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Published 06 Nov 2023

Nagakesara: Unveiling its Health Benefits, Applications

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents


Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health that has been practiced for 5,000 years continues to fascinate people all over the world. It uses a variety of herbs and natural ingredients to treat any kind of disease, caused due to the imbalance of doshas. One such revered herb is Naga Kesara. It has been used as a cornerstone herb for many treatments due to its unique properties. In this blog, we will discuss the significance, applications, and uses of this remarkable herb.

Nagakesara with the scientific name Mesua ferrea, Ceylon ironwood is an evergreen tree native to the Indian subcontinent. It has beautiful and fragrant flowers, commonly known as an Indian rose chestnut, or Cobra's saffron, due to its distinctive saffron-like aroma. One of the most unique characteristics of Nagakesara is its fragrant waxy flowers, which are highly used in rituals. These flowers are typically harvested for their essential oil, which has a rich, sweet, and slightly woody fragrance. The oil is used in aromatherapy, traditional Indian attars (natural scents), and perfumes.

Nagakesara in Ayurveda

One of the founding scriptures of Ayurveda, the Charaka Samhita, makes numerous references to Nagakesara. In Ayurveda, it is categorized as "Tikta Skandha," which refers to bitter herbs due to their bitter flavor, lightness, and hot potency in accordance with Ayurvedic principles. This classification is crucial because it enables Ayurvedic practitioners to comprehend potential health implications and adjust treatment methods accordingly.

Ayurvedic Benefits of Nagakesara

Nagakesara benefits involves:

  • Digestive Aid: Nagakesara is often used to treat digestive disorders. It stimulates the digestive fire Agni, by breaking down the food and absorption of nutrients. It helps alleviate symptoms like diarrhea, indigestion, bloating and excessive salivation.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Its anti-inflammatory properties make it beneficial for managing various inflammatory conditions, including joint pain, muscle inflammation, swelling, and skin conditions like eczema.
  • Antioxidant: The herb is rich in antioxidant compounds, such as flavonoids which combat oxidative stress, slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and boost overall health.
  • Anti-Diabetic Effects: It also has the potential to regulate blood sugar levels. So, it is useful for individuals with diabetes.
  • Menstrual Health: This herb is considered beneficial in women’s health and menstrual disorders. It can help alleviate menstrual pain, and manage excessive bleeding, and irregularities.
  • Hemostatic Agent: Nagakesara is a powerful hemostatic agent, which means it helps stop bleeding. This property has made it essential for managing bleeding disorders and injuries.
  • Respiratory Health: Due to its anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects, it is beneficial for treating respiratory conditions, such as asthma, cough, and bronchitis.
  • Skin Care: This herb is a valuable ingredient for Ayurvedic skincare. It can help treat skin conditions, promote a healthy complexion, and combat signs of aging.
  • Aids Weight Loss: It helps to boost metabolism, which plays a vital role in weight management.
  • Mental Health: Nagakesara's also helps to improve mental health by alleviating stress and anxiety.

Modern Applications

Some of the modern applications of Nagakesara follows:

  • Wound Healing products: Due to their hemostatic properties, it has been used in wound healing products.
  • Dental Care: The herb's antibacterial qualities are helpful in dental care products to prevent gum infections and preserve oral cleanliness.
  • Cosmetics: Its essential oil is used in cosmetics, perfumes, and many skincare products due to its delightful aroma and skin-nourishing qualities.

How to use Nagakesara

Nagakesara can be incorporated into your daily routine in various forms:

  • Nagakesara Powder: Nagakesara blossom powder is available in the market. Mix 1 tsp of powder with the honey or warm water to reap the benefits.
  • Nagakesara Oil: Its essential oil is used in massage and aromatherapy. It can also be applied to the skin after being diluted with a carrier oil.
  • Ayurvedic Formulations: Nagakesara is a key ingredient in various Ayurvedic formulations and herbal medicines. Consult our Ayurvedic doctor for specific health needs.
  • Tea: It can be prepared by steeping a few dried flowers in hot water, offering an alternative way to enjoy the infusion of floral flavors.

If you are taking any other medicines or lactating, consult our Ayurvedic doctor to know the dosage and guidelines to follow.  

With its array of properties and aroma, it gained a remarkable place in Ayurveda. Incorporating this herb into your routine will benefit your health and well-being. But, remember what’s effective for one person might not yield the same results. It is advisable to consult an experienced doctor to know the recommendations based on your prakriti.

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