Papaya Leaf juice Health Benefits

Papaya Leaf juice Health Benefits

We all know that the pulpy juicy papaya fruit is replete with umpteen benefits. What you may not know is that this high nutrient and medicinal value are not just limited to the fruit but every part of the plant is brimmed with optimum nutrients. One such part dipped in magical wonders is the papaya leaf.

The bitter green juice of papaya leaf is gaining immense popularity in the world of nutrition and health care.  This potential of the papaya leaves is attributed to its high nutrient content that includes vitamins A, B1, C, E and K; calories, protein, carbohydrates, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and iron. 

The phytonutrient compounds in papaya leaf make it a strong antioxidant, antispasmodic, analgesic, and antibacterial essence. It is an incredible potion for enhancing immunity and fighting fatal diseases. 


6 Reasons why you should vouch for Papaya leaf juice

For Smooth Digestion

Papaya leaf is rich in enzymes like papain , chymopapain, protease and amylase that are very helpful in boosting digestion. This very potent antimicrobial juice prevents bloating, constipation, cleansing the colon, reduces inflammation of stomach lining and heals peptic ulcers killing harmful bacteria. 

For controlled Blood Sugar Levels

Papaya leaf juice is effective in regulating the production of insulin that regulates the blood sugar levels. The high antioxidants content of this bitter juice is helpful in combating fatty liver, kidney damage and greatly reduces oxidative stress.

For soothing Menstrual Pain

The excruciating menstrual cramps make the three days a horrific nightmare. Papaya leaf juice works wonders to ease the menstrual flow and relieve abdominal cramps and pain. It balances the hormones and regulates menstruation cycles. 

For your Skin 

The abundance of vitamin A and C in the papaya leaf juice makes it a marvellous potion for the skin. It’s anti oxidant properties scavenges the free radicals thereby omitting all signs of aging. It also cleanses the skin and combats the growth of excess micro-organisms thus shielding against skin woes like pimples, freckles and acne.

For Your Hair 

The extract of papaya leaf promotes hair growth and prevents balding and thinning of hair. The alkaloid component karpain present in the papaya leaf is very effective in removing dirt and oil from your scalp.

For preventing and curing diseases

The acetogenin present in the papaya leaf juice is very helpful in preventing many diseases. It supports the immune system and naturally fights viral and bacterial invaders in the body. It is an age-old remedy for –

Dengue fever – It is a natural way of regenerating white blood cells and platelets

Malaria – Papaya leaves have strong anti-malarial properties.

Viral Infections – Papaya leaves contain over 50 active components that support the immune system. It inhibits the growth of microorganisms and is often used to remove intestinal worms.

Cancer – The papaya leaves boasts of anti-cancer properties and it is very effective against wide range of tumors without any toxic effects on the body. 

Liver Disorders – Papaya leaf juice cleanses the liver and can heal many chronic liver diseases, jaundice and liver cirrhosis.

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5 Ayurvedic Remedies To Relieve Colic Pain In Children

There is nothing painful than to watch your little munchkin trapped in the clutch of pain and sickness. Being a parent is most probably the toughest job in the world both physically and emotionally. When the child cries in pain, your heart ruptures into a thousand pieces. As the baby’s body is very fragile and weak, strong medications are not generally recommended for them. Mother’s milk is the only survival potion that’s best for the little bundle of joy. However, no matter whether you feed them lactogen, soy milk, mother’s milk, or other milk, gas and stomach pain is common for infants under six months of age.

Fortunately, Ayurveda comes to rescue with the most natural ways to soothe your baby’s distress and ease your mind. One of the eight branches of Ayurveda, known as Bala Tantra is dedicated to child care and includes all aspects of a child’s health including care of the newborn, infant feeding, clinical examination, dentition, management of childhood diseases, and principles of treatment and therapies.

