Neeri Kft Sugar Free Syrup | Features, Indications, & Side Effects |
Fight kidney problems and tone down a healthy liver with Neeri KFT, a poly-herbal Ayurvedic formulation used since ages to res
tore the normalcy of pivotal organs of the body. The herbal syrup acts as a potent anti-oxidant, immune- modulator and nephro-protective agent that stops degenerative alterations and promotes better functionality of the kidneys.
This Ayurvedic syrup plays a promising role in the treatment of acute renal injury induced by nephrotoxins. It also actively repairs and improves the regenerative and reparative capacity of kidneys by potent anti-oxidant activity.
- 100 % herbal product
- Free from sugar, additives, preservatives, colours and flavours
- No added chemicals and is safe for consumption in recommended dosage only.
- Prevents reccurrence of urinary disorders.
- It protects the kidney from nephrotoxic agents.
- It helps in spontaneous passage of calculi.
- It is a nephro-protective, anti-oxidant and immunomodulator that nourishes, strengthens and protects the body.
- This syrup enhances the functionality of the kidneys and ensures optimum Kidney Health.
- It is very useful in treating diabetic and hypertensive patients.
- Rich in anti-oxidants and bio-molecules it inhibits degenerative actions.
- It delays the need for dialysis by reducing degeneration and repairing renal cell injuries.
- It tones the liver and boosts immunity.
- It reduces elehe defence system by modulating immunity related parameters like white blood cells, immunoglobulins etc.
- It repairs and improves the regenerative and reparative capacity of kidneys by potent anti-oxidant activity.
- Anaemia
- Nephritis
- Nephropathy
- Impaired GFR
- Poor renal function
- Renal hypertension
- Anasarca
- Oedema
- Renal calculi (kidney stone)
- Urinary tract infections
- Prostate enlargement.
- Prostate associated disorders
- For children in the age group of 3-6 years the recommended dosage is ½ teaspoonful twice a day
- For children in the age group 7 – 12 years, the recommended dosage is 1 teaspoonful twice a day
- For adults, the recommended dosage is 3 teaspoonful thrice daily.
Neeri KFT should be taken only as per recommended dosage.
It should be used under the strict supervision of the healthcare professional,
Side Effects
- vated blood urea and serum creatinine.
- It stimulates t
Neeri KFT is completely safe to be taken in a low dosage as prescribed by an Ayuvedic physician.
It is proven to be safe even in long-term usage.