“Life is ladened with riddles, puzzles, twists, and surprises and it’s just not fair to be entangled in your hair when you have got the whole world to rule.”

Hair comes in diverse lengths, styles, colors, and textures, but taking care of them is very necessary to get the best possible look. Hair fall, dandruff, split ends are the common problems everyone is complaining about. While genes play a major role, there are a lot of other factors that cause hair loss.

Styling is important but regular blow-drying, straightening, and highlighting can wreak havoc on hair, leaving it brittle, broken, and unmanageable. Split ends and dry hair are just two casualties of over styling.

Thanks to Ayurveda! we have a solution to this mayhem about hair problems. This Ayurvedic medicine is based on research and experience of many centuries that has been carefully passed on through generations.

Neelibhringadi is an Ayurvedic herbal hair oil exemplary for promoting hair growth and preventing hair fall. It improves the quality of hair, treats split ends, premature greying, baldness, and smoothens the hair. It is lauded for treating baldness or hair loss, dandruff, and scalp itching.

Uses of Neelibhringadi Taila:

  • Treats premature greying, baldness, split hairs, hair loss, and dandruff.
  • Stimulates hair growth and enhances the quality of hair.
  • Reduces scalp itching, stops acne formation, and treats fungal infections.
  • Activates the cell divisions in the hair roots, which ultimately stimulates the ANAGEN PHASE and regrowth of hair.

Characteristic Features of Neelibhringadi Taila
Neelibhringadi Taila is a precious formulation of Ayurveda and is highly regarded for the following characteristics:

  • Strong Antimicrobial and Antibacterial (Useful in all scalp infections)
  • Strong Antifungal
  • Potent Antipruritic in scalp itching
  • Hair Growth Stimulant
  • Anti-inflammatory

Therapeutic Indications

Neelibhringadi Taila is mainly prescribed for treating hair loss or baldness. According to Ayurveda, Neelibhringadi Taila can re-grow hair on the bald head. Based on its ingredients, it is used to treat the following hair problems:

  • Hair Loss and Baldness
  • Premature Greying of Hair
  • Hair Fall
  • Dandruff
  • Itching
  • Scalp Infections
  • Scalp Acne
  • Tinea Capitis – Fungal Infection


How to use Neelibhringadi Taila?
For quality hair and hair growth, deeper absorption of the Neelibhringadi taila is essential. This can be attained by massaging the oil over the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes. Deep massaging of the scalp regularly also prolongs the ANAGEN phase and promotes hair growth while delaying the greying of hair. It is recommended to apply Neelibhringadi Taila twice daily for the treatment of premature greying of hair.

To get the best possible results long-term use of Neelibhringadi Taila is advised.

Side Effects of Neelibhringadi Taila:
This oil is meant to be used for external application only and its all-natural herbal ingredients do not have any side effects. It is completely safe to be used by men, women, and children alike.

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mahamanjistadi kashaya


The red fluid streaming through the veins may become impure owing to several toxins, heavy metals, microbes, and free radicals. Impure blood loses its capacity to nourish the body thus resulting in poor health.

Lungs play a pivotal role in the purification of blood through the process of detoxification. Detoxification neutralizes the unwanted toxins and boosts the immune system. Health is closely connected with the body’s immune system and its ability to fight pathogens. Blood supplies oxygen and nutrition to the cells and removes waste and unnecessary pollutants. Therefore, purifying blood is important to keep the body functioning properly.

What makes blood impure?
There are countless factors that result in the build-up of toxins in our bloodstream. For example, being exposed to pollutants, lungs failing to function properly, a sedentary lifestyle, eating processed unhealthy foods, consuming certain medications and using certain cosmetics can compromise the quality of blood. We can flush out toxins from the blood by following a healthy diet filled with nutrients and herbs and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Mahamanjistadi Kadha : The Blood Purifier

Mahamanjistadi kadha is one of the most popular poly-herbal ayurvedic preparations used for purification of blood and treating various skin diseases. It is used in acne vulgaris, skincare, and blood purification. Mahamanjistadi Kadha is a decoction of medicinal herbs, very effective in the management of Vaat-vikar associated with Kapha doshas. It is an incredible antioxidant that detoxifies the body.