Colic Pain in Children

Colic pain is one of the most common problems encountered by the little ones. Unable to express their woes, the infants scream because of the gas troubling their stomach. Babies are tender little creatures new to the environment and it may take some time for them to adjust to this new world. The lack of movement and sometimes the food results in gas in their abdomen. Gas bubbles form in a baby’s stomach, and this makes the baby “colicky.” 

Ayurvedic Remedies for Colic Pain

Mustard Oil Massage

We often hear about the importance of massaging the baby from our elders. This knowledge has been passed on through oral traditions from the Ayurvedic generation. A warm mustard oil massage can alleviate gas problems and colic pain. This improves blood circulation and encourages body movement so that gas can be expelled.

Warm Water

Warm water bath and drinking warm water both are beneficial for treating gas issues in children. It eases stomach pain, releases the gas stuck in the stomach, relieve their discomfort and make them feel more relaxed


This amazing spice aids in releasing the air in the stomach. Add a pinch of powdered elaichi in the baby’s meal for relief from pain caused by gas formation in the stomach.

The cycling exercise

Practice some easy moves with the baby’s hands and legs to induce physical activity and release the trapped gas from their stomach. Rubbing the back and moving the body parts very gently helps to calm down the pain.


Asfoetida is a potent herbal extract that has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties which help deal with irritable colic pain in children. As it cannot be administered orally to kids so massaging with oil mixed with asfoetida helps in soothing the pain.

As for young children over 6 months or 1 year the following items can also be used to soothe colic pain issues;





Ayurvedic herbal medicines

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Ashwagandha For Thyroid Problems

Ashwagandha For Thyroid Problems

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located on the front side of the throat. It is one of the largest endocrine glands and is responsible for synthesizing two vital hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) that regulates body’s temperature, heartbeat, metabolism, growth, appetite, menstrual cycle etc.

There are several disorders related to these glands that can cause havoc in your system. Two major thyroid problems encountered are:

Hypothyroidism: This is the condition where the thyroid glands fail to synthesize adequate amount of hormones. Hypothyroidism can result in a cluster of symptoms including constipation, tiredness, weight gain, feeling cold, and depression.

Hyperthyroidism: This is the result of overproduction of hormones by the thyroid glands. Hyperthyroidism causes muscle weakness, irritability, racing heartbeat, irritability, enlargement of thyroid gland, weight loss, diarrhea etc.

Ashwagandha – The Ayurvedic Remedy

Ashwagandha is a superstar when it comes to treating thyroid related problems. It is one of the best adaptogen herbs that aids in balancing the hormones whether the levels are high or low. Thus, it is effective in treating Hypothyroidism as well as Hyperthyroidism.

In hypothyroidism, Ashwagandha acts as a hormone stimulator and in case of hyperthyroidism, Ashwagandha controls the synthesis of the excess hormones.

Ashwagandha is considered to be a miraculous herb ladened with flavonoids that are anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-stress, antioxidant, mind-boosting, and immune-enhancing. It is incredible in providing a relief to the symptoms associated with thyroid malfunction.



Ashwagandha is blessed with T4-elevating, anti-inflammatory, nerve-protecting, antioxidant, and antidepressant properties. Ashwagandha is potent in promoting the synthesis of T4 hormones. However, if T4 hormone synthesized in excess then it can lead to an oxidative stress. Under oxidative stress, the body fails to fight against harmful free radicals which causes lipid peroxidation and damages the cells. Ashwagandha scavenges the free radicals, reduce lipid peroxidation and cell damage and controls oxidative stress.

Thus, though Ashwagandha supports the synthesis of thyroid hormones, it also keeps a check on the potential risks that might be triggered by its excess production.


Ashwagandha stimulates the increase of T4 levels in the body and simultaneously lowers oxidative stress, thereby slowing down the production of T3 hormones which is considered as the main culprit of hyperthyroidism.

Other potent functions of Ashwagandha:

Combats Depression

Depression and stress are the major reasons for hypothyroidism. Ashwagandha helps to combat depression, anxiety and stress, relaxes body and mind, and fortifies all the tissues.

