Ayurveda for back acne

Ayurveda for back acne

Acnes are much more than just physical scars or ugly spots, these little stubborn zits are quite painful and enraging. Having back acne not only affects your stylish wardrobe but also causes irritation, itching and constant distractions all at the wrong time and wrong place.

Though there is a multitude of cosmetic range that claims to cure acne, it is important to understand that it is not just a problem of the skin. It is deep-rooted and is associated with multiple functionalities like digestion, stress, sleep etc. So, masking the symptoms with cosmetology is not a permanent cure to your acne struggle. For an everlasting impact, specific Ayurvedic treatment is advised which includes right diet, lifestyle and some specialized herbal combinations.

What causes acne?

The sebaceous glands secrete sebum that protects the skin from bacterial and fungal infections, but an excessive synthesis of sebum clogs the hair follicles and prevents the release of dead skin cells. These dead cells along with the sticky sebum provide the perfect eco-system for the bacteria to thrive and form acne. 

There are a number of factors that lead to this excessive production of sebum like poor diet, high stress, low hygiene, overuse of cosmetics, hormonal imbalance, age, genetics, environment, etc.

Fighting Bacne – The Ayurvedic way

Bacne or “kshudra kushta roga” as referred in Ayurveda, is mainly caused due to an aggravation of the pitta dosha. Ayurveda focuses on balancing the doshas through the modified diet, lifestyle changes, herbal formulations and massages to cure acne. Here are some of the most effective Ayurvedic techniques to deal with acne woes:

Proper digestion 

Problems in the digestive tract are directly reflected in the skin. So, it is very important to optimize digestion and maintain gut balance to treat acne from inside out. 


Detoxification is the process of flushing toxins out of the system. Fasting, juicing or following a dosha-specific diet helps in detoxification of the body. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water daily helps in cleaning the system.

Yoga, Exercising and Meditation

It is very important to engage in some form of physical activity as it boosts blood circulation, aids faster digestion, and removes toxin thus contributing to an acne free glowing skin.

Meditation de-stresses the body and mind which is essential for controlling stress and anxiety hormones. 

Aloevera gel

The excellent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and restorative properties of this miraculous herb help in treating acne. Aloe vera gel mixed with essential oils heals acne, moisturizes the skin and rejuvenates it. 

Herbal Packs

Multani Mitti or Neem packs are highly effective in removing acne, scars, and marks. Ladened with the great antibiotic, antifungal, and astringent properties, they aid in reducing inflammation, irritation, itching and erases scars and marks. Curcuma Aromatica is another amazing pack for treating acne.

Herbal cleansers

Herbal cleansers work well in removing clogged dirt and sebum from the skin pores without hurting the underlying skin and soothing the inflamed skin. 

Ayurvedic Massage

Ayurvedic massages improve blood circulation and aids in treating acne permanently. Using the right oils specific to body types further enhances the experience.

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Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil For Clear And Beautiful Skin

Beauty is not about being fair or about carrying a particular body type. It’s about presenting the best version of all that you have got. Beauty is about taking care and being confident in your own skin.

Busted in our daily chores we hardly get any time to look into the mirror and pamper our self with the alluring gifts of nature. Though there are a thousand of natural techniques to caress and amplify skin health coconut oil is the most preferred among all. It’s easy to get, simple to apply, has a long shelf life and best of all suits our pockets.


Here we have assembled some of the most exciting benefits of coconut oil:


Removing makeup is an essential routine, but it might not be an easy task. Before going for the expensive makeup removers you might consider using coconut oil to do the job. It not only removes the stubborn makeup but also moisturizes the skin giving it a radiant glow. 


Natural coconut oil is rich in fatty acids which makes it an effective moisturizer. It is helpful in increasing hydration, reducing water loss and restoring dry flaky skin. Apply it overnight to soak and strengthen skin tissue more deeply and eliminate dark spots and dead skin cells. Coconut oil is the ideal remedy for chapped lips 


Coconut oil is blessed with antioxidant Vitamin E, which offers a protective shield to the skin. It is exceptionally good for soothing eczema, sunburn and psoriasis. The antioxidants are great for clearing fine lines and wrinkles giving a youthful look to your skin.


Coconut oil is rich in antibacterial, anti fungal, moisturizing properties. It contains fatty acids that aid in killing candida, a common cause of fungal infection. Its antiviral and anti fungal components are marvelous in treating bug bites.


A deep body massage with coconut oil relaxes the muscles, improves blood circulation, de-stresses the body and revitalizes the skin. Coconut oil massages also lighten under eye circles and dark spots on the skin.


