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Published 29 Mar 2018

Irimedadi taila in oral care

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Irimedadi taila
Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old holistic way of treating diseases and enriching the quality of life. Ayurvedic drugs are herbal formulations that have been used for eons to treat all diseases related to the body and mind. Ayurveda presents some of the most natural oral rinses that work incredibly well in controlling bleeding and reducing inflammation in the mouth and gums. Irimedadi taila is a renowned Ayurvedic formulation used for oil-pulling or gargling. Oil pulling is an effective Ayurveda procedure that involves swishing oil in the mouth for oral and systemic health benefits. This medicated taila is meticulously prepared by blending the medicinal wild babul with various other herbs at precise proportions. Its astringent, antimicrobial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory activities take care of oral health and oral hygiene. This herbal taila is widely used to cure all types of gum and dental disorders. Features of Irimedadi Taila: Treating all kinds of dental problems: Irimedadi taila has been mentioned in many ayurvedic books including Sushruta Samhita, Bhaisajyaratnavali, and Charaka Samhita for their importance in the management of Dental Diseases. Strengthens Teeth It has been used for millennia to strengthen teeth, cure toothache and relieve infections and inflammations of oral mucosa. It helps to relieve tooth decay, and removes stains. The herbal taila is beneficial for soothing a sensitive tooth. Combats Bad Breath Bad breathe can be caused by many reasons, and bad oral hygiene is one of them. This efficacious herbal preparation is believed to reduce plaque-induced gingivitis. It relieves bad breath problems. It is also used in the treatment of burning mouth syndrome Cures pericoronitis Pericoronitis refers to inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the crown of a partially erupted tooth, including the gums and the dental follicle. Gargling with Irimedadi Taila and applying the taila gently over the area helps in relieving the pain and curing the ail. Treats Gum abscess A dental abscess refers to the buildup of pus inside the teeth or gums. It is generally caused by bacterial infection. The anti-bacterial, analgesic, and antiseptic properties of Irimedadi Taila  help in curing abscesses as well as other bleeding or spongy Gums


Treats Pyorrhoea and oral infection Pyorrhoea is a serious gum infection that damages gums and may destroy the jawbone. Applying the herbal oil over the infected area helps in curing such infections. Treats Cavities Cavities are the most trivial tooth problem. Rinsing with Irimedadi taila keeps the teeth strong, the mouth fresh, and cavities away. Directions for use 5 – 10 ml of oil is taken into the mouth and gargled for 5 – 10 minutes. Then spit out. Gargle with warm water for two minutes and spit. It can also be applied directly on the infected area by dipping it in a cotton swab or applying directly with the finger. Side effects of Irimedadi taila
  • There are no side effects with this oil.
  • Do not swallow the oil.
  • It does not assure instant results, hence it is not recommended to use in emergencies.
  • Take medical advice before using the oil for severe conditions.
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