Triphala Churna For Better Health

Triphala churna increases immunity, purifies blood and improves blood circulation. It stimulates the body metabolism and encourages the efficient working of digestive system.

Triphala churna is refined and powdered form of three fruits . The word triphala comes from two Sanskrit words, Tri which means three and phala means fruits. The powder of three fruits namely, Amalaki, Haritaki and Bibhitaki is triphala churnaTriphala is termed as ‘the nectar for life’ in Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita.

The constituents of triphala are loaded with the goodness of nature. Amla which is rich in Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity, treats menstrual problems, improves iron absorption into the blood and stimulates brain functioning and mineral absorption.

Haritaki prevents eye diseases like cataract and glaucoma, promotes healing of wounds and ulcers, works for spleen and liver and is also good for skin.

Bibhitaki is a blood purifier, strengthens hair roots, removes body fat and has antibacterial and antiviral qualities.

Triphala churna usually contains four parts of amla, two parts of Bibhitaki, and one part of Haritaki. However, this ratio can vary depending on the product and the needs of an individual. The three together work as a powerful combination in addressing various problems.

Triphala churna increases immunity, purifies blood and improves blood circulation. It stimulates the body metabolism and encourages the efficient working of digestive system. As a result, the body fat can be reduced. It is helpful even in case of diabetes mellitus. Triphala churna is also beneficial in cleansing the colon and is recommended in case of constipation.

Triphala churna benefits in skin related problems as well. It removes dead cells and rejuvenates the skin cells to bring natural glow on skin. Its anti-inflammatory property helps a lot in arthritis. Experts believe that it fights various cancers also.

It makes the brain sharp and attentive by cutting off anxiety and nervousness. Hence it is good for students.

Triphala can be consumed in the form of powder or tablet /capsule. Generally, the recommended dosage for triphala is one teaspoon or one tablet/ capsule with lukewarm water before going to bed. A gap of about 2 hours after dinner needs to be maintained. It can even be consumed in the form of tea made with the churna.

However, it is not recommended for acute diarrhea or during pregnancy. Underweight persons should avoid using the churna as it decreases weight. Even the dosage needs to be in accordance with the advice of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner.

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Sareevadyasav In Gout Arthritis

Gout is a common metabolic disorder caused by high levels of uric acid in the body and is characterized by deposition of uric acid crystals in joints.  The underlying cause of this condition appears to be an increase in total body uric acid stores and is usually marked by hyperuricemia.

Gout is a painful condition and is often accompanied by sudden inflammation in the joints. This condition triggers intense pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joint. Gout is a serious and painful condition which if left untreated can cause irreversible joint damage, kidney problems, and other disorders. It has also been related to an increased incidence of cardiovascular and metabolic disease and can be extremely painful.

Ayurveda is the 3000 years old treasure of knowledge about the human anatomy and body mechanisms, its various diseases, and the natural ways to treat each and every condition of the body. The seers of the past explored the planet and revealed several natural formula to treat several maladies.

Ayurveda for Gout
Sareevadyasava is a polyherbal Ayurvedic concoction widely used in the treatment of gouty arthritis. This herbal medicine accentuates the functioning of kidneys and improves elimination of toxins from the body. It increases urine flow and effectively removes the uric acid, urea, and creatinine stuck in the body. This medicine is also used in treating urinary tract infections and to relieve the burning sensation during urination.

Sareevadyasava produces a strong anti-inflammatory action which aids in reducing swelling and pain in the joints. It also acts as an antioxidant and prevents damage to the joint tissues caused by free radicals. It protects the joints from the age-related wear and tear and improves their longevity.

Medicinal Properties of Sareevadyasava
Sareevadyasava is brimmed with several potent medicinal factors that make it a perfect remedy for controlling the elimination of uric acid and relieving several issues caused by the raised uric levels in the body.

Nephroprotective: Sareevadyasava has nephroprotective actions which protect the kidneys from any kind of harm. Kidneys help in passing waste products in the form of urine and maintaining the overall fluid balance in the body.

Anti-gout: It shows anti-gout effects that correct overproduction or under excretion of uric acid.

Anti-hyperuricemic: Hyperuricemia is a condition where the levels of uric acid in the blood are quite high. It potentially increases the risks of developing gout, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and metabolic syndrome. Sareevadyasava shows anti-hyperuricemic effects and protects the body against these diseases.

Detoxifying: Sareevadyasava has a detoxifying impact as it removes uric acid and other harmful toxins from the body.

