Ayurveda is the most primitive science that enlightened the way to a happy and healthy life. Traversing through time back to 5000 years, written traces of this wisdom can be found. However, Ayurveda is way older than this as it started as an oral tradition, with the knowledge being passed down by the rishis from generation to generations.

One such amazing formulation of the Ayurvedic tradition is the Dashamula, which literally translates to ten roots. As the name indicates, this decoction is made by blending ten auspicious roots of nutrient brimming plants. This semi-solid rasayana is prepared by fusing equal parts of Agnimantha, Bilwa, Bruhati, Gokshura, Kantakari, Kashmari, Patala, Prushniparni, Shaliparni and Shyonaka.

Its medicinal value encompasses an unending list including cough, bronchitis, breathing troubles, asthma, common cold, rhinitis, persistent hiccup, phthisis, hoarseness (hoarse voice), chronic fever, anorexia, abdominal lump, bloating, and flatulence. It is widely used to treat many conditions related to nerves, muscles, bones, and joints including pain disorders and inflammatory diseases related to the musculoskeletal system.

This poly-herbal concoction is bestowed with a multitude of medicinal properties including:

  • Its anti-inflammatory and analgesic nature helps to combat swelling, tenderness, fever, and pain.
  • The anti-rheumatic or anti-arthritic attributes aid in fighting arthritis and other chronic issues related to bones.
  • The antispasmodic property helps in relieving pain and curing muscle spasms.
  • Its adaptogenic nature stabilizes physiological processes and helps in relieving stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Its neuroprotective and anti-paralytic capabilities are effective in treating disorders of the central nervous system. It unblocks neuromuscular transmission at the neuromuscular junction and cures paralysis.
  • It acts as a uterine tonic and uterine detoxifier which works wonder for the women reproductive system. They are often used to prepare women for easier childbirth by toning the muscles of the uterus. They can also be used to address menstrual problems.
  • Anti-Oxidant properties aids in free radical scavenging that prevent multiple signs of aging.
  • This antipyretic drug is very beneficial for soothing fever and cough.

Multitude of health benefits offered by Dashamula Rasayana:

For a healthy intestine
This mystic poly-herbal decoction is used as an enema to help remove toxins from the gastro-intestinal tract and the kidneys. Consumption of Dashamula rasayana fights constipation, improves the health of intestines and regulates urine flow. It is a natural remedy for flatulence, bloating and intestinal problems.

For well-behaving lungs
Dashamula rasayana is enthroned with expectorant, nervine, analgesic, antitussive and febrifuge actions. It reduces inflammation of the airways, relaxes and dilates the bronchi, and eases breathing. It has been used to treat bronchitis and cough since ages. This amazing formulation promotes healthy expectoration and respiration while supporting the proper function of the lungs.

For curing pain and inflammation
It is used in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions, fever, emaciation, rheumatoid arthritis, bleeding diseases, urinary infection, gulma, anemia, and ailments of liver. This vata pacifying Ayurvedic compound aids in curing lower back conditions and inflammation in the pelvic and sacral areas. It also reduces pain occurring in lower limbs (thigh, legs, and feet).

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madiphala rasayana for digestion and pregnants

madiphala rasayana for digestion and pregnants

Madiphala Rasayana is a special herbal tonic made by blending Citrus medica, Piper nigrum, Piper longum, Tachyspemum ammi, Plumbago zeylanicum along with several other herbs. This Ayurvedic formulation is a great herbal digestive with a strong anti-emetic property that prevents vomiting and nausea. 

This herbal invention is just a miraculous potion for pregnant women with morning sickness or for those who are cluttered by motion sickness. Madiphala Rasayana is very effective for the treatment of anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. It combats loss of appetite and cures digestion troubles.

Cures Anorexia
Anorexia is a fatal eating disorder in which the BMI is reduced significantly. Regular consumption of this Ayurvedic tonic increases appetite, aids digestion and is a sure remedy for anorexia.

