Winter Care – The Ayurvedic Way

The mesmerizing sight of descending snowflakes, foggy mornings, bond fires, descending leaves, nature playing its cards with festive around the corner, winter is a time to cherish. But the tenderly disguised winter winds can cause a lot of harm to our skin.

Dry – dehydrated skin, hair fall, dandruff, and chapped lips can be really stressful. Winter is the time when our skin craves for our attention and what’s better to do it the ayurvedic way!

The old sages knew the forest’s secrets and they formulated facile natural remedies from the extracts of trees, fruits, flowers, grasses and other elements. Here we share the ayurvedic techniques to armour the winter plight.


Religiously following a regime of ayurvedic massage before drenching in the morning shower releases toxins, purifies the body and improves circulation. Abhyanga enhances transdermal absorption of the healing qualities of the oil releasing stress and lending a radiant glow to the skin. 

Fight the dry scalp.

Dandruff is often an indication of dryness caused by the lack of blood flow to the scalp. Let your fingers do the magic by massaging the scalp for a few minutes every evening. This improves blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens the roots combating hair fall and dandruff.

Face masks

Face masks made from natural elements are a good way to keep the skin moisturized and glowing. Rose water, turmeric, aloe vera or amla coupled with milk and cream is generally used to prepare a simple face mask. 

Bath products

Ayurveda suggests avoiding the use of hot water and harsh chemicals in winters; as they steal essential oil and moisture from the skin. A fusion of cream, turmeric, besan and milk will keep the skin soft, supple and glowing.

Healthy eating

The way you eat is the way you look. This is so true when it comes to our skin and body. A healthy diet ladened with a variety of herbs, fruits, vegetables, and spices works like medicine. Ayurvedic herbs like triphala, amla, ashwagandha and shatavari absorb toxins and flushes them out through the natural process. 

Foot care

Foot care is very essential to avoid the pain of cracked heels. Rejuvenate the feet by soaking them in warm water with any combination of rosemary, eucalyptus, or lavender essential oils. Use a moist pumice stone to remove any dead skin and end the routine by rubbing a few drops of castor oil on the feet. 

Apart from the above, indulging in a few lifestyle adjustments that can make a whole lot of difference to your health and appearance.

  • Sleeping well
  • Meditating
  • Practicing Yoga and exercising
  • Drinking enough water
  • Eating lots of veggies
  • Soaking in the sun
  • Applying glycerine and lime juice

Why spend a thousands for something that the nature offers for free. It does not take much to accommodate these little care tips in your daily routine but they can make you a whole new person. 

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7 Tips To Manage Menopause Syndrome

Menopause is a very important transition in a women’s life. It is the cessation of menstrual periods which generally occurs in mid or late forties. Menopause is a stage when ovaries stop producing eggs and the secretion of estrogens and progesterone declines. Due to these variations, women tend to go through a roller coaster ride as they proceed towards the freedom from bleeding every month.

Every woman is unique and so is their journey towards menopause. While some may enjoy a seamless transition some may encounter even fatal symptoms. The most common symptoms associated with menopause are:

  • Irregular menstruation 
  • Hot flashes 
  • Headache and body ache
  • Numbness, fatigue and nausea
  • Anorexia, depression, mood swings and nervousness
  • Intestinal problems
  • Excess or decreased appetite
  • Loss of sleep.
  • Vaginal dryness and lower sex drive 
  • Urinary urgency or leakage when coughing or sneezing

Ayurveda offers traditional techniques to deal with these symptoms. Ayurvedic treatment of Menopause focuses on rejuvenating the reproductive system through herbal preparations, tonics, massages, and dietary and lifestyle adjustments. Ayurvedic treatment is gaining increasing popularity across the globe as it comes without any adverse side effects and guarantees better quality of life. 