Enhances hormonal balance

Ashwagandha contains alkaloids, steroidal and saponin chemicals essential for maintaining a steady hormonal balance in the body. 

Increase in Stamina and Endurance

A sluggish thyroid causes a decrease in stamina and strength which results in fatigue and weakness. The miraculous Ashwagandha herb boosts endurance that results in better concentration, motivation and stamina.

Mood Improvement

Poor thyroid health results in high irritability, anxiety, depression and general mood issues, Ashwagandha can ease these symptoms providing relief.

Ashwagandha Dosage:

It is suggested to intake one or two teaspoons of Ashwagandha blended in water, milk or honey regularly for a healthy thyroid. However, consulting a doctor to prescribe the required dosage is recommended.

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Natural Tips To Reverse Diabetes

Natural Tips To Reverse Diabetes

Diabetes is a bane to those who enjoys a sweet craving. Survival in this lone planet is already tough, and having to give away your favorite sweet is just savagery! But the bitterness of diabetes goes beyond the plate as it is a potential initiator of several other malignancies including cancer.

Diabetes is a chronic condition caused by elevated blood sugar level in the body. There are various medicines that might aid in controlling diabetes but of course these medicines comes at a cost, hurting your pocket and causing several side effects.

Finally, decades of extensive research and studies have revealed some very effective natural ways of reversing diabetes.

Natural tricks to reverse diabetes

Life can be brought back to track with these simple and steady alterations in our lifestyle.

Focusing on diet

Shedding off extra calories

Managing stress hormones


Diet plays a very crucial role in managing blood sugar level. Sticking to a healthy nutritious diet and making smart choices aids are keys to good health. 

Some natural extracts that has reaped amazing benefits for diabetic patients are:

Bitter Melon Extract

Bitter melon helps lower blood glucose levels and regulates insulin utilization. Though not the best in taste, but medicines were never meant to tantalize your taste buds. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid 

Food items like broccoli, spinach and tomatoes contain alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that helps in improving insulin sensitivity and reversing diabetes.


Cinnamon has the ability to regulate blood sugar levels and stimulate insulin sensitivity. 

Fenugreek Seeds

This common kitchen condiment is a miraculous seed. Adding to its unending list of medicinal benefits, fenugreek seeds are marvellous in lowering insulin resistance.

Mango Leaves Extract

Apart from gifting the delicious mangoes, this holistic plant has a lot more to offer. Mango leaves help in stimulation of insulin thus regulating blood sugar level in the body. 

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is blessed with anti-inflammatory properties that play a major role in controlling blood sugar levels.


Jamun and its leaves are potent in lowering the blood sugar levels. 

Vitamin C

Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C. Apart from gifting a perfect skin, it also helps to control diabetes.


Obesity is the main culprit causing diabetes. Any form of physical labour that improves blood circulation and burns fat is helpful. A brisk walk of 30 minutes, hitting the gym, some form of dancing or indulging in your favourite sports can aid in balancing blood sugar and reversing diabetes.

Regulating stress hormones

Stress is a slow poison that kills you from within. Sparing a few minutes in isolation and concentrating on each minute cell of the body helps in releasing toxins, reducing stress, improving blood circulation, activating the senses and burning calories. Indulging in yoga, meditation, improving sleep habits and controlling inner emotions reduces the risk of many chronic illnesses including diabetes.

Few more recommendations:

Quitting smoking 

Limiting alcohol

A disciplined routine lifestyle

Regular monitoring of blood sugar level.

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Shigru Moringa

Shigru Moringa Oleifera in Cancer Care

Cancer – this word has almost become a synonym to “end of life”. It is one of the mightiest malignancies that may occur to anyone at anytime. This cold-hearted disease doesn’t spare the rich nor does it have sympathy for the poor. Surrounded by mysteries and myths the battle against this fatal disease is a dreadful experience. 

