
Papaya Leaf juice Health Benefits

Papaya Leaf juice Health Benefits

We all know that the pulpy juicy papaya fruit is replete with umpteen benefits. What you may not know is that this high nutrient and medicinal value are not just limited to the fruit but every part of the plant is brimmed with optimum nutrients. One such part dipped in magical wonders is the papaya leaf.

The bitter green juice of papaya leaf is gaining immense popularity in the world of nutrition and health care.  This potential of the papaya leaves is attributed to its high nutrient content that includes vitamins A, B1, C, E and K; calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. 

The phytonutrient compounds in papaya leaf make it a strong antioxidant, antispasmodic, analgesic, and antibacterial essence. It is an incredible potion for enhancing immunity and fighting fatal diseases. 



6 Reasons why you should vouch for Papaya leaf juice

For Smooth Digestion

Papaya leaf is rich in enzymes like papain , chymopapain, protease and amylase that are very helpful in boosting digestion. This very potent antimicrobial juice prevents bloating, constipation, cleansing the colon, reduces inflammation of stomach lining and heals peptic ulcers killing harmful bacteria. 

For controlled Blood Sugar Levels

Papaya leaf juice is effective in regulating the production of insulin that regulates the blood sugar levels. The high antioxidants content of this bitter juice is helpful in combating fatty liver, kidney damage and greatly reduces oxidative stress.

For soothing Menstrual Pain

The excruciating menstrual cramps make the three days a horrific nightmare. Papaya leaf juice works wonders to ease the menstrual flow and relieve abdominal cramps and pain. It balances the hormones and regulates menstruation cycles. 

For your Skin 

The abundance of vitamin A and C in the papaya leaf juice makes it a marvellous potion for the skin. It’s anti oxidant properties scavenges the free radicals thereby omitting all signs of aging. It also cleanses the skin and combats the growth of excess micro-organisms thus shielding against skin woes like pimples, freckles and acne.

For Your Hair 

The extract of papaya leaf promotes hair growth and prevents balding and thinning of hair. The alkaloid component karpain present in the papaya leaf is very effective in removing dirt and oil from your scalp.

For preventing and curing diseases

The acetogenin present in the papaya leaf juice is very helpful in preventing many diseases. It supports the immune system and naturally fights viral and bacterial invaders in the body. It is an age-old remedy for –

Dengue fever – It is a natural way of regenerating white blood cells and platelets

Malaria – Papaya leaves have strong anti-malarial properties.

Viral Infections – Papaya leaves contain over 50 active components that support the immune system. It inhibits the growth of microorganisms and is often used to remove intestinal worms.

Cancer – The papaya leaves boasts of anti-cancer properties and it is very effective against wide range of tumors without any toxic effects on the body. 

Liver Disorders – Papaya leaf juice cleanses the liver and can heal many chronic liver diseases, jaundice and liver cirrhosis.

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