Relieves Hyperacidity
Hyperacidity indicates an increased level of acid in the stomach. The relief to hyperacidity and heartburn is enclaved in the pulpy citrus fruit madiphala or wild lemon. Madiphala  Rasayana is a herbal digestive and anti-emetic syrup widely used for treating acidity, burning sensation and inducing salivary and gastrointestinal tract secretions.

Immunity booster
Immunity is the body’s natural defense mechanism that fights against pathogens and other intruders and keeps the body healthy and functional. Madiphala Rasayana is optimally blessed with vitamin C, which is a magnificent immunity booster. It is a delicious, stomachic, digestive, antibilious cooling tonic for all age groups.


Aids Digestion
Madiphala Rasayana is a well known Ayurvedic treatment for soothing Pitta disorders. It is used in several gastrointestinal disorders including gastric ulcers, abdominal colic, digestive disturbance, piles, mal-absorption, IBS etc. The amazing tonic also aids in the secretion of digestive juices which further smoothens the process of digestion. The carminative and cholagogue action of this stimulant help in preventing constipation, indigestion, hyperacidity, and flatulence.

Healthy Skin
The secret to healthy skin lies in what goes through the mouth. Madiphala Rasayana is rich in vitamin C which acts like an elixir for the skin. It plays a key role in the formation of collagen and improves skin elasticity thereby, delaying aging effects on the skin. This marvellous curative is very impactful in maintaining the health and luster of the skin.

During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an overwhelming experience; however, the lane to breathing a new life into the earth is no easy task. Pregnant women often complain about morning sickness, pain, and nausea. Madiphala Rasayana is ideal for controlling morning sickness during pregnancy, nausea, distaste, and gastritis. It is a safe and effective herbal remedy for the treatment of nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Healthy Liver
The liver is responsible for the secretion of bile juice which is a potent digestive enzyme and helps in breaking down of food particles. However, excess secretion of this juice may result in a number of health hazards. Madiphala Rasayana is an antibilious cooling tonic for all age groups.

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shilajit capsules

shilajit capsules- overall health benefits

Hailed as ‘the conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weaknesses’, Shilajit is a marvellous gift conferred upon mankind by the mighty Himalayas. The tar-like black substance is resinous and nutrient-rich biomass that has been idolized by Indians since ages for its multiple wondrous perks. Touted as the best carrier of energy and nutrition, Shilajit is blessed with the abundance of fulvic and humic acids along with 84 other minerals that offer oodles of benefits to the human body.

Brimmed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, Shilajit is the armour of the body, potion of the memory, and a divine elixir of energy. Here are some of the amazing benefits of this exotic rock:

The secret to sexual pleasure:
Shilajit capsules are crowned as the ‘Indian Viagra’; they are well known to boost sex drive. It upheavals the production of testosterone, release pleasure hormones and contribute towards enhancing the quality and quantity of sperms. It is also effective in treating erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and helps to retain longer and harder erections in men. The essential vitamins and minerals present in Shilajit helps fluid secretions during intercourse and helps in improving woman fertility.

Blessing of Sharp memory
Shilajit might be the secret to Swami Vivekananda’s incredible memory power. It is even known to cure diseases like Alzheimer. This powerful antioxidant prevents brain cell damage and improves memory power.

Energy Booster
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell and Shilajit is the fuel to that powerhouse. It boosts the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and nourishes the cells thus increasing the energy levels in the body.

Shilajit shields your body from aging symptoms. Rich in fulvic acid, a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it protects the body against free radicals and cellular damage. It further helps in retaining calcium in the bones and keeps the immune system strong.

Fights Ulcers
The perfect tonic to aid digestion and combat ulcers, the fulvic acid in Shilajit protects the stomach against ulceration by controlling the acid production in the stomach. It also enhances the mucus barrier in the stomach thus further reducing the risk of ulceration.