Mahamanjisthadi Kashaya is a potent detoxifying medicine that cleanses the blood, cures inflammations, brings a glow to the skin, prevents infection and skin ailments.

Mahamanjistha Kashaya lends a healthy skin by purifying the blood and facilitating a healthy formation of Rakta Dhatu (Blood). It helps to balance excess Pitta (Fire) in body and aids the system function in perfection.


Symbolic characteristics of Mahamanjisthadi Kashaya

  • Cooling in nature.
  • Pacifies high Pitta (agni/fire).
  • Complexion care & blood purification formula.
  • Immunomodulator

The boon of Mahamanjistadi Kashaya:

  • Mahamanjistadi Kashaya is instrumental in treating skin diseases, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, syphilis, and hard healing wounds.
  • Mahamanjistadi Kashaya balances excess pitta [fire]. Excess pitta in the body can lead to many health hazards including malfunctioning of the digestive system, heartburn, acidity, irregular bowels etc. which directly gets reflected on the face, hair, and skin.
  • The contents of Mahamanjistadi Kashaya are excellent blood purifiers and boosts blood circulation and skin health.
  • Mahamanjistadi Kashaya is a marvellous remedy for skin diseases, oozing boils, acne, inflammation, redness and skin rashes.
  • It supports healthy joints and the urinary tract in both males and females.
  • It is used as a remedy for rheumatoid arthritis and degenerative disorders.
  • Blood purification lowers the levels of cholesterol in the blood and keeps the heart healthy.
  • As Mahamanjistadi Kashaya flushes harmful toxins out of the blood, it prevents tumors and reduces the chances of cancer.

Side Effects of Mahamanjistadi Kashaya
Mahamanjistadi Kashaya is prepared from all-natural herbal extracts and has no side effects.

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“No wound is too deep to heal!”

This is what the sages always proclaimed. The remedy to all pains is encrypted in the deep rooted Indian epics. The Vedas hold a treasure to knowledge from scholars of all time. Ayurveda opens the door to the wisdom of life and soul, purity and serenity, healing wounds not only of the skin but those engraved with pain in one’s heart.

Ayurveda discovered the greatness of mere things gifted by nature and devised remedies to heal even the deadliest ail. One such formulation of Ayurveda is the Jatyadi Oil, a herbal oil prepared from the Jasmine flower. From ancient times, Jatyadi taila has served as a sure-shot treatment for all wounds. 

Amazing uses of Jatyadi Taila:

  • Used to cure wounds, blisters, abscess, or animal bites.
  • Very efficient in treating first and second-degree burns.
  • Potential in curing skin diseases and bacteria, fungal and parasitic infections.
  • An excellent cure for cracked heels, cracked nipples, and external hemorrhoids.
  • A proven remedy for nails and tooth infections
  • Used for purification of wounds and ulcers in conditions like hypertrophied granulation tissue, insignificant discharge, foul-smelling wounds, and putrefying tissues.

Jatyadi Taila is the best cure for the following wounds:

  1. Curing Deep Wounds with A Small Opening
  2. Wounds with Slimy Discharge
  3. Non-Responsive wounds with Secretions
  4. Wounds within Intestinal Tracts
  5. Purifying Wounds
  6. Promote Healing


This incredible healer is prepared very cautiously using many ingredients in different proportions:

