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Published 12 Dec 2024

Kidney Treatment in Ayurveda – Restoring Kidney Balance through Ayurveda’s Timeless Wisdom

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents

Kidneys are the organs that aid in the detoxification process, electrolyte maintenance, and management of blood pressure. Its proper functioning is a big deal for the well-being of the body. Ayurveda considers that the health of the kidneys has a strong correlation with Mutravaha Srotas, which is the excretion channel of urine. These channels could become imbalanced if there were a problem with the doshas—especially Kapha and Pitta, which is bound to affect the kidneys to have issues as minor as urinary infections and stones to CKD. Regarding this aspect, Ayurveda can give a wholesome approach toward treatment for the prevention and healing of the kidneys.


Understanding Kidney Health Through Ayurveda

Ayurveda believes that doshas—Pitta, and Kapha—reside in the kidneys too, as in all parts of the body. When the internal environment is perturbed, it results in imbalance and, consequently, leads to many disorders related to the kidneys. Ayurvedic treatment re-establishes balance, enhances the renal state and diminishes the complications by detoxifying, modifying the diet, using herbal treatments, and changing one's lifestyle.

When to Seek Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Problems

If you experience any of the following symptoms or have been diagnosed with kidney-related conditions, it may be time to consider kidney treatment in Ayurveda:


1. Chronic Symptoms:

  • Frequent urination or difficulty passing urine
  • Pain in the lower back or abdomen
  • Swelling in the legs, ankles, or face

2. Diagnosed Kidney Conditions:

  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD)

3. Associated Health Issues:

  • High blood pressure or diabetes affecting kidney health
  • Recurrent infections or electrolyte imbalances

Causes of Kidney Problems in Ayurveda

Ayurveda identifies several causes behind kidney issues, from diet to lifestyle and metabolic factors. Common contributing factors include:

1.Dietary Factors:

  • Excessive consumption of salty, sour, or processed foods
  • Insufficient water intake leads to dehydration

2. Lifestyle Factors:

  • Chronic stress and irregular sleep patterns
  • Suppressing natural urges, especially urination (Mutra Vegadharana)

3.Metabolic and Systemic Causes:

  • Diabetes, hypertension, or obesity impacting kidney function
  • Accumulation of toxins (Ama) due to weak digestion (Agni)

Symptoms of Kidney Disorders

It’s important to be aware of potential symptoms of kidney problems, which may include:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Swelling, particularly in the lower body (edema)
  • Pain or difficulty during urination
  • Blood or dark-colored urine
  • Persistent back or flank pain

Ayurvedic Management of Kidney Problems

Ayurveda provides an array of natural treatments to promote kidney health, focusing on detoxification, balancing doshas, and improving kidney function. Key approaches include:

Detoxification (Shodhana)

  • Virechana (Purgation Therapy): This cleanses the body of excess Pitta, improving metabolic function and promoting kidney health.
  • Basti (Medicated Enema): This therapy balances Vata dosha and supports urinary health.

Herbal Remedies (Shamana)

  • Punarnava: Known for its diuretic properties, this herb helps reduce swelling and supports kidney function.
  • Gokshura: Improves urinary health and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • Varunadi Kwath: A classic formulation for dissolving kidney stones and cleansing the urinary tract.
  • Chandraprabha Vati: Aids in improving kidney filtration and preventing urinary infections.
  • Shilajit: Rejuvenates kidney tissues and balances the doshas.
  • Triphala: Promotes digestion and elimination of toxins that burden the kidneys.

Panchakarma Therapies

  • Abhyanga (Oil Massage): Enhances circulation and promotes kidney function.
  • Swedana (Steam Therapy): Encourages detoxification through sweating.
  • Basti (Enema Therapy): Supports the urinary system by balancing Vata.

Effective Ayurvedic Medicines for Kidney Health


  • Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa): Reduces swelling and supports kidney function as a natural diuretic.
  • Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris): Improves urinary health and prevents kidney stone formation.
  • Varunadi Kwath: Helps dissolve kidney stones and cleanse the urinary tract.
  • Chandraprabha Vati: Enhances kidney filtration and prevents urinary infections.
  • Shilajit: Rejuvenates kidney tissues and balances doshas.
  • Triphala: Supports digestion and helps eliminate toxins, reducing strain on kidneys.

These Ayurvedic remedies can promote kidney health and prevent complications when used with professional guidance.

Dietary Recommendations

Proper nutrition through diet plays a major role in controlling kidney health. Some foods that should be avoided in your diet are the ones that are too salty, spicy, and processed foods; include hydrating fruits, whole grains, and cooling spices like coriander and fennel; the herbal tea of tulsi and punarnava can promote healthy functioning kidneys.

Lifestyle Tips for Kidney Health

To maintain healthy kidneys, consider adopting these Ayurvedic lifestyle practices:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink enough water to help flush out toxins.
  • Manage Stress: Do yoga and meditation to reduce stress.
  • Engage in Regular Physical Activity: Light exercises will help you to maintain a healthy weight and reduce strain on the kidneys.
  • Avoid Suppression of Urges: Do not suppress the urge to urinate, as this can strain the kidneys and urinary system.

Consult an Ayurvedic Doctor for Kidney Cure

The treatment of kidneys in an individualized and effective manner requires consulting a seasoned Ayurvedic physician. Ayurveda offers an all-natural, holistic approach to kidney health with a prescription that includes herbal medications, Panchakarma therapies, and dietary advice.

Ankit's Journey Towards Kidney Health through Ayurveda

Ankit was a 50-year-old businessman who experienced kidney issues frequently, such as urination, weakness, and swelling in the lower limbs. His lifestyle was unhealthy-high salt intake, poor hydration, and chronic stress. The conventional treatments gave him temporary relief, and he needed a long-term cure, which is where Ayurveda came into play. Ayurveda diagnosed the dosha imbalance and Ama in his body as the root cause of the disease. With detox therapies, dietary changes, and personalized herbal remedies, his energy gained quite a boost, the swelling was reduced, and renal health started restoring. If you face such problems, then explore the Ayurvedic treatment method for your kidneys for a permanent outcome.


Kidney health is one of the basic parameters of the overall well-being of a person, and Ayurveda can be incorporated as an integrated approach to tackle kidney disorders. Ayurveda helps control kidney diseases and prevent complications by bringing about balance, detoxification of the body, and maintenance of kidney health. In case you are experiencing any kind of symptoms related to your kidneys or want to take preventive care of your kidneys, get Ayurvedic treatment.

Take control of your kidneys today! Schedule an appointment with Ayur Central and discover kidney treatment in Ayurveda that has been effective for improving renal health. Let the healing power of Ayurveda work for you. Contact us now!

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