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Dry skin is usually just transient and can be readily treated with standard methods. Most people only experience dry skin during the winter months due to the cold, dry air. Dry skin is most typically visible on your hands, arms, and lower legs, although it varies from person to person and can appear anywhere on your body.
Consider including these home remedies into your skin-care regimen to combat the dryness over your skin! In fact, you may already have the components for these dry-skin remedies in your home. Some of the items include coconut oil, tea, aloe vera, butter etc. They are frequently referred to as ‘remedies', despite the fact that they have been used as medicines for centuries in cultures all over the world.
Your skin naturally produces sebum, an oily substance that protects it from moisture loss. But few ignorant behaviours like negligence in applying moisturizer or washing your hands with a drying detergent, can strip away these natural oils. For individuals without acne, use of oils can restore the shine and protective moisture barrier. There are numerous methods to reap the moisturizing advantages of oils, either on their own or in combination with other components to create a DIY nourishing mask or an exfoliating rub.
Olive oil has squalene, vitamin E, antioxidants, and other healing characteristics, that helps to fight dry skin. However, due to the possibility of clogging of the pores, this might not be an ideal option for people with acne prone skin.
Consider using a light DIY sugar scrub to address dead skin cells that may be causing your skin to feel and look dry. Combine 1 small cup of brown or granulated sugar with ½ cup of coconut oil. Use this as a scrub twice weekly.
4. Apply Coconut Oil or Butter Before Bedtime
Coconut oil or butter are the best solutions to treat dry skin, chapped heels, hands and lips, Apply the oil or butter, then layer with thick socks
Aloe vera gel, though frequently associated with treating sunburns, can also be useful in the dry winter months. It reduces indications of age, acne outbreaks, and skin injuries by reducing redness and irritation brought on by excessive dryness.
7. Use Honey as a Spot Treatment for Dry Patches
Honey possesses emollient and humectant properties that can soften your skin and aid in moisture retention. Also, it is a complementary therapy in combination with other medicines for a number of skin problems like dermatitis, psoriasis, and dandruff.
For more information and a detailed consultation, book your appointment now. Click here.
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