  • Jati patra: It is an aphrodisiac, sedative, antiseptic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, and analgesic.
  • Neem Patra: An ingredient of high medicinal value used to treat leprosy, eye disorders, intestinal worms, upset stomach, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, fever, diabetes, gum disease, and liver problems.
  • Patol: It is useful for gastrointestinal and liver disorders.
  • Karanjbeej: Efficient as quick relief for wound and inflammation.
  • Mulethi: Best used for treatment of chronic acidity, ulcers, and bronchial conditions.
  • Kuth:  Aids in headache, tooth ache, osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and balding.
  • Haldi : An analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, appetizer.
  • Daruharidra: Aids in reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Kutaki : It is useful in curing bleeding disorders like menorrhagia, nasal bleeding.
  • Manjistha: Improves appetite and useful in treating diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding ulcers, dyspepsia, parasitic worms, etc.
  • Padmak : Cures blood disorders such as abscess. 
  • Lodhra : Treats anaemia and bleeding disorders. It also improves strength and relieves gum bleeding.
  • Harad : It relieves inflammation, cures skin disease, improves digestion has amazing anti-aging and rejuvenating properties.
  • Nilofar: Useful in treating cholera, hemorrhages, menorrhagia, fever, strangury.
  • Sariva: Improves sperm quality and quantity, also cures diarrhea and dysentery.
  • The many benefits of this salve makes it a must have item in your first aid boxes.

Applying Jatyadi Taila
Apply Jatyadi Taila gently on the external areas affected 2-3 times a day.

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Shatadhuta Ghrita

Shatadhuta Ghrita Multipurpose Benefits and usage

Since the ancient Vedic times, milk and milk products are considered very sacred and holy. The cow is worshiped in Hindu culture as it blesses us with all the rich nutrients. Ghee is a by-product of milk which is efficacious in several ways. Right from boosting your energy to smoothening muscles and joints it works through your system. Ghee is also a potent pain reliever and skincare salve. It is used in various Ayurvedic massages and therapies.

Shatadhauta Grihta is an ayurvedic formulation extensively used for skincare treatment. In Sanskrit Shata means 100, dhauta means washed with water, and ghrita means ghee. Shatadhauta ghrita is prepared by washing purified ghee one hundred times with water. Traditionally, this method was done with hands but it can also be done in a machine.

We are well aware of the benefits of ghee when consumed orally but it is also an incredible lotion that spells magic on the skin. It is a natural moisturizer and anti-wrinkle unguent that keeps the skin cool and makes it soft by nourishing all layers of tissue. Ghee is rich in fatty acids which acts as a natural hydrating agent for all skin types

Shatadhauta Grihta is a thick concentrated ayurvedic cream that heals the damaged skin by penetrating into all the seven layers of tissue and cures the skin problems from within making the surface smooth and silky. 


Perks of Shatadhauta Grihta:

  • The cooling properties of Shatadhauta Grihta provide instant relief from burning sensation and burnt wounds.
  • Shatadhauta Grihta aids in the rebuilding of dermal tissue and supports healing of skin
  • It is an amazing astringent, anti-wrinkle and cleansing cream suitable for all skin types.
  • Its anti-inflammation property helps in soothing the pain caused by skin irritation.
  • Applying Shatadauta Grihta helps in removing scars, spots and dark circles from the skin.
  • It’s moisturizing property help in curing chapped and dry lips. It can also be applied over the skin before the bath to treat dryness of the skin.
  • It gives an even-toned skin by removing various scars of acne, chickenpox etc.
  • Its astringent qualities help in balancing the skin doshas.
  • This amazing lotion is potent in curing skin related disorders like herpes and erysipelas.
  • Pregnant woman with unexplained bleeding or spotting can apply Shatadhauta ghrita around the umbilicus.
  • Shatadhauta ghrita is also used as a natural healer in a number of Ayurvedic therapies including leech therapy.
  • It is also used as a base for the preparation of a multitude of creams and ointments.

How to use?

  • Use your fingers to take a small dab of the Shatadhauta ghrita cream and apply on the affected area, rub gently in a circular motion and leave it to get soaked.
  • It can also be applied to the face as a moisturizer. Just apply the cream for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.

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castor oil

 castor oil benefits to eyes

Eyes are the doors to one’s soul. Sparkling eyes and deep insight build up an intriguing personality. They offer you so much and it would be so unfair to not treat them right. Caress these incredible little balls of vision with the goodness of castor oil.

Eyes are such a powerful organ of the human body and we ought to take proper care to keep them healthy and functioning. Apart from concentrating on proper diet and giving them quality rest, there is something more that we can do to caress our prized possession. Ayurveda suggests applying a few drops of castor oil before bed aids in keeping the eyes healthy and beautiful.

