

mehon capsules

Managing and controlling diabetes is quite challenging for people who suffer this. Ayurveda has the right solutions to manage this complicating disease with its natural solutions and medicines.


This chronic illness takes place when our body fails to provide enough insulin for the cells to function. Due to a lack of insulin, excess sugar in the blood gets accumulated leading to hyperglycemia. This indicates that your body has too much glucose, which can obstruct the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, kidneys and eyes.


Types of diabetes


Diabetes is of three types:

·        Type 1 diabetes

·        Type 2 diabetes

·        Gestational diabetes


Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune condition when the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells in our pancreas that produce insulin. This damage is permanent.


Type 2 diabetes starts when the body cannot use insulin efficiently, which forces the pancreas to produce more insulin, and at one point, it can no longer keep up with the demand. Eventually, insulin production decreases, leading to high blood sugar. 


Gestational diabetes happens when insulin-blocking hormones are produced during pregnancy. This type of diabetes develops only during pregnancy.




Symptoms of diabetes


Some of the common symptoms are rapid weight loss, frequent urination, extreme fatigue, skin infections, increased thirst, excessive hunger pangs, and wounds heal slowly.


How Ayurveda defines diabetes


We all have a unique combination of doshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. While Vata is a dry and airy dosha, Pitta is fiery and Kapha is cold, slimy and heavy. When there is an imbalance in these doshas, it leads to health problems. Diabetes is a Kapha dosha imbalance problem. A person who is Kapha dominant should ensure that his food and lifestyle have enough air and fire elements in them. 


In Ayurveda, diabetes is known as Madumeha, which means sweet urine. With increased blood sugar level in the blood, excessive sugar is noticed in the urine, hence the meaning ‘sweet urine’. Our modern lifestyle gives rise to stress, which is a major factor in aggravating diabetes. If you can control stress, it will help the body to balance its doshas and prevent the disease. 


Ayurvedic treatment for type 2 diabetes


Type-2 diabetes is called Apathyanimittaja, which is caused by aggravated Vata dosha, which in turn aggravates Kapha dosha. Since the cause and treatment of type 2 diabetes are related to diet and lifestyle, Ayurveda, which is rooted in diet and lifestyle, is an effective approach to treat type-2 diabetes. 


Panchakarma and other Ayurvedic therapies and medicines are found to be effective in treating type-2 diabetes. Ayurvedic treatment rather than just handling the symptoms of type 2 diabetes ensures effective utilisation of glucose, makes sure the sugar levels in the body are in optimum balance and cardio-metabolic risk factors are alleviated. 


Mehon capsules by AyurvedaOne for type-2 diabetes


Mehon capsule is truly an Ayurvedic wonder drug in the fight against type-2 diabetes. This Ayurvedic capsule consists of rich medicinal herbs that offer effective control over type 2 diabetes.





Ingredients of Mehon


Vijayasara herb enhances insulin secretion by regeneration of beta cells and prevents the micro and macro-vascular complications of diabetes mellitus.


Shilajith is a precious mineral that prevents and protects the damage of beta cells of the pancreas and helps in preventing the complications of diabetes mellitus.


Saptachakra herb brings down effectively the HBA1c (Hemoglobin A1c).


Harida (a dried Rhizome) elevates plasma insulin level and increases lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity. It activates the enzymes in the liver, which are associated with glycolysis, gluconeogenic, and lipid metabolic process.


Amalaki, the ellagic acid in amla acts as an antiglycation amd also as an antioxidant.


Karela improves insulin sensitivity and releases insulin. It can regulate glucose

uptake into jejunum membrane and stimulate glucose uptake in muscle cells.


Guduchi increases flow of glucose into the peripheral tissues and organs like liver. It increases the activity of glycogen synthase in the liver, thus increasing the storage of glucose in hepatocytes. Its rich antioxidant nature helps in wound-healing of diabetic foot ulcers.




You can take 1-2 capsules twice daily on empty stomach or as directed by your Ayurvedic physician.


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