Aloe Vera Gel Tips For Beauty

Aloevera is rightly named as “the plant of immortality”, as the timid, spiked green plant is the host of many purposes. This little cactus is the core of the million dollar beauty industry.  Be it your skin, hair, eye lashes or make-up, Aloevera definitely has a part to play.

This tiny miraculous plant is known for several health benefits. Its antibacterial, soothing properties make it the splendid pick for a great skincare regime. Packed with vitamins, enzymes, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, B12, folic acid, and choline it is the destination for beauty care. Be it sunburn, flaky skin, a rash or a cut, dry frizzy hair or other skin troubles aloe vera is the perfect beauty partner that comes to rescue in every situation. 

How aloe vera gel can be your beauty aid?

Makeup Remover – Ditch the chemically synthesized fancy make-up removers for our all natural aloevera gel. This cool natural toner from your garden not only removes the make up but also moisturizes the skin from deep within.

Acne Fighter: The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action of Aloevera gels erases the stubborn acne without leaving any mark behind. It further keeps the skin toned and clean preventing the zits from coming back.

Exfoliating Scrub: Aloe vera is an incredible exfoliator. It makes the skin softer and supplies oxygen to the skin cells thus making the skin more vibrant and radiant. 

Moisturizer: It is a boon for the dry flaky skin as it moisturizes the skin without making it greasy. Regular application of aloe vera gel to the drier areas such as knees, arms, elbows or heels helps in getting smooth healthy skin.

Inflammation Aid: Aloe vera is blessed with anti-inflammation and anti-bacterial properties that soothes insect bites, stings, sunburns and other inflammations.

For shaving: The rich nutrients of aloevera give a smooth nourishing feel to the shaved skin. The slippery texture of the gel facilitates a closer shave with better results. It also moisturizes the skin that soothes the prickly feeling form the tiny inner growths.


Prevents Premature Aging

Aloe vera gel works magic for the skin. It is enriched with antioxidants like beta-carotene, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E that are known to improve skin’s texture, keeps the skin hydrated, and improve the natural firmness of the skin.  It is also effective in delaying wrinkles and fine lines of the skin. Rather than spending millions of bucks on synthetic anti-aging creams, let aloe vera gel do the job for you.

Helps Soothe Sunburn and Reduce Tan 

The shimmery greenish gel acts a protective layer of the skin to replenish the moisture. It heals the skin at the epithelial level. 

Other perks:

The magical list of aloevera gel is eternal. There are oodles of perks that aloevera blesses the skin with. Some of them are:

Treating Rashes and Cuts 

A Great Hair Conditioner 

Maintains pH Balance Of The Scalp 

Treats dandruff 

Cures stretch marks.

Combats hair fall

Removes dark spots and dead cells.

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Natural Ways To Beat Bad Breath

A stinking mouth is an absolute turn off! Whether its foulness of the words or the air that spew out of the mouth, both are equally disgusting. Apart from being a complete embarrassment, foul breathe might also be an indicator of some severe underlying conditions.

Though there are multiple products in the market like mouth spray, chewing gum or mints that claim to combat the issue but their long-lasting effect is questionable. Also, these products focus on providing a temporary solution rather than addressing the root cause of this bad breath.

Fortunately, Ayurveda offers some of the easy and effective techniques to tackle the issue of bad breath. From the Ayurvedic perspective, the root causes for bad breath are usually poor digestion, dry mouth, gum problems, tooth decay, poor oral hygiene, respiratory issues and certain foods. Ayurvedic solutions concentrate on eradicating the root cause of the issue and thereby providing a permanent solution to the awkward issue.

Here we have assembled some of the most popular and widely used Ayurvedic ways to beat bad breathe: 

Gandusha / Kavala

Oral rinse is useful in treating bad breath caused by infection of gums, teeth and tongue.

Tongue cleaning

Ayurveda recommends tongue cleaning to get rid of halitosis. There are references of using golden, silver or iron tongue scrapers in Ayurveda.


A combination of diet and dental hygiene is the best defense against bad breath. Ayurveda believes food and nutrition as the best cure for all maladies.