Castor Oil
Castor oil is a very useful vegetable oil obtained from the castor bean seeds. In its pure form, it is devoid of any taste, color or odor.

Here we have compiled a list of benefits that castor oil offers for your eyes:

Moisturizes dryness of eyes:
Dry eye syndrome is mainly caused by a lack of adequate moisture and lubrication in the eyes. It results in constant eye irritation and may also cause blurry vision at times. Castor oil is one of the best known natural remedies for dry eyes used for centuries. It lubricates the eyes and keeps the eyes moist. Just two drops of this magical oil in each eye will do the work.

Treats Cataracts:
A cataract is a clouding and deterioration of the eyes’ lens which leads to a decrease in vision. It generally develops slowly, and in the early stages, it can be easily cured using castor oil. Castrol oil is the ancient cure for cataracts before the venture of surgery. Just a drop of this oil before bed dissolves the cataract in the eye. However, for treating cataract cross-check that you are using 100% pure Castrol oil only.

Prevents Dark Circles
The skin around the eyes is very tender and can form wrinkles or dark circles easily. Massaging the skin around the eyes relaxes the eye muscles, boosts blood circulation, and prevents dark circles and wrinkles.

Prevents Eye Infections
Eyes are very delicate and can get infections easily. Castor oil is blessed with the anti-microbial property that destroys the germs and cures the infection. It is very effective in treating conjunctivitis and its allies.

Reduces Inflammation
Being in action all the time, our eyes get tired and strained. Just a few drops of the Castrol oil cool it down. Castor oil has an anti-inflammatory characteristic which soothes the burning sensation and irritation in the eyes. It also reduces redness or swelling of the eyes.

Long Beautiful Eyelashes
Beautiful eyes are accessorized by thick long eyelashes and they don’t have to be fake always. Just like our hair, even eyelashes shed from time to time. Castor oil boosts hair growth and strengthens the strains. It is capable of growing and thickening eyelashes. It keeps the lashes healthy and resilient by providing it with ample nutrients.


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karpooradi taila

karpooradi taila

Karpooradi Taila is a mystic Ayurvedic composition prepared with Karpoor (camphor) as the main ingredient in coconut or sesame oil as the base. Karpoor is an excellent healer gifted by nature. An indispensable element of our religious rituals, Karpoor is blessed with an alluring fragrance that drives away all the negative energies.

The thick composition of rich nutrients penetrates deep into the skin and acts as a lubricant that relieves muscle and joint pains, enhances blood circulation by clearing blockages. 

In Ayurvedic therapeutic treatments, Karpooradi Taila has garnered an esteemed stature as an effective pain reliever. Karpooradi Taila massage is often advised for soothing painful muscles and joints. Its pleasing aroma calms the mind and the body giving a relaxed feeling.

Health Benefits of Karpooradi Taila

Pain Relief
A crusader of pain, this magnificent lubricant is blessed with diaphoretic, stimulant, antiseptic, analgesic, fungicide and anti-inflammatory properties. Its cooling tendency acts as anesthesia providing instant relief in pain. The beatific composition of Karpooradi Taila helps in treating pain and cramps in the body, muscular rheumatism, numbness, joint pain and stiffness of muscles or joints. Karpooradi taila also helps relieve neck pain, arthritis, and frozen shoulder.

Treats Congestion
Karpooradi Taila provides instant relief to chest congestion. It breaks down the mucus build-up in the chest and cures congestion. It is highly used as a base for manufacturing vapor rubs. It can be applied on the chest to reduce nasal and chest congestion.

Blood Circulation
The rubefacient effect of Karpooradi taila improves blood circulation and regulates body temperature. It is an anti-neuralgic and soothing agent for nerves that clears any nerve blockage.

It relaxes the muscle tendons and makes you feel active by driving away any sort of sluggishness.

Migraine Reliever
The Karpooradi taila acts as a cooling agent and relieves migraine pain when applied on the forehead. It is an instant but temporary relief to migraine woes.