Diuretic: Sareevadyasava casts a diuretic action which increases the out flow of urine.

Depurative: Its depurative action helps in purifying blood in the body.

Sareevadyasava is also useful in the following conditions:

  • Hyperuricemia and gout
  • Uremia (along with Punarnavarishta and Chandraprabha Vati)
  • Alkanuria
  • Indigouria
  • Urobilinuria
  • Hematuria ((along with Kamdudha Ras)
  • Nephritis
  • Skin diseases
  • Renal diseases (along with Punarnavarishta and Chandraprabha Vati)
  • Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Kidney stones
  • Dysuria

Side Effects
There are no known side effects of this medicine.

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Vasarishta For Cold, Cough, Asthma & Side Effects

Cough and cold are the frequent visitors that ties up our life in a nasty handkerchief. However, persistent cough and cold can be either an indicator of some discrepancy in the system or might lead to one. Asthma is a more serious condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow and swell and produce extra mucus, making it difficult to breathe.

Ayurveda is the holistic science of treating these and many other conditions related to the human body. It formulates natural solution to treat the maladies without causing any side effect in the body.

Vasarista is a famous polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine gifted with mucolytic and anti-asthmatic properties that aids in treating a myriad of respiratory disorders. It is widely used for treating several other respiratory conditions such as common cold, bronchitis, and sinusitis. It also has anti-asthmatic and coagulative properties which ease breathing in the patients suffering from asthma and cures bleeding disorders like nose bleeding/epistaxis, haemoptysis.

Therapeutic Indications

Vasarishta is helpful in following health conditions.

  • Pharyngitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma – it reduces wheezing, breathing trouble and chest congestion
  • Cough
  • Upper respiratory infections
  • Common cold
  • Sinusitis
  • Tonsillitis
  • Nosebleed
  • Haemoptysis


Vasarishtam for treating cold, cough and asthma:
Vasarishtam is blessed with properties like anti-inflammatory, antitussive, bronchodilator, expectorant, anti-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal which makes it one of the best cure for cold, cough asthma and its related symptoms. It is used since time immemorial to treat maladies such as bronchitis, asthma, upper respiratory tract infections, chest congestion, cough, hemoptysis, phthisis, laryngitis, etc

Vasarishtam is a natural mucolytic agent useful in treating acute and chronic cough. This potent decoction breakdown and liquefies the mucus in the respiratory tract, thereby unblocking the air passages and relieving chest congestion and breathing problems. It produces a soothing effect on the throat and reduces pain and irritation caused due to pharyngitis and bronchitis. Its antibacterial properties help in destroying the bacteria causing infections.

Vasarishtam is used by the Ayurvedic seers to treat common cold. It shows decongestant and anti-allergic actions, which soothes the symptoms of cold. Its anti-inflammatory action relieves congestion in the nose and reduces excessive production of mucus. It also strengthens the body’s immunity against the allergens. This action helps in preventing frequent attacks of cold.

Vasarishtam eases breathlessness due to asthma by unblocking the air passages, relaxing the muscles in the airways, loosening the mucus and relieving congestion. Regular consumption of this tonic helps to prevent long-term complications caused by the repeated attacks of breathlessness.

It works by producing strong antipyretic and anti-inflammatory actions. It can be used to treat fever associated with pulmonary infections like pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, and influenza.

Side effects of Vasakadyarishtam

  • There are no known side effects of this medicine when taken in recommended doses as per doctor’s prescription.
  • It is a pure, natural formula containing herbal ingredients and free of any chemical constituents which makes it a safe medicine.
  • However, an overdose of the medicine may develop mild gastric complaints and loose motions in some patients.
  • For taking this tonic during pregnancy or lactation a doctor’s consultation is must.

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My daily dose of beauty

Beauty was never my thing. I was not that girl who would sit in front of the mirror staring every feature to detail and correct every spot to perfection. I was the crazy girl who would wake up at 8:20 to catch the bus at 8:30. Every second of sleep mattered to me more than the perfectly done hair or the well-decked glossy lips. But then one day everything changed.

He was a new boy in the class, the charming smile and silky hair spilled magic in the air. My eyes were glued to that distant seat across the class, and every five minutes I would just make a turn to steal a glance. He was my crush at first sight.

He was the guy I started relating my songs to, I started having imaginary conversations with, the dreams I weaved lying on the bed and the diaries I filled with all the fantasies. Finally I gathered all my courage and penned all my feelings in a paper.

