Sukumara Ghrita Health Benefits & Side Effects
Digging deep into the history of the evolution of man, we found that as men transformed from nomads to settled beings they had ample time to ponder and think. Gradually, the thoughts of man paved a way for a new world. A world that’s comfortable, healthy and convenient for existence.
It was somewhere during those times that Ayurveda came into existence. Ayurveda is the oldest foundation of healing the body by application of potent medicinal herbs, enhancing life by adopting healthy methods of eating and living.
The first traces of Vedic knowledge can be traced in the holy scripts of Vedas, which are highly acclaimed work of philosophy and life. The hymns in Atharvaveda spell the secret of healing and treating life-threatening diseases. Based on the knowledge from the Vedas, renowned physicians like Sushruta and Charaka could do wonders.
Ayurveda focuses on treating diseases by eliminating the root cause of the disease. It goes deep into the anatomy of the human body and understands the basic components, their functionalities, and the methods to keep them at the peak of good health.
One of the potent Ayurvedic formulations is Sukumara Ghrita. It is polyherbal Ayurvedic ghee made from Vidaryadi group of herbs and is highly brimmed with medicinal values.
Features of Sukumara Ghrita
Sukumara Ghrita for period problemsSukumara Ghrita is a potent uterine tonic and an emmenagogue that stimulates menstrual flow and cures the problems of delayed periods and prolonged menstruation cycles. It is also useful in treating severe pain abdominal or back pain during menstruation. Its adaptogenic properties help in adapting to stress thereby soothing combating mood swings and bad mood during PMS.
Sukumara Ghrita for better digestion
It is nutritive, digestion booster that enhances the absorption of nutrients in the body thereby improving strength and weight. Its carminative and anti-inflammatory properties help in keeping the digestive system healthy and prevent flatulence, hernia, bloating, gastritis and ulcer.
Sukumara Ghrita for cramps and pains
It is a great analgesic and antispasmodic that helps in relieving pain and soothing cramps.
Sukumara Ghrita for constipation and piles
It is a mild-laxative that prevents constipation, hemorrhoids and relieves symptoms of piles. Its antioxidant nature scavenges the harmful free radicals in the body and helps in the elimination of wastes thereby detoxifying the body.
Sukumara Ghrita for fertility
It is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases and improves the chances of pregnancy.
Other Medicinal actions
Sukumara Ghrita is blessed with the properties of anti-ulcerogenic, antitumor and anticancer and is very beneficial for the treatment of abnormal growths or tumors, hernia, abscesses, abdominal distension, reproductive system disorders, edema, abdominal diseases, gout, spleen disorders, polycystic ovarian disease, uterine fibroids, and polycystic kidney disease.
Side Effects:
There are no known side effects with this medicine.
However, in females having a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days, consuming Sukumara Ghrita may reduce the cycle to 20-25 days.
It is best to use this product under medical supervision only and the dosage should be as prescribed by the physician.
An excess dose of the medicine may cause diarrhoea.