Relieves Swelling
The anti-irritant and anti-inflammation characteristics of Karpooradi Taila help cure swelling. Its anesthetic property causes numbness of sensory nerve endings and helps in relieving pain and inflammation.

Relieves Skin Trouble
Coconut oil based Karpooradi Oil works well for skin diseases soothing any itching or burning sensation on the skin.

Induce Sleep
The soothing aroma of Karpooradi taila relaxes the body and the mind. It induces deep sleep and keeps away bad dreams. 

Take a few drops of the warm oil on your fingertips and rub gently over the affected area.

It can also be used for a thorough full-body massage.


Karpooradi oil is exclusively used as massage oil specifically administered for external use only. Camphor is toxic in nature when consumed internally and may cause several hazards.

Do a patch test to check compatibility. Check for any irritation or rash on the skin on the tested area.

Store in an airtight container away from heat.

Keep it away from children’s reach, camphor ingestion is highly poisonous.

It is not recommended for broken, damaged skin or burned skin.

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Omam, commonly known as ajwain, is the wonder spice that has scored a repute of taste enhancer in many Indian recipes. However, the magic of these spices is not limited to tantalizing the taste buds; they are bundled with an abundance of essential health benefits.

These little seeds are packed with iodine, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium that cleanse your system and keep your body healthy. However, it is the presence of thymol that upheavals the perks of this Ayurvedic marvel. It is a potent shield against many diseases and disorders.

Just adding a glass of omam water to your daily regime transforms the body inside out. Check out the list of amazing wonders that omam water does to your body.

Boosts Digestion
Omam water is a well-known digestive aid in Ayurvedic circle. Its prized component, thymol, aids the release of gastric juices thus accelerating the process of digestion.

Aids in Weight Loss
Though the route to weight loss seems tough and sweaty, there are a few easy remedies that accentuate the changing shape of your body. Omam water accelerates the rate of metabolism and dissolves fat thus resulting in weight loss.

Reduces flatulence
Flatulence is the result of poor digestion and the outcome is awkward gas passages. Omam water supports digestion and reduces gastrointestinal troubles. It also greases the digestive system and smoothens bowel movements.

Eye Cleanser
Washing off the eyes with omam water helps to keep them clean and gifts you a clearer vision.

Body Cleanser
Regular intake of omam water helps in eradicating harmful toxins from the body. It purifies the blood and improves the blood circulation in the body which results in clearer skin and healthy body.

Soothes Acidity
Acidity is one of the most common health complaints encountered in today’s date, omam water has soothing properties that cures acidity, hyperacidity and acid reflux.

Cures Cough and Cold
Omam water is a traditional home remedy for cough and cold. It is very effective in removing mucus, opening up nasal blocks and provides instant relief for cold and cough. It is also a great remedy for bronchitis and asthma.


Liver and Kidney
Omam water is highly beneficial for your kidney and liver. It removes the toxins from the body and also dissolves any stones in the kidney.

Combats Period problems
Bleeding every month is already tough; the cramps and pain just make it worse. A glass of omam water seems to be ladies’ best friend. It relaxes the nerves during menses and combats menstrual cramps. It also ensures regular timely menses.

Pregnant Women
Pregnancy is a challenging job especially when it’s accompanied by digestive woes. Constipation, nausea, bloating, loss of appetite seems synonymous with pregnancy. Omam water has great anti-inflammatory and curative properties that provide great support to new mothers.

For new moms and baby
Omam water is also beneficial after delivery as it helps with digestion, reduces inflammation, heals the woman’s body internally, boosts blood circulation, aids lactation, and clears the uterus. For infants, it aids in treating digestive problems.

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karela jamun juice


Diabetes for most of us is just the foe of our sweet tooth. However, the issue of diabetes is far more deep-rooted and it might affect your life ways more than you can imagine. 

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a chronic condition marked by the failure of the pancreas to synthesize insulin or failure of the body to utilize the insulin produced by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that helps the glucose get into the cells and produce energy. So, lack of insulin or inefficiency on the use of insulin blocks the glucose in the blood and it fails to enter the cells. This leads to raised glucose levels in the blood resulting in diabetes.

