
Brihatri moisturizing lotion : seize skin aging

Married bliss began a bit late for me. Busy in my corporate world I was not ready to let the saddle down and settle down for a family. So, I took the time and poured all efforts to tick my goals and make my dreams a reality. After achieving professional satisfaction I felt up and ready for some personal glory.

Married in 33 and pregnant in 37, I decided to take a short retirement for this little life to grow and learn while recharging my energies for bouncing back on the tiger’s hunt. I quit my job after my first trimester and that’s when my life took a swift turn.

With all the time through the day, I finally paused to stare at the mirror just to look at a reflection of my ignorance towards my health. Pushing the limits and compromising on care has probably added years to my face and kilos around my waist. My skin has become dull and rough and the glow is replaced with some fine lines.

I started home remedies and yoga, replenishing for the lost years and bygone days. On my regular check-ups I asked the doctor for some solution to my itching belly and ageing skin. The doctor recommended me to use a good herbal lotion for avoiding stretch marks and soothing the itching. She urged me to try herbal solutions from Ayurveda as it comes with natural ingredients and no harsh impacts on the skin.

I browsed the net and searched the galleries and finally picked Brihatri Moisturizing lotion for its natural ingredients, soothing smell and perfect functionalities that I was looking for. It worked magic on my skin, my stretch marks lightened and itching was gone. It does not cause breakouts and hydrates my skin like nothing else I have ever used.

It is a clinically proven moisturizing lotion that reduces the signs of ageing. The fine lines disappeared and the dark spots vanished, The stretch marks lightened and my skin looked young and radiant.

Try Brihatri Moisturizing Lotion for a smooth cover to your skin that protects you from dawn to dusk, It is available across multiple stores of AyurvCentral in the city.

Get it from your nearest Ayurcentral store or just order it online at click here to buy  or call 7349744446

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