to help assist the practice hygienically and without any complications. This product is tailor-made to aid this ancient practice and no normal thread or sutra will match its efficacy.


Sutraneti is the process of inserting a specially designed thread like the Nettie Sutraneti into the nose to clean the nasal passage. Nettie sutraneti thread is inserted into a nostril and taken out through the mouth while still holding one end up. Then the thread is pulled a little through the nostril and then through the mouth. This motion is repeated at a decent pace to clean the nasal passage of germs and mucus.

For many of us who have never done this before, it might sound dangerous and scary. Once you beat your fear and do it for the first time, it will be as comfortable as eating your favorite chocolate.

In yoga, it is recommended to do Sutraneti only after doing Jalaneti. Jalaneti is the practice of cleansing the nasal passages by pouring water through a nostril and letting it out through another with the help of a specially designed Nettie pot. Click here to know more about Jalaneti.

Click here to buy Nettie pot.

Many allopathic doctors who were at the forefront of India’s battle against SARS Cov-2 had recommended the practice of Jalaneti for the prevention of covid-19. Click here to read that story.

Click here to read an ayurvedic doctor’s step by step explanation on Jalaneti.


Nettie Sutreneti package comes with almost a dozen specially designed sutraneti threads. They are aesthetically designed with special heads to penetrate the nasal cavity. Their body is also designed to make it easier for the user to insert it through the nostril and take it out of either the mouth or another nostril.

Sutraneti threads are for one-time use. Please use and throw. Do not reuse or wash and use. The pack also comes with a step-by-step guide to help do the practice.


The first step to do sutraneti is to do Jalaneti and clear the nasal passage. 

Then make yourself comfortable in a cross-legged sitting position or in a chair with your spine erect.

Take one Nettie sutraneti thread; slowly insert one end through one of the nostrils.

Our nostrils are broader on the outside and narrower inside but Nettie sutraneti threads are designed to assist you in this. Slowly and gently insert it in your nostril. 

When you are doing it for the first time, discomfort is bound to happen to persist with the practice. However if unbearable stop the practice pull out the sutraneti thread gently and wash your nostril.

If you choose to persist slowly keep pushing the thread through your nostril and pull them out of your mouth. Ensure your breathing is normal. Make your throat ready for a tickling sensation and ensure you don’t suck the thread into your throat.

Nettie Sutraneti threads are designed to help ease the process and it won’t be a daunting task to pull this thread out of the mouth.

Now you are in a position where you are holding one end of the thread on the edge of the nostril and another on the end of your mouth.

Slowly and gently do a churning motion with the thread. That is pull a little bit through the mouth than a little through the nostril. Do this continuously in a churning motion. The inner nasal passages will be cleansed by this practice. Mucus and dirt settlements in the nasal region that cannot be cleansed and offer asylum to invading microbes can be removed through this practice.

Once you have satisfactorily cleaned, remove the thread through the mouth. Split the saliva. Then use another Nettie sutraneti thread and repeat the practice through the other nostril.

It is recommended to do this practice one a moon cycle to keep healthy. Consult an ayurvedic doctor to know how often is recommended for your lifestyle and body condition.

It is best to learn this practice from a yogic guru.

To get your Nettie Sutraneti package visit your nearest Ayurcentral store or whatsapp at 8884333462 or call 7349744446.

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