What is cancer? 

Cancer is the result of uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells which is triggered by a mutation in the gene. Usually, the cells in our body are programmed to follow a set pattern of birth, growth and death.  However, sometimes the cell breaks this cycle and fail to die; rather they continue to divide rapidly giving birth to more unhealthy mutated cells which accumulates forming a tumor. 

Care for Cancer

Though modern medicines may extend the life expectancy of a cancer patient but the side effects of these strong medicines takes a toll on the health. Cancer is a tough battle and it needs proper nutritional care to sustain the tough times.

After years of extensive research, the cancer society has acknowledged certain food items to have anticancer properties. Though these food items do not eradicate the possibility of cancer completely they do lower the risk of cancer by a considerable amount. 

Moringa Oleifera – The ultimate shield against cancer

Moringa Oleifera is one such blessed food that has the potential to prevent and cure the ill-fated disease. The therapeutic potential of moringa leaves is used to treat several types of cancer including breast, lung and skin cancer. Regular consumption of this mystic food decreases the risk of cancer by 80%.

The ‘miracle tree’ is blessed with several life-saving properties. It is a rare combination of:

Potent antioxidant Zeatin, 

Quercetin, a flavonoid which neutralizes free radicals and relieves inflammation, 

Beta-sitosterol and caffeoylquinic acid marvelous anti-inflammatory agents 

Kaempferol, a key nutrient that promotes healthy body cellular function

Apart from these compounds, this plant is loaded with calcium, iron, potassium, protein, Vitamin A and C. It is ladened with anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, and pain relief properties that help in soothing the symptoms of cancer. 


Combats adversities of Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is the process of treating cancer with the use of cytotoxic drugs. These cytotoxic drugs are hazardous in nature. They not only destroy the cancer cells but also attack the healthy cells resulting in several side effects. Moringa Oleifera is rich in antioxidants that protect against cell damage, caused by chemicals. The leaves contain essential amino acids that boost the immune system, which is very crucial during chemotherapy. 

Anti Tumor Properties

Each part of the moringa plants speaks abundance. They are used for making highly effective anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor drugs. Benzyl isothiocyanate, a component of Moringa is potent in the preventing formation of cancer cells and treating existing mutated cells.

Induces death of cancer cells

Moringa Olifera is known to induce cell death in the cancerous cells and inhibit the growth of these cells. The chemical compounds in moringa leaves and stems have anti-cancer and chemo-protective capabilities.

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Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood Oil For Healthy Skin

You’ll have to wear your skin every day for the rest of your life so better be cautious. While buying apparels we focus on so many prospects and skin being the permanent clothing for your body it definitely deserves some attention.

Skincare is a natural and essential part of one’s regime just as casual as brushing your teeth or bathing your body. It’s not a luxury but a necessity for your body. And with some awesome secrets from grand ma’s book, you get the best of your skin with all natural ingredients.

Today we stumbled upon one such amazing skin care herbal product that’s sandalwood oil. Let’s see how sandalwood works wonder on the top covering of your body.


Moisture Balance

Sandalwood oil is an amazing moisture regulator for the skin. It is a great astringent that opens up clogged pores, removes dust and dirt and regulates the sebum production in the skin. It also works well as an absorb of the excess oil and provider of the essential quantum of oil to the dry skin making it soft and supple.

Anti-Aging Formula

An elixir of youth, Sandalwood oil destroys the harmful free radicals that are responsible for casting an aging effect on the skin.

Even toned skin

No matter what colour you are, an even tone skin makes you look beautiful and gorgeous. Sandalwood oil is ladened with skin lightening properties that help reduce tan and discolorations. It is also very effective in removing discoloration, scars, dark marks  and patches on the skin giving it a radiant even tone look

Fights acne

Acnes are nasty and painful! Sandalwood wood is the perfect armour to combat the stubborn acne that keeps coming back to you again and again. Sandalwood balances oil on the skin and prevents, soothes and eliminates the zits. It’s antibacterial and antiseptic properties help to fight off acne causing bacteria and the anti-inflammatory properties cure inflammation and redness.