Here we present 7 simple life hacks to deal with menopausal syndrome in ayurvedic way:

Oil massage: Morning abhyanga is extremely important for preventing menopausal problems. Ayurvedic oil massage therapy enhances blood circulation and provides essential moisture to the skin. Daily massage treatment loosens and mobilizes the toxins, opens up all the channels, and flushes toxins out the system. If not daily, it should be done at least once or twice a week. Abhyanga is an age old proven technique to ease anxiety and stress. 

Hydration: Drinking ample of warm water to maintain water and electrolyte level of the body is very essential.  Drinking water boiled with sage leaves and coriander seeds and added jaggery is a good detoxifying drink.

Chyavanprash: Chyavanprash is one of the most classic rejuvenating formulas used in Ayurveda. It was formulated to build nutrition and has natural antioxidant properties as Amalaki is its primary ingredient.

Diet: Warm cooked foods with spices that aid in digestion such as cumin, fennel, coriander, saffron, turmeric, and hing is advised. Avoiding excessive intake of salt, chillies, spices, acidic foods, junk food and stimulated drinks helps in keeping the system healthy.

Lifestyle: Shifting to a healthy lifestyle and making conscious efforts to maintain a nutritious diet allows one to age gracefully. Practising yoga, exercise, or meditation helps to stay calm and positive.

Pranayama and Yoga: Pranayama advocates the benefits of breathing slowly and deeply to calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and ease menopausal symptoms. Yoga nidra is a meditative process where one should lie on the back comfortably for at least ten minutes every day to ease the mind.

Meditation: Menopause can trigger a turbulent flow of emotions. Meditation helps in calming the mind and controlling a positive flow of emotions through the body. 

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easy home remedies for hyperacidity

Easy Home Remedies For Hyperacidity

Every now and then, the ugly face of acidity pays us a visit spoiling our perfect feasts, well-planned carnivals or just a simple day binging on the internet. But with some amazing hacks from the kitchen shelves, you can calm all the clamor of the acids causing wrath in your stomach.

So, next time an acid reflux plans to collapse your day, surprise it with all the easy armaments right from among the kitchen stuffs:

  • Cumin Seeds – Cumin is a natural neutralizer that helps you maintain the acid level. Chewing it raw, boil it in water, crushed and powdered, or by roasting it, cumin seeds come handy in calming the cyclone in your intestines.
  • Butter Milk – The lactic acid present in buttermilk instantly neutralizes the stomach acid helping you to soothe all the symptoms of hyperacidity. A pinch on hing (asofoetida) added to the drink helps with bloating as well.
  • Aloe Vera – The rich cactus stands as a boon for human health. The amazing plant gives you instant relief from hyperacidity. Take the pulp of the leaf or juice in empty stomach to keep things smooth in there.  
  • Jaggery – The sweet nectar of Jaggery helps in digestion and makes the digestive system alkaline that helps in relieving acidity. Take it raw the next time you go down with hyperacidity.
  • Ginger – Ginger is the healer of many health issues. It’s an excellent digestive and anti-inflammatory properties help in treating acidity. Chew a slice of ginger or gulp down a spoon of fresh ginger juice to take away all the acidity.
  • Amalaki – Rich vitamin C levels in amalaki helps in healing of gastric and esophageal mucosa thus relieving all the symptoms of hyperacidity. A teaspoon full of amla powder or amla juice twice a consumed could keep acidity at bay. 
  • Mint – Mint leaves are long revered as a natural remedy for acidity. A few mint leaves in empty stomach or a glass of mint juice helps in taking away all the acidic feels from the body. Mints are also known to improve digestion.
  • Cinnamon – Cinnamon contains natural antacids which help in neutralizing the acid concentration in the stomach. 
  • Tulsi – Tulsi leaves on empty stomach relieves the symptoms of hyperacidity and gas. Chew a few leaves to enthrall the body with all the goodness of the sacred leaves.

