Zandu haldi drops

zandu haldi drops: ayurvedic medicine for enhance immunity, protection from diseases, and overall health

Zandu Haldi drops are an ayurvedic proprietary medicine prepared by Emami Zandu Ayurveda. It is prepared by 5 powerful ingredients which are highly rated in ayurvedic literature for enhanced immunity. Zandu Haldi drops are powered by extracts from Saffron (Kesari), Cardamom, Cinnamon, and Black Peppers apart from the titular ingredient Turmeric (Haldi).


Turmeric or Haldi is one of the most highly rated herbs in Ayurveda. It is a staple in most Indian kitchens. Studies have shown that it contains a component called curcumin which has a binding affinity to many viruses and bacteria. It also attacks the free radicals and helps minimize the damage caused to the internal organs. Turmeric possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties and can help heal ulcers and inflammations in the internal organs. It also is loaded with antioxidants which help prevent infectious diseases and increases the body’s resistance to diseases by boosting immunity. Some sources also say turmeric might possess cancer-preventive properties. It also promotes a healthy heart and relieves respiratory diseases like the common cold and cough. Its efficacy in relieving respiratory diseases enhances when combined with black peppers.

Click here to read more about the health benefits of turmeric.

Black Pepper or Krishna Marich is another major ingredient in Zandu Haldi drops. It also has powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. It is one of the rare spices which do not possess heating property. It is effective in relieving respiratory conditions caused by infectious viruses like the common cold, cough, and sore throat. It has been used to treat these symptoms combined with turmeric and milk for many hundred years. Black pepper has potent anti-inflammatory properties. It also enhances digestion and metabolism.

Cinnamon, or Dalchini as it is commonly called, is an anti-oxidant-rich spice. It also has potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. It is regarded as one of the most effective pain relievers in Ayurveda. Cinnamon has also been found in studies to aid in the treatment of diabetes. This herbal extract can also assist with menstruation cramps. It may also aid in the enhancement of prebiotic characteristics in the stomach, therefore improving overall gut health. Cinnamon can also aid improve digestion, promote a good mood, and lower blood pressure.

Kesari, also known as saffron, is one of the most expensive spices since it is extracted from the tentacles of the Kesari flower. A tub of Kesari flower yields only a few grams of kesar. Despite its expensive price, this herbal extract is nevertheless in great demand due to the herb’s remarkable therapeutic properties. Kesar is an excellent source of essential nutrients and antioxidants. As a result, it is an effective immune booster. It may also aid in the treatment of diabetes. Kesar is also well-known for its ability to alleviate tension. Kesar has anti-depressant phyto-components and can enhance mood, according to research. It has a strong aphrodisiac effect. Kesar promotes weight reduction. This herb helps in relieving post-menstrual symptoms like irritability, headaches, cravings and pain. It also enhances memory and concentration. It is also beneficial for heart health and prevents cardiac diseases.

Milk medicated with Saffron has a plethora of health benefits. Click here to read!

Another major ingredient in Zandu Haldi drops is cardamom. It is a powerful mouth freshener and helps to improve breathing. It also is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties for enhanced immunity. Cardamom is a potent diuretic that is recommended in gastrointestinal and urinary disorders. It is also an effective aphrodisiac and also helps in improving blood circulation. It alleviates joint pains. It is also useful in insomnia because it promotes sound sleep.


Zandu Haldi Drops is a powerful immunity booster and an overall health enhancer.

It has strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties which helps protect from all kinds of diseases.

This medicine is highly rated to relieve respiratory diseases like Allergic Rhinitis.

It is a one-stop solution to cough, dry cough and sore throat.

Zandu Haldi drops can alleviate the common cold.

This ayurvedic medicine prevents arthritis and promotes healthy joints.

They possess powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Zandu Haldi drops are loaded with anti-oxidants.

This medicine is effective in enhancing skin health.

It also supports the healthy functioning of the liver.


It is normally recommended to add 5-10 drops of Zandu Haldi drops in 100 ml of water and consuming for enhanced immunity and overall health.

It is advisable to consult an ayurvedic physician to get a personalized dosage with respect to your conditions, gunas and dosha karmas.


This product is available in our store. Whatsapp us at 8884333462. 

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Zandu kesari jivan

Zandu kesari jivan and kesari jivan ffd for healthy bones, youthfulness, vitality and to improve overall immunity

Zandu Kesari Jivan is an ayurvedic lehyam that offers the best in class overall immunity apart from having direct actions to improve bone density and enhance blood circulation. It contains almost all vital nutrients necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Just two teaspoons of Kesari Jivan in the morning with milk or honey can help keep most infectious diseases at bay. It is most recommended in the month of monsoon when the body is weaker and more prone to diseases. It is loaded with fruits like Amla and Ashwagandha which help in nourishing all the tissues in the body.

Zandu Kesari Jivan is a reworked and improved variant of the ayurvedic elixir known as Chawanprash. This is an ayurvedic jam prepared by Zandu care with most of the ingredients used to prepare the highest-rated ayurvedic preparation ‘Chawanprash’. Zandu Kesari Jivan is further enhanced by an increased addition of Kesari or Saffron and other minerals like Calx of Pearl. This ayurvedic jam is a must-have in your kitchen shelf to get your daily dose of calcium and to keep yourself safe from infectious diseases. The sugar-free version is marketed as Zandu Kesari Jivan FFD (Fit for Diabetes).


