Diarrhoea is a common condition. And according to healthline.com, IBS affects 6-18 percent of the population. It is a disorder of the digestive system that often causes cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. IBS is a chronic condition. And a percentage of IBS patients suffer from severe signs and symptoms.
A new study published in medical express reported, “Eleven percent of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D) patients suffer from suicidal thinking when their condition is bad.”
In modern medicine, there is no cure for IBS. It claims that dietary modifications and medicines can help to manage the symptoms. Managing diet, lifestyle, and stress are the keys to control IBS.
Ayurveda, the ancient science of health and healing offers corrective measures to treating chronic diarrhoea and IBS. It illustrates the right ways to restore the body’s balance and restore it to good health. Ayurveda offers remedies effective in relieving symptoms of IBS. These Ayurvedic preparations cause no side-effects or long-term effects.
The best Ayurvedic medicines for treating diarrhoea and IBS are:

Mebarid Capsule – Phyto Marketing
Mebarid Capsule is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine indicated in curing loose motions of specific and non-specific origin. It is also used to treat amoebic and bacillary dysentery and chronic intestinal problems. Mebarid Capsule is a known cure for Gastro-enteritis, Entero-colitis, and Sprue.
This Ayurvedic formulation possesses anti-microbial action and overcomes abdominal colics, dyspepsia, and indigestion. It reduces microbial assault by destroying them and checks electrolyte losses and toxicity.

Ambimap Tablets – Maharishi Ayurveda
Ambimap is a special combination of Ayurvedic herbs indicated in treating diarrhoea, dysentery, and parasitic intestinal disease. It possesses a multi-directional approach to control diarrhoeas and dysenteries.
Ambimap is very beneficial in controlling and curing loose stools caused by harmful viruses, bacterium or parasites. It counteracts parasitic infection and helps to balance the metabolic fire (Agni) and the digestion. Ambimap effectively controls spasmodic episodes and the patient gets relief very quickly.

Bilagyl – Sandu brothers
Bilagyl is a proprietary formulation for treating diarrhea, dysentery and irritatable bowel syndrome. It is particularly indicated in chronic type with mucus and blood. It is also useful in bleeding piles.
Bilagyl relieves diarrhoea and dysentery without causing Constipation. This Ayurvedic formulation also helps to heal ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract. It has anthelmintic action and alleviates abdominal pain.
Diarex Tablet – Himalaya
Diarex Tab is an ayurvedic antimicrobial and anti-diarrheal proprietary medicine. It is prepared with herbs like kutaja and bilwa which have astringent and antimicrobial properties. It ensures the normal functioning of gastrointestinal health.
Diarex Tab eliminates common microorganisms responsible for acute and chronic infectious diarrhoea. It is indicated in colic, bloating, fungal infections, microbial infections, oxidative stress, fungal infection, diabetes, and other conditions.

Entpstal Tab – Solumiks
Entostal Tab is an anti-diarrheal and anti-dysentery ayurvedic proprietary product. It reduces hypermobility and normalizes the gastrointestinal tract. It is also effective in correcting digestive disturbance.
Entostal Tablet works by inhibiting the growth of bacteria. Entostal Tab helps in treating excessive fluid loss. It also relieves acute abdominal pain and decreases the frequency of stools and checks infection.
Ayurvedic tips for managing IBS naturally
· Eat light and freshly cooked food
· Eat only when hungry
· Avoid long intervals between two meals
· Eat homemade food.
· Drink little lukewarm water.
· Walk for 15-20 min after every meal.
· Exercise for 30 min.
· Avoid hot and spicy food
· Avoid excess tea or coffee.
· Beat stress and negative attitude
· Avoid sedentary and irregular lifestyle
· Quit alcohol, smoking
· Avoid sleeping in the afternoon & staying awake till late night