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8 Benefits of Yashtimadhu Oil For Hairfall & Premature Grey Hairs

Hair is the crown to our head, the priced accessory that accentuates our look with endless styles.  The braids or bangs, a pony or bun or simply the laid back open flicks hair are fun, chic and the best ornamentation one could ask for.

But alas!!! The shiny tresses are not for forever. They need lots of pamper, love and care else they might just fall off one by one leaving the crown barren or they might just start turning grey making you look old and a bit creepy.

Common Causes of Hair Fall
Some of the major causes of hair fall are:

  • Scalp infection, Dandruff, Scalp psoriasis
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Genetic factors
  • Nutritional deficiency like Iron, Iodine and calcium deficiency.
  • Diseases like Anaemia, Typhoid, Diabetes and cancer.
  • Certain medications such as chemotherapy and post surgery.
  • Post pregnancy.
  • Stress, worry and anxiety.
  • Insomnia
  • Improper hair care.
  • Repeated coloring, straightening, curling and other hair treatments.
  • Excessive hair styling
  • Use of harsh chemicals and other hair styling products.

Solutions to hair fall and pre-mature greying
While many might think coloring is trendy or applying henna is a sure cure to grey hair but they have their own repercussions. Degrading the quality of your tresses, fizzing the hair, causing hair fall, further greying are just a few of the many consequences. There are hair loss treatments and hair transplant options but they not only drill your pockets but they also tend to cause side effects.

Ayurveda offers natural solutions that efficiently tackle the problems of hair loss and thinning hair, baldness, dandruff and scalp problems, split ends and premature graying of hair. All these problems can be shut down with the potent Yasthimadhu Taila prepared with Sesame oil base. This herbal taila preparation is widely used in the treatment of hair fall and baldness.

Benefits of Yasthimadhu for Hair

Yasthimadhu Taila benefits are known to Indians since thousands of years.  Yasthimadhu is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs packed with flavonoids, phytoestrogens, and other essential oils. This marvelous oil promotes the health of the scalp and takes care of the hair.

The amazing demulcent and anti-inflammatory properties of Yasthimadhu help in soothing the scalp by reducing various scalp conditions like scabs and dandruff. Regular application of the oil boosts hair growth and might even combat premature balding. Yasthimadhu tea is consumed to combat premature balding.

How to apply?
Licorice oil should be applied evenly onto the scalp at least once a week. It helps in treating many conditions including dandruff, dull hair, split ends, and sun-induced hair damage.

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Sarsaparilla As Summer Coolant & Other Health Benefits

An engineer, believer of science and a practical independent girl, I always laughed at those who said ‘Love is blind’, ‘love knows no boundaries’ and other such illogical things.

But guess what, I fell in love!

Two young people falling in love, pretty normal right?

It all happened in a flash that I did not even think about checking his caste or matching our backgrounds. Our hearts matched and that was enough for me!

When we revealed our relation to our parents all these differences started surfacing. I was well expecting a full-on filmy drama, family emotions, fights, separation and reunion, the kind of love stories that makes movies.

But real life is so different! Our parents set have grown beyond these barriers and they fixed our marriage.

Just the way we fell in love in a flash, we got married in a jiffy.

Food, guests, celebrations and gifts! A practical independent girl of the modern century was having her fairy tale wedding!

Maybe that’s how life plays its game!

But the most beautiful thing that happened to me besides my husband is my mother-in-law. Contrary to the popular notion of a jealous, vicious mother-in-law, my husband’s mother was actually sweet.

She not only welcomed me to the family with open arms, but she also made every effort to make me feel like a daughter.

She came to my room and handed me a bottle of Sarsaparilla and said it was the secret that kept her family healthy and away from diseases. Commonly known as a summer coolant, Sarsaparilla actually has some scientific benefits that not only doubles up the immunity but also aids each organ in functioning.

From flawless skin to proper digestion, removal of toxins to extra energy needed after marriage, Sarsaparilla is the dose we all pray for!