Zandu Kesari Jivan is also available in a sugar-free version which makes it easy for diabetes patients to consume their favorite medicine.

When we age it is normal to experience a wearing down of the bones. This is especially true for diabetes patients. It is normal, especially for women to see a fall in bone density after the age of 35. Zandu Kesari Jivan prepared by the most exotic ingredients will ensure a regular supply of calcium required to prevent the degradation of the bones. Unlike chemically prepared calcium boosting tablets this preparation supplies this essential mineral from naturally occurring resources like pearls.

Click here to get a list of 6 other immunity boosting foods which can be consumed alongside Kesari Jivan and Kesari Jivan FFD for improved immunity!


Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a powerful ayurvedic fruit. In Ayurveda, there are 6 different tastes. The ancient seers have lain that it is very important to have all the six tastes as a part of our daily diet. In our modern world with our culinary habits we hardly imbibe three or four tastes in our daily meal. Amla fruit has all 6 major ayurvedic tastes in one single entity. This is why instead of apple, ayurvedic doctors will tell you ‘An amla a day keeps the Vaidya away’. Ayurveda also says all human beings are made up of 5 basic elements. Only if we consume all 6 tastes will we be getting all the 5 elements. So the easiest way to balance the levels of panchabhoota in our body is to consume amla every day. Amla is also a sapthadhatu nourisher. It nourishes all the seven major vital tissues classified in Ayurveda. Sapthadhatu nourishing herbs are considered most powerful to improve immunity and amla is one of the highest-rated fruits for this purpose. Amla also balances the Tridosas. There are very few herbs that help in balancing the tridosas, amla is one of them. This all-round effect makes amla amongst the best herbs in Ayurveda. Zandu Kesari Jeevan is prepared primarily from extracts of this powerful fruit.

Amla is a rich source of vitamins and minerals especially vitamin C. Amla is also highly effective in helping regulate blood sugar levels. It was scientifically tested and verified for its efficacy. Here is the list of 10 select scientific studies which prove the medicinal benefits of amla.


Kesari or saffron is one of the most costly herbs because it comes from the tentacles of the kesari flower. A tub of kesari flower can make just a few grams of kesar. This herbal extract is still in high demand despite its high price because of the incredible medicinal benefits of this herb. Kesar is one of the best sources of antioxidants. This makes it a potent immunity booster. It might also help in the management of diabetes. Kesar is also highly rated for its ability to relieve stress. Studies have shown Kesar contains anti-depressant phyto-components and can improve mood. It is a powerful aphrodisiac. Kesar helps in weight loss. This helps in relieving post-menstrual symptoms like irritability, headaches, cravings and pain. It also enhances memory and concentration. It is also beneficial for heart health and prevents cardiac diseases


Abraka Bhasma or Calx of Pearl is a unique ingredient in Zandu Kesari Jivan Lehya. This powder is one of the best sources of calcium and promotes healthy and strong bones. Just a tablespoon of Zandu Kesari Jivan every day can ensure strong and healthy bones and prevent bone thinning and other bone-related complications.


It is recommended to have one tablespoon of Kesari Jivan lehyam two times a day in morning and evening with milk for increased bone density and immunity.


This product is available in two versions in our store. Zandu Kesari Jivan flavored by jaggery or sugar candy for normal people and Zandu Kesari Jivan FFD for diabetic people. Whatsapp us at 8884333462 to book your product now!!!!!

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Zandu giloy tulsi

Zandu giloy tulsi + 3 herbs ayurvedic juice for best possible protection from infectious diseases

Emami Zandu has come up with a unique formula combing the most highly rated ayurvedic herbs to offer the best possible immunity from infectious diseases. Zandu Giloy Tulsi +3 Herbs health juice combines the incredible benefits of Giloy and Tulsi with that of cinnamon, ginger, and black peppers. The powerful combination of these herbs in a single product ensures best-in-class nutrients and improved health.

Let us look at the amazing benefits of the ingredients used to make Zandu Giloy Tulsi +3 Herbs.


Giloy also known as Guduchi or Tinospora Cordifolia is one of the best Immunity Boosting herbs in Ayurveda. It is one of the most used ingredients in Ayurveda medicine making. Giloy is rich in almost all vitamins and also has some essential minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, magnesium and zinc. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidizing properties. In Ayurveda, Giloy is considered a Saptadhatu enhancer. It nourishes all seven tissues necessary for health and wellbeing (as per ayurvedic classification). Giloy is the primary ingredient in Zandu Giloy Tulsi +3 herbal juice.

Read more about the benefits of Giloy here.


Tulsi is rich in Vitamin A, C and K, minerals like Phosphorus, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium, and Zinc which makes it a natural immunity booster. It also has good amounts of protein and fiber. T helper cells and natural killer cells, the key fighters in our immunity system benefits from Tulsi extracts and this means there will be a boost for the speed at which the immune system reacts. Tulsi detoxifies the body. Its diuretic property decreases uric acid in the body which provides relief to patients suffering from gout. Ocimunocides A and B in Tulsi results in a reduction of stress and balances happiness generating serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Eugenol a pain-relieving agent in Tulsi also makes it a reliever of pain in the body. Tulsi is very effective in combating respiratory illnesses like cough and cold. It helps reduce congestion in the chest. Tulsi extracts with honey and ginger are effective in the treatment of Bronchitis and asthma.


