Neeri Kft Sugar Free Syrup | Features, Indications, & Side Effects |

Fight kidney problems and tone down a healthy liver with Neeri KFT, a poly-herbal Ayurvedic formulation used since ages to res

tore the normalcy of pivotal organs of the body. The herbal syrup acts as a potent anti-oxidant, immune- modulator and nephro-protective agent that stops degenerative alterations and promotes better functionality of the kidneys. 

This Ayurvedic syrup plays a promising role in the treatment of acute renal injury induced by nephrotoxins. It also actively repairs and improves the regenerative and reparative capacity of kidneys by potent anti-oxidant activity.


  • 100 % herbal product
  • Free from sugar, additives, preservatives, colours and flavours
  • No added chemicals and is safe for consumption in recommended dosage only.
  • Prevents reccurrence of urinary disorders.


  • It protects the kidney from nephrotoxic agents.
  • It helps in spontaneous passage of calculi.
  • It is a nephro-protective, anti-oxidant and immunomodulator that nourishes, strengthens and protects the body.
  • This syrup enhances the functionality of the kidneys and ensures optimum Kidney Health.
  • It is very useful in treating diabetic and hypertensive patients.
  • Rich in anti-oxidants and bio-molecules it inhibits degenerative actions.
  • It delays the need for dialysis by reducing degeneration and repairing renal cell injuries.
  • It tones the liver and boosts immunity.
  • It reduces elehe defence system by modulating immunity related parameters like white blood cells, immunoglobulins etc.
  • It repairs and improves the regenerative and reparative capacity of kidneys by potent anti-oxidant activity.



  • Anaemia
  • Nephritis
  • Nephropathy
  • Impaired GFR
  • Poor renal function
  • Renal hypertension
  • Anasarca
  • Oedema 
  • Renal calculi (kidney stone)
  • Urinary tract infections 
  • Prostate enlargement.
  • Prostate associated disorders


  • For children in the age group of 3-6 years the recommended dosage is ½ teaspoonful twice a day
  • For children in the age group 7 – 12 years, the recommended dosage is 1 teaspoonful twice a day
  • For adults, the recommended dosage is 3 teaspoonful thrice daily.


Neeri KFT should be taken only as per recommended dosage.

It should be used under the strict supervision of the healthcare professional,

Side Effects

  • vated blood urea and serum creatinine.
  • It stimulates t

Neeri KFT is completely safe to be taken in a low dosage as prescribed by an Ayuvedic physician.

It is proven to be safe even in long-term usage.

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Maharishi Amrita Kalash Features, Ingredients, Indications, Dose & Side Effects

Promote your overall health and boost overall development with Maharishi Amrita Kalash. Tested through centuries and proven by generations, this nectar of immortality is carefully prepared using 42 different variants of plants and medicinal herbs, including rare plants from the Himalayas.

Science has established that most of the diseases are caused by free radicals also known as “destructive molecular sharks” that tear up the cells and cause ageing and diseases. Maharishi Amrita Kalash is blessed with a swell of anti-oxidants that effectively deactivates the free radicals and revitalizes the body. The amazing herbal concoction holistically nourishes the mind, body and spirit in a balanced way.

Ingredients of Amrit Kalash:

Indian Goosberry (Amla)


Cobra’s Saffron

White sandalwood


Indian Pennywort

Chois Aloeweed


Long Pepper (Catkins)



Nut grass

Large Caltrops

Cashmere Bark

Tik Trefoil

Country Mallow



Trumpet Flower

Trumpet Tree

Indian nightshade

Wild Sugar Cane

Indian Kudzu

Wild Gram

Sugar Cane root

Giant Potato


Small Caltrops

Spreading Hogweed

Indian asparagus




Rich in anti-oxidants

Immunity booster

Anti aging properties

Adaptogenic properties


Benefits of Maharishi Amrit Kalash

It destroys the free radicals and protects the cells from damage.

It is very effective in relieving stress and anxiety.

It is widely known to increase longevity, memory and intelligence.

It enhances immunity and elevates energy levels.

It inhibits the signs of ageing and delays the process.

It is widely used to improve mental function. 

It improves the functioning of nervous system, respiration, circulation and elimination.

It reduces fatigue and combats stress.

It is effective in metabolic transformations, digestion, the emotions and their effect on heart function.