My mother-in-law further enlightened me about the quality and efficacy of SN Pandit’s Sarsaparilla specifically, that she brings from Ayurcentral.

It was indeed the best chat that we had! Laughing and giggling like teenage girls. Sarsaparilla not just gifted me a zillion of benefits, it also added colours to my new relations.

You too can enjoy this delicious health booster from SN Pandit. Get it from your nearest Ayurcentral store or just order it online at

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You are already Beautiful

You are already Beautiful

Being in the public eye is everyone’s dream but that also comes with its own bit of bitter dose. I have been a lawyer for the past three decades now and thirty years of fighting crime and vouching for judgement has definitely added my name in quite a few eminent lists of my town.

But as my fame grew leaps and bounds with my growing age, my glamour stated to fade and my skin became dead. A healthy glowing skin not just accentuates the look of a person but it also adds a bit of persona to them. And being a public servant and a people’s person that bit of good looks is always necessary.

While fine lines and wrinkles started to wade my face, pigmentation and dark spots casted a curse. My ageing skin almost became the center of my being with every other person commenting and advising on the same. It became so overwhelming that at one point all I could see no further than my not-so-perfect face.

I started medication and cosmetics, probably spent thousands of rupees in the high claim products and tried every other hack from the books. But with my busy schedule and over burdening work, I always failed t  o do the home remedies for as long as it was recommended.

As time passed the skin worsened further and the added chemicals caused more damage than good. I was almost devastated failing to find my way back to my skin that I once wore. Finally, looking at my dismay and over compulsion my daughter told me that what if God decides to give you the skin of your twenties and asks your position and stature in the society. Will you give everything up?

I thought for a moment and of course my answer was no. Then she gently said, “You already have all that you want. You are already enough and you don’t need any cosmetics or laser surgery to tell people that you are beautiful.”

With that she took away all my cosmetics and asked me to use just the basic Moisturizing lotion from Brihatri. It’s a natural Ayurvedic product that’s gentle on the skin and offers necessary protection to the skin.

Gladly, after one year of use my skin has improved, my complexion, pigmentation, texture and overall radiance has witnessed a shift. Finally, I got my prayers answered when I stopped stressing and rushing for it.

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Chanadanasava For Kidney And Urinary Tract Health

UTI is an infection caused by microbes like bacteria, fungi or virus in the urinary tract that infects the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The burning sensation, urge to pee, pain and irritation can make life miserable but if this is not treated in time it might even damage the kidneys and can have fatal consequences.

UTI is best treated with Ayurveda, the ancient holistic healing science that has fewer side effects and amazing pharmacological actions. Chandanasava is an ayurvedic formulation mainly used for treating urinary disorders and kidney diseases.  It fights off a wide range of microbes thereby relieving urinary tract infections and is extremely effective for Pyuria, Dysuria, Kidney stones, Hyperuricemia, Cystitis, Pyospermia and gonorrhea

Medicinal Properties
Chandanasava has following healing properties.

  • Antibacterial & Antimicrobial
  • Antilithiatic – Prevents stone formation
  • Lithontriptic (Lithotriptic) – dissolving stone in the kidneys or bladder
  • Diuretic
  • Antioxidant
  • Antiulcerogenic
  • Cardioprotective
  • Anti-gout


Urinary Tract Infections and Pyuria
Chandanasava is blessed with antimicrobial properties and it is effective against wide range of bacterial infections. It kills the pathogens responsible for urinary tract infections further limits the progress of the disease.

Kidney Stones
Severe case of UTI often results in kidney problems. Chandanasava is effective for Kidney Stones which is more likely to be Uric Acid stones. Chandanasava is beneficial for reducing the uric acid thereby declining the chance of kidney stones.

Kidney Failure
Chandanasava is known to reduce the creatinine, urea, and uric acid levels. It also soothes several symptoms of kidney failure like heat sensation or burning sensation while passing urine.