Another major herb in this ayurvedic herbal juice is ginger. Ginger is a standalone ayurvedic tonic. It is most recommended in improving digestion and metabolism. It helps improve nutrient absorption in the body. Ginger is also a powerful immunity booster. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is a powerful spice that improves the flavor of this drink. It enhances mood and provides an elevated aura. Ginger also helps improve bowel movements and is also recommended to protect the liver. It has strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve inflammations in the body, especially in the stomach. It can help in alleviating acidity and gastritis. It is one of the best herbs recommended for relieving dry cough. It lowers blood pressure and can help in preventing the growth of tumorous tissues. Ginger extracts are recommended for women to help in relieving period pain. It soothes the muscles and might also be beneficial for diabetes. It can also help in relief from nausea and vomiting.

Click here to read how ginger juice can help in weight loss.


Turmeric is one of the most powerful anti-microbial and immunity-boosting herbs in Ayurveda.  It nourishes the cells which help in fight against invading microbes. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric protects the internal organs from free radicals. It helps relieve cough and cold. It is useful in preventing many respiratory and seasonal diseases.


Cinnamon or Dalchini as it is colloquially known as an herb rich in anti-oxidants. It also possesses strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. It is one of the highest-rated pain relievers in Ayurveda. Studies have also shown that cinnamon can help in the management of diabetes. This herbal extract can also help relieve menstrual disorders. It might also help enhance prebiotic properties in the gut thus enhancing overall gut health. Cinnamon can also help enhance digestion, help exhibit a positive mood and help reduce blood pressure.

Read more about the health benefits of cinnamon here!


Black pepper also helps enhance anti-oxidants in the body. It has incredible anti-inflammatory properties and adds a unique flavor to the product. Once upon a time in the past black pepper was worth its weight in gold. The ancient Chera kingdom became prosperous by simply exporting black peppers apart from wootz steel and other spices. This spice is very effective in relieving cough, the common cold, and many other respiratory diseases. It also has the potency to fight bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. It has a beneficial action on the brain and the heart.

Zandu Giloy Tulsi +3 Herbs health juice is powered by the combined benefits of all these powerful herbs making it a potent medicine to enhance the nutrient supply and boost one’s overall immunity.


It is advised to consume 30 ml of this juice mixed in one glass of warm water once or twice a day or as direct by an ayurvedic physician for immunity.


This product is available in our store. Whatsapp us at 8884333462 to buy!

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Zandu sonachandi chyawanplus

Zandu sonachandi chyawanplus- ayurvedic medicine for enhanced memory apart from immunity

Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus is an enhanced version of the traditional ayurvedic immunity-boosting jam called chawanprash. It is prepared from the traditional 51 unique ayurvedic herbal and naturally occurring mineral ingredients all of which are rich in nutrients and contribute to enhancing immunity. 

In this age when there is a demand for easy-to-consume immunity boosters, there is not an easier and more efficient option than the chawanprash. To add to this, Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus is loaded with memory enhancers like Brahmi, Jyotishmathi and Shankapushpi which improve help to enhance brain functioning. The manufacturer markets Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus as a product that contains 9 unique immunity boosters for protection from infectious diseases and 5 memory boosters for enhancing concentration, retention, learning behavior and memory.

Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus can be consumed throughout the year in recommended doses to keep respiratory diseases at bay. Most of its ingredients possess powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties and can help keep the immunity system ready to fight these invading pathogens. This product is a rich source of antioxidants especially vitamin C. It is also loaded with all necessary vital nutrients which help prevent diseases caused by the deficiency of the same.

Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus is primarily a sugar candy-based preparation. Most of the carbohydrates offered by the product are in form of sugars or its variants but this helps in relieving fatigue, tiredness and dizziness. Amongst the herbal ingredients used to make this preparations are powerful sapthadhatu nourishers and complete body rejuvenators like ashwagandha, amla and giloy. 


Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus is powered by one of the most powerful ayurvedic herbs for complete body rejuvenation. Ashwagandha is a powerful immunity booster and can offer protection from all kinds of diseases. It is a sapthadhatu nourisher that nourishes all tissues in the body. It is recommended by ayurvedic doctors for improving sexual and reproductive organs. It enhances the ojas and improves vitality. It has a protective action on most internal organs including the heart, kidneys and liver. Studies have shown ashwagandha to possess a binding affinity to the novel coronavirus. Components in ashwagandha bind with the virus and prevent it from binding with receptor cells in the body. This action means ashwagandha can be used to treat mild, moderate and asymptomatic cases of covid-19 disease.

Click here to read more about the benefits of ashwagandha!


Click here to read about the benefits of Brahmi explained by an ayurvedic doctor

Brahmi is a plant whose leaves are shaped like the Cerebellum in our brain. It is widely available in India. Brahmi or Bacopa Monniera is an important herb in Ayurveda. It has been traditionally used to soothe the head and improve memory power. Efficacy of Brahmi in enhancing memory, concentration and overall brain functions was confirmed by researchers from Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences in their study titled “Enhancement of basolateral amygdaloid neuronal dendritic arborization following Bacopa monniera extract treatment in adult rats”. Brahmi also possesses potent anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.


Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a powerful ayurvedic fruit. In Ayurveda there are 6 different tastes. The ancient seers have lain that it is very important to have all the six tastes as a part of our daily diet. In our modern world with our culinary habits we hardly imbibe three or four tastes in our daily meal. Amla fruit has all 6 major ayurvedic tastes in one single entity. This is why instead of apple, ayurvedic doctors will tell you ‘An amla a day keeps the doctor away’. Ayurveda also says all human beings are made up of 5 basic elements. Only if we consume all 6 tastes will we be getting all the 5 elements. So the easiest way to balance the levels of panchabhoota in our body is to consume amla every day. Amla is also a sapthadhatu nourisher. It nourishes all the seven major vital tissues classified in Ayurveda. Sapthadhatu nourishing herbs are considered most powerful to improve immunity and amla is one of the highest-rated fruits for this purpose. Amla also balances the Tridosas. There are very few herbs that help in balancing the tridosas, amla is one of them. This all-round effect makes amla amongst the best herbs in Ayurveda.


Like the ones listed above, there are at least 48 other herbal ingredients used in the preparation of Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus. The benefits of consuming Chawanplus are more than the potency of the ingredients. Scientifically all Chwanprash are highly rated for their load of vitamin C and anti-oxidants. A study testing the nutrient load of Chawanprash made by various brands made available on the internet (like below) shows Zandu Sonachandi Chawanplus to contain the maximum dose of vitamin C at more than 8mg/10 grams. This makes it a logical choice for people to choose Zandu Sonachandi when they decide to go into the market looking for Chawanprash.


This product is available in our store. Whatsapp us at 8884333462 to book your product


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Mebarid capsules

Mebarid capsules : multi-action ayurvedic capsules for dysentery, inflammations and gastro-intestinal problems

Mebarid Capsules is an ayurvedic product prepared by Phyto Laboratories by extracting components from ingredients mentioned in ancient ayurvedic literature. These tablets are prepared by using ayurvedic ingredients and a modern world-class manufacturing infrastructure. This ensures holistic cure and nature-centric nurturing of Ayurveda and the quick healing and scientifically backed modern manufacturing of Allopathy. Mebarid capsules are a powerhouse of active ingredients which are derived from herbs like Berberis Arista, Punica Granatum, Bombax Malabaricum, Holarrena Antidysenterica, etc. It helps to eliminate the ama or undigested food residue which gets stored in the body and prevents diseases that occur due to ama accumulation.

Lose motion and Diarrhea might occur due to bad gut health. Mebarid capsules can relieve the condition. But why do you get a bad gut when you have consumed only healthy foods?  Click here to know the connection between gut health and your thoughts


Mebarid Capsules are prepared by highly rated ingredients in ancient ayurvedic texts.

Kutaja or Indigo flower extracts are the primary ingredients in Mebarid capsules. It has high efficacy in relieving diarrhea and loose motion. It acts by absorbing moisture content in the gastrointestinal tract which relieves diarrhea. This diuretic quality of Kutaja makes it useful in many other health conditions which require diuretic action.

Dharuharidra or Indian Beriberi extracts are another major ingredient in Mebarid capsules. It has strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties which can help shield against many diseases caused by these pathogens. It is highly effective in eliminating invasions by bacteria and amoeba in the body. Indian Beriberi is also a highly effective fruit to boost overall immunity. They also have potent cell regenerative properties.

Pomegranate extracts are also included in Mebarid capsules. Pomegranate is an astringent fruit with a plethora of medicinal benefits. Regular consumption of pomegranate can prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It is one of the richest sources of antioxidants and vitamins especially vitamin C. It improves digestion and cures heart diseases and relieves arthritis.

Nutmeg is renowned historically for its preservative properties. It can increase the shelf life of food and is traditionally thought to have the potency to increase the lifespan of humans when consumed in limited doses. Nutmeg is also a potent relaxant.

Panchamrita Parpa is a Siddha preparation. It is added in Mebarid capsules for its potency as an anti-septic. It is highly rated by seers of Siddha and Ayurveda for stopping loose motions.

Bombax Malabaricum or Silk Cotton tree extracts are also a major ingredient in these capsules. It has a soothing effect on the stomach and helps bind the undigested food residue which helps in preventing dysentery, loose motion and diarrhea.

Bael fruit also has a plethora of health benefits from being a rejuvenating herb to helping in easy and regulated bowel movements. Bael is loaded with all necessary nutrients for complete rejuvenation. 

All these ingredients combined in unique proportions help Mebarid capsules to deliver their results.


Lose motion

Dysentry and Diarrhea

Inflammations in the stomach

Irritable Bowel Syndrome  Click here for 8 home remedies for this condition



Chronic Amoebiasis

Ulcerative Colitis etc.


It is normally recommended to consume one capsule at a time three times a day with warm water to relieve the symptoms in adults.

For children one tablet at a time two times a day shall be recommended 

For Chronic amoebiasis, it is recommended to consume this medicine in recommended doses for adults for 3 to 4 weeks.

For Colitis, consume two capsules at a time three times a day for 3 to 4 weeks

For Acute Diarrhea, consume two capsules per hour for 3 or 4 hours followed by 1 capsule at a time three times a day for 3 weeks.

In Ayurveda, the dosage of medicine depends from person to person. It is recommended to consult an ayurvedic physician to get your personalized dosage with respect to your gunas, mental state, environment, physical condition and spiritual orientation.

These capsules can be consumed continuously for a maximum period of 8 weeks after which at least a gap of 15 days is recommended before restarting the dose if necessary.