Good food

Food rich in Vitamin C such as guava, lime, orange and gooseberry help in cleaning the mouth. 

Water flushes the bits of food stuck on the mouth that acts as a breeding ground for bacteria. It also promotes the production of saliva, which acts as a cleansing agent.

Yogurt is a great source of vitamin D, which helps reduce mouth bacteria.

Chew fennel seeds or cloves after every meal.

Apple removes the bacteria causing bad breath.

Bad food

Garlic and onions contain sulfur compounds that linger in the mouth and are absorbed in the bloodstream.

Coffee and alcohol create a favorable environment for oral bacterial growth.

Essential Oils

Essential oils like tea tree oil, lemon oil and peppermint oil are effective natural, alcohol-free mouthwash that guarantees fresh breath. Their antiseptic and natural antifungal properties help kill fungi and bacteria in the mouth. Gum massage using essential oils boosts circulation and makes the gums healthy.


Chewing fennel seeds help cure digestive problems, which is one of the main reasons for bad breath.

Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde that cures bad breath and reduces bacteria in saliva. 

Clove has antiseptic and anti-microbial effects that help get rid of foul breath.


The following herbs have been proven to go beyond trying to hide bad breath and help to actually get rid of it.

Peppermint keeps the mouth fresh and ridden the foul breathe.

Myrrh is a potent natural remedy because it helps cleanse the mouth of germs and also addresses conditions that may encourage future growth.

Parsley helps to freshen breath naturally.

Eucalyptus helps in eliminating mouth malodor by significantly reducing volatile sulfur compounds.

Mint leaves helps in keeping the breath fresh.

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10 Ayurvedic Tips To Relieve The Constipation

Constipation can be much more than just slow bowel movements. The heaviness and discomfort of carrying the shit in your tummy is definitely not a pleasant feeling. The bloating and pungent gases just add to the agony. 

When constipation is chronic, it might open the gates to several other diseases. The body needs to eliminate waste regularly; else the toxic waste gets accumulated and may seep into the bloodstream and affect other tissues and organs. Irregular bowel movement for a sustainably longer period sends wrong signals to liver, brain and immune system resulting in several complications in the system.

While the general perception of constipation is a indeed of a very common ailment not to be taken too seriously, Ayurveda actually emphasizes on having full, regular unobstructed bowel movements at least once per day. As per Ayurveda, constipation is a signal of vata imbalance and blockage of channels and needs to be addressed properly.

Here we have assembled 10 most effective Ayurvedic tips to tackle the sticky Ama the Ayurvedic way:

Gulp down some fluids

Lack of fluid in the diet is the most common cause of constipation. In a dehydrated body, stool becomes hard and moves very slowly through the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking plenty of water loosens the stool and provides relief in constipation.

Add oils to the diet

Organic oils like sesame oil or ghee lubricates the toxic build-up and helps in easing the bowel. 


Fruits are rich in fibre and water content, which can greatly help with the regularity of your bowel movements.  Pineapple and prune juice are particularly effective in treating constipation. 

 Herbal Supplements 

Some ayurvedic herbal supplements work wondrous in relieving the troubles of constipation. Triphala powder is a great laxative and helps to regulate digestion and bowel movements.


Abhyanga particularly near the naval in the abdomen is recommended.


Many yoga postures can help with the downward flow of Vata. Yoga promotes healthy digestion which results in regular bowel.

 Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises such as Kapalabhati pranayama, can also be beneficial for moving Vata down and out.

 Swear by some warm fluids

A glass of warm water, milk or herbal brew counteracts the excess cold and aid in elimination of the clogged waste. A brew of cumin, coriander, and fennel powder relieves bloating, gas and eliminates the waste. A hot cup of senna tea with lemon works as a natural laxative and increases the body’s alkaline levels and cleanses the liver.

 Lemon juice to the rescue

A great detoxifier, it acts as a cleansing agent for the intestines, the salt content helps in quick and easy passage of stool. 

 Foods to ease constipation

Fiber -rich veggies and fruit like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, berries, apples, and oranges offers great help in relieving constipation.