Adaptogens are natural substances that help the body adapt to stress and trauma. Shilajit is used for thousands of years to relieve stress and fatigue as it rejuvenates the body and regenerates tired cells. It is also recommended to combat depression and anxiety issues.


Blood sugar regulator
Shilajit helps in maintaining the glucose level in the body. It supports the regulation of carbohydrates and ensures optimum utilization of glucose thereby preventing spikes in the blood sugar levels.

Cures Anaemia
Shilajit is ladened with high levels of humic acid and iron, which is effective in treating anaemia. The fulvic acids and myriad of trace minerals in Shilajit improve the oxygen-carrying capability of the red blood cells thereby increasing the levels of iron.

A remedy to altitude sickness
Shilajit is a unique blend of 80 exquisite minerals, along with fulvic and humic acid. This broad spectrum of beneficial components makes Shilajit a potent medicine for treating altitude sickness.

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Tagara – benefits in insomnia and precautions

A good night’s sleep is the blissful time when the body relaxes and rejuvenates as the mind repairs to build fresh memories. Away from the chaos of daily life, when time stops and all the tiredness, fatigue, stress, and tensions of life are swept swiftly by the soothing sleep.

But many a time, sleep does not get the importance it deserves. Sleep deprivation is a serious issue and can even be fatal if continued for a long time. The cost of sleepless nights is more than just fatigue, anxiety, bad mood or loss of focus. Chronic sleeplessness increases the risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and serious mental disorders.

Troubles in sleep have recently gained momentum especially because of the upsurge in nightlife culture. While some choose to stay awake, some are doomed by bad dreams, anxiety, endless thoughts, pain, and several other factors. Today, insomnia is one of the most common problems.   

Though many people opt for the sleeping pills to give their mind a break, little do they realize that these medications are actually slow poisons numbing the brain and taking away the creativity of their super organ.

Ayurveda to cure Insomnia
Ayurveda suggests some natural harmless techniques that induce a peaceful sleep and helps in bringing back the lost balance in life. Ayurveda is the 5000 years old science of life that extracts solutions to all problems from the books of nature.

Tagara – the key to blissful sleep

One such amazing remedy to the sleepless nights is Tagara. It is a rhizome herb with superb power to treat brain-related disorders such as insomnia, hysteria, nervous unrest, and emotional troubles.

In Ayurvedic scripts of the Vedas, Tagara is highly decorated with many medicinal benefits and is commonly used as an analeptic, antispasmodic, carminative, sedative, stimulant, stomachic, and nervine. It is a mild sedative-hypnotic herb that has calming and sleep-inducing effect on the brain.


Tagara is blessed with natural sedative and tranquilizing effects. It opens up the blockages in the nerve channels and cleanses undigested toxins from the colon, blood, joints, and nerves. It is also effective in relieving spasmodic conditions of smooth muscles. A great relief for anxiety and nervousness, tagara is potent medicine to induce sleep and treat insomnia.

Word of Caution!
It is always better to cross-examine things before consuming them. What may be pious for one may turn out to be poison for other. Each body type is different and they demand to be treated differently. Understanding your body and treating it accordingly is necessary to obtain optimum benefits. Here are some precautionary measures to follow before fetching out for tagara:

  • It should not be taken continually for long durations without consulting a doctor.
  • It is better to check the compatibility if you are going through some medication.
  • Overdose may cause vomiting, discomfort, nausea and several other health issues.
  • It should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • Talking to a doctor and taking expert advice is always a smart move

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“No wound is too deep to heal!”                                                                                                                 

This is what the sages always proclaimed. The remedy to all pains is encrypted in the deep rooted Indian epics. The Vedas hold a treasure to knowledge from scholars of all time. Ayurveda opens the door to the wisdom of life and soul, purity and serenity, healing wounds not only of the skin but those engraved with pain in one’s heart.

Ayurveda discovered the greatness of mere things gifted by nature and devised remedies to heal even the deadliest ail. One such formulation of Ayurveda is the Jatyadi Oil, a herbal oil prepared from the Jasmine flower. From ancient times, Jatyadi taila has served as a sure-shot treatment for all wounds. 

