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Published 28 Mar 2018

Haritaki churna – Benefits and Uses

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Haritaki churna

Haritaki Churna acts as fuel to each organ of the body and works particularly well for the colon, liver, spleen, and lungs. It is a well-known adaptogenic tonic and is effective in boosting the body’s energy, stamina, endurance, and healing properties.

Haritaki is a mysterious herb discovered by the Ayurvedic Acharyas centuries ago. It is adorned with befitting titles like ‘mother of herbs’, ‘king of all medicines’, ‘destroyer of diseases’, ‘eliminator of toxins’, and ‘panacea of all ailments’.

As it is already clear from its sheer introduction, Haritaki is a wondrous herb blessed with many medicinal perks. This powerful rejuvenator has divine astringent, rejuvenating, laxative and purgative properties.

Haritaki Churna acts as fuel to each organ of the body and works particularly well for the colon, liver, spleen, and lungs. It is a well-known adaptogenic tonic and is effective in boosting the body’s energy, stamina, endurance, and healing properties.

Benefits of Haritaki Churna
Haritaki Churna has a long history of empowering the mind and body of the man. It has an unending list of good deeds that are quite hard to accommodate on a single sheet of paper. Here are some of the top perks that make Haritaki Churna a go-to potion.

Improves Digestion
This amazing blend of ingenious herbs enhances the functionality of the digestive tract, boosting the intestinal environment and supporting the absorption of nutrients thus keeping the digestive system at its peak. It is also a mild laxative that helps in emptying the colon, clearing away compacted waste, and preventing constipation. It also prevents bloating, and acidity and helps in the proper digestion of food.

Controls Acidity
Haritaki Churna combats stomach acidity and prevents the resultant peptic and gastric ulcers. It nurses gastrointestinal health and supports better absorption of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is rich in antioxidants that combats harmful bacteria and reduces your risk of developing stomach ulcers.

Aids Weight Loss
Haritaki Churna aids in digestion, absorption of nutrients, and elimination of wastes which is directly reflected in the weight of a person. It speeds up the metabolism which in turn reduces body fat content. It also keeps the appetite fuller for longer thus eradicating any untimely cravings.


Antioxidant and Antibacterial Protection
Haritaki is a rich source of potent antioxidants that protect the body from many fatal and chronic diseases. Haritaki Churna has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties that aid in preventing infection from bacteria. It is also a potent antifungal agent that keeps nasty fungal infections at bay.

Supports the Liver
It accentuates digestive health, nutrient absorption, and functionality of the colon, which immensely reduces the toxic burden of the liver.

The Glory of Skin and Hair
Haritaki churna is a potent antioxidant that detoxifies the body and wards off disastrous skin woes like acne and skin rashes. It is also a natural supplement for treating hair loss, dandruff, and lice infection.

Prevents Diabetes
Haritaki Churna is bestowed with the goodness of chebulic acid, which escalates the production of insulin. It further helps in regulating blood sugar levels and decreases insulin resistance in the body thus gaining the repute of an awesome remedy for diabetes.

Gifts a healthy heart
Haritaki Churna purifies the blood thereby making the heart muscles grow stronger. The clean purified blood inhibits the build-up of fat in the artery and helps in maintaining blood pressure, a strong heart, and clear arteries.

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