 Raisins – The sweet fruit is very effective in curing constipation.

 Figs – The nutrient packed fruit is very helpful in relieving constipation

 Castor oil – This has been used for centuries as a sure shot remedy for constipation.

Spinach – It can cleanse, rebuild and renew the intestinal tract. This home remedy is the most effective method to cure even the  most stubborn cases of constipation.

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Natural Remedies For Get Rid Of Chin Fat

Every face is crafted beautifully and it is our utmost duty to maintain that beauty intact. While they say beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, but the real satisfaction comes when the mirror says the same. A fatty face with a double chin is definitely something that needs some work to do.

Though there are many beautification treatments that can give a completely new look, but the cost and risk associated are too high to stake. Fortunately, Ayurveda has revealed the mystery behind the perfection of ancient Indian beauties and their natural beauty secrets that worked seamlessly in getting that bold, beautiful and perfect look.

What causes chin fat?

Bad food choices, sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, lack of sleep and exercise and poor blood circulation, as well as weakening of facial muscles, are the major causes of fat accumulation on face and chins.

Ditch the chin fat in Ayurvedic way


Facial yoga is the best way to get a toned slim face naturally. These asanas stimulate and tones the face and neck muscles giving it a sharper chiselled look. It works amazingly in reducing double chin giving a natural facelift and a leaner appearance to the face.  Here are some of the yoga asanas that would gently take care of the stubborn chin fat. 

Simha Mudra

Jivha Bandha 

Jalandhar Bandha

Fish Face

Mouthwash Technique

Cheek Uplift

Chin Lift

Neck Roll 

Lip Pull 

Jaw Release 

Blowing Air 

Ayurvedic Ways to bid bye to the double chin

Massaging the face with warm cocoa butter ensures proper hydration that helps to maintain elasticity, plumpness and resiliency of the skin 

A mask of egg white is ladened with Vitamin A which helps improve the resilience of the skin.

Glycerine keeps the skin healthy and tight by hydrating it. Regular use of glycerine aids in improving skin elasticity and moisture.

Vitamin E is a boon for the skin. Massaging the face with vitamin E oil enhances the elasticity of your skin and reduces face fat.

Applying milk on the face lends several essential nutrients that tone-up and tighten the skin. It also acts as an anti-aging agent that helps retain the elasticity of the skin. 

Hot towel treatment causes your facial skin to sweat. It aids in reducing facial fat whilst tightening and rejuvenating skin.

A clay mask just works wonder for the skin. It increases collagen level of the skin and tightens the skin preventing it from sagging. Natural clay masks give a slimmer look to the face. 

Curcumin in turmeric has anti aging properties which assist to maintain healthy skin. 

Cucumber can help to reduce the bloated face. It gives you a youthful and refreshed skin. 

Massage the neck using the wheat germ oil. It nourishes the skin as well as tightens the skin under the chin area.

Scientific take on Ayurveda for combating chin fat

Ayurveda is the holistic science for uplifting the quality of life in all aspects. It employs all natural and herbal techniques to enhance health and spirit of life. Scientific studies have backed the fact that practicing the basic yoga movements and following the skin care regime religiously is guaranteed to give desired results in a couple of months.

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Cedar Wood Essential Oil In Hair Care

Ayurveda introduced the world to the mystic powers of various essential oils. These marvelous fluids are truly a blessing as they are brimmed with multiple therapeutic and medicinal properties which work wonders on the body.

Cedar wood essential oil is known for its calming, sedating effects on the mind. Widely used in aromatherapy, this wild essential oil is slowly making its place in the list of natural beauty products. The wondrous properties of this natural oil seem to cast a magical spell on the tresses. Brimmed with vitamin A, B, C, E, and F, it is a blessing for the hair and skin.

Benefits of Cedar Wood Essential Oil for Hair 

Treat your Hair loss Problem

Hair loss is a serious problem that can literally take away your peace of mind. Fortunately, there are some natural and cost-effective ways to deal with this problem.

