The long and lustrous magical tress is a fantasy everyone embraces. The silky hair straight or curvy falling off the shoulder, dancing in the wind, sweeping the face gently is the moment we want to live. But looking at the damage our hair goes through every day the dream of our voluminous hair also fades away.
Fortunately, Ayurveda has some magical spells that work wonders on our tresses. Ayurveda is the age old science of treating problems naturally. It has formulated a poly-herbal syrup that combats the hair problems and boosts hair growth. Bhringarajasava rightly known as the ‘king of hair’, is one of the best hair tonics prepared by infusing potent herbs that not only spells magic on the hair but also offers oodles of other benefits to the body.
Benefits of Bhringarajasava for your hair
Bhringaraja is one the primary ingredients in many hair care products which evidently indicates its potency in strengthening, nourishing and growing the tresses. Some of the benefits of Bhringarajasava are highlighted below:
Inhibiting and preventing premature greying
Regular and long-term use of Bhringarajasava helps in fighting off premature greying of hair. It further aids in restoring and maintaining the natural color of the hair.
Treating hair fall
Bhringarajasava is an excellent remedy for the hair messing on the floor. The main constituent of this concoction Bhringraja – Eclipta alba, has hair growth promoting activity. It helps improving hair growth and preventing baldness.
Strengthening hair
Bhringarajasava is the Ayurvedic secret for strong strands. It helps strengthen the roots of the hair and improves hair growth and thickness.
Helping properties of Bhringarajasava
It has Anabolic effect and promotes tissue growth.
It has Expectorant action and is widely used to treat cough and mucus. It gives relief in cold, cough, difficult breathing, bronchitis etc.
It is a great blood purifier and helps to gain weight.
It improves body immunity to fight infections and pathogens and boost healing.
It has rejuvenating, revitalizing and antiaging properties.
It has aphrodisiac action.
Side effects of Bhringarajasava
There are no known side-effects of medicine and is completely safe when taken in recommended doses. However, it contains 5%-10% of self-generated alcohol. Do not take any medicine during pregnancy without consulting doctor.