Stretch Marks are the tenacious free tenant that ruins the complete look of your skin. Applying coconut oil on the skin help preventing stretch marks.


The fatty acids in coconut oil offer anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits that aid in reducing acne and keep the pores dirt-free. The Vitamin E component has powerful antioxidant properties that aid in restoring healthy skin.


Coconut oil is a great skin softener and is phenomenal in healing dry, hard, chapped skin. It wards off dead skin and clears the blocked pores without taking away the natural moisture away from the skin. It helps in attaining an even tone, acne free, soft glowing skin.


Coconut oil works well in curing hardened and cracked feet. It adds moisture and clears the dead skin from the feet making them soft and tender. Applying coconut oil before bed for a few weeks will give distinctive results.

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Salt For Skin Care

Salt For Skin Care

Skin is the largest organ in the body and it is responsible for shielding all the vital organs from the harshness of the outside world. So, it is very important to pamper and nourish your skin not only to enhance your appearance but also to ensure everything inside stays intact.

Though the market is flooded with several cosmetics and numerous skin treatments, the real essence of life could still be found in the simplest tricks of nature. One such blessing in disguise for the skin is salt water. It is phenomenal in closing pores, balancing oil and rejuvenating skin bringing back the glorious youthful look. Purified water and high-quality salt that’s all it takes to caresses your skin naturally.

The secret of salt water therapy has been passed on for centuries and it works wonders on the skin. Its antimicrobial and antiseptic properties help to exfoliate and cleanse the skin, treat acne, heal minor wounds, soothe pain and tackle bad odour. 

Wonders of Salt Water

Heal Wounds

It’s hard to believe something as simple as salt water solution can heal cuts and wounds. But yes that’s true; the antimicrobial and antiseptic property of salt water not only cures the wound but also leaves no scar behind. Salt water is marvelous in killing off bacteria and speeding up the healing process. 

Gently apply the salt water solution to the wound, let it soak, and clean the wound keeping the nasty infections at bay.

Treats Acne

Salt water is extremely efficient in cleaning pores, soaking excess oil, balancing oil production, and killing bacteria, all of which leads to the stubborn zits. Its anti-inflammatory properties calm the skin and prevent breakouts. 

Prepare a salt-water solution and soak a cotton pad in it. Gently dab the cotton onto the skin to get clear acne-free skin.

Relaxing Salt Bath

Unleash yourself with a relaxing salt bath after a tiring day at work. Its anti-inflammatory properties shoo away all the tiredness and pain thereby giving a fresh zeal to the body.

 Add one-third cup salt to a tub filled with warm water and enjoy the relaxing spa bathe.

Exfoliate Skin 

Regular exfoliation helps keeping off the dead skin cells adding a lively vigour to the skin.  The added minerals in the salt help in softening and restoring skin hydration. 

Combat body odour

Body odour is the result of bacteria thriving over your body sweat. Salt has antibacterial properties which help to kill and neutralize bacteria. Rub some salt water in the sweaty areas and wipe off with a clean dry cloth. Adding fragrant essential oils to it further adds an aromatic effect.

Treats Dry Skin

Saltwater hydrates the skin moisturizing it from deep within. It gives a glowing touch and rejuvenating effect on the skin instantly.

Foot Care 

Soaking your feet in a tub of hot salt water is the most efficacious and preferred way of giving a treat to the feet. It relaxes the body, heals cracked heels and removes dead skin off the feet.

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Fiber-Rich Diet For Weight Loss

Fiber-Rich Diet For Weight Loss

Weight loss is not about starving your body and saying no to food. It’s about making smart choices and eating a healthy diet. Weight loss should be a fulfilling and pleasing journey rather than a depressing and gloomy experience.

One of the smart ways for amplifying weight loss is adding more fiber to your plates. High fiber foods are very filling, thus leaving very little appetite for other calories. Fiber further boosts the bacterial fauna in the body, supports cardiovascular health, and help support healthy blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar after a meal.

Check out some of the high fiber food that can be easily incorporated in your diet. These are easily available and simple to prepare.



Avocados are rich in healthy fats that help reduce inflammation. Packed with fiber, potassium, fats, and vitamins, this mystic fruit works wonder for your weight loss regime. Satiate your hunger and reap the nutrients with an avocado a day.


Figs are a good source of fiber that keeps the system regulated and casts a positive effect on your weight loss programme. They are also a good source of several essential minerals, including magnesium, manganese, calcium, copper, and potassium, as well as vitamins, principally K and B6.