Cedar wood essential oil stimulates the hair follicles and promotes blood circulation in the scalp thus contributing to hair growth and reduced hair loss. Ayurveda highly recommends the use of essential oils to treat hair loss, thinning hair and various types of alopecia. Cedar wood oil fused with thyme, rosemary and lavender improve hair growth and is widely used in hair loss treatment.

Dry scalp

Dry scalp is the root cause of many nightmares when it comes to the hair. It can cause dandruff, itching, hair fall and make the hair dull and frizzy. Cedar wood essential oil comes to aid in this crisis. It nourishes the dry scalp by stimulating the scalp and regulating the production of natural oil. Ladened with antifungal and moisturizing properties it provides great nourishment to the hair.

Treats Seborrhoeic Eczema

Seborrhoeic Eczema is a common scalp condition caused by the malfunction of the skin’s sebaceous glands which results in scaly patches and red skin on the scalp. The increase of sebum production causes an infection of the epidermal cells which causes raised, inflamed, itchy and flaking rashes. 

Cedar wood essential oil aids in the treatment of seborrhoeic eczema due to its healing, antiseborrheic and anti-inflammatory properties. Cedar wood not only helps to treat this condition, it also aids in soothing the associated symptoms. 

How to add Cedar wood essential oil in your daily hair care regime?

As we have already unveiled the many benefits of this supernatural fluid for your strands, let’s check out the easy breezy ways to add this to your hair care regime. Here we have assembled some ways to enjoy the benefits of Cedar wood essential oil:

Hair serum – Cedar wood essential oil can promote hair growth by stimulating the scalp.

Scalp Massage Oil – It helps to relax, unwind and calm the mind so that you can get peaceful sleep, which is also important for healthy hair.

Combing with Cedar wood Oil – A few drops of cedarwood oil onto your comb/hair brush helps to stimulate the scalp and increase blood flow to the hair follicles that gets nourished by the nutrients and water in the blood.

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The saying “morning shows the day!” is particularly true when we wake up to a pleasant morning turned unpleasant by the morning sickness.  Morning sickness is an entwined part of pregnancy for most women, in fact in many cases; this symptom breaks the good news to the family. If nausea and drowsiness were not enough to tackle, the bitterness of vomiting just makes it worse. Though many pregnant moms experience this only in the first trimester, for some it may go long the whole phase of pregnancy.

Ayurveda, the 3000 years old science of healing highly emphasized on making pregnancy a smooth journey and highlighted the importance of taking proper care during this period. It offers multiple herbal and therapeutical methods to combat these hard-hitting symptoms of pregnancy.

Some of the most popular Ayurvedic discoveries are revealed below:

Ginger for instant relief

This magical root is enthralled with an unending list of benefits. Ginger root has been used for aeons owing to its plethora of medicinal benefits including treating digestive problems, heartburn and nausea. It is a must-have for pregnant mothers experiencing morning sickness and nausea during pregnancy. It can be easily consumed as a brew of ginger tea, paste, ale juice or with a combination of other foods.

Herbal tea to soothe the uneasiness

Herbal teas are particularly effective in soothing the tiring symptoms of pregnancy. Just a few sips of these hot brews and ward off the uneasiness of morning sickness. Herbal teas made with chamomile, lemon balm and peppermint are very beneficial in soothing heartburn and nausea. 

Use the power of lemon 

This is one of the best remedy to morning sickness. Just sniffing the strong but pleasant odor of lemon or lemon leaves helps in treating morning sickness. Drinking mild lemon juice also helps in combating the troubles of heartburn, nausea and vomiting.

Add mint to your diet  

Mints like spearmint, horsemint and peppermint are a boon for the pregnant ladies as they are very effective in controlling morning sickness. Their fragrances and flavors stimulate the different channels of the body and mitigate the feelings of nausea and vomiting.

Getting good sleep

Carrying a child in the womb all the time is definitely exhausting and demanding. Fatigue, tiredness, shortness of breathe are very common, particularly in the third trimester. It is very important to listen to the body and provide it with sufficient rest whenever it demands. Getting a sound quality sleep is very important for the body. Relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation and a healthy diet help to calm the mind and boost better sleep.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is a must have drink during pregnancy as it offers oodles of benefits for both the mother and the baby. Rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre, coconut water is extremely effective in tackling morning sickness.  

