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Published 04 Jul 2023

Ayurveda and Allopathy, which one to choose?

Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Ayurveda and Allopathy

The debate between Ayurveda and Allopathy has been a hot discussion for
decades. While some swear by the evidence-based health benefits of ayurvedic
ingredients, treatments, and methods, others go allopathic.

According sources,current allopathic medication appeared around the 16th century.

On the other hand, Ayurveda is a traditional and intricate healing science that dates back to the second
century BCEDhanwanthari is regarded as the Lord of Ayurveda.

This traditional method of healing was first referenced in the Atharvaveda and has been the best treatment
from that point onward.

Ayurveda and Allopathy are viewed in a variety of ways by various cultures.
The significant distinction between allopathic and ayurvedic prescriptions is that
allopathic is certainly not a comprehensive way to deal with treatment.

Allopathic medicines only treat the specific symptoms rather than ailments. Allopathic
medicines generally treat the symptoms and provide temporary relief; they do not
treat the disease permanently.

In contrast, Ayurveda takes a more comprehensive treatment approach. Ayurvedic
medicines utilize just natural herbs and give an extremely durable solution by
zeroing in on the root cause of the illness. Ayurveda centers around more on the
preventive approach.

Is Allopathy or Ayurveda more exact about results and analysis?

How dependable the analysis is rather than allopathic medication is one of
Ayurveda's advantages over Allopathy. To look for the characteristics, Ayurveda
adopts a fundamentally unique strategy like Nadi Pariksha and checks the Doshas
out. Ailments will occur if the dosha is out of balance which will be treated


Ayurveda further builds on these ideas to configure prakriti (body type), doshas
and advices measures to fix the imbalance. The actions of medicines are naturally
defined by their composition, as evidenced by their various properties. So, there is
no certain answer for which one is the right choice.

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