Side Effects of Chandanasava
Chandanasava is reported to be safe and no side effects are yet found with the use of Chandanasava. It is best taken under medical supervision as per doctor’s recommendation.

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Rohitakaratishta For Spleen Health & Benefits

The spleen is an important organ of the body entitled to play multiple supporting roles pivotal for the body. It acts as a blood filter where the red blood cells are recycled and platelets and white blood cells are stored. The spleen also helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause pneumonia and meningitis.

Problems of the spleen:
Splenomegaly is defined as enlargement of the spleen which may be caused by an infection or an injury.

Spleen pain is usually felt in the left ribs. It may be tender pain felt on touch which may indicate a damaged, ruptured or enlarged spleen.

The spleen can become damaged or may rupture (burst) on experiencing a forceful blow to the abdomen, car accident, sporting accident or fracture to the ribs.

Ayurveda for healthy spleen:
Ayurveda is the holistic science of treating all the problems of the body and the mind using remedies from the nature. It is the most ancient practice of treating diseases and has been used since aeons to treat a plethora of disorders.

Rohitakarishta is a polyherbal Ayurvedic preparation widely used in the treatment of many diseases specially disorders of the liver and the spleen.  It effectively corrects the abnormalities associated with the functions of these organs. This marvellous infusion is very effective in improving conditions of heart and blood.

Rohitakarishta is a fermented liquid preparation that contains 5 – 10% self generated alcohol and is made from the bark of Rohita, which is the main ingredient of this medicine. This herb is loaded with numerous medicinal properties which are beneficial for the treatment of liver, spleen and blood related diseases.

Rohitakarishta is brimmed with many medicinal properties.

  • Anti-splenomegaly
  • Spleen protective
  • Anti-hepatomegaly
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Hepatic stimulant
  • Detoxifying
  • Carminative
  • Anthelmintic or vermifuge
  • Antimicrobial
  • Depurative (purifies blood)
  • Antidiuretic
  • Antitoxic


Rohitakarishta for the spleen
Rohitakarishta is a marvellous spleen protective medicine presented by the ayurvedic scripts. It is very effective in the treatment of splenomegaly and other spleen related disorders. Rohitakarishta provides relief regardless of the underlying cause of the disease and aids a permanent cure for the same. It reduces the toxins developed due to viral, bacterial or parasitic infections, improves the production of lymphocytes (white blood cells), pacifies low-grade inflammation of the spleen and opens any blockage occurring in the enlarged spleen thereby restoring the normal functions of the spleen.

Other benefits of Rohitakarishta:

  • It acts as a protective agent and protects the liver from damage with its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties.
  • It is effective in treating abdominal colic.
  • It is used in the treatment of ascites, liver disorders, sprue, piles, and jaundice.
  • It is useful in skin diseases, inflammatory conditions, and anorexia.
  • Beneficial in anemia.

Side effects:

  • There are no reported side effects of this medicine when taken as prescribed by the Ayurvedic doctor.
  • However, people with sensitive stomach may experience gastritis symptoms.
  • Self medication with this product is strictly discouraged as it may worsen several pre-existing conditions like liver complications or gastritis. 
  • An overdose of the medicine may lead to complaints such as burning sensation in stomach

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Lodhrasava Benefits For Female Health & Side Effects

A women’s body is strong yet delicate as it goes through a number of transitions in each phase of life. Adequate nutrition and nourishment of the body are vital for ensuring proper functionality of the system. Ayurveda emphasizes on providing the essential potion by using a fusion of herbs and other natural substances.

Lodhrasava is a classical herbal Ayurvedic medicine prepared using multiple healing herbs.

It is a fermented liquid preparation manufactured according to the formula mentioned in the ancient vedic scripts. It is prepared in a way that the self-generated alcohol level stays between 5 to10 per cent.