Practice Yoga

Practicing right yoga postures during pregnancy offers immense help with stress, anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, and low back pain. And it might help ease morning sickness too. Asanas such as balasana (child’s pose), ardha chandrasana (half moon pose) and prasarita padottanasana (wide-legged forward bend) can be particularly helpful. However, getting the postures correct is very important as a wrong practice would definitely increase the difficulties.

In case the morning sickness is very severe, then consulting an Ayurvedic doctor would be helpful in dealing with the issues.

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sitz bath : A boon for piles and fissure patients

Tears drench the cheeks when the delicate genitals get affected with piles or fissures. The pain is so bad, that it makes the toilet seem like a battleground, painful and bloody. Clenched in the wimpy hands of the painful condition even the simplest actions like sneezing, laughing, coughing, walking, sitting, lying down, bending, or doing exercise may become a challenge.

Piles are enlarged and swollen blood vessels that develop in the lower part of the rectum or the anus whereas anal fissure is a cut or tear near the anus. Fissures often accompany piles or constipation and are caused by the trauma to the anus occurring because of large, hard bowel movements. 

Thankfully, there are ways to escape the tyranny of this painful condition. Sitz bath is one of the best treatments for this condition. It’s extremely helpful in soothing the pain, itch and irritation caused by piles, hemorrhoids or anal fissure, or any tissue damage caused by vaginal birth. It is frequently recommended by physicians for a variety of anal disorders because of its immense efficacy and safety in treating the disease.

What is sitz bath?

A sitz bath is a warm bath of the rare area that cleanses the perineum, the space between the rectum and the vulva or scrotum. This is a soothing and effective way to relieve pain in the bottom or around the private parts.

How sitz bath helps in piles and fissure?

A sitz bath is a relaxing way to naturally relieve a variety of symptoms associated with piles and fissures. 

Warm water is a vasodilator, which means that it causes blood vessels to open and muscles to relax. By loosening the tightened and swollen piles, it eases the pain and the swollen portion may even shrink. 

Soaking in warm water fastens the healing process by boosting blood flow in that area. 

Sitz baths can also be used to ease constipation and to strengthen pelvic floor muscles that may have become weakened from injury or giving birth. They can also provide general relief in cases of irritated or itchy skin.

It helps relax the sphincter muscles, which promotes healing, soothes constipation, and eases overall discomfort.

A warm, relaxing sitz baths takes care of cleansing and soothing delicate areas with minimal pressure. 

It keeps infections at bay and can be used for everyday personal hygiene.

How to take sitz bath?

In sitz bath, the patient sits in the warm water immersing the anus and the vaginal opening for about 15 minutes. For best results repeat the process three times a day and after every bowel movement.   

After the process is done, the patient can get up carefully and slowly as the dilation of blood vessels from warm water could cause dizziness.

Next, gently pat the area dry using a sterile and soft towel. Excess moisture left on the anal area can actually make hemorrhoids worse.

It is recommended not to add any shower gel, bubble bath, or any type of soap to the water. 

Salt is a good general additive for any sitz bath. However, it is advised to confirm with the physician regarding the benefits or adverse effects if any offered by such additives. 

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Oil Pulling For Gingivitis & Oral Care | Ayurcentralonline

What is gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a common periodontal disease that results in inflammation of the gums. It is caused by the accumulation of a layer of plaque or bacteria on the teeth.


Gingivitis is usually characterized by red, puffy gums, easy bleeding of gum and teeth, tender gums, bad breath,inflammation, swollen gums, or soft gums.

Risk Factors

Poor oral hygiene is one of the most prominent underlying causes of gingivitis. Other probable causes include:

Changes in hormones 

Diseases like cancer, diabetes, and HIV are linked to a higher risk of gingivitis.