If consuming alongside allopathic medicines, it is recommended to consume the allopathic medicine first and then consume Mebarid capsules after an interval of 30 minutes.


This medicine is not recommended for pregnant women.

For lactating mothers, children and infants it is recommended to consume this only after consultations with an ayurvedic physician.

If you are sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients in the product, it is recommended to avoid consuming this medicine.

Keep out of the reach of children

Store in a cool dry place away from sunlight


No side effects are noticed for consuming these capsules in recommended doses for relief from the indicated symptoms.

If any complications are noticed, stop consumption and report to an ayurvedic doctor.


This product is available in our store. Click here to buy!!

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Mathulunga rasayana

Mathulunga rasayana: a multipurpose ayurvedic medicine to help pregnant women

Mathulunga Rasayanam is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine to energize and rejuvenate pregnant women and provide necessary nutrients to the offspring. It is prepared exclusively from herbs and fruits without any artificial ingredients or harmful substances. This Rasayana is loaded with all necessary vitamins and minerals derived from its herbal ingredients to promote overall health in pregnant women. Mathulunga Rasayana is the best add-on for pregnant women who do not have the conditions at home to consume fruit juices and soups regularly. This Rasayana is add on to all fruit nutrition but can also be consumed as an alternative to fresh fruit juices if the situation arises.

Is coffee safe for pregnant women?  Click here to find out!

Mathulunga Rasayanam is specifically recommended by ayurvedic physicians to relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. It also improves their appetite. One of the symptoms which most pregnant women suffer from is nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. Mathulunga Rasayana is a one-stop solution to morning sickness.

This ayurvedic Rasayana also helps relieve hyperacidity and acidity-related symptoms in the stomach. It also helps in regulating the appetite and is recommended for children suffering from pica-related complications. Pica is a condition that is characterized by a craving to chew substances which have no nutritional value. This is prevalent amongst children. Mathulunga Rasayanam is prepared fiber-rich herbs and fruits which give a filling feel in the stomach which can help relieve the urges which occur due to pica.

Also Read: Does Papaya cause miscarriage in Pregnancy?


One of the primary ingredients in Mathulunga Rasayana is neem extracts. The extracts of various parts of neem have unique medicinal benefits. Leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach disturbance, lack of appetite, skin ulcers, illnesses of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disorders, and liver issues are all treated with neem leaf. The leaf is also used to induce abortions and for birth control. Malaria, gastrointestinal ulcers, skin disorders, discomfort, and fever are all treated with bark. The flower is used to cure intestinal worms, reduce bile, and manage phlegm. Anal fissures, intestinal worms, urinary tract diseases, bloody nose, phlegm, eye diseases, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy are all treated with the fruit.

Click here to read about the importance of sleeping on time during pregnancy

Cough, asthma, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, poor sperm counts, urinary problems, and diabetes are all treated with neem twigs. People in the tropics chew neem twigs instead of brushing their teeth, however, this can cause sickness; neem twigs are frequently infected with fungus within 2 weeks after harvest and should be avoided. Leprosy and intestinal worms are treated with seed and seed oil. They are also used to cause abortions and for birth control. Tonic and astringent properties are derived from the stem, root bark, and fruit.

Alpakoda or dry plum fruit are other major ingredients in Mathulunga Rasayana. This fruit is used to increase energy and health in pregnant women. It is also recommended as a part of a weight-loss regime for enhanced results. It has powerful cardioprotective properties and prevents all kinds of heart diseases. It also improves the functioning of the heart. It relieves macular degeneration in the early stages. This disease can eventually lead to permanent vision loss. Alpakoda fruit can also improve bone density.

Grapes or Draksha are loaded with antioxidants which may help protect against cancer, eye issues, cardiovascular disease, and other health concerns. Resveratrol is a substance found in grapes that may be beneficial to one’s health. Grapes are high in fiber, potassium, and a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Grapes are acceptable for diabetic patients as long as they are included in a well-charted diet plan. Grapes are also a powerful immunity booster. Mathulunga Rasayanam is powered by grape extracts.

Pomegranate extracts are also included in Mathulunga Rasayana. Pomegranate is an astringent fruit with a plethora of medicinal benefits. Regular consumption of pomegranate can prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It is one of the richest sources of antioxidants and vitamins especially vitamin C. It improves digestion and cures heart diseases and relieves arthritis.

Moosambi or Sathukudi is a citrus fruit that is similar to oranges. It is loaded with vitamin C and anti-oxidants. It has a sweet and sour taste with astringent seeds. Moosambi can also boost the overall immunity and act as a rejuvenator.

These herbs and fruits in unique proportions with jaggery or processed sugarcane extracts compose Mathulunga Rasayana. 


In normal circumstances, it is recommended to consume 2 tablespoons of this medicine along with water two times a day or as directed by an ayurvedic physician.


There are no side effects to this medicine. It is safe for consumption for a long period of time.


This product is available in our store. Click here to buy!  

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Sooktyn tablets

Sooktyn tablets: ayurvedic medicine for hyperacidity and gastric ulcers

Sooktyn tablets are an antacid and anti-spasmodic ayurvedic proprietary medicine prepared and marketed by Alarsin Pharmaceuticals. It is prepared primarily from herbal ingredients mentioned in the ancient ayurvedic texts for relief from stomach acidity, gastritis, hyperacidity, gastric ulcers etc. it is a pocket-friendly tablet that costs significantly less than two rupees (India) per tablet. Click here to buy this tablet at the best price! 