The super fruit is an excellent source of dietary fiber that aids in weight loss. It is also rich in vitamins B, C, A, and E and contains minerals such as potassium, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus. Guava containing numerous phytochemicals is a blessing for humans’ health. 


Peach is a marvelous source of soluble and insoluble fibers. It is also a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. It not only aids in weight loss but also gives you a healthy body and glowing skin.


Gooseberries are abundant in fiber. They are also ample in vitamin C and phytochemicals that help maintain optimum health.


This fibrous one-seeded drupe is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It is a natural electrolyte and is great for rehydration, weight loss, and better skin. 


Carrots are good for your eyes as they are rich in vitamin A. They are also rich in dietary fiber, which is why you should consume them at least thrice a week. 

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are bundled with dietary fiber and fats. It is one of the richest sources of omega-3 fats that aid in reducing inflammation, fighting mood swings and preventing heart disease and diabetes. 


Almonds are also a great source of dietary fiber and healthy fats. It also takes care of your magnesium and iron requirements. 

Raspberries & Blackberries

These berries are packed with healthy fibers. Rich in several other essential nutrients, they provide armour against many diseases.

There are several other food items that act as a rich source of fiber e.g. apples, dates, pumpkin seeds, lentils, beans, prunes, green peas, etc. Try these foods and find out what suits your taste buds most.

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Pinworms

Pinworms are tiny worm-like parasites, usually found in the gastrointestinal tract or near the rectum and colon. These are tiny, narrow, white worms that cause severe itching and irritation in the area near the anus. Pinworm infection is one of the most common types of intestinal worm infections, especially among children.

Pinworm infection is highly contagious and can spread easily through air, water, food or being in contact with anything that carries these pinworm eggs. Low hygiene is one of the most common causes of pinworm infection.

Here, we present some simple tricks to tackle pinworms naturally with the knowledge of Ayurveda.

  • Some Ayurvedic Medicines for treating Pinworms:
  • Krimighn rasa
  • Vidanga and Krimi kuthar ras
  • Keet mard rasa
  • Krimi Kalanal Rasa 
  • Kampillak churna and kirmani ajwain churna

Ayurvedic solutions for Pinworms


Garlic is ladened with an antibacterial, antifungal and antiparasitic property which are phenomenal in dealing with pinworms. The sulfur amino-acids in garlic are parasitic in nature which helps in killing microbes. 


Carrots are super effective in eliminating pinworms because of its anti-parasitic nature.  Consume a small cup of grated carrot every day in the morning to get the best results.


This seed, fruit and nut has many benefits wrapped under its shell. Being a very effective parasitic agent, it works well in cleansing pinworms from the body. Coconut or coconut oil is the best herbal medications for treating pinworms.

Bitter Gourd

Though the bitter taste of bitter gourd may not be soothing the taste buds, but its many benefits make it an important item on the plate. It is great medicine for treating pinworms as well as other varieties of parasites. Drinking bitter gourd juice is an effective way to flush pinworms and their eggs from the intestine. 

Bitter gourd is brimmed with precious nutrient contents like vitamins B2, B1, B3 and C; folate; magnesium; phosphorus; zinc; magnesium and fiber that works as an amazing potion for the intestinal tract.


Papaya is a magical fruit with great medicinal value. The latex of the papaya comprises of enzyme papain, which can be considered as best in destroying the pinworms. Papaya seeds comprise of caricin that helps expelling the pinworms off.

Pumpkin Seeds 

Pumpkin seeds are great herbal medicine for treating pinworms. The cucubitacin content of pumpkin seeds is blessed with anti-parasitic property that eradicates the parasite.

Onion’s best 

Onion contains sulfur which is a superb component to kill the pinworms. Soak the onion slices in a pint of water overnight. Drink the liquid three times a day to get rid of pinworms.

Few general instructions:

Maintain proper hygiene to avoid contact with pinworms.

Go for a nutrition-rich diet that keeps the digestive system healthy.

Probiotics e.g. yogurt are great for treating pinworms. Probiotics play an important role in keeping the urinary tract healthy.

Include garlic, turmeric, mustard, cumin, pepper, drumstick leaves, papaya, pomegranate and coconut in the diet.

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vegetarian diet for increasing

Vegetarian Diet For Increasing Muscle Mass

Being fit and getting the best body is no more a confined concept to a particular profession or passion, rather it has become a way of life for many. With the hype of six packs and bulky bodies, muscle building is gaining popularity among all.