Amazing uses of Jatyadi Taila:

  • Used to cure wounds, blisters, abscess, or animal bites.
  • Very efficient in treating first and second-degree burns.
  • Potent in curing skin diseases and bacteria, fungal and parasitic infections.
  • An excellent cure for cracked heels, cracked nipples, and external haemorrhoids.
  • A proven remedy for nails and tooth infections
  • Used for purification of wounds and ulcers in conditions like hypertrophied granulation tissue, insignificant discharge, foul-smelling wounds, and putrefying tissues.

Jatyadi Taila is the best cure for the following wounds:

  • Curing Deep Wounds with A Small Opening
  • Wounds with Slimy Discharge
  • Non-Responsive wounds with Secretions
  • Wounds within Intestinal Tracts
  • Purifying Wounds
  • Promote Healing


This incredible healer is prepared very cautiously using many ingredients in different proportions:

  • Jati patra: It is an aphrodisiac, sedative, antiseptic, antidepressant, antispasmodic, and analgesic.
  • Neem Patra: An ingredient of high medicinal value used to treat leprosy, eye disorders, intestinal worms, upset stomach, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, fever, diabetes, gum disease, and liver problems.
  • Patola: It is useful for gastrointestinal and liver disorders.
  • Karanjbeej: Efficient as quick relief for wound and inflammation.
  • Mulethi: Best used for treatment of chronic acidity, ulcers, and bronchial conditions.
  • Kuth:  Aids in headache, toothache, osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis and balding.
  • Haldi : An analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-allergic, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, appetizer.
  • Daruharidra: Aids in reducing pain and inflammation.
  • Kutaki : It is useful in curing bleeding disorders like menorrhagia, nasal bleeding etc.
  • Manjistha: Improves appetite and useful in treating diarrhea, dysentery, bleeding ulcers, dyspepsia, parasitic worms, etc.
  • Padmaka : Cures blood disorders such as abscess. 
  • Lodhra : Treats anaemia and bleeding disorders. It also improves strength and relieves gum bleeding.
  • Harad : It relieves inflammation, cures skin disease, improves digestion, has amazing anti-aging and rejuvenating properties.
  • Nilofar: Useful in treating cholera, hemorrhages, menorrhagia, fever, strangury.
  • Sariva: Improves sperm quality and quantity, also cures diarrhea and dysentery.

The many benefits of this salve make it a must-have item in your first aid boxes.

Applying Jatyadi Taila
Apply Jatyadi Taila gently on the external areas affected 2-3 times a day.

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Busting the bubble

Busting the bubble: skincare myth

Skincare is an essential routine for our skin to glow and grow healthy. However, many myths tagged along the route leaving the peeps with bewilderment with what to do and what not to. So, today we are clearing the air and busting the myth about moisturizers in skincare.

MYTH: Many may say that moisturizer is not for the oily skin but that’s a big lie.

TRUTH: Moisturizing is essential for every skin type as it not just hydrates the skin but also caresses multiple factors of skin health. Apart from delaying the signs of ageing on your skin, it also protects the skin from bacteria and dust, sun rays and infections.

However, the trick lies in picking the right product to work well on your skin. While dry scaly skin demands a more hydrating pack, the oily skin needs to hunt the lightweight moisturizer that won’t clog the pores or cause a burst of acne. 

There are very few products that strike a good balance for all skin types. Brihatri moisturizing lotion is one such rare species that blends in the oily skin and nourishes the parched too. A perfect family pack from the authentic Ayurvedic books, Brihatri moisturizing lotion is a safe bet at an appealing price for effective results.

Choose from a range of herbal preparations according to your skin type or just find your perfect match along the alleys of the Ayurcentral store. Brihatri moisturizing lotion works well throughout the year saving you the rush and gush of changing your moisturizer with the changing season.