I handed the letter or perhaps my heart to the guy and he just laughed it off. Neither a Yes, nor a No, just a blunt laugh. I tore my confidence and broke my heart. I hated my face and dismayed my body.

I wanted this phase to end and this face to change and so I dragged my mom to a cosmetologist. The cosmetologist convinced me that my nose was perfect and so are my lips, I just need a little care to bring out the best of me.

He gave me Brihatri Moisturizing lotion for daily use, on my body and my face and said that this is all I need. I am blessed beautiful which just needs some care and pamper to glow.

He was right, it was not my lips or my nose that was wrong but the way I deemed my confidence and burnt my self-esteem took my thunder away. The secret of beauty is as simple as the perfect blend of smile, confidence and Brihatri Moisturizing lotion.

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Gokshuradi Guggulu

Gokshuradi Guggulu Features, Benefits, Uses, Dose & Side Effects

Gokshuradi guggulu is a balanced blend of Ayurvedic herbs widely used in Ayurveda since time immemorial. This herbal preparation has been used in Ayurveda to maintain the health of genital system and urinary tract. It helps to detoxify, supports healthy urinary system, tones the kidneys, Gall bladder and urethra and to strengthen the reproductive system.
It is renowned for its rejuvenating action on the kidneys and prostate. It detoxifies the urinary system and maintains healthy urinary composition, thus reducing the risk of stone formation. It is helpful in diseases like kidney stones, urinary tract infection (burning sensation in the urine), difficulty in micturition, menstrual problems, gout (raised uric acid), osteoarthritis, etc. It strengthens and as well as the reproductive systems.

Features of Gokshuradi guggulu
It is anti-lithiatic i.e. it prevents the growth of kidney stones.
It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions which help in relieving pain and inflammation.
Its anti-arthritic properties aids in the treatment of arthritis.
It is diuretic in nature which means it is anti-hypertensive.
It is anti-gout and helps in prevention of gout.
This herbal concoction acts as an amazing muscle relaxant.
Its adaptogenic nature helps in combating stress.

Benefits of Gokshuradi guggulu
Supports Kidney and prostate health.
Supports reproductive system.
Helps to maintain a healthy urinary system
Helps to strengthen the reproductive system in both males & females.
Helps to supports prostate health
Helps to support of sperms health in males.


Uses of Gokshuradi guggulu
The healing nature of Gokshuradi guggulu aids in curing a plethora of disorders. Its medicinal ingredients aids in the treatment for diabetes and difficulty in passing urine (dysurea). It is also used in treating gout and urinary calculi. Apart from these, Gokshuradi guggulu boasts of a long list of diseases that it cures. Some of the maladies addressed by Gokshuradi guggulu are:

Gout or raised uric acid level
Kidney stones
Dysuria (painful or difficult urination)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Prostate enlargement (rarely used for improving urine flow)
High blood pressure
Congestive heart failure
Reproductive System disorders
White Discharge
Joint Pain
Gall Bladder Stones

Directions For Use
Take 1 or 2 tablets 2 times a day with lukewarm water, preferably one hour after meals or as prescribed by the doctor.

Side Effects and Precautions:

There are no known side effects of Gokshuradi Guggulu. However, it is recommended to use this product under medical supervision only as self-medication may lead to incorrect dosage triggering adverse effects.
Over dose of Gokshuradi Giggulu may cause stomach irritation, loss of appetite, heartburn, and other digestion problems.
Pregnant and lactating women, children or person with a pre-existing condition should consult an Ayurvedic specialist for administering this herbal formulation.

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Kaishora Guggulu

Kaishora Guggulu Features, Benefits, Uses, Dose & Side Effects

Kaishora Guggulu is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine that acts as a potent natural blood cleanser. This herbal formulation is widely used by Ayurvedic seers for treating accumulation of Uric Acid in the joints and muscles and its related symptoms like pain and inflammation. It is also indicated in the treatment of several other ailments including gouty arthritis, wounds, abdominal diseases, constipation, indigestion, diabetic carbuncles, etc. 

Kaishora Guggulu plays an important role in improving the functions of the stomach and intestines by clearing the body of harmful toxins. Its rejuvenating combination has a special affinity for the musculoskeletal system. They also act to nourish and strengthen the system supporting the overall health and proper function of the joints and muscles.

Features of Kaishora Guggulu:
It is a combination of Ayurvedic herbs which have been used in Ayurveda since time immemorial. Some bewildering characteristics of this decoction are:

  • An amazing blood Purifier.
  • It supports healthy liver function.
  • It is a marvelous detoxifier.
  • Dietary Supplement.
  • Supports healthy metabolism in the body.
  • It is an Anti-aging agent
  • It has anti inflammatory actions.