As per experts, muscle building is all about good nutrition. Diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fats helps in gaining muscles. Protein provides the amino acids that are used as the building blocks of muscle. While most protein-rich sources come from animal meat, there is a wide range of plant-based foods rich in complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats. Here is a list of food items that the vegetarians and vegans can swear by.

1. Nuts

Nuts are a rich source of protein, calories, and calcium which makes them one of the best bodybuilding foods. Nuts particularly peanuts, almonds, cashews, and pistachios are loaded with protein, fats, and fiber, which are great energy boosters. 

2. Beans

Beans are the second-richest source of protein after meat. Beans such as kidney beans, pinto beans, etc. are exceptionally low in fat, and are loaded with proteins and fiber. Beans also contribute to muscle growth by enhancing the absorption of nutrients by the body. 

3. Legumes

Legumes are the best option for vegetarians and vegans looking for muscle building foods. They are low in fat, have no cholesterol, and are a great storehouse of protein.

4. Leafy Greens

Green leafy vegetables are brimming with optimal nutrients. Leafy greens such as kale, spinach, lettuce are loaded with calcium; folic acid; vitamins A, B, C, D, and E which are crucial in improving muscle concentration, reducing inflammation and neutralizing the harmful effects of oxidative stress. 

6. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are abundant in proteins. Broccoli is blessed with potent antioxidant and possibly anti-inflammatory qualities which aid in reducing muscle damage and helps in muscle building.

7. Quinoa

Quinoa is the traditional go-to carbohydrate for muscle-building diets. It is a complete food for muscle growth as it is bestowed with all the 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot produce by itself. It is also rich in proteins and complex carbohydrates.

8. Seeds

Flax seeds, chia seeds, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds are packed with essential fatty acids, proteins, and fiber. The essential fatty acids in these seeds reduce inflammation and promote the recovery of tissues. 

9. Fruits

Fruits such as bananas, cantaloupes, and apples are extremely beneficial for muscle building. Rich in carbohydrates, fiber, minerals and vitamins, fruits are pivotal in increasing lean muscle mass. 

10. Fermented Dairy Products

Fermented dairy products are wondrous for muscle building. They are rich in calories and the presence of probiotics in these foods improves digestion thereby enhancing the absorption of nutrients in the body. 

11. Protein Shakes

Whey protein shake is the magical ingredient for every bodybuilder. The combination of carbohydrates and protein reduces excessive muscle breakdown, improve protein synthesis in the body, boost up blood flow to the muscles and act a steady supply of energy.

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Body odour is disturbing, irritating and a complete turn off! If people are keeping a distance from you or shouting at you for no apparent reason, then my friend it’s time to check your odour. Body odour is an embarrassment and so it’s hardly spoken about openly. But a constant pungent smell sticking up the nose not only causes irritation, but may trigger headache, nausea, anger and several other problems.

Body is the temple where the soul lives. So, it is very important to keep it clean and healthy. A clean body with mild soothing natural fragrance attracts positivity and happiness. It boosts your confidence and makes a good first impression.

The main reason for this nerve-racking situation is some nasty bacteria thriving on your skin. Here are some awesome Ayurvedic tricks that eradicate the issue from the roots.

Incredible herbs

Herbs are just a boon to mankind. Coriander, licorice, rosemary etc. are great for combating body odour. These herbs when rubbed on armpits inhibit the growth of bacteria and remove any nasty smell.


Turmeric is ladened with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Applying a paste of turmeric and besan on the armpits and genitals helps in removing body odour. 

Fenugreek Seeds And Fuller’s Earth

Fenugreek seeds have great antifungal and antibacterial properties, and fuller’s earth helps in controlling sweat whilst leaving a mild fragrance on your body. 

Rose Water

Roses are blessed with an alluring aroma. Rosewater cools down the body, reduces sweating and keeps you refreshed all day long.


The classic smell of sandalwood soothes all. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties that keep the skin dry and reduces sweat. It also kills the odour causing bacteria. 

Neem Leaves

Neem leaves work wonder for the skin. Its antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties kill the bacteria and make your body odour free. 

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil kills the bacteria on your skin and helps you to get rid of body odour. The amazing smell of lavender also adds a tint of enduring fragrance.


Vinegar is one of the best home remedies to get rid of body odour. It balances the pH value and eliminates body odour.

What else works?

Apply a paste of sandalwood and rose water to your palms, soles, and underarms.