Moisturizes dry skin

Flaky dry skin appears dull and ugly. Sandalwood oil is a great natural moisturizer that softens the skin by increasing its ability to retain moisture. 

Bright, Clean And Flawless Skin

The maidens from old books swore to sandalwood for a beautiful skin. It is a remedy to all the skin woes. It treats dry or oily skin, removes scars, soothes itches, cures blemishes, spots or eczema. Blessed with deep cleansing properties and astringent effects sandalwood oil is a lady’s best friend.

Alleviates severe skin conditions

The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of sandalwood oil help destroy bacteria and germs. It offers a soothing relief to itching and redness caused by skin diseases such as eczema, rosacea and psoriasis. 

Antiseptic Agent

Sandalwood oil is the fairy’s syrup for healing wounds. Its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties make it a great lotion for minor cuts, injuries and wounds. It not only heals the wound but also removes the scar. It is used to prevent injuries, lesions, boils, blemishes, etc. from getting infected or gangrenous. 

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Aphrodisiac Fruits & Vegetables

Aphrodisiac Fruits & Vegetables

The magic pill to clear complexion, bright mood, and reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and other health hazards lies between the sheets. Yes, its sex!

Being sexual creatures, sex is essential for the very existence of mankind. Being active in bed and wooing your partner with little magical touches is important for a healthy relationship, physical satisfaction, mental happiness and boosted confidence which are core to a successful and contempt life.

The secret to best sex lies on your plate. The food that you eat has a greater role to play in satiating your erotic desires. The nutrients that feed the body have a direct impact on hormones, brain chemistry, energy, and stress levels. Being at the peak of health ensures a thrilling ride on the bed.

What’s aphrodisiac?

Aphrodisiac are the blessed food that arouses sexual instinct, heats up desires and boosts sexual pleasure and performance. These foods are used since history to entice sexual partners and give them the best experience on bed. 

Here is a list of some amazing fruits and vegetables blessed by Eros – the God of sex and pleasure:


Avocado has been used since ages for enthralling orgasms. This super-fruit is blessed with energy and healthy libidos which are crucial for some great action. Loaded with minerals, fats, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, potassium and folic acid avocados are an elixir of stamina and energy.


Bananas are sexy! They are a boon for some great action under the sheets. Rich in potassium and natural sugars, this fruit is packed with a punch of potassium that increases muscle strength making orgasms extra-intense and also supports essential sexual hormone production. If you want to your lust to last longer then banana is your food. They guarantee you energy and endurance for some long lasting performance.


Pomegranates, the love fruit owes their passion power to antioxidants that boosts blood flow and increases genital sensitivity.


Celeries are great sex enhancing food.  It is known to increase sex drive in women, lightens the mood and increases the desire to get intimate.


Green leafy vegetables are power packed with too many potent nutrients. Spinach is loaded with folic acid, which has garnered a repute of increasing fertility and boosting libido. It increases estrogen and sperm production which stimulates both men and women’s libidos.


Strawberries don’t just look sexy they are actually sex boosters. Strawberries are rich in antioxidants that improve blood circulation which is a benchmark for better sexual functioning.


This deliciously exotic fruit is loaded with Vitamin C that is great for increasing libido and improving fertility. 


Asparagus is rich in folate and vitamins that help increase the production of histamine which is crucial for a healthy sex drive in both men and women.


Peaches are great ingredients to increase the quality and quantity of sperm production. 

Apart from these mystic fruits and vegetables, the list extends to include a few more nature’s gifts like:

  • Mangoes
  • Strawberries 
  • Watermelon
  • Figs
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Red beans
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Peppers

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Green Coffee Facts & Myths

Green Coffee Facts & Myths

As technology and automation took over the human race, the essence of physical labour faded away. Today almost everything gets done at the snap of the fingers without any need to move. The luxury of this paralyzed lifestyle is resulting in more and more cases of obesity.