How it affects your life?
Diabetes affects more than what goes in your plate. It is a demanding disease and its impact is far reaching than one could imagine. It doesn’t just affect your lifestyle but also casts a shadow on your emotions, relationships, work, and hobbies. Diabetes can cause low sex drive and result in physical dissatisfaction, stress, anxiety, and depression.

As they say, prevention is better than cure, it is always recommended to keep a check on the parameters that might trigger high blood sugar level in the blood. Quitting smoking, restricting alcohol and sweets and following the holistic life with proper yoga, exercise and meditation are sure to protect you from the tyranny of many chronic diseases.

Preventing and curing Diabetes – The Ayurvedic way
No doubt there are ample of medicines that claim to control your blood sugar level but none of them can promise a 100% efficient result. Further relying on synthetic drugs is not the most preferable solution as they can invoke a lot of side effects.

Ayurveda is the age-old tried, tested and proven science of living that offers the most natural amazing techniques to combat, cure and prevent diabetes. Ayurveda believes in treating the diseases from the very origin by cleansing the system and amplifying its processes. One such wondrous discovery of Ayurveda is the Kerela-Jamun juice for diabetic and pre-diabetic patients.

Karela-Jamun for Diabetes
Karela-Jamun juice is a well-known Ayurvedic formulation specifically used to regulate blood sugar level. Fresh Karela juice is extracted and blended with Jamun seed extracts to make a potent diabetes medicine. Though it might not give the best taste as medicines were never meant for taste buds.


Karela contains many active compounds that make it an effective Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes. It contains anti-diabetic compounds like polypeptide-p, Vicine, and Charatin that help the cells to consume glucose molecules, increase insulin secretion, stimulate glycogen synthesis, and decrease glucose absorption in the body. Karela also contains lectin that reduces blood glucose concentrations and momordin helps to regulate glucose metabolism.

Jamun – Jamun is a healthy fruit that works wonder for diabetic patients. Regular consumption of Jamun is effective in controlling the level of blood sugar. The acidic, sour, sweet, and soothing fruit is a potent cure for diabetes, diarrhoea, and ringworm.

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maha sudarshana kadha

Maha Sudarshana kadha – BENEFITS AND USAGE IN FEVER

Mahasudarshana Kadha is a complex Ayurvedic decoction prepared by blending several precious medicinal herbs including Nimba, Musta, Shunthi, Parpat, chirayta, kutki, guduchi etc. These ingredients make it an auspicious medicinal formulation for treating all types of fevers and disorders of the liver and lymph. This synergistic formula cools and cleanses the system.

Since ancient times, this amazing concoction is well known for its antipyretic properties and is extensively used to treat acute and chronic fevers, fever of unknown etiology, malaria, typhoid, headache, respiratory infections, jaundice, debility, cough and breathing difficulties that come along with fever.

Fever usually comes with its allies like loss of appetite, fatigue, nausea, headache, and weakness. Mahasudarshana Kadha helps in combating fever and its associated hazards; it improves appetite and helps in regaining the strength of the body. It eliminates the toxins from the body and helps to unblock the microchannels which induce sweating and lowers the fever.

Mahasudarshana Kadha Combating Fever
Though the benefits of Mahasudarshan Kadha make an unending list, we have managed to highlight the most useful and amazing perks of this poly-herbal Ayurvedic combination:

Protects against infectious bacteria and other harmful microorganisms:
It’s antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties boosts immunity and armor the body against bacterial infections. It is used to combat infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, intestinal infection, urinary tract infections and respiratory infection caused by various bacterial pathogens.

Aids in treating Malaria:
Mahasudarshan Kadha is a potent anti-malarial extract and is an incredible preventive and supportive medicine for treating malaria. It works well in combination with other medicines and increases their efficacy.

Aids in detoxification of the Body:
Mahasudarshan Kadha is a great protective syrup that detoxifies the body by clearing inflammatory toxins from the body through skin or urine by promoting perspiration and excretion of urine. It releases heat from the system and unblocks the channels of circulation.