Regular baths are the best way to remove body odour.

Regular body massages with yashtimadhu taila or chandanadi taila.

Avoid consumption of pitta aggravating foods.

Limiting alcohol and caffeinated drinks rather switch to green tea or tea prepared with coriander seeds which help.

Water is a great detoxifier and it helps to keep the body cool.

Lemon, watermelon, and sariva juice are great coolants.

A decoction prepared of triphala and yashtimadhu works wonder.

Yoga, pranayama, and meditation help in balancing the stress hormones and removing the toxic smell of your body.

Yogurt is a great probiotic that kills unwanted bacteria on the skin.

Cucumber is an excellent astringent and it reduces sweating.

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Ayurvedic Tips To Reduce Signs Of Aging Caused By Sun

Aging is an inevitable harsh reality of life. It’s a one-way road filled with surprises of fine lines, wrinkles, grey hairs, dark spots and what not. These nerve-racking events are triggered by several factors like diet, lifestyle, emotional state of being, general health and exposure to the sun.

Yes, the originator of life, storehouse of vitamin D, only source of light and heat has a dark side too. It is a defamer of ‘our skin as sun rays contribute 80% of skin aging woes. This aging due to sun’s radiation is termed as “photoaging.” The UV rays from the sun’s radiation causes:

Age spots, freckles, and discolorations of the skin.

Makes the skin dry and rough.

Pigmentation that causes dark spots and reduced skin elasticity makes the skin saggy.

Exposure to UV rays can also cause cancer and other malignant skin disorders.

Ayurveda offers a subtle way of dealing with this torment of rolling numbers. The age-old remedies of ayurveda extracted from nature’s care have proven their effectiveness time and again. This ancient science of healing is gaining momentum because of its high efficiency and zero side effects plus, they come in a pocket-friendly budget.

Ayurveda to soothe the ruthless sun effects

According to this ancient science, by balancing the three principle doshas – Vata, Pitta and Kapha one can attain the pinnacle of good health. Some of the Ayurvedic techniques that bring back the smile of youthful skin are:

Chyawanprash:  The anti-aging properties of this tonic aid in removing toxins from the skin and delaying the signs of aging.

Shilajit: This magical Ayurvedic herb from the Himalayas is a fabulous anti-aging solution. It is potent in enhancing metabolism, circulation levels and eliminating free radical damages. Shilajit is a amazing Ayurvedic herb that revitalizes the skin making it appear young and fresh.

Ginger and honey tea: A warm cup of the ginger-honey potion is loaded with anti-aging benefits. Honey has natural anti-bacterial properties and helps reduce inflammation. Ginger contains the antioxidant gingerol, which helps protect against collagen breakdown thereby slowing down aging effects.

Water: Drinking water cleanses the body from within, removes toxins, improves blood circulation and keeps the body hydrated. It fights wrinkles, fine lines and gives a glowing touch to the skin.

Licorice: It is the best herb for prevention and treatment of aging issues. It is an amazing Ayurvedic discovery that treats sunburn, tanning, hyper-pigmentation and skin aging.

Other useful herbs

Aloevera gel, cucumber juice, sandal paste and vetiver are fabulous herbs for soothing sunburn. 

Magical herbs like asparagus, turmeric, amla, lemon, nutmeg seed, saffron, strawberry, neem etc. reduce and lighten tan, dark spots, hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone.

Signs of sun-induced skin aging can be improved through regular external application of Aloe gel, wheat germ oil, turmeric, almond oil, kokum butter, olive oil, sesame oil, etc. 

Aloe vera gel, asparagus root, Indian gooseberry, olive oil, almond oil, fish oil, grape seed extract, etc. gives amazing results when consumed regularly for longer periods.

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Natural Tips To Fix Grey Hairs

Natural Tips To Fix Grey Hairs Without Harmful Chemicals

Greying of hair is probably the most painful aspect of aging as you see your lustrous tress thinning and fading. However, with the stress of modern life, poor diet, pollution, dust and dirt, greying of hair is no more limited to old age. Though dying or coloring seems like the only option for grey hair, the chemical reactions create a hesitation. Dying not just deters the quality of hair but its continual application may also cause skin troubles, hair loss, and several other troubles.

Here are a few safe alternatives to address this heart-wrenching problem of grey hair.


Coffee is one of the best natural hair dyes as it not only adds hues to the hair but also strengthens the tresses from the roots making the hair soft, smooth and shiny. 

Black Tea 

Black tea helps in combating greying of hair as it darkens the colour and add shine to the hair.


