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Published 16 Oct 2018

Importance Of Milk During Pregnancy

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents
Importance Of Milk During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a bliss that woman loves to embrace. All the care and pampering of the closed ones makes it a memorable journey. As you wait with utmost curiosity to welcome your little bundle of life you must be conscious in every step of this journey. Right from what goes in the plate to how to walk everything gets special.

With oodles of suggestions pouring in from all corners, it might be stressful to decide what works and what not. Among all these hullaballoo one thing remains certain that’s the magic of milk!

Milk is a complete food that nourishes each cell of the body. It is a vital source of calcium, vitamin, protein and essential minerals. As pregnancy brings in the troubles of heartburn, vomiting, morning sickness and nausea you might not feel like eating a lot during the first trimester. Just a glass of milk ensures to keep you going.

Amazing Composition of Milk


Milk is the best source of calcium. As the fetus develops and starts forming the major parts it requires lots of calcium to accomplish the task. If calcium is not provided through the diet the smart little sprout extracts it from mamma’s bones which increase the risk of bone and teeth damage for the mother.


Milk is a store-house of proteins. Protein is required to facilitate the growth of the uterus, breasts, blood supply and the baby’s tissue during pregnancy. Deficiency of protein may lead to decreased birth weight.

Vitamin D

Milk contains vitamin D nutrients that help to prevent neonatal rickets and low birth weight along with other issues. Drinking milk helps in meeting about 59% of the recommended Vitamin D nutrition.


Milk is a great antacid that helps to relieve heartburn and other gastric problems which is a common problem faced by many pregnant ladies.


Milk is a good source to keep the body hydrated and compensate for the fluid loss during this time.

Benefits of Milk During Pregnancy

Everybody wants a strong healthy baby and milk is the perfect food to get a chubby cute little toddler. Let’s check out the major benefits of gulping down some milk down the throat:

Aids in building the nervous system of the baby

The abundance of proteins, amino acids and fatty acids in milk helps in the development of the baby’s nervous system. The iodine content in milk enhances brain development and increase the IQ of children.

Helps in developing baby’s bones

As already mentioned milk is rich in calcium and iodine both of which is essential in building a strong framework for the baby. Iron also helps to transport oxygen to the baby. 

Intrauterine foetal development.

Milk is blessed with the goodness of many vitamins that are required for the intrauterine foetal development.

Builds a strong immune system

All the nutrients in the milk help in building a strong protection shield for the baby’s body.

Protects against diseases

Drinking milk in pregnancy lowers the risk of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, neonatal rickets and osteoporosis.

Final Verdict

Whether you like it or not ladies fetch the glass of fresh milk and enjoy your baby growing within you!

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