The lightweight lotion fondles the skin with its cool essence and boosts the texture with its organic ingredients. The anti-microbial action of all its ingredients, protects the skin against microbes, while it’s wound healing properties soothe the cuts and bruises.

Hop into your nearest Ayurcentral store to be charmed by the aisles of Ayurvedic richness.

#AyurCentral #Brihatri# MOISTURIZER #Moisturising lotion # winter care # Aloe vera 

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Brihat Haridra Khanda

Benefits of brihat haridra khanda

Brihat Haridra Khanda is a well known Ayurvedic formulation that soothes all the ailments of the skin. Haridra which translates to turmeric is the main constituent of this salve and we are no alien to the ways in which turmeric can transform the skin. It is blessed with ant-oxidant, tonic, carminative, antidiabetic, blood purifying, diuretic, expectorant and anti-allergic properties that works like a magic wand erasing all the skin problems.

Along with turmeric, many other auspicious ingredients are blended together to boost its medicinal value. The fine granules of this poly-herbal medicine are very effective in treating numerous skin diseases and allergies. It is widely used as a cure for urticaria and all skin disorders characterized by itching and skin rashes. It is also very useful in blisters and fungal infections of the skin.

What can Brihat Haridra Khanda do for you?
The rich ingredients fused in perfect amount benefits your skin and body in many ways.

  • Boosts immunity

The body’s immune system is the armour against all diseases. A strong immune system fights the germs and keeps you healthy at all times. Brihat Haridra Khanda helps to improve immunity. It also enhances the physical and mental health of a person.

  • Combats cold

Brihat Haridra Khanda is a great expectorant that promotes the secretion of sputum through the air passages. It is drying in nature and reduces phlegm inside the body. It gives relief from runny nose and watery eyes. Its anti-allergic effect helps to stop sneezing and reduce nasal congestion and postnasal drip.

  • Blood Purifier

It contains Loha Bhasma and hence helps in anemia or low hemoglobin level. It acts as a blood purifier which aids in getting clearer acne-free skin.


  • Anti-aging potion

It rejuvenates and revitalizes skin. Its antioxidant property scavenges the free radicals and delays multiple signs of aging including wrinkles and dark lines in the skin.

  • Flawless Skin

Turmeric along with many other potent herbs helps you to get that clear flawless skin. It treats skin problems from its roots. It not only improves skin quality and complexion but also removes bad odor and treats swollen skin.

  • Soothes itchy skin

It is excellent for allergic skin ailments like rashes, itching, urticaria and boils. Haridrakhand reduces the occurrence of white or red itchy welts. Haridrakhand can help to relieve itching sensation due to its antipruritic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and blood purifier action.

  • Anti-inflammatory action

Haridra khanda is very effective in treating inflammatory conditions. It has been used for ages as a natural cure for reddened, swollen, hot, and often painful skin conditions. Its anti-irritant property is helpful in reducing signs of inflammation, such as swelling, tenderness, pain, itching, or redness. This herbal medication can also be used to treat burnt skin and blisters. It is very beneficial in skin diseases characterized by swelling, rashes, burning sensation and itchiness.

  • Anthelmintic property

This rare characteristic of Haridakhanda helps in expelling parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body.

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pinda taila

pinda taila – uses, benefits and side effects

Ayurveda is the ancient science that dealt with all aspects of human life be it healing the body or the mind. The 5000 years old magic of the Vedas has withstood the face of time and today it is one of the most effective and safe healing practices that’s gaining popularity all across the globe.

Among all the formulations of Ayurveda, the goodness of Ayurvedic therapies and oil massages has spread like a fierce wildfire leaving the whole world in awe of its magic. There is nothing more heavenly than a blissful massage at the end of a tiring day. A good session of panda taila massage is enough to elate the soul when the body screams in pain.

