Ayurvedic Care for New Born Babies ( Jatamatra Paricharya)

Finally, the long wait is over as your little life rests its head in your arms. Suddenly the meaning of your very existence, your identity and your world changes as it all now revolves around the little bundle of joy.

New parents are very cautious as what’s good and what’s not for their symbol of love. And their concern is legit as the neonatal period is a very crucial phase of life. It needs utmost care and attention as the baby strives to adjust to a whole new environment.

Ayurveda very well understands the importance of newborn care and through its years of expertise, it has formulated a well

scripted scientific approach called “Jatamatra Paricharya” that introduces the best ways of the infant care. 

Mother’s Milk

Mother’s milk is the elixir for a newborn baby. It is a perfect mix of vitamins, protein, and fat that the baby needs to grow. Breast milk contains antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria. Babies who are breastfed for the initial 6 months shows better results even in later stages of life.

Clothing the baby

Baby’s skin is very sensitive and soft and the cloth used to wrap the little life needs to be smooth, soft and tender. Wash all the clothes new or old before using it, as there might be synthetic chemicals, dirt, perfumes which might act as an irritant. Even the mother’s clothes should be sterilized as the baby would come in contact with them.

The clothes used for bedding, blanket and clothing should be fumigated with disinfectants and harsh detergents should not be used to wash baby’s clothes. Make sure the clothes are always dry and clean to avoid rashes and skin infections.