The climbing, spiny tropical undershrub Shatavari, also known as Asparagus racemosus, is a member of the Liliaceae family. It has small, feather-like leaves and tiny white flowers that, after a few months, turn into purple or black berries. The Sanskrit words "shat," which means "hundred," and "vari," which means "husbands," are what give it its name, Shatavari, which refers to its use in holistic healing to boost women's fertility and vitality.
Shatavari helps women stay healthy through menopause and beyond. However, that doesn't mean this miracle herb’s properties get restricted to just ladies.
Shatavari and Ayurveda: Traditional Uses
In Ayurveda, Shatavari balances pitta and vata dosha, but its heavy nature can increase Kapha.
Shatavari supports anyone looking for a nourishing, cooling effect because of its smooth, building nature and its bitter and sweet flavor. It also has a cooling effect on the system.
In addition to being a potent Rasayana (rejuvenating) for the reproductive system, it is also well-known as a blood and digestive system tonic, particularly in cases of excess pitta. These combined qualities place it among the Ayurvedic herbs.
Shatavari's nourishing properties get traditionally used to support a number of the body's systems and functions, including:
- Improves gut.
- Calms and support the respiratory tract
- Enhances energy levels and strength
- Supports the immunity
- Has anti-oxidant properties
Phytoconstituents of Shatavari?
Shatavari is honored with abundant phytochemicals like Shatavarin, Racemosolete that build immunity of the body against an ample number of ailments and promote general well-being and health.
Manganese, copper, zinc, cobalt, potassium, selenium, calcium, and magnesium are beneficial minerals and nutrients in plant parts. Other than containing nutrients like Vitamin A and ascorbic acid, the plant additionally shows the presence of fundamental unsaturated fats like gamma-linolenic acid that hold high importance in dealing with conditions like hypercholesteremia, coronary illness, depression, diabetes, and joint pain. Shatavari has become over-harvested and even threatened in some regions of the world due to increased demand and other factors.