Absorption of nutrients

Cardiovascular Diseases

Stress, anxiety, depression

Mental weakness

General weakness or health issues

Overall well-being

Restoration and energizer


Recommended intake is10 gm per day in the morning. It is always advised to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner for appropriate doses.


Keep it away from children’s reach.

Please consult a physician in case of pregnancy and lactation.

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Sarsaparilla – A Healthy Alternate For Aerated Drinks | Ayurcentralonline

Do you remember the ad where the mother hides vegetables in the pizza so her child could get some nutrition? 

Well, that’s me!

From vegetable Maggi to masala oats, healthy pancakes to the boiled stew I tried every recipe they share on health forums. But, my little one trace down every single molecule of the greens and just refuses to eat.

With no option left, I have to give in and bring home what he wants… 

He literally binges on every unhealthy thing available on this planet, from finger chips to cheese burst pizzas, burgers and fries, and the street foods. His latest fantasy for the summers has been the colored cold drinks blended with extra ice.

Now, this was something that really got me concerned. Every day I come across a ton of messages, DIY facts and medical studies that scream that cold drinks or sugary soda are as bad as alcohol, from obesity to diabetes to liver diseases and what not!

The whatsapp forwards, Instagram posts, FB feeds and even the health sites that I subscribed said the same thing again and again. I knew I had to do something.

This time I did not try the old methods of nagging and scolding. I simply kept a bottle of Sarsaparilla Sharbet prepared with S.N. Pandit’s Sarsaparilla ( sogade berina sharabattu)10 ml syrup blended with water and lemon in the fridge. I did not lecture him about its endless benefits or told him about its ancient heritage.

He took a sip of this new drink and asked me what it was. I simply said it’s just another fancy summer drink I got from the store. He gulped down the whole bottle at once and asked me to get more of this.

The next day he brought some of his friends home and boasted about the tasty summer drink that we got!

I was finally relieved that he gave up on the cold drinks and replaced it with the amazing Ayurvedic tonic Sarsaparilla!

I personally recommend S.N. Pandit’s Sarsaparilla, not only because its seven decades old company but the original taste and quality that they provide is unmatchable. 

S.N. Pandit’s Sarsaparilla is widely available in all Ayurcentral stores. You can also get it online Here.

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Brihatri Amalaki Churna Features, Indications, Dose & Side Effects

Get healthy skin, build your immunity and fight all signs of ageing with the power of natural Ayurvedic Brihatri Amalaki Churna. From digestion to elimination, immunity and skin care, Brihatri Amalaki Churna is the ‘Ayurvedic wonder’ that caters to a plethora of health related issues. 

Amalaki Churna is widely used to promote longevity, induce nourishment, and prevent the effects of ageing. Amalaki is also known to support heart health, healthy blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels (already in the normal range), and overall vitality.


Amalaki has been used since time immemorial in the Indian history for its multitude of health benefits. The amazing profile of Amalaki has also been elaborated in the Ayurvedic texts dating thousands of years back. Rich in Vitamin C and natural antioxidants Amalaki is a boon for the skin, hair, eyes and the digestive system. 


Amalaki(Emblica officinalis)










Mild laxative








High cholesterol



Urinary Tract Infections

Inflammatory conditions


Skin diseases

Heart Problems

Digestive disorders.


It helps in building good metabolism

It protects the body from indigestion, acidity, gastritis, anemia, jaundice, coughs.

Rich in Vitamin C it is extremely useful for eyes and helps in hair growth.

Brihatri Amalaki improves immunity and inhibits the signs of ageing. 

Brihatri Amalaki churna acts as a tonic for boosting energy and quickening recovery.

Amalaki helps in regulating blood glucose levels in diabetic patients.

Amalaki facilitates absorption of iron in the body and improves hemoglobin level.

Amalaki promotes spermatogenesis.

Amalaki reduces serum cholesterol and reduces high blood pressure.


Take 2  to 6 grams, two times daily along with hot water or honey, before or after food as directed by physician.


Use this churna only under medical prescription.

Side effects

Brihatri Amalaki Churna is recognized as completely safe and it does not cause any side effects.

It can be safely used during pregnancy, lactation and even in children after consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner for appropriate dosage.

An overdose may cause dryness.

