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Published 29 Mar 2018

Castor Oil | Yeast Infections | How To Use | Tips

Dr. Pampa Shankar
Table Of Contents
The itch, irritation, wetness, the burning sensation and rushing to the washroom every now and then; yeast infection can literally flip your world upside down. It can be an extremely embarrassing and troublesome condition that leads to irritation and bad mood. However, the good news is in most cases it is completely treatable using some in-house products like coconut oil or castor oil. Our body is the abode to multiple microbes which dwell in a balanced environment. But sometimes, this balance gets disturbed owing to several internal or external reasons leading to infections. Fungal infection is typically caused by a yeast-like parasitic fungus called candida. It is one of the most common fungal infections among women, though men might also get it.

Causes of Yeast Infection

  • Infections - like candida yeast infection, threadworms, etc.
  • Skin Diseases - like eczema, psoriasis, lichen sclerosus, etc.
  • Temporary conditions - like menopause, pregnancy, etc

Castor Oil Castor oil is rightly named as the wonder oil for its multiple supernatural powers of healing and soothing the body. It has been lauded since ages for its healing effects and is very highly regarded in Ayurvedic texts for its astonishing medicinal, therapeutic and cosmetic properties.

Castor oil has been used in various ancient cultures for a spectrum of health conditions ranging from hair growth and scalp hydration to eye lubrication and treating yeast infections.

Its laxative property helps in detoxification of the body by the smoothening elimination of wastes.

Castor Oil for treating Yeast Infections According to the Ayurvedic texts and years of proven efficacy, castor oil is an excellent remedy for vaginal and urinary tract infections, genitals itching, vaginitis, and vulval itching.

Castor oil is enthralled with potent antifungal properties that aid in killing the fungal micro-organisms.

Ricinoleic AcidA Unique Component Castor oil contains a rare compound called ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid, blessed with high antimicrobial , antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria, yeasts, molds, and viruses. The unique healing property of castor oil is attributed to this high concentration of Ricinoleic acid (~90%) in castor oil. Undecenoic Acid Undecenoic acid is a polyester derived from castor oil that inhibits fungal growth and helps reduce inflammation and stimulates a cleansing effect to help clear out dead or semi-dead yeast cells. How to use? The amazing wonder oil is effective for both internal and external use. But castor oil is doomed with an utterly unpleasant taste, making it difficult to consume. Mixing the oil with juice or tea may help mask its unpleasant taste and texture. Internal use When used internally, castor oil help probiotics multiply and induce a laxative effect that clears out dead or semi-dead candida cells. External use It is also used externally for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties and is believed to draw out toxins in the body. Tips for external usage
  • Hot packs of castor oil can be placed on the abdomen to stimulate bowel movements and treat skin infections.
  • It is often placed in areas like intestinal areas, liver, joints, and muscles.
  • Cold packs of castor oil are also effective in getting an extra soothing cooling effect. Popping it in the fridge for about 20 minutes before applying offers a cooling effect.
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