
ayurvedic medicines for obesity

ayurvedic medicines for obesity


More people die of obesity than hunger!


Obesity is the excess accumulation of fat in the body. It is the most common nutritional disorder that’s plaguing the world. 

In recent years, obesity has reared as a global epidemic. It is a trigger for many chronic and deadly diseases including hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart disease, osteoarthritis and cancer. It is a burning issue that needs immediate attention!

Weight loss may not be easy but definitely not impossible. Understanding the mathematics of weight loss helps in going down the scale.

Obesity is a critical condition that can root from different issues. Hormones, PCOS, irregular periodsmenopausedepressioninsomnia and a lot of other things maybe the deep-lying issue for obesity.

Ayurveda digs deep to identify the root cause. Be it sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, medical condition or hormones. Ayurveda offers a natural and safe solution that boosts the mechanism and aids in weight loss.

Herbal supplements from Ayurveda works wonders in weight loss. It does not have any negative side effects or complications.


Check out these 5 best medicines for obesity


5 Best Medicines for Obesity


Slimex Capsule – Lala’s


Slimex Capsule is another natural slimming formula from Ayurveda. This herbal medicine works by increasing metabolism. It curbs excess hunger. Inhibits production of fat. Prevents accumulation of fats in the body. Helps in the reduction of cholesterol levels.

Slimex Capsule attack and destroy excessive fat build-up. It increases the breakdown of stored fat. Protect heart health during weight loss. Reduce cholesterol levels. Stimulate your Body’s natural fat-burning ability. Optimize energy levels to help you stay active.

Slimex is a unique combination of 18 safe and natural ingredients. It attacks fat at the cellular level and provides assured results.

Indications: Obesity and overweight.



Ayurslim Capsule – Himalaya


Ayurslim Capsule is an acclaimed ayurvedic formula for obesity and weight loss. This natural medicine curbs unhealthy hunger pangs. It optimizes the utilization of nutrients. Inhibits fatty acid synthesis. Reduces fat accumulation in the body. 

It is a blend of natural herbs like Haritaki, Vrikshamla and Meshashringi. These ingredients prevent fat storage in the body. Detoxifies the body. Helps in increasing metabolism. Facilitates regular bowel evacuation.

Ayurslim Capsule is a clinically proven, 100% safe natural slimming therapy. It is a time-tested formula that causes no side-effects. 

Indications: obesity, metabolic disorders, detox, digestive system.


Slimnarc Capsule – Vasishta Pharma


Slimnarc Capsule is an ayurvedic remedy for obesity and overweight. It works great in adults and teenagers. Slimnarc breaks down glucose and salt. Digests fat reserves. Suppresses appetite. Reduces body weight. 

This herbal formulation promotes the utilization of the body’s intrinsic energy reserves. Rich in natural anti-oxidants, it restores vitality and energy.

Indications: Helps suppress appetite, helps dissolve fat deposits, to reduce body weight, helps reduce glucose reserves


Stefit Capsule – Revinto


Stefit Cap is a unique herbal combination for weight management. It stimulates fat metabolism. Helps in reducing fat accumulation. Aids in restoring healthy BMI. It is a clinically proven, safe and effective Ayurvedic remedy for obesity. 

Stefit Capsules are clinically proven to be a very effective in reduction of weight. It is recommended for regular use along with right diet and exercises. This helps in preventing the occurrence of obesity complications.

Indications: Obesity, Weight control.



Obis 30 Capsule – Alopa Herbal


Obis 30 Capsule is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine for obesity. It has 6 vital ingredients that increase fat metabolism. Helps in optimizing lipid level. It reduces sugar cravings and acts as a diuretic. Removes excess fluid accumulation. It also helps to regulate digestion and controls the cravings. 

Obis 30 Capsule is a great body cleanser. It detoxifies the body. Inhibits absorption and synthesis of fat, cholesterol and triglyceride. This Ayurvedic remedy is an ideal choice for obesity. 

Indications: Obesity, Metabolism, Detoxification, Digestion.



These medicines here are not prescriptions. Ayurvedic medicines do not usually cause any side-effects. However, it is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before administering any medicine. For best results, consult an expert!


Tips to combat obesity

·  Exercise, yoga, walk or dance. Keep the body active and moving.

·  Exercise alone cannot help to lose weight. Proper dietary management is pivotal.

·  Don’t just eat right, eat the right way. Sit down, focus, chew and then swallow.

·  Lemon and honey in the morning work wonders.

·  Switch sugar for jaggery.

·  Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Switch to hot water for better weight loss.

·  Don’t compromise on sleep.

·  Avoid carbonated beverages.

·  Say no to packaged foods.

·  Try intermittent fasting.

·  Eat fruits and vegetables.

·  Drink buttermilk.

·  Avoid alcohol.

·  Idli for breakfast is good for weight loss.

·  Ginger water is another miracle drink for weight loss.

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