
Ayurvedic Medicines for Backache

Speak about pain and almost all modern man will raise their hand. Chronic lower back pain is a primary concern all over the world. Sitting in the iron chairs chained by their laptops, backache has crippled many in their early thirties. It’s not just the demanding jobs that roots this backache. Even pregnancy, ageing and many natural processes may trigger sharp pain in the back.

Such pains cannot be cured with just popping pain killers. Doctors often recommend exercises or yoga to address such pains. Back pain is one of the most common problems when people turn to Ayurveda.

Ayurveda has a holistic approach to treat pains of all origins. Its herbal formulations strengthen the nerves, muscles, and joints. While the Ayurvedic oil massages relieve pain and improve movement.

Here are the 5 best Ayurvedic treatments recommended by experts for treating backache


Lumbaton Tablet – Avn

Lumbaton is powerful ayurvedic medicine. It is indicated in Lumbago and sciatica. It seizes the degeneration of vertebrae and relieves the backache of muscle spasm. Lumbaton is widely used to relieve pain and inflammation.

This Ayurvedic formulation relieves sprain and muscular spasms. It nourishes the disc and prevents degeneration. Lumbaton heals ligament injury. This Ayurvedic medicine helps repair nerve damage.


Strong Joint – Ayurveda One

Strong Joint is another potent aid for backache from Ayurveda. It contains herbs like Chingati satwa, Shallaki and Haridra that reduces inflammation in the joints. It also increases blood supply to the connective tissues. It helps in protecting the cartilages and in increasing the lubrication. 

Strong Joint Inhibits inflammatory markers. It increases blood supply to the joints and stimulates the production of natural lubricants. This Ayurvedic medicine is also indicated in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout arthritis, cervical pain, lumbar spondylosis and sciatica. 



Vishamushti Vati is an ayurvedic medicine used in treating backache. It is an excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. The best herbal remedy for joint diseases like frozen shoulder, joint pain, arthritis. It is mainly indicated in lumbago and abdominal pain.

Vishamusthi Vati is a nervine and cardiac stimulant. It is beneficial for treating neuralgia and facial paralysis. It is usually safe but can cause side effects if consumed in a high dosage. It is indicated in arthritic pain, sciatica, musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pains

Spondylon Capsule – Nagarjuna

Spondylon Capsule is a potent ayurvedic medicine that addresses all types of backache. It is an effective remedy to treat spondylitis. Its power-packed composition makes it a strong analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. 

It acts quickly against the pain and gives effective relief. It also nourishes the tissues and makes them strong. It gives long term relief from pain. Spondylon is mainly indicated in Lumbar spondylitis, sciatica, cervical spondylitis, and neuralgia.

Maha Narayana Taila – Brihatri

Mahanarayana taila is a widely used ayurvedic oil for pain relief. It also works wonders in treating all neuromuscular diseases. This Ayurvedic massage oil supports and nourishes the nerves, muscles and joint functions. This results in better flexibility. 

Mahanarayana Taila is very effective in relieving hemiplegia, paraplegia, facial palsy, sciatica, arthritic pain, neuromuscular disorders, and musculoskeletal pains. It is used by women in pregnancy and after delivery. Brihatri Mahanarayana Taila also brings relief to pains due to aging. It is, in fact, a must-have in every house.

Ayurveda in Backache

More than 80 percent of the population suffers from low backache at some point or the other. The piercing ache in the back can make even the simplest tasks seem like climbing an Everest.

Ayurveda offers many potent solutions in various forms. It has herbal medicines, oil massages, panchakarma detox, and yoga poses that cumulatively corrects the problem from its roots and relieves the pain for good. 


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