Click here to know 7 easy home remedies for acidity!


Sooktyn tablets are prepared from powerful ayurvedic ingredients like sookty bhasma, nutmeg extracts, jatamansi, dharu pan, ajwain, and camphor. All these ingredients are highly rated in ayurvedic literature for soothing the stomach and relieving conditions like gastritis and acidity. The ingredients are mixed in such a proportion to restore balance and health in the body apart from relieving the symptoms.


Alarsin Sooktyn tablets are primarily designed to relieve hyperacidity in the stomach.  They do this by promoting digestion and by regulating the secretion of gastric juices.  

Sooktyn tablets are best for relief from hyperacidity. To read about 5 other easy remedies for hyperacidity click here!

These tablets are soft on the walls of the stomach and by virtue of healing herbal ingredients can help soothe and heal gastric ulcers on the inner walls of the stomach and intestines.

They are powered by herbal ingredients to help relieve gastritis by eliminating gas formations in the gastrointestinal tract.

They promote digestion and eliminate acid reflux which occurs when acid formations in the stomach are thrust into the trachea. This also prevents and relieves heartburn. 

There is an ‘easy to make’ home remedy for acidity and acid reflex. Click here to read about it. If you are too lazy to make it buy Sooktyn tablets for the same if not better results!

Alarsin Sooktyn tablets promote a healthy bowel movement. They help eliminate the ama or undigested food residue which settles in the intestine thus promoting a healthy bowel. These ayurvedic tablets can also relieve conditions like irritable bowel syndrome.

Alarsin Sooktyn tablets have ingredients that make a potent anti-inflammatory medicine.

They can relieve gastric irritation and loss of appetite which occurs as a result of it. Bloating can also cause loss of appetite for a short period. Alarsin Sooktyn tablets can also relieve bloating and improve appetite.

The manufacturer markets this medicine as a potent adjuvant for the treatment for many liver disorders especially for the sluggish liver.

It is also prescribed by some physicians as an adjuvant to anti-biotics, anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines to relieve or prevent gastric side effects.

This medicine might also be prescribed by some ayurvedic physicians for nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, flatulence and duodenal ulcers.

Sooktyn tablets also have the potency to prevent gastric erosion.

The best thing about Sooktyn tablets is the manufacturer markets it as a medicine which not only cures the conditions but also prevents it from coming back!

It might also be prescribed for other purposes which aren’t mentioned here by an ayurvedic physician by the virtue of its unique ayurvedic formula.


The manufacturer’s website recommends two tablets at a time three to four times a day with warm water for relief from the symptoms.

It is highly recommended to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this medicine. An ayurvedic doctor can help recommend a personalized dosage with respect to your physical nature, gunas, mental state and spiritual orientation.

If consuming alongside allopathic medicines it is best to consume this at least 30 minutes after consuming the allopathic medicine.


This medicine contains preservatives like methylparaben, propylparaben and sodium benzoate in quantities permitted by the regulating authorities.

It best highly recommended to consume this medicine only after consultations with an ayurvedic physician for pregnant women and lactating mothers. On some occasions, it is not recommended and on other occasions, it is recommended in mild doses depending on the conditions of the patient.

It is recommended in children in less than one-fourth of the original dosage only at the prescription of an ayurvedic doctor.

Other vulnerable groups are also recommended to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this medicine.


No side effects are reported for consuming this medicine in recommended doses till the symptoms are relieved or as recommended by an ayurvedic physician.

It is best not to overdose on this medicine because it can cause diarrhea amongst other uncomfortable complications.

If any complications are observed while consuming this medicine immediately stop consumption and report to an ayurvedic doctor.


Sooktyn tablets are available in our store. Click here to buy!

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Amlant tablets

Amlant tablets

Amlant tablets are an ayurvedic proprietary medicine prepared by Maharishi Ayurveda to treat acidity, acid reflux and related diseases. It is prepared primarily from herbal ingredients lifted from ancient ayurvedic texts to treat gastritis, flatulence, acidity, and acid reflux. This medicine is completely from chalk taste which is prevalent in many allopathic medicines prepared for this purpose. It is also free from lab-made artificial ingredients and contains no added chemicals. It does contain silicon dioxide in minute quantities. Amlant tablets are amongst the best medicine across streams to treat acidity and acid reflux. 

If you have had a heavy meal loaded with spices and the resulting indigestion is causing heartburn and discomfort in the chest region, Amlant tablets from Maharishi Ayurveda are a one-stop solution to provide relief. It also is amongst the best solutions for acidity and gastritis. It relieves flatulence and promotes healthy digestion and metabolism.

Click here to read about the seven easy home remedies for acidity


The primary ingredient in Amlant tablets is dry ginger powder. It is a strong digestive aid that is also rich in important vitamins and minerals. Ginger aids in the gentle elimination of ama, or undigested food residue, from the intestines. Numerous scientific researches have also demonstrated the effectiveness of ginger extracts in treating constipation. Most Ayurveda experts recommend this plant to treat constipation, bloating, and indigestion. Ginger has antimicrobial qualities as well. It is also high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory effects. Dry ginger powder boosts metabolism as well. It also has the ability to alleviate pain in the body.