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Brihatri Moisturizing Lotion

Brihatri Moisturizing Lotion For Inflammed Skin

Our skin is like a little toddler that craves for attention, pampering and coddling; and it never fails to throw a tantrum when left unchecked. While for some the skin can be generally well-behaved and self-maintained, for some it’s very sensitive. No matter what the skin type, inflammation, allergy, redness or puffiness can blanket the beauty any day.

I recently had my encounter of worse acne and eventually went overboard on acne treatments using all the harsh ointments and soaps thus banning my skin with red, peeling mess. Every cream, ointment or moisturizing lotion that I picked just made it worse and made me feel like the face is on fire. Loading up on chemical exfoliants and harsh acne treatment, I ruined my skin for good. 


It was during one such episode of inflamed skin that I came across Brihatri moisturizing lotion. The calming nature and cooling feature of Aloevera and Green tea extracts immediately soothed my burning skin. Being an Ayurvedic product I had the confidence of its gentle impact and no adverse effects —which was my primary focus, as I can hardly imagine my angry face turning into a red monster by a side effect of some costly cosmetic.

Brihatri moisturizing lotion caught my attention for its natural contents, great reviews and perfect solutions to my skin problems. It inhibits the production of pro inflammatory prostanoids by blocking cyclooxygenase activity thus have a soothing effect on inflamed skin. Its anti-oxidants take the redness down a few notches within a day while the cooling effect calms the senses. It’s comforting scent and non-sticky gel just adds to the glamour.

Brihatri moisturizing lotion has been my go-to solution ever since, not just for inflammation but as a daily winter care that protects the skin from the winter chills or sun grills.

Brihatri moisturizing lotion is available at AyurCentral stores located widely across the Bengaluru city.

Brihatri moisturizing lotion: 200ml : 145 rupees only

#AyurCentral #Brihatri# MOISTURIZER #Moisturising lotion # winter care # Aloe vera 

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brihatri neem tablet

Brihatri Neem Tablet Benefits, Indications, & Precautions

Embrace the goodness of the 4500 years old secret of health and beauty with Brihatri’s authentic Ayurvedic Neem Tablets. These divine capsules are specifically recommended to treat skin disorders including acne, eczema and other persistent skin allergies. Neem capsules are also very effective for detoxification and blood purification.

Brihatri Neem tablets are prepared with organic Neem leaves as per Ayurvedic texts and are free of any harmful chemicals or toxins.


Lauded as the sacred plant healing diseases, Neem is an integral part of the Indian culture. From bathing with Neem Leaves to consuming its bitter juice, Neem has been used for its plethora of benefits for thousands of years.


Brihatri Neem tablets are packed with anti-bacterial, antifungal and blood purifying properties.

The tablets also exhibit anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, antipyretic, hypoglycaemic, antimalarial and Diuretic  properties.

Neem tablets boost immunity and fight antigens in the body.


Neem leaf extract 


Neem tablets are very effective in preventing skin problems. 

It helps in regulating blood sugar and is useful for people suffering from diabetes. 

Neem tablets strengthens the immune system and helps de-worm the intestines.

It promotes quick healing of wounds

It aids in healing minor inflammation

It Improves joint health and mobility

It stimulates proper bile flow to help maintain healthy digestion, assimilation and elimination.

It promotes respiratory and sinus health and supports the bronchial system

It can also reduce blood cholesterol level and keeps the heart healthy.




Skin allergies and infections.

Blood Impurities





Please consult an Ayurvedic expert before administering Neem tablets if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, diabetic or have any other serious or chronic illness.

BRIHATRI NEEM TABLET is completely safe for oral intake in recommended dosage.

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Nityam Churna Tablets

Nityam Churna Tablets

Take Nityam Churna or Tablets to get rid of constipation and gastric issues. Prepared with seven powerful laxative ingredients along with 1000 years of time-tested solution like Castor oil, triphala, saunf, Nityam churna or tablets gently eases bowel movements and gives you relief from the discomfort of carrying the toxic load.

This effective combination of natural herbs gently cleanses the intestinal walls and flushes all the toxins out of the body. It lubricates and moisturizes the intestinal walls and ensures regular bowel movements. The herbal formulation is safe for regular use and does not cause any cramping or dependency. It is also effective on associated problems like gas, acidity, and flatulence.