Henna is probably the most common natural dye as it not only beautifully colours the hair but also strengthens it. It is a natural conditioner that restores the pH balance of the scalp, clears impurities and fights dandruff. Its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties add life to hair. 

Potato Peel Rinse

It might come as a surprise that everyday waste like potato peels have some great benefits for delaying greying of hair. The starchy solution helps mask greys by adding pigment. 


Amla is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants that help to preserve the melanin in hair follicles, thereby slowing down the greying process. Combining amla with coconut oil or almond oil offers more benefits. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a wondrous remedy to maintain healthy scalp and curbing greying. It helps to preserve the melanin in hair follicles.

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are bestowed with many perks. Apart from delivering medicinal aid in many conditions they also work well in greying of hair. The lecithin and amino acids content of fenugreek seeds curb premature greying.

Oils For Gray Hair

Oiling of hair is the easiest and most essential technique of addressing hair troubles. Regular oiling helps keep the hair follicles healthy and prevents greying of hair. Some oils like black seed oil can also help in darkening of grey hair. Oil your tresses 2 to 3 times a week.


The Kombucha mushroom is breakthrough alternative medicine for many diseases. It is hailed for as  the fountain of youth. Kombucha has a phenomenon effect in restoring the melanin in hair follicles and aiding in hair growth. It boosts the growth of healthy and strong hair. Apply Kombucha twice a week to get best results.

Onion Juice 

Onion works miraculous remedy for grey hair and thinning of hair. It is a great scalp cleaner and follicle stimulator. Onion juice has a rich content of Catalase enzyme which helps to reverse the growth of grey hair. It is recommended to follow this regime twice a week to get the best results.

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Ayurvedic Solution For Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most common hair problems, yet it gets the least attention maybe because it’s not life-threatening. It is a condition wherein dead skin cells get accumulated in the scalp and is characterized by flaking of the scalp, itchiness and sometimes hair fall. 

Dandruff might be the result of a number of factors including unhygienic scalp, dry skin, excessive exposure to hair styling products, stress, pollution and much more. 

Ayurveda, the 50 century old art of healing is a popular medical treatment adopted by many for treatment of dandruff. Here are some of the most effective formulae from the books of Ayurveda tried, tested and proven over the ages.

Diet and nutrition 

Diet affects our body in ways we can’t even imagine. Every cell of the body is made up of things we eat. Our hair demands a good amount of Vitamin B6 that can be found in cabbage and eggs. While excessive consumption of dairy products, fatty foods, sugar and seafood increase the trouble of dandruff. 

Blood circulation of the scalp and dandruff

Blood circulation of the scalp is very effective in controlling dandruff. Massaging coconut oil or tea tree oil improves blood circulation. Frequently brushing the hair in outward strokes also help to prevent dandruff.


Tulsi is a wonder herb with many benefits. Tulsi paste applied on scalp helps to remove dirt flakes and dandruff. It hydrates the scalp and prevents dryness of hair.

Coconut and Camphor

Mix camphor and coconut oil and store it in an airtight glass jar. Heat the oil and massage into the scalp for 10 minutes each night to control dandruff. 

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek is very effective in preventing dandruff. Soak 2 tbsp. fenugreek seeds overnight in water and grind them into fine paste. Apply the paste on the head and scalp, leave it for 30 minutes and wash with a mild shampoo.


Thyme, a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic dandruff remedies, is valued for its astringent and healing properties. Boil dried thyme leaves for 10 minutes. Strain, cool, and massage the mixture into the scalp. Rinse after 30 minutes.

Lemon and Vinegar

Massage the scalp with 1 tsp of lemon juice added in 2 tsp of vinegar. Lemon is rich in cleaning and antibacterial qualities that help treat dandruff. 


Turmeric has antibacterial, anti-allergenic, antioxidant and astringent properties. Sauté 1/4 tsp. turmeric with 1/4 tsp. cumin, or jeera, and 1/4 tsp. marich or black pepper, in 1 tsp. ghee and eat it for nourishment of hair and scalp.


Keshya rasayanas are the ayurvedic herbs that promote the health of scalp and hair. Amla and triphala are very good for nourishing hair. 

Yoga for dandruff control

Ayurveda suggests regular practice of yoga to keep the hair healthy. Yoga postures such as – Shirshasana enhances blood circulation to head and brain, sarvangasna improve blood circulation to head, paschimottasana control hair fall, chakrasana helps to solve the problems of scalp meditation controls stress and anxiety.

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