Benefits of Kaishora Guggulu
This ayurvedic guggulu formulation is prepared using rich ingredients like Guduchi, Triphala, and Trikatu combined with guggulu which offers several benefits to the body. Some notable perks of consuming this decoction include:

  • It helps in elimination of toxins.
  • It aids in relieving inflammation and swelling.
  • This herbal concoction supports healthy metabolism in the body
  • Regular consumption helps in maintaining healthy white blood cells.
  • It is used to heal repetitive motion injuries or stress injuries.
  • It soothes muscle cramps or stiffness or inflammatory diseases of muscles
  • Maintains good skin health.
  • It helps to maintain all three doshas in a balanced state.
  • Supports comfortable movement of the joints and muscles.
  • Cleanses excess pitta from the system.
  • Supports the healthy and proper function of the connective tissue.


Kaishora Guggulu Uses:

Kaishora Guggulu is a traditional formula that has been used for aeons to treat a myriad of health issues. Some of the common indications are:

  • Regulates raised uric acid levels and gouty arthritis
  • Treats Fever due to joint disease.
  • Tendonitis (inflammation of tendons).
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Rheumatic fever.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Skin diseases like acne, eczema, etc.
  • Painful joint conditions.
  • Useful in foot nail health.
  • Abdominal diseases
  • Constipation
  • Indigestion
  • Diabetic carbuncles


Two tablets twice daily after meals with plain water or as prescribed by an Ayurvedic doctor.

Side Effects:
There are no known side effects of using this medicine. However, people suffering from gastritis, diarrhoea, and dysentery should use this medicine only under medical supervision. Self-medication is highly discouraged.

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Panchatikta Ghritha Guggulu

Panchatikta Ghritha Guggulu Health Benefits, Features & Dosage

Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita is an ancient herbal medication prepared from 5 bitter herbs blended in ghee that help fight infection, calms the tridoshas, and purifies the blood. It is a wholesome medicine for improvement of general health and immunity and aids in relieving a milieu of skin diseases.

The mystic ingredients in Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu have anti-inflammatory, antitoxin, and antipruritic properties that go deep into the tissues and keeps the organs healthy and functioning seamlessly. This polyherbal concoction is mainly used for diseases of bone, joints, muscles, and skin. This herbal blend is specifically curated to treat inflammation, drying and deadening of tissue of skin, particularly of the rectum.

Features of Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita:

  • It is antitoxin in nature and detoxifies the body.
  • Its anti-pruritic and anti-inflammatory properties aid in soothing itching
  • It is a potent blood purifier
  • It shows neuroprotective actions.
  • It has anti-rheumatic effects.
  • It acts as an analgesic
  • Its adaptogenic properties help in handling stress.
  • Its antitumor and anticancer actions protect the body from this deadly disease.
  • It has anti-mutagenic property.
  • Its antitussive property aids in relieving cough.
  • It shows anti-ulcerogenic characters.
  • It has cardio-protective actions.
  • It is carminative in nature.
  • Its haematinic actions aids in increasing haemoglobin levels.

Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita benefits:
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu boasts the goodness of five bitter herbs viz. Neem, Giloy, Kantkari, Patola, and Vasa. Consumption of this medicine brings in incredible results by curing diseases that occur due to toxins in the blood. Some remarkable perks of using Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu are:

  • It is very beneficial for calming the three doshas.
  • It purifies blood and removes toxins from the body.
  • It improves digestion and eases bowel movement.
  • It stimulates the liver.
  • It helps in internal oleation.
  • It is also beneficial in skin disorders.
  • It is efficacious in healing wounds.
  • It is useful in cooling the inflamed part of the body.


Uses of Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu:
This polyherbal panacea is used to treat a wide array of diseases. It helps in removing toxins from body and purifying blood and is widely used to treat chronic conditions like psoriasis and arthritis. Apart from this, Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu is indicated in the following health conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Bone Marrow disease
  • Fistula
  • Anorectal diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Abscess
  • Cervical lymphadenitis & lymphadenopathy
  • Tumors or abnormal growths
  • Polyuria
  • Anorexia
  • Tuberculosis
  • Asthma
  • Cough
  • Sinusitis
  • Cardiac Weakness
  • Anemia
  • Intoxication
  • Gout

Panchatikta Guggulu Ghrita dosage:
The recommended dose is a quarter-to-half teaspoon of the medicine to be taken with warm water, usually before food, once or twice a day or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.