Poor diet

Family history

Ayurvedic remedy – Oil pulling for treating gingivitis

Oil pulling is an ancient ayurvedic therapy that was widely used by Indians before the brushes and other oral hygiene care were introduced to mankind. Oil pulling is a traditional procedure of rinsing the mouth with potent oil to treat oral and systemic diseases. It is very effective in maintaining oral hygiene.

Procedure of oil pulling

Oil pulling is a method of gargling using oil instead of warm water.  Oils like sesame, coconut, mustard oil, Ayurvedic formulated oils etc. are usually opted for this process because of their strong anti-bacterial properties.

The mouth is swished with the oil for 5 – 10 minutes till the oil pulls out the toxic substances and turns milky white in colour. The toxic oil is then spit out and mouth is thoroughly washed with clean water. 

Benefits of oil pulling in gingivitis

Oil pulling has been proven to be effective in reducing plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis. It is believed to help in the excretion of toxic heavy metals by saliva. Oil pulling activates salivary enzymes which absorb toxins such as chemical toxins, bacterial toxins and environmental toxins and eliminate them from the body. Thus oil pulling detoxifies and purifies the entire human body. 

Mustard oil for oil pulling

The religious practice of oil pulling helps in removing the thick layer of plaque accumulated in the gums and teeth. Researches have established the efficacy of oil pulling using sesame oil and sunflower oil in reducing gingivitis. 

Coconut oil for oil pulling

Coconut oil pulling is one of the best ways to remove bacteria and promote healthy teeth and gums. Oil pulling using coconut oil has been proven for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.  Coconut oil also has anti-septic properties and causes no side effects which make it a perfect solution for oral hygiene maintenance.  

Sesame oil for oil pulling

Sesame oil is mostly preferred oil for practicing oil pulling for it has detoxification, antioxidant, and antibiotic actions. It has been proved to help reduce plaque induced gingivitis. Sesame oil contains chlorosesamone which has antifungal activity and the polyunsaturated fatty acids  reduce free radicals that deteriorates the oral health.

Olive oil for oil pulling

Olive oil is blessed with antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and antioxidative effect. Oil pulling performed using with olive oil helps in preventing oral malodour by inhibiting plaque formation and inhibiting growth of germs.

Other benefits of oil pulling

Oil pulling is a great way of detoxification of oral cavities as it sucks the toxins out and kills the bad bacteria thriving in the mouth. It creates a clean, antiseptic oral environment that contributes to preventing cavities and disease. 

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Vetiver Essential Oil Helath Benefits

Vetiver is revered as a holy herb that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Also referred as “Khus”, this sacred plant and its attributes are highly valued because of its uplifting, soothing, healing and protective properties. Blessed with pleasant, mild, earthy, and musky smell it casts a cooling effect on the body and the mind.

Vetiver essential oil is lauded by Ayurvedic seers for its richness of composition and the wonders it does on the mind and the body. Its combination of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, cicatrisant, nervine and sedative properties makes it a panacea for many maladies.

The relaxing aura of this mystic oil makes it a wonderful component of aromatherapy and the therapeutic properties are leveraged in making medicines. Let us see some of the most effective health benefits of Vetiver essential oil.

Benefits of Vetiver essential oil

Cure for ADHD

ADHD is a mental health condition mostly encountered in children and is characterized by distractions, difficulty in concentrating, lost focus, impatience, and fidgety. Many scientific studies have proved vetiver essential oil to be 100% effective in curing this condition. 

Relieves stress and anxiety

Vetiver essential oil is a great adaptogen and is known for its tranquillizing and calming properties which relieve the mind from the burden of anxiety and depression. It has been used for aeons to soothe emotional stress, nervousness, panic attacks, trauma, anxiety, insomnia, hysteria, debility and depression.

Boosts immunity

This marvelous oil is widely used to boost circulation and immunity of the body. It strengthens the white blood cells which shield the body against viral and fungal infections.

