Cracked heels can be painful and unsightly. Here are some easy and effective home remedies to heal them naturally:
1. Rice & Coconut Water Paste
Soak a handful of rice in coconut water for 4 days to let it ferment.
Grind the soaked rice along with the coconut water to make a paste.
Apply this paste on your cracked heels for smooth and soft skin.
2. Onion Treatment
Rub freshly chopped onion directly on your cracked heels.
Alternatively, crush an onion and wrap it around the affected area.
This helps soften the skin and promotes healing.
3. Shallot & Cumin Remedy
Fry shallots in ghee and separately roast an equal amount of cumin seeds in ghee.
Apply this paste to your cracks daily for noticeable results in a week.
4. Butter & Wax Healing Balm
Melt equal parts of butter and wax together.
Allow the mixture to cool and apply it to the cracked areas.
This deeply moisturizes and speeds up healing.
5. Castor Oil Belly Button Massage
Apply a small amount of castor oil to your belly button before sleeping.
Do this consistently for 7 days, and your heels will heal naturally.
The information provided here is intended solely to offer temporary relief from symptoms and should not be considered a complete or standalone treatment. If symptoms persist or worsen over time, it is strongly recommended to seek appropriate medical attention. Ayurcentral is not liable for any claims, outcomes, or adverse effects that may arise from the use of these homecare remedies. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and treatment.
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