Pinda Taila – The Ayurvedic weapon to whip the pain away

Pinda Taila is a poly-herbal Ayurvedic body massage oil prepared from bee-wax, manjistha, sarjarasa, sariva, and sesame oil. This mystic lube works wonder in eradicating pain and in calming the body. It’s anti-microbial and wound healing properties works wonder in reconciling wounds, fighting infections and relaxing the body. The topical analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a potent formulation for treating inflammations and various body ache.

Benefits of Pinda Taila
With all the hype about this amazing Ayurvedic creation, let’s take a deeper dig into the wonders of Pinda Taila.

  • Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis is a painful condition marked by weakened joints and bones that usually occurs in old age. Pinda Taila has the power to combat this painful woe of the bones. A gentle massage of Pinda Thailam gives relief from the pain, burning sensation, redness, joint tenderness and inflammation that are commonly encountered by arthritis patients. It is especially recommended for gout arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Curing Burning Feet (Burning Feet Syndrome)

This is a condition where the patient feels burning sensation in feet, generally accompanied by paresthesia and numbness. Massaging the feet with Pinda Thailam helps in calming this burning sensation and relieves tiredness and fatigue of feet.

  • Rejuvenating the Skin

This herbal oil is also beneficial for multiple skin problems. The anti-microbial and moisturizing properties of Pinda Taila helps in avoiding excessive skin exfoliation, heals foot blisters, reduces skin rashes and protects against lesions.


  • Soothes fatigue and tiredness

A gentle massage with the Pinda taila is quiet efficient in alleviating tiredness and calming down the body. It relaxes the joints and muscles of the body and ensures a pleasant sleep.

Other benefits of Pinda Taila
Pinda taila is specially curated to soothe pain, heat sensation, burning sensation, redness of the skin, joint tenderness, swelling in the joints and pounding pain.

  • It helps in improving the movement in the joints.
  • It is used since ages to address tenderness, swelling, and stiffness of the body.
  • It is extremely effective in gout, varicose veins, arthritis and in sprains and myalgia.

Pinda Taila side effects:

  • As all the ingredients of this marvellous lotion come from nature there are no side effects when applied externally.
  • Pinda Taila is massage oil and is recommended for external use only. It should not be administered for oral consumption.

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panchagavya – benefits human and plants!!

Panchgavya is a Sanskrit word formed by the amalgamation two different words Pancha which means five and gavya indicate cow product. Thus, Panchgavya is a blend of five products that are obtained from the holy cow. It’s a concoction of cow’s dung, urine, milk, curd, and ghee.

A cow is a sacred animal as everything obtained from the cow from its milk to its dung is immensely valuable and has oodles of benefits. Because of its rich contents and eternal healing essences, Panchgavya is often hailed as a divine elixir by the sages of ancient India. In Ayurvedic scripts, Panchgavya is honored as the apex of total health, both physiological as well as psychological.


  • Cow’s Dung:  The wonders of cow dung have always surprised man with its awesome miraculous powers. It is a great antiseptic, antibacterial and fungicidal. Apart from being a lifeline for plants, it is also useful in treating multiple skin conditions. It is a very popular practice in India to use cow dung as a disinfectant for floors and walls that even protects from radioactive rays.
  • Cow’s Urine: Cow’s urine is highly acclaimed as a therapeutic ingredient and is globally acknowledged as a medicine for curing over 3000 diseases.
  • Cow’s Milk: It won’t be wrong to call cow-milk marvelous nectar for life. Cow milk provides special and unique nutrition that nourishes all the tissues, promotes balanced emotions, and helps to balance all the doshas.
  • Ghee: Cow’s Ghee is blessed with ample of nutritive bonuses and is considered an ideal diet. It enhances physical and mental strength, keeps the body healthy and increases the potency of the body. It further helps in detoxifying the body and eliminating impurities from the body
  • Dahi: It is the best probiotics, be it boosting digestion, detoxifying the body, gifting a glowing skin or amazing hair Dahi has a part to play.