Safety Profile
Panchatikta Ghrita Guggulu is considered safe when taken as per the recommended dosage under the supervision of an ayurvedic physician. No such side effects of using this medicine are yet reported.
However, because of its strong composition, it should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation.
People with diabetes, high cholesterol, heart diseases, and high BP should excise precaution.
An overdose of the drug may cause diarrhoea and indigestion.

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lakshadi guggulu

Lakshadi Guggulu Benefits, Dose & Side Effects

Lakshadi Guggulu is an Ayurvedic herbal formulation prepared from herbal extracts that are rich sources of calcium, vitamins, and minerals. Its high profile of nutritive value shows amazing results when used in the management of low bone mineral density, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and other diseases related to bones, teeth, joints, and muscles. The main actions of this formulation are restoring bone mass, strengthening bones, joints and muscles, reducing joint inflammation and alleviating pain and swelling associated with joint diseases.

This herbal concoction is an excellent Ayurvedic formula to enhance calcium deposition on bones. It aids in healing fractures, osteoporosis, and other bone-related problems and provides instant relief from joint pain. These supplement deficiencies in the diet and nourish the affected bone tissues and help them recover fast from wear and tear.

Features of Lakshadi Guggulu:
Lakshadi Guggulu is blessed with many medicinal properties. Some of its amazing features are listed below:

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties
  • It is anti-arthritic in nature
  • Its anti-oxidant characteristics scavenge free radicals.
  • It has anti-spasmodic characters.
  • It acts as a potent natural calcium supplement
  • It is a great natural supplement for bones and joints


Benefits of Lakshadi Guggulu:
Lakshadi Guggulu offers a plethora of benefits to the body. Some of its incredible effects include:

  • It is widely used in the Ayurvedic treatment of osteoporosis
  • It is also known to fasten the healing process in bone fracture.
  • The calcium-rich components keep the bones, teeth, and nails healthy.
  • It helps to relieve pain caused by an injury or joint disorders.
  • It soothes muscle cramps, sprains and stiffness of the body thereby facilitating easy movement.

Uses of Lakshadi Guggulu:
Lakshadi Guggulu is helpful in following health conditions:

  • Osteopenia
  • Osteoporosis
  • Weakness and Pain in bones
  • Bone fractures
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia and muscle cramps or spasms
  • Stiffness in joints and strained muscles
  • Inflammatory diseases of bones, muscles, and joints
  • Repetitive motion injury
  • Sprains
  • Tendinitis
  • Arthritis
  • Sciatica
  • Boils
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Swollen joints
  • Fever
  • Repetitive motion injury

2 to 3 tablets twice or thrice in a day with water or as directed by the physician.

Caution & Side Effects
There are no known side effects of Lakshadi Guggulu and is reported to be safe for use under medical prescription as recommended by an Ayurvedic doctor.

An overdose may cause the following troubles:
Stomach upset
Heavy doses of Lakshadi guggul triggers menstrual flow and bleeding which poses a threat to the fetus. Hence, it is avoided during pregnancy and lactation.

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saptavimshati guggulu

Saptavimshati Guggulu Feautures, Uses, Dose & Side Effects

Saptavimshati Guggulu is a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine prepared by blending twenty-seven different herbs in rational proportions. The marvellous combination aids in treating and curing a wide array of health disorders. It has been used since ancient times to treat haematological conditions and several other ails of the body.

It acts on the skin, blood, intestines, rectum, and bones and is widely used to treat infection, prevent suppuration, and reduce the discharge of pus. Because of these properties, it is widely used to treat fistula, sinuses, and skin infections. It speeds up the healing process of fistula, sinuses, wounds, skin lesions, or injuries.

Features of Saptavimshati Guggulu:
Saptavimshati Guggulu is blessed with several medicinal characteristics that make it a potent panacea for treating several maladies of the body.

  • It is a potent detoxifier.
  • It helps in itching owing to its antipruritic character.
  • It is a wound healing enhancer.
  • It has anti-bacterial properties.
  • It has anti-inflammatory actions.
  • It is a rich antioxidant
  • It has anti-microbial actions
  • It is carminative in nature.
  • It is a digestive stimulant
  • It aids in relieving pain because of its analgesic property.
  • It is a vermifuge

Benefits of Saptavimshati Guggulu:
Saptavimshati Guggulu offers the following health benefits:

  • It relieves bone pains
  • It provides relief in piles
  • It helps to stimulate the uterus.
  • It is beneficial for treating several skin ailments and cardiac disorders.
  • It is effective in treating urinary tract infection
  • It fastens the healing process in wounds.
  • It is a potent vermifuge that helps in killing worms.
  • It is used for the treatment of joints, bones and muscles disorders.
  • It gives strength to the muscular system of the body.
  • It reduces the general wear and tear of the bones and muscles thereby preventing their damage.