Reduces Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory and cooling effects of vetiver essential oil aids in relieving inflammation, reducing the appearance of rashes and skin redness. It is also beneficial in severe skin conditions like dryness and flaking caused due to eczema

Enhances Libido

This excellent cooling and flavoring agent is enthralled with aphrodisiac properties. The calming and relaxing vibe of this essential oil serves as a remedy for most sexual disorders like lack of libido, premature ejaculation and impotence. 

Prevents Nervous Disorders

Vetiver essential oil is an incredible nervine tonic that aids in healing nerve damage caused by shock, fear, and stress. It also aids in treating nervous and neurotic disorders.

Treats Insomnia

The mystic aroma of this earthy oil casts a magic spell that lures you to sleep. It’s sedating and tranquilizing effects relaxes the mind and body and treats issues related to poor sleep.

Accelerates Healing

Vetiver essential oil is blessed with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It not only fastens the healing process but also protects the wound from getting infected. 

Eliminates Scars

Vetiver essential oil is helpful in removing scars and marks on the skin. It also promotes the growth of new tissues and replaces dead and discolored tissues thereby giving an even toned look to the skin. It is an ancient remedy for post-delivery stretch marks, fat cracks, spots left by pox, and burns.

Kills lice

Vetiver oil is a very strong pest repellent. Its strong smell and pest repellent properties kill the lice dwelling in the scalp. It offers deep conditioning to the scalp and heals inflammation caused due to lice bites.

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Millets For Healthy Life | Ayurcentralonline

In the battle of human versus diseases, equipping oneself with the power of good health has become a quintessential tool. Picking the most nutritive food, shedding sweat in the gym and opting for healthy alternatives in every aspect are some of the steps towards a healthy life.

In the quest of finding healthy foods, we investigate the nutritive value of each grain that goes to the plate. Apart from fruits, veggies, pulses and grains, millets are the highly nutritive small-seeded grasses that definitely deserve a place on your plate.

Here are some of the awesome facts that make millets a super food. 

Enhances immunity

Millets offers a punch of natural strength and boosts the immune system shielding the body from infections and diseases. Blessed with a wide variety of micro-nutrients like calcium, thiamin and magnesium, millets offers a plethora of benefits to the body. 

Fuels the digestive system

Millets are brimmed with soluble and insoluble fibre. They help the food move through the digestive system in a smooth way whilst preventing acidity and improving bowel movement. It helps in combating digestive issues and helps in treating constipation.

Aids in losing weight

Millets are composed of complex carbohydrates that digest slower and steadier and are very filling in nature. Just a few spoons of millets are enough to satiate the hunger and keep you fuller for a long time. Consuming fewer calories leads to weight loss without compromising health.

Combat diabetes

Millets are gluten free grains and blessed with antioxidants. They are packed with magnesium, a mineral which is extremely important for starch digestion and secretion of enzymes that assists in insulin’s action. Millets have a low Glycemic Index that slows down the digestion process and keeps the blood sugar level at a constant ratio. It further increases insulin sensitivity and helps to control the sugar levels.

Gifts a healthy heart 

Millets are enthralled with lignans which are known to be prebiotic fiber that gets fermented in the gut by the actions of bacteria. Millets are immensely helpful in protecting us against heart diseases.

Prevents Gallstones

Researches have proved that consuming foods high in insoluble fiber helps in preventing gallstones. Consumption of soluble and insoluble fiber effectively lowers risk of gallstones. 

Aids breast milk production

Lactation is a very important phase; though breastfeeding seems like an easy natural process, but for many it’s quite challenging. One of the most common problems encountered by new moms is the low production of milk. Millets are amazing galactagogue that aids in the production of breast milk.

Slows muscle degradation

Muscle degradation generally comes with ageing. Regular consumption of millets slows down muscle degradation and helps to build leaner muscles. Being rich in protein and having lysine, an amino acid it helps in maintaining muscles in the body.

Aids in Sound Sleep

Millets are adaptogenic in nature which means it is effective in reducing stress. A relaxed mind ensures undisturbed sound sleep.

Apart from the above listed factors, millets also help in soothing menstrual cramps, boosts immunity, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and the list goes on. Many studies are conducted to unveil the true potency of this amazing food. 

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