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Published 08 Jul 2019

Dandrall Oil -Beat Dandruff With Ayurvedic Oil

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents
Waking up at 5 am in the morning, I started prepping for the big meeting that was about to change my life or at least my financial scenario. I don’t remember the last time I saw the mild darkness being replaced by the serene rays of first sunshine or the birds chirping declaring the blissful day waiting to be lived. The perfect suite, shiny shoes, gelled hair and matching tie, I checked the mirror and gulped the auspicious dahicheeni for bringing home some good news. A bit of nervousness got my heart racing and I started my deep breathe Pranayama on the car with some light meditative music for relaxation. Beating the Bengaluru traffic, I managed to reach my destination right on time. I rushed through the hall to enter the conference hall. Plugged in my pen drive quickly and checked the PPT for one last time before letting it out for others to judge. As the clock went tick and tock, people started to get in one by one as per hierarchy with the lowest ranks settling in first and the higher ones taking their own time, sweet time, one of the many privileges of being in the top. As I stood their nervous yet confident, one of my colleagues approached to wish me luck, but then he pointed out my beard and eyebrows mocking if I came from some snow land. The whole room burst into laughter taking away the gravity of the meeting. As the room settled in waiting for me to present, I could only think of my white eyebrows as the center of everyone’s attention. I stood there frozen just like being struck by some thunderstorm. After a very gawky explanation and hasty presentation, I stormed out of the room that was literally suffocating me. The friend who mocked me completely ruining my big day came running to me apologizing a thousand times. He then gave me the reference of Ayurcentral store for using Dandrall oil and Brihatri Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to clear the flaking skin of my face and scalp. As I took the card from him, the secretary came to call me for the final talks. As they say, if you work hard in silence then the roar on the outside doesn’t affect much. I cracked the deal and more than that I got my way out of my most embarrassing problem that I have been dealing with since years now. After the first two applications, my face felt soft and supple, well groomed and clean. Thanks to Ayurcentral for such amazing products! click here to buy 
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