Uses of Saptavinshati Guggulu:
Saptavimshati Guggulu is helpful in following health conditions:

  • Fistula-in-Ano
  • Sinuses
  • Skin infections with pus discharge
  • Infected Wounds
  • Anorectal pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Diabetes
  • Productive cough, asthma, and chest pain
  • Dysuria
  • Worm
  • Flatulence
  • Chronic fever
  • Ascites
  • Elephantiasis

The recommended doge consists of 2 tablets twice or thrice a day with water or honey to be taken an hour after the meal.

Safety Profile and side effects:
Saptavimshati Guggulu is proven to be safe when taken as per its indications in appropriate dosage under professional supervision.
However, an overdose of the medicine can cause following side effects: heartburn, burning sensation in abdomen, worsening of gastritis, belching with the taste of medicine

Special care should be taken during long term use.
It is best to avoid this product in children, pregnant females, and lactating mothers.

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mahayogaraj guggulu

Mahayogaraj Guggulu Features, Uses, Dose & Side Effects

Maha Yograj Guggulu is a traditional herbomineral preparation designed to address a wide array of diseases. It is a famous Ayurvedic formulation highly effective in relieving joint pain, muscle disorders, digestive diseases, respiratory troubles, urinary disorders, inflammatory diseases and aids in controlling weight. Its potent composition supports the uterus and aids in curing dysmenorrhea.

This famous and versatile Ayurvedic medicine is ladened with rejuvenating properties and is widely used for ages to treat musculoskeletal disorders. This health boosting panacea is safe in a long run and strengthens the system through its nutritive herbs.

Features of Maha Yogaraj Guggulu:
Maha Yograj Guggulu is an advanced preparation of Yograj Guggulu. It contains all ingredients of Yograj Guggulu along with some beneficial minerals and Bhasma. Thus it offers all the goodness of Yograj Guggulu along with the potential of the added Bhasmas. The noted characters of Mahayograj Guggulu are:

  • It is an antirheumatic
  • It has anti-inflammatory actions
  • It is anti-arthritic in nature
  • Its analgesic and antispasmodic actions soothe the pain.
  • It is a potent muscle relaxant
  • It has a carminative nature.
  • It is a digestive stimulant
  • It is an expectorant that helps in relieving cough
  • Being an emmenagogue, it aids in stimulating menstrual flow.
  • It is hypoglycemic in nature
  • It acts as an excellent fat burner and anti-obesity drug
  • It has anti-gout properties
  • It is a great antioxidant
  • Its adaptogenic nature aids in combating stress.
  • It has anti-cancer effect.

Benefits of Maha Yogaraj Guggulu:
Some of the benefits offered by Mahayograj Guggulu are:

  • It is very useful in disorders of nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  • It aids in the elimination of toxins developed in the body due to undigested food.
  • It aids digestion and rectifies the digestion process and metabolic activities in the body.


Uses of Mahayogaraj Guggulu:
Mahayograj Guggulu is helpful in following diseases:

  • Backache with stiffness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gout with joint stiffness
  • Joint stiffness
  • Muscular cramps
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal distension
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Indigestion
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Epilepsy
  • Paralysis or hemiplegia
  • Sciatic nerve pain
  • Dysmenorrhea (Painful Periods)
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Female infertility
  • Anorexia
  • Joint diseases
  • Skin diseases
  • Piles
  • Sprue,
  • Diabetes
  • Fistula
  • emaciation,
  • Asthma, cold, and cough

Maha Yogaraja Guggulu dosage:

1 – 2 tablets twice or thrice a day taken with milk or lukewarm water before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.

Maha Yograj Guggulu Side Effects:
There are no known side effects with this medicine.
However, it is strictly advised to take this medicine only by prescription of an Ayurvedic doctor
An overdose of the medicine may lead to stomach irritation, acidity, gastritis or renal impairment.
It should not be taken for longer durations on a regular basis.

Maha Yograj Guggulu is UNSAFE in pregnancy and breastfeeding as its mineral content may harm the developing baby.
It can also reduce the breast milk supply. Therefore, lactating mothers should not use it.

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