Benefits of Lodhrasava
Lodhrasavam is a potent tonic is widely used to treat an array of gynaecological ailments, anaemia, obesity etc.  Lodhra, the main ingredient of this tonic, adds a bitter, astringent, cooling action to the concoction and is used for addressing gynecological disorders since ancient times. It astringent, alternative and stimulant properties make it a panacea to many ailments.

Relieving menstrual problems
Lodhrasava is a confirmed female tonic which is blessed with the power to cure menstrual disorders, reduce menstruation pain and provide strength to uterus a useful. It is beneficial in relieving the pain and discomfort associated with heavy period. It also addresses the issues of excessive and prolonged periods or issues of menopause. Other health issues related to the reproductive system of women can also be treated using this medicine.

Treating Vaginal discharge
Leucorrhoea which causes a whitish or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vagina can be efficiently treated using this medicine. It stops the discharge as well as the associated infections or discomforts. It is also effective in treating infertility and conditions like vaginismus in women.

Curing anaemia
Lodhrasava is very beneficial for anaemic patients as it stops bleeding particularly nose bleeds, bleeding from piles or bleeding from haemorrhoids or excessive menstrual bleeding. It is also a very good stimulant that aids in normalizing various bodily functions. It reduces bleeding and regulates the same.


Correcting digestive issues
Lodhrasava is used as natural remedy for digestive diseases and intestinal worms. Since poor digestion can lead to several problems in the body it is essential to pay heed to this pivotal function of the body. Regular consumption of Lodhrasava improves digestion, detoxifies the body and relieves constipation.

Combating obesity
Obesity is one such throbbing issue that only despairs one because of the way they look but also can lead to several other serious maladies. This problem can be tackled with the regular consumption of Lodhrasava. Being a great detoxifier, it removes toxins from the body which further aids in reducing weight.

Helps prolapse of uterus
It is a uterine tonic and aids in curing prolapse of the uterus. Prolapse is a condition where organs fall down or slip out of place. It is used for organs protruding through the vagina or the rectum. Lodhrasava has shown effective results in correcting the issue.

Side effects

  • There are no side effects of this medicine when taken in recommended doses as prescribed by an Ayurvedic practitioner. Self-medication is strictly discouraged.
  • It should not be taken during pregnancy.
  • During lactation period, it can be used only under doctor’s advice, for a short period of time.

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An End is just a new beginning

Some of the most beautiful chapters in our life unveil when we least expect it. For me the day I signed my retirement seemed like an end of an era; an era of content and pleasure, of true happiness and success that came from nurturing young minds year after year. I served as an economics professor and my life was all about the classes, the assignments, the tests, semesters, results and of course the extra classes.

With such a busy and hectic life, it was all about the rush and race. Life has been stable, certain and routine for so long that now the question of ‘what’s next’ bolstered a wave of anxiety and panic.

Finally, the D-day came and went changing my life all in a whisk. A big part of my life, my engagement, my work is now over and that bought such a gap, so much free time that I didn’t know what to do and where to go.

One day, I sat in front of the mirror staring at the image for the longest time. The woman in fine lines, grey hair, a bit shaggy skin and the dull eyes stared back at me, urging me to take the dive and make the life the way I wanted it.

I started taking care of myself which was always the last thing in my list. I made self-help my priority, joined a women’s club, started yoga and switched to a healthy life.

It was my women’s club that introduced me to AyurCentral, an Ayurvedic store that has the best collections of natural Ayurvedic products. A few friends recommended Brihatri moisturizing lotion for the ageing skin. It was thick but absorbing, and the natural ingredients made it safe and effective. I embraced AyurCentral with open arms for their really alluring  collection and consulting their in-house doctor gave me the assurance of using the right thing.

Over many such coffee, confabs and women’s talk, I stumbled upon the idea of entrepreneurship. So, I can certainly say, “Retirement is the most wonderful thing. You get to enjoy all the things you never stopped to notice and missed out in life all the way up.”

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