Two types of peppers, Piper Nigrum and Piper Longum with a strong dose of katu rasa are present in Amlant tablets. They have a strong heating property which boosts the jataragni or digestive fire and hastens digestion. They also help in improving the absorption of nutrients in the system. The heating property also helps to eliminate the excess gas formation in the stomach and intestines. Both these peppers known in Sanskrit literature as pippali and maricha have powerful anti-microbial properties and offer protection against microbial diseases.

Yastimadhu is another major digestion booster present in significant quantity in this herbal decoction. It boosts digestion and metabolism. Yastimadhu is a tonic that helps fight many respiratory diseases including common cold and cough. This spice also has potent anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. It is rich in anti-oxidants and improves overall immunity. It is also beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Yastimadhu enhances the overall potency and also pacifies the direct action of Amlant tablets.

Maharishi Ayurveda has also added two types of Myrobalans in this mixture. Haritaki and Bhibitaki are powerful immunity boosters highly rated in all ayurvedic literature. They also have a wide application in treating a plethora of diseases. Both these fruits are sapthadhatu nourishers and nourish all the tissues in the body. They offer complete rejuvenation to the body. Amla is another powerful fruit who extracts are present in this medicine. It is one of those fruits with all six tastes and is considered the most complete food in Ayurveda. Along with haritaki and bhibitaki , amla forms a powerful ayurvedic medicine known as triphala which is of immense medicinal value and is best rated to improve overall health and wellbeing. Triphala extracts help in balancing all three tridosas.

This tablet also contains other herbal ingredients which improve digestive health and relieve acid reflex like sheetal parpati, sharkara, trivrut, sarjika kshar, ela etc. The combination of these herbs with talcum and silicon dioxide in safe and unique proportions constitutes Amlant tablets and makes it highly effective in treating acid reflux, acidity, heartburn and gastritis.



Acid Reflux

Stomach pain




Abdominal discomfort

Irritable bowel syndrome Click here to read more about easy remedies for irritable bowel syndrome


It is normally recommended to consume one or two Amlant tablets two times a day after food for relief from gastritis.

It can also be consumed after a spice-loaded snack or any food that you think might cause gastritis or acidity for prevention.

It is best to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this medicine.


No side effects are recorded so far for consuming these tablets.

It contains silicon dioxide and talcum, hence it is not recommended to consume this tablet continuously for a long period of time.


It is administered in much lower doses under medical supervision for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children

Other vulnerable groups are recommended to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this tablet.


This tablet is available in our store. Click here to buy!

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Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam

Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam : An Ayurvedic medicine with varied applications.

Amrita Bhallataka Lehya is a complex ayurvedic Rasayana. It is a medicinal formula that was developed by the ayurvedic seers of the medieval period. It is a powerful medicine prepared exclusively from herbal ingredients, purified naturally occurring minerals. This unique formula for improving hair health, relieving Hemorrhoids and enhancing youthfulness is derived from the ayurvedic book called ‘Yogaratnakara’ which was compiled in the seventeenth century.

The primary ingredients used in the preparation of this medicine are milk, jaggery, ghee, and a powerful herb called bhallataka. In the formula developed in Kerala, a wide range of ingredients are used including cuttlefish bone extracts, calx of minerals like iron, tin, mica, etc. Amrita Bhallataka Lehya helps in leprosy, Hemorrhoids, greying of hair, and hair fall. It has anti-aging properties and prevents the wrinkling of the skin. It offers long-lasting youthfulness on prolonged use under the guidance of an ayurvedic physician.


Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam is an elixir for improving hair health. Consuming this herbal jam for a period of time can help slow down the premature greying of hair. It can also limit hair damage due to breakage. This Lehyam can also prevent hair fall courtesy to its strong phytonutrients. Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam is thus a complete package for hair health in form of oral medicine. It is the best supplement to tag alongside powerful ayurvedic hair oil for improved hair health.

Click here to know the 15 amazing natural foods which help boost hair health!


Hemorrhoids are inflammatory and swollen tissue collections in the anal region. They come in a variety of sizes and can be internal or exterior. Internal Hemorrhoids are the most typical variety and are often found between 2 and 4 centimeters above the orifice of the anus. External Hemorrhoids form on the anus’s outer surface. It is a lifestyle disease and occurs frequently because of our unbalanced lifestyle. Hemorrhoids can form as a result of prolonged constipation, chronic diarrhea, heavy lifting, pregnancy, or straining when passing a stool. Amrita Bhallaka Lehya is a one-stop solution to this problem. It holistically nourishes the intestinal region, cools and soothes the inflammations, pacifies the digestive fire and relieves hemorrhoid formations.

Click here to know about other available ayurvedic treatments for hemorrhoids


Leprosy is caused by a bacterium known as Mycobacterium Leprae. Skin lesions and nerve damage are the characteristics of this condition. It usually affects the skin, eyes, nose, and peripheral nerves. Symptoms include light-colored or red skin patches with decreased feeling, numbness, and weakness in limbs. According to allopathic physicians, Leprosy can be treated with multi-drug treatment over a period of 6-12 months. Disability can be avoided by seeking therapy as soon as possible yet many cases of leprosy require years of treatment. In some cases, the condition is managed for life and not treated. Amrita Bhallataka Lehya is designed to treat leprosy. It improves the functioning of the nerves and prevents the spread of infections in the skin, eyes and nose.


Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam is also a potent anti-aging medicine. Regular consumption of this medicine improves immunity and provides a youthful look. It delays the wrinkling of the skin and promotes cell regeneration. It is also indicated in all kinds of skin diseases.