Benefits of Panchagavya

  • Panchagavya – A boon for Plants
  • Panchagavya is a farmer’s best friend. It’s perfect for organic farming as it shields the plants from soil, micro-organisms, and enhances plant production.
  • Panchagavya is a magic fertilizer that works wonder for the health and growth of roots. It is much more profitable than synthetic fertilizer applications and chemical sprays. It is easy to prepare, comes at a cost easily affordable by the peasants.

Panchagavya A blessing for mankind

  • It is ladened with ample nutrition and is a great herbal remedy for internal dryness.
  • It doesn’t only heal the body but also lightens up a depressed mind.
  • It is widely used as medicine and also in a preparatory procedure for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric conditions, epilepsy, insanity, fever.
  • It provides relieve in constipation and helps in maintaining weight through optimum digestion.
  • It is widely used to treat several liver diseases including Jaundice.
  • It is an organic composition that is known to strengthen the brain, nerves, eyes, rectum, and other body organs.

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‘Gomutra’ or cow’s urine is a sign of spirituality and it holds significant value in all the religions. It has the power to heal the dreadful and ward off all the negativity. It Is rightly crowned as the most powerful antidote, germicide, enriched with nutrients.

The wise Indian old saints knew the panacea and wide-spectrum elixir with innumerable medical uses. It is a natural source of many minerals that the body craves for.

Benefits of Gomutra

  1. Gomutra is widely used for therapeutic purposes has a long history in Indian culture. Some of the esteemed benefits of this divine elixir are:
  2. Antimicrobial qualities
  3. The pure potion is replete with oodles of antimicrobial qualities. Ladened with urea, creatinine, aurum hydroxide, carbolic acid, phenols, calcium, and manganese gomutra its germicidal qualities.
  • An effective fungicide

Gomutra is very efficient in inhibiting the growth of several kinds of fungi. It is potent at keeping the pathogens at bay. It is blessed with amazing germicidal power to kill varieties of germs.

  • A great antiseptic

Gomutra has incredible antiseptic properties and is used for ages to heal all the wounds of the body. It’s a wondrous weapon to whip off the pain and the bruise.

  • Germicides

Gomutra is a mighty germicide that has the potential to cure a gamut of intestinal parasites which are the origin of a lot of health problems like dysentery, abdominal pain, and loss of nutrients in the body. Just a dose of cow urine is enough to kill slay all the disease-causing parasites.

  • An effective bioenhancer

Gomutra is the supreme bio-enhancer for various antimicrobial, antifungal and anticancer agents. The astounding components of Gomutra augment the capacity of any life-supporting agent.

  • Anticancer traits

Gomutra is a great antioxidant that can neutralize oxidative stress and scavenge off the harmful free radicals. These traits make Gomutra a potential anti-cancer potion. Though it may not be able to cure or treat cancer, it is efficient in preventing cancerous cells.

  • Stimulates the immune system

Indian history boasts of inventing the miraculous effects of Gomutra. It is known to increase resistance against diseases and boost the body’s natural defense mechanism. It is gifted to take care of even extremely dangerous chemicals.

  • Enhances the function of the liver

Gomutra is instrumental in boosting the functioning of the liver and several other organs of the body. It helps in purifying the blood and prevent many diseases related to the disorder of the liver and blood loaded with harmful materials.

  • Full dose of Minerals

Gomutra is inundated with many minerals including copper, gold, salts, etc. It fulfills any mineral deficiency in the body.


Other Benefits   

  • Gomutra is widely used in the treatment of leprosy, abdominal colic pain and bloating.
  • It is believed to keep off any negativity and create an aura of well being and great health.
  • Gomutra is commended for its purifying properties. It detoxifies the human body from inside out by flushing out all toxins thus keeping the body away from a multitude of health risks.
  • Gomutra is a natural and effective pesticide.
  • Gomutra controls the ill effects of stress and mental tension.
  • Gomutra is also helpful in the treatment of peptic ulcer, asthma, and certain liver ailments.

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