Use Nityam Churna for overnight relief and to feel free and active all day long. It is 100% effective and has zero side effects. Clear bowel movement also results in healthy skin, shiny hair and increased activeness.








Erand taila 



Herbal formula that cleanses and lubricates intestinal walls.

Ensures smooth and regular bowel movement.

No abdominal cramps

Very effective in relieving gas, acidity, & flatulence.



Intestinal gas






Oxidative stress

Cardiovascular disease



How to take?

Adults can take 1 to 2 teaspoon (4 to 8 gm) at bedtime with water (after food). 

Children may be given half tea-spoon or as per doctor’s recommendation. 

Please consult an Ayurvedic doctor for precise dosage as per the severity of your condition.


This medicine is proven to be effective and safe.

If you have any other medical condition(s) or are under any other prescription then please refers to an Ayurvedic practitioner before administering the dosage. 

The product is not recommended during Pregnancy.

Please discuss with your doctor if you are a breastfeeding mother.

It should not be administered in infants.

An overdose of the medication will not improve the symptom rather it may result in serious side-effects.

Side effects

An overdose or wrong administration of the medicine can result in following side-effects. Though these cases are very rare but in case of any doubt, it is best to consult an Ayurvedic expert.

Stomach discomfort


Missed periods


Water and sodium retention



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Kayam Churna In Constipation Dose And Precautions


Take this natural Ayurvedic herbal preparation to cure constipation and release the toxins out of your body. Made of many different herbs, Kayam churna offers a natural and long-lasting relief from the digestive complaints. Along with constipation, this can also be used for acidity, gas and mouth ulcers.

Kayam Churna and Tablets have laxative and purgative properties which make bowel movement easy and regular thereby facilitating the evacuation of the excreta buildup in the body. It is revered as one of the most powerful natural remedies for constipation.


Senna leaves (around 50%).

Ajwain (around 11.5%)

Haritaki (around 8%)

Saindhava salt or black salt (around 18%)

Nishoth/ Trivrit (around 3%)

Svarjika Kshara (around5%)

Yashtimadhu/ Mulethi (around 4.5%)


Mild laxative to ease bowel movements

Works well on gastritis conditions



Cures chronic Constipation

Reduces Bloating

Soothes Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Aids Digestion

Combats Hyperacidity caused by constipation

Helps in headache

Mouth ulcer

Combats gas formation.

Relieves Piles

Supports the healthy microbial flora of the digestive tract and enhances digestion. 

Enhances the breakdown of food 

It boosts the production of gastric juices 

How to use?

The normal dose of Kayam Churna is 3 to 6 grams (1-2 teaspoon). For mild constipation, 1 teaspoon is enough. Take the Churna with warm water (hot water increases the efficiency of the churna) preferably at night before food. One should not take more than 6 grams of it per day.

Though this medicine is available as over-the-counter drug, given without prescription, but because of the strong herbs in its constituents it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic expert for proper guidance.


This medicine is meant for occasional use only and should not be used on a regular basis.

Long-term use can result in developing a laxative habit by weakening the intestines and conflicting with natural peristaltic movements. 

Very high dosage of Kayam Churna may cause severe stomach pain, diarrhea and dehydration.

Children below 12 years are not supposed to take this medicine

Pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers should avoid the use of this medicine.

People with diabetes, high BP and high potassium levels need to take this only under medical supervision.

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Badam Tail

Badam Tail Features, Benefits, & Indications


Use it in your beauty regime or remove your make up or get a deep relaxation massage or take a few sips of this ultimate elixir of health and beauty. Natural Badam Taila is the go-to solution for a number of issues. Whether it’s the dullness of dark circles and dry skin or irritation of dandruff, hair fall and hair growth, Badam Taila works wonder on all these trivial issues.

Badam Taila is an original and complete beauty punch that works magic on your hair and skin. The nutrient-rich natural and organic composition accentuates your beauty, nourishing the cells from within. It moisturizes the scalp and skin from deep within thereby giving a fresh and healthy look to your tresses. 

A potent remedy to constipation and pain, Badam Taila has been used since millennia to treat liver disorders and vascular issues. The eclectic herbalist Gerard indicates that badam taila is great for relieving pain on the outside through a massage. It also relieves colic pain and offers a calm sensation.


