Triphala Churna For Better Health
Triphala churna increases immunity, purifies blood and improves blood circulation. It stimulates the body metabolism and encourages the efficient working of digestive system.
Triphala churna is refined and powdered form of three fruits . The word triphala comes from two Sanskrit words, Tri which means three and phala means fruits. The powder of three fruits namely, Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki is triphala churna. Triphala is termed as ‘the nectar for life’ in Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita.
The constituents of triphala are loaded with the goodness of nature. Amla which is rich in Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity, treats menstrual problems, improves iron absorption into the blood and stimulates brain functioning and mineral absorption.
Haritaki prevents eye diseases like cataract and glaucoma, promotes healing of wounds and ulcers, works for spleen and liver and is also good for skin.
Bibhitaki is a blood purifier, strengthens hair roots, removes body fat and has antibacterial and antiviral qualities.
Triphala churna usually contains four parts of amla, two parts of Bibhitaki, and one part of Haritaki. However, this ratio can vary depending on the product and the needs of an individual. The three together work as a powerful combination in addressing various problems.
Triphala churna increases immunity, purifies blood and improves blood circulation. It stimulates the body metabolism and encourages the efficient working of digestive system. As a result, the body fat can be reduced. It is helpful even in case of diabetes mellitus. Triphala churna is also beneficial in cleansing the colon and is recommended in case of constipation.
Triphala churna benefits in skin related problems as well. It removes dead cells and rejuvenates the skin cells to bring natural glow on skin. Its anti-inflammatory property helps a lot in arthritis. Experts believe that it fights various cancers also.
It makes the brain sharp and attentive by cutting off anxiety and nervousness. Hence it is good for students.
Triphala can be consumed in the form of powder or tablet /capsule. Generally, the recommended dosage for triphala is one teaspoon or one tablet/ capsule with lukewarm water before going to bed. A gap of about 2 hours after dinner needs to be maintained. It can even be consumed in the form of tea made with the churna.
However, it is not recommended for acute diarrhea or during pregnancy. Underweight persons should avoid using the churna as it decreases weight. Even the dosage needs to be in accordance with the advice of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.