Click here to know about a secret tip for a healthy skin without any additional food or medicine!!!!!! 


It is normally recommended to consume 1.5 grams to 3 grams of this lehya two times a day with milk after food.

It is advisable to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this product to know your personalized dosage depending on your physical condition, spiritual orientation and mental state which will be evaluated by the physician.


This medicine is not recommended for pregnant women and lactating mothers.

It shall be given in very mild, minute doses in children if insisted by an ayurvedic physician.

It is advisable to not consume this medicine without the recommendations of an ayurvedic physician.

This medicine can react with allopathic medicines and hence it is advisable to consume this medicine at least 30 minutes after consuming the allopathic medicine

Amrita Bhallataka Lehya should be administered with caution in people who have a Pitta dominant body condition.

It might contain naturally occurring minerals like tin, mica, and copper and is not recommended for people with liver and kidney diseases.


No side effects are reported on people who consume this medicine in limited doses as recommended by a physician.

It is highly recommended not to overdose on this medicine. It can cause serious damage to the internal organs if consumed mindlessly without moderation for a long period of time.


This medicine is available in our store. Click here to buy.

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Carmino soft gel capsules

Carmino soft gel capsules from millenium herbals for relief from flatulence, gastritis and acidity

Carmino Soft Gel Capsules are prepared by Millennium Herbals Private Limited with ingredients lifted from ayurvedic literature for relief from gastritis. It helps in the prevention of gas formation in the stomach and can be consumed after acidity-loaded meals or snacks to prevent harmful reactions in the stomach and intestine. This ayurvedic medicine is prepared exclusively from herbal ingredients and is safe for long-term consumption as a preventive.

Many allopathic medicines are available to relieve gastritis. Some of them have also become household names in India and many countries around the globe. But later studies have shown some of the ingredients in these allopathic preparations to be harmful to the liver and kidneys. In modern times it has become increasingly difficult to avoid our favorite snacks. So, most of us look to grab our favorite snack in one hand and an acidity relieving medicine on the other but most allopathic options are not safe for long-term consumption. This is where ayurvedic alternatives prepared exclusively from herbal ingredients with zero added natural minerals or artificial ingredients come in handy.

Click here for easy home remedies for acidity. For easier relief buy Carmino soft gel capsules from the link at the end of the blog.

Carmino Soft Gel Capsules are one such preparation. They are prepared exclusively from herbal extracts and loaded into sugar-coated capsules. This medicine powered by herbal ingredients relieves gastritis and balances acidity in the stomach. It works as efficiently and as fast as most allopathic alternatives. Carmino capsules are also safe for long-term consumption. They can be hand as a preventive measure as well after consuming acidity enhancing food items.

For 5 secret tips from an ayurvedic doctor to relieve hyperacidity click here!!

Carmino capsules also help relieve disorders related to abdominal colic. It improves digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients. It also helps eliminate the ama and excess gas accumulated in the intestines and stomach. Carmino capsules promote a healthy bowel movement.  It relieves irritable bowel syndrome.

Click here to know about an easy to prepare secret homemade medicine for relief from hyperacidity!

So if you are suffering from gastritis, stomach acidity, acid reflux or heartburn just gulp a Carmino capsule for quick relief. It doesn’t taste like chalk which most of the allopathic alternatives do. 


This medicine is prepared by a mixture of powerful herbal oils. It is a mixture of pudhina oil, nutmeg oil, ajwain oil, hing oil and ginger oil. All these oils are highly rated in ancient ayurvedic texts for efficacy in relieving gastritis and acidity. The efficacy of some of these herbs to treat gastritis is also proven by scientific studies.

Pudhina oil is rich in many essential nutrients. It is highly rated for its efficacy to promote digestion. It soothes the stomach and regulates the acidity level in the stomach. It can relieve irritable bowel syndrome and promote a healthy and easy bowel movement. Pudhina extracts are also at times recommended to treat cold and other respiratory diseases.  It might also improve brain function.

Ajwain oil is also a powerful standalone reliever of acidity, bloating and gastritis. It helps eliminate flatulence and excess gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Ajwain oil improves digestion and metabolism. It eliminates discomfort and stress which occurs due to indigestion.

Many of our grandmothers might have recommended the consumption of buttermilk spiced with hing or asafetida for relief from bloating in the stomach. They were right in recommending this. Hinga is a powerful herb that promotes digestion and metabolism. It has a rich flavor and also relieves gastritis, bloating and stomach pain.

Nutmeg oil is loaded with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps enhance the efficacy of this medicine for treating bloating, gastritis, and acidity. 

Ginger oil is also available in this medicine in minor quantities.


It is normally recommended to consume one or two soft gel capsules at a time after food or snacks. It is recommended not to consume this tablet more than two times a day.

It is best to consult an ayurvedic physician to know a personalized dosage with respect to your tridosas and guna karmas.


Store it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight

Keep out of the reach of children

Pregnant women, lactating mothers, and other vulnerable category people are strictly advised to discuss with their doctors before consuming this medicine.

For people who are consuming some allopathic medicine for some other disorder like diabetes, It is advised to consume the allopathic medicine first and then consume this medicine after a break of about 30 minutes.


No side effects are observed for consuming this medicine in limited doses.


These capsules are available in our store. Click here to buy! 

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