  • Anti-Inflammatory 
  • Anti-oxidant 
  • Immune Booster 
  • Anti-hepatotoxic 
  • Emollient 
  • Sclerosant 
  • Laxative 
  • Analgesic Muscle Relaxation  
  • Cicatrizant 
  • Anti-dandruff 
  • Badam taila is a rejuvenator for the eyes



  • It heals scars and stretch marks
  • It improves brain function and relieves stress
  • It protects the colon and prevents constipation
  • Badam Taila massage can relieve pain and stress caused by sore muscles
  • Badam Taila on the hair is used to treat dandruff, dry scalp and hair fall
  • It smoothens the wrinkles and reduces sagging skin
  • It is absolute treatment for dark circles
  • It regulates blood circulation near the eyes and reduces eye strain
  • It helps in treating psoriasis, eczema and other forms of dermatitis
  • It helps wounds heal faster.
  • Badam Taila is very effective in curing chapped lips.


  • Dandruff
  • Psoriasis
  • Pain
  • Eczema
  • Skin disorders
  • Dry itchy skin
  • Hair fall
  • Constipation
  • Colon Cancer
  • Scars
  • Stress
  • Dark circles 
  • Ageing
  • Liver problems
  • Low Immunity
  • Vascular issues like spider veins, hemorrhoids and varicose veins.


Badam taila is completely natural and organic formulation and is proven to be 100 per cent safe.

Topical application or internal ingestion of the oil does not have any side effect.

It can be used without any prescription.

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Shiva Gutika Features, Benefits, Indications & Precautions

Rejuvenate your body, fight age-related chronic diseases, protect your liver and spleen with the Ayurvedic formulation of Shiva Gutika. Used for thousands of years by our ancestors, Shiva Gutika is a single solution to many problems.

Revered as a potent Ayurvedic tonic, the gutika is prepared using several organic herbs and minerals that give the body a punch of health-boosting nutrients. This highly effective Ayurvedic medicine is widely recommended by doctors for the treatment of respiratory conditions and neuro-psychiatric disorders.


  • Rich in polyphenols, specially flavones and tannins
  • Packed with antioxidants 
  • Blessed with strong anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It acts as a hepatoprotective agent and protects the liver from the damage

Ingredients of Shiva Gutika

Shudh Shilajit, Triphala, Bala, Mulethi, Patol patra, Dashmool, Giloy, Kakoli, Kshir kakoli, Gomutra, Meda, Maha Meda, Vidari, Kshir vidari, Shatavari, Swetha Jeeraka, Krishna Jeeraka, Gorakhmundi, Shalaparni, Rasna, Pushkarmool, Chitrakmool, Dantimool, Gajapippali, Inderyava, Chavya, Nagarmotha, Katuki, Kalimirch, Saunth, Pippali, Talisapatra, Shakkar, Honey, Choti Elaichi.



  • Shiva Gutika is a powerful rejuvenator especially helpful for the old age.
  • It is used in the treatment of liver and spleen disorders.
  • It can cure acute hiccups.
  • It is widely used in the treatment of Rhinitis, bronchitis, cough, anaemia, cardiac disorders, vomiting, skin diseases and arthritis.
  • It is also helpful in treating epilepsy and psychotic diseases.
  • Regular use strengthens the nerves and restores the body health.


  • Hepatic diseases
  • Fistula-in-ano
  • Metrorrhagia 
  • Tuberculosis
  • Fever
  • Epilepsy
  • Rhinitis
  • Cardiac disorders
  • Arthritis
  • Vaginal disorders
  • Enlargement of spleen and liver disorders
  • Piles
  • Anaemia
  • Gout
  • Jaundice
  • Diabetes 
  • Liver disorders
  • Malignancy
  • Bronchitis
  • Cough
  • Skin diseases
  • Obesity
  • Excess sweating


  • Two tablets twice a day with water or milk or as directed by the physician.
  • The tablet is prescribed after food only. 


Shiva Gutika is prepared with natural herbal ingredients and is free from any harmful chemicals. Hence, it does not cause any side effects and is considered to be safe for use.

However, very high doses of the medication may cause gastric irritation, burning sensation in the stomach, and loose motions. But, these side effects are mild and can be easily prevented by using the medicine in the recommended doses.

Also, pregnant and lactating women should consult a doctor before using Shiva Gutika as the effects of the medication on the fetus is not fully known. The use of Shiva Gutika in children should be avoided unless advised by a physician.

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