Immunity Boosters

Dabur giloy neem ras with tulsi

Dabur giloy neem ras with tulsi

The second wave of Covid-19 is taking India by storm. New mutants of the virus continue to wreak havoc in our daily lives. Yet medical practitioners agree that a majority of people get through the disease asymptomatically. This is largely possible due to their body’s immunity. It is true most people who end up with severe cases of Covid-19 have poor immunity or comorbidities which weaken their immunity. Therefore keeping our bodies immune is very important.

Click here to read about the 6 easily available anti-viral foods which help boost our immunity.

 In previous blogs, we have seen why Gudduchi or Giloy is the highest rated natural immunity booster. When the virus improves by mutating our medicines should catch up. That’s why India’s largest Ayurvedic firm Dabur has tripled its immunity boosting Giloy Ras with Neem and Tulsi. This powerful combination makes it one of the most potent immunity boosters which help protect the body against any almost all kinds of diseases.

Dabur Giloy Neem Ras with Tulsi is a ready to consume powerful herbal drink. Just a few ml of Giloy Ras every morning can provide us with a variety of vitamins and minerals. Giloy is also a sapthadhatu nourisher and thus can provide all round nourishment to the body. This product is also enriched with the anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-poisonous potency of neem. It also is enriched with the protective properties of Tulsi making it an all-round nourisher with enhanced protection against respiratory diseases.


All three major ingredients in Dabur Giloy Neem Ras with Tulsi are scientifically proven ayurvedic medicines which offer immunity from viral and respiratory diseases. The combination being better than the sum of its parts can offer better protection against covid-19. At the least it could improve our immunity multiple folds. 


A research article by Soham Saha and Shyamshree Gosh publish in the ‘United States National Library of Medicine’ titled “Tinospora cordifolia: One plant, many roles” lists the multiple benefits of Giloy.  The molecular study claims Giloy to have high anti-microbial and immunomodulatory properties. It is said to have helped activate the anti-oxidant enzymes in the body. The study also says Giloy can lower blood sugars and help in managing diabetes. It can also reduce aflatoxin induced kidney damage. Giloy Ras also has the potential to enhance proteins and ascorbic acid in the body, the study claimed.

Giloy’s anti-HIV activities were demonstrated by a decrease in eosinophil count, activation of B lymphocytes, macrophages, and leucocytes, and hemoglobin percentage, indicating its prospective function in disease management.

Giloy’s anti-cancer benefits have largely been researched in animal models. In a study titled “Radiation-Induced Testicular Injury and Its Amelioration by Tinospora cordifolia (An Indian Medicinal Plant) Extract” published in the magazine “Evidence based Alternative Medicine” in 2011, Giloy has been demonstrated to have a radio-protective role in male Swiss albino mice by considerably increasing body weight, tissue mass, testes-body weight ratio, and tubular diameter, as well as inhibiting the adverse effects of sub-lethal gamma radiation on testes. Giloy had a substantial effect on the radiation-induced elevation in lipid peroxidation in pre-irradiated animals, resulting in a decrease in gulathione concentration in the testes. This makes giloy a possible anti-cancer medication.

The anti-microbial potency of Giloy has been tested in a study titled “Antibacterial activity of selected medicinal plants against multiple antibiotic resistant uropathogens: a study from Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, India” published in the ‘National Library of Medicine’. It showed the efficacy of Giloy to help fight many lethal bacterial infections.


German Researchers  J Beauth et all from University of Koeln in their study titled “Enhancement of immune responses to neem leaf extract (Azadirachta indica) correlates with antineoplastic activity in BALB/c-mice”  claimed to have noticed strong immune-modulatory properties in Neem leaf extracts.

Researchers from Mexico in their study titled “An overview of Neem (Azadirachta indica) and its potential impact on health” have shown powerful anti-inflammatory properties in neem which help regulate the cytokines and macrophages. This prevents premature cytokine storms and gives the body a better chance in fighting pathogens like invading viruses and bacteria.


Researchers from RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia in their study titled “The Clinical Efficacy and Safety of Tulsi in Humans: A Systematic Review of the Literature” have cited multiple clinical studies where tulsi has shown to improve efficacy and functioning of lymphocytes which in turn helps keep disease causing pathogens at bay. Studies on Covid-19 have hinted that lymphocytes play a vital part in recovering from the disease.


It is one of the most powerful natural immunity boosters with no added chemicals.

It has strong anti-microbial properties and offers protection against viral, fungal and bacterial diseases.

It is useful to regulate diabetic health

It has a protective action on the liver and spleen

It is anti-inflammatory

It is rich in anti-oxidants which help fight diseases

It is useful in fighting all kinds of respiratory diseases

It nourishes all seven saptadhatus or tissues thus providing complete nourishment and rejuvenates the entire body.


It is normally recommended to consume 15-30 ml two times a day with water. For children below 13 year of age, half the adult dose is recommended.

It is generally safe for all people. People in the vulnerable category or under medication shall consume after medical consultation.

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