Supports functionality of vital organs:
An ace blood purifier that enhances the functionality of the liver, lymphatic system and spleen, Mahasudarshana kadha stimulates the liver to release bile and help to treat hypochondriac pain, gallstones, and liver toxicity. It eliminates the toxic wastes and aids in curing any malfunctioning of the liver. Its detoxifying and diuretic action reduces lymphatic swelling and congestion.

Boosts digestion:
It improves appetite, boosts digestion, and stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes and gastric juices. It has cooling, digestive, and anthelmintic action that extends support to the digestive system.

Enhances Immunity:
It has antipyretic and antioxidant properties that help in recovering from infections. Mahasudarshan kadha is beneficial in bolstering immunity through detoxification.  It decongests the body and enhances the elimination of toxins and assists the immune system to fight against infectious pathogens.

Fights Infection:
Mahasudarshana kadha enhances immunity and strengthens the body’s natural defense against viruses and bacteria. It is very efficacious in curing fever caused by flu, Malaria, Chikungunya, and other microorganisms. This Ayurvedic formulation is also recommended for breathlessness, anemia, cough, jaundice, and palpitation.

It can be taken twice or thrice a day after meals as per the doctor’s recommendation.

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Triphala juice – BENEFITS AND USES

Ayurveda, the 5000 years old science of living, is a true blessing to mankind. It has gifted us with incredible recipes to good health and a happy life. The Rishis (sages) wandered in the dense forests to discover the true potential of nature and they formulated many herbal medicines that amaze the body with all the goodness. Triphala is just an epitome of such Ayurvedic miracle.

Triphala is crowned as “the nectar of life” for its many therapeutic characters. A natural supplement loaded with a huge multitude of nutrients, a natural detoxifier and a best friend for your digestive system, Triphala is just what your body craves.

Power-packed composition

Triphala, as the name indicates, is composed of a perfect blend of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki, all of which is bestowed with amazing healing properties.

  • Amalaki – It is a wondrous fruit with stunning benefits for each part of the body. From hair to nails to all other complex organs of the human body Amalaki acts like an elixir.
  • Bibhitaki – It is another potent ingredient that has an impressive detoxifying effect on the muscles, blood and fatty tissues of the body.
  • Haritaki – Also known as the “King of Medicine” this mystic fruit is quite beneficial for the multiple processes of the body.


Why must you drink Triphala juice?
With all the hype towards internal healing and natural cure, people are turning towards the time-tested medications of Ayurveda. Triphala is the most popular and effective formulation of Ayurvedic medicine. Let’s have a close look at its unending benefits:

Smooth Digestion
Triphala is an immensely popular digestive tonic that promotes gastrointestinal mobility. The contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the intestine aid nutrient absorption and proper digestion.

Lowers Cholesterol
The high concentration of oleic and linoleic oils is beneficial in controlling bad cholesterol and promoting good cholesterol thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Weight Loss Benefits
Triphala juice is also effective in the weight management process. This superfood cleanses the digestive system and promotes healthy uptake and nutrient absorption that result in less accumulation of fats in the body.

Reinforce the Immune System
Triphala has an abundance of vitamin C, which is a boon to the immune system. It is a potent antioxidant and is enriched with bioflavonoids that speed up the process of healing.

Anti-Cancer Effect
Recent discoveries have unveiled the efficacy of Triphala as a potent anti-cancer drug. Triphala is able to inhibit the growth and induce cell death of the cancerous stem cells.

Triphala is a natural laxative that nourishes the digestive tract and helps produce regular bowel movements. Triphala cleanses the colon naturally by removing bacteria and eliminating excess fatty acids from the body.

Promotion of hair growth
Triphala juice is ladened with the goodness of omega-3 fatty acid which is great for the skin and hair. It strengthens the hair, reduces hair fall, treats dandruff and adds the glamour quotient to your hair.

Improving blood circulation:
Triphala improves blood circulation by boosting the cardio movements in the capillaries and strengthening the flavonoid. Improved blood circulation is a cure for a lot of health hazards.

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