As the globe grows more conscious about their health and physical fitness, new supplements and products keep flooding the market each promising the utmost level of efficiency. One such new entrant in the list is green coffee.

What exactly is green coffee?

Green coffee is the unroasted form of coffee bean that contains a high amount of two phytochemicals viz. caffeine and chlorogenic acid. Roasting the coffee beans destroys the chlorogenic acid content of the coffee beans. 

Chlorogenic acid inhibits visceral fat accumulation, has anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular protective properties, and increases insulin sensitivity. Green coffee extract also tastes much different than coffee.

Does it really work?

Green coffee targets the root causes of weight gain and hence is a potential weight loss agent. But weight loss is no cake walk; it requires a lot more than just adding a supplement to the diet and relying completely on it to do the job. 

With all the hype of green coffee extracts, there are a lot of myths doing the rounds. Let’s take a moment to clear the air and get a better understanding of this new magical supplement.

Benefits of Green coffee extract

Helps in burning fat and aids in weight loss

Improves blood circulation.

Helps in liver detoxification.

Helps to lower bad cholesterol and regulates blood sugar levels.

Improves metabolism.

Helps improve brain activity that will keep you active through the day.

Fact vs Fallacies

Myth: Green coffee does not contain caffeine!

Green coffee is the unroasted form of coffee beans and it contains as much caffeine as normal coffee. So, excessive consumption of green coffee is not recommended.

Fact: Green coffee aids in weight loss!

As we have already mentioned the components of green coffee works wonder in cutting fat and inhibiting the accumulation of fats.

Myth: Green coffee is a special type of coffee!

No, it’s not a different variety of the coffee rather it’s the coffee seeds before being roasted or processed.

Fact: It is more beneficial than coffee

Coffee is the processed form of green coffee. During the roasting and processing of coffee beans many essential natural components are lost. Hence, green coffee is far more beneficial than normal coffee.

Myth: Drinking more green coffee helps in faster weight loss.

Anything in excess is not good. Limiting your green coffee intake to only 3 cups every day is highly recommended. Also, avoid sipping green coffee after meal. 

Fact: Green Coffee Contains Strong Antioxidants

The chlorogenic acid found in the green coffee beans has strong antioxidant properties that help in neutralizing any free radicals in the body.

The Final Verdict

Regular consumption of green coffee coupled with healthy diet and workout will definitely aid in fulfilling your weight loss goals.

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Treat Bacterial Vaginosis

Ayurvedic Remedies To Treat Bacterial Vaginosis

A happy and healthy vagina is very important for your overall health, sex life, ovulation and pregnancy. Even after being one of the vital organs, very less is discussed about the well being of your lady parts. Talking about vaginal problems is still a taboo and is considered an embarrassment. In all our efforts to keep it a secret and deal with the problems with the little knowledge we have, we fail to give the proper care that it demands. Though vaginal problems are generally not that severe, but ignorance and misconceptions can lead to several complicated situations. 

One such common vaginal problem is bacterial vaginosis. When the balance of good and bad bacteria in the vagina is disturbed, then it can create havoc down in your privy parts. Although it is not a severe condition, and may go away with time but it is not a good idea to ignore it.

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis:

Vaginal Discharge

Foul Smell 


Itching and irritation

Soreness and redness of vagina

Pain during or after intercourse

Suffering from BV infection is nerve-racking because it causes a constant distraction with the wetness, itchiness and irritation. A strong foul odour is also a public embarrassment and not to mention how this can deem your confidence. 

