
Samathva tablets

Samathva tablets

Samathva tablets from Dr.Kaje’s Ayur Pharma LLP are an ayurvedic proprietary medicine prepared exclusively from herbal ingredients mentioned in the ancient ayurvedic texts. Samathva tablets work on the principles of balancing Tridosas and six rasas. According to Ayurveda, a person is said to be in perfect health when all three Tridosas in his body i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are balanced. All diseases occur when one dosha or the other gets imbalanced by either aggravating or regressing. Ayurvedic medicines and treatment practices strive to restore that balance. It is oversimplified but this is the base for Ayurveda. Samathva tablets are designed in a way to help restore this balance in Tridosa making a powerful ayurvedic immunity booster.


One of the major ingredients in Samathva tablets is Nut-grass. It is an all-round herb with a plethora of medicinal benefits. It is effective in relieving common cold and cough. It is also useful in relieving fever. Nutt-grass helps promote digestive health and improves metabolism. It is beneficial to the liver and helps prevent liver diseases.  This powerful hepato-protective herb helps lower total bilirubin levels in the liver. Studies have shown Nutt-grass helps in lowering blood sugar levels and LDL cholesterol. It improves metabolism and hence is useful in weight loss. It has anti-inflammatory and pro-immune invoking properties. It is also effective in treating vomiting and nausea. Nutt-grass is also a pain reliever and a skin health enhancer.

Kalmegh is an Indian and Sri Lankan plant. Many components of this plant are employed extensively in Ayurvedic and Siddha therapeutic systems. It is a powerful anti-oxidant. Historically, preparations of this plant were used to treat diabetes, the common cold, cough, high blood pressure, leprosy, bronchitis, ulcers, diarrhea, intestinal worms, jaundice, influenza, and malaria. It is a potent immune enhancer. Kalmegh extracts are used by Ayurvedic practitioners to stimulate immunological responses against viruses and bacteria in the body. Kalmegh extracts can also be used to treat osteo-arthritis. Kalmegh is also an important ingredient in Samathva tablets.

Tumeric is a powerful immunity booster from our kitchen shelf present in Samathva tablets. It is widely used in Indian medical systems to improve immunity against microbes. Studies have shown curcumin, a component in turmeric to possess powerful anti-viral and immune responding capabilities. Its health benefits include ability to prevent heart diseases, cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Studies have shown curcumin can improve brain functioning. It also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Bhumiamalaki or Gale of the wind plant is a highly rated ayurvedic herb. It helps improve immunity and is specifically effective in improving liver and spleen health. Its dosha karma is to balance kapha and hence is very effective in treating common cold, fever and cough. It helps lower blood sugar levels. Improves bleeding disorders that occur during menstruation in women and cures indigestion and acidity.

Guduchi is an excellent immune booster and tonic for the entire body. Guduchi is a popular plant that may be found all throughout India. The plant features heart-shaped leaves, yellow blooms, and a pea-sized fruit that turns crimson when fully mature. All portions of the plants have therapeutic benefits and are nutrient-dense. It helps balance tridosas. It is a saptadhatu nourisher and provides nourishment to all parts of the body.

Another major ingredient in Samathva tablets is Nagakesar. It is a herb recommended in ayurvedic texts to treat common cold and fever. It is effective in ejecting the mucus load that gets deposited in the lungs when one catches cold.

Benefits of Shunti or Ginger include relief from muscle pain and spams apart from relief from common cold and cough. It helps fight germs in the body. It eases period pain in women. Ginger has also shown the potency to lower blood sugar levels. It is recommended for nausea and as an overall immunity booster.

Tulsi is another powerful anti-viral and anti-microbial ingredient in Samathva tablets. It helps improve immune reactions again a host of diseases. It is best of overall immunity and has been recommended as a preventive for many deadly respiratory diseases.

Pippali is another powerful herb which helps fight respiratory diseases. It also helps in relieving common cold, asthma, cough, fever and other respiratory conditions. It is also a major ingredient in Samathva tablets.

This powerful combination of Ayurvedic ingredients makes Samathva tablets a highly powerful immunity booster which can help fight many respiratory diseases.


Samathva Tablets help induce an immune response against respiratory diseases

It helps relieve cold, cough and fever.

It helps balance the tridosas and thus offers a disease free life.

It helps improve overall immunity.

It helps balance Kapha and relieves most Kapha related disorders.


It is normally recommended to consume one tablet two times a day for improved immunity. 

For disease specific and personalized doses it is recommended to consult an ayurvedic physician.


This ayurvedic medicine is free from chemicals and hence is likely to be fully free from any adverse side effects. This makes it relatively safe for everyone.

However children, pregnant women, lactating mothers and diseased people are advised to consume this immunity booster only after consultations with a physician.


This product is available in our store. Click here to buy.

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