Bacterial Vaginosis needs to be attended carefully else it can take a toll on your life. Vagina is a very sensitive part, so it is advised not to use any harsh chemicals or medications down there. Ayurveda offers some of the most efficient natural techniques to deal with bacterial vaginosis 

Ayurvedic Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis:

Here is a list of popular Ayurvedic formulations that aid Bacterial Vaginosis:

Neem Capsules

Pradrantak Churna

Nirgundi Oil

Gandhak Rasayana

Ayurvedic Home remedies for caring your lady parts. 

These simple techniques works wonder in soothing the pain and irritation caused by BV.


Vinegar is one of the best curative agents for bacterial vaginosis. Washing your intimate parts with vinegar kills the bad bacteria and restricts infection in the future.


Garlic is an amazing herb loaded with oodles of medicinal benefits.  It is a perfect anti-bacterial agent that can be used both internally and externally.


Yogurt is rich in probiotics which aids in maintaining the fauna of good bacteria. Diluted yogurt can be applied on the vaginal walls to soothe pain and irritation

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is blessed with antibacterial and antifungal properties that aids in treating bacterial vaginosis. It can be diluted with coconut, sweet almond, or olive oil and applied as a lotion to the vaginal walls.

Few tips for a healthy vagina

Use breathable cotton underwear or go commando.

Don’t douche the sensitive parts.

Don’t use aromatic substances in your privy parts.

Maintain good hygiene and wash your vagina regularly.

Trim pubic hair, as they increase the chances of vaginal troubles.

Practice safe sex and avoid having multiple sexual partners.

Never ignore any sign of vaginal problem. Talk to your health provider about your concerns.

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Healthy Snacks

Healthy Snacks – Alternative For Junk

Jumping off with the morning alarm, juggling through random stuff, getting into the formals, and heading off to work that’s already too much work. Bugged with the busy schedule, the last minute changes and meeting deadline we often forget to listen to our body.

Out body is a complex delicate machine, it needs to be pampered with good nutrition and complete attention. Running through the unending email chains, longsome meetings, outstretched conference, we often rely on coffee and canteen snacks to stave off hunger bites. But while doing so little do we realize the amount of injustice we do to the body.

So, here are some amazing ideas for healthy office snacks that fill your tummy and refuel your system in no time. These are effortless to make and easy to carry.

Fruits and nuts

We are no alien to the tremendous health benefits that are wrapped in the pulpy, juicy layers of the fruit. Easy to sneak in your office bag, you can munch on the fresh fruits and nuts at your desk any time of the day. A great source of Vitamins and antioxidants that strengthens your immune system and ensures to keep you in the pink of your health.

Dry fruits

Ladened with oodles of health benefits they provide you the nutritional strength to keep up with the tiring day. They not only revitalize the body but also keeps diseases and health issues at bay. So fill your box with yummy almonds, cashews, nuts, raisins, figs and apricots.

Roasted Chickpeas

Easy to carry and delicious to munch. These roasted chickpeas not only satiate your hunger, but also offers a power-pack protein punch. Chewing chickpeas also drives away fatigue and boredom from the monotony of work.

Vegetable Salads

Fresh veggies work wonder to keep your system healthy. Pack in some carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, beets, and tomatoes with a pinch of salt. Cut off the evening fast food sessions with this salad packed with healthy nutrients.


If you could spare some time from your morning routine, try making some awesome pancakes. They are great to taste and easy to make. Pancakes are super healthy food and there are tons of different recipes that you can try every day. 


Avocados are a gem of nutrition. They are ultra portable and hardly needs any prep. Just slice it up and fill your body with all the goodness of fiber, vitamins, proteins, potassium and a lot more.

Sprout salad

Sprouts are tasty little nutrition busters that make great office snacks. They are known to  improve digestion, boost metabolism, aid in weight loss, lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, boost skin health, improve vision, support the immune system and re energize the body.


Switch to buttermilk instead of gulping down tea or coffee from the office pantry. Buttermilk is a cool, appetizing drink that aids in digestion and keeps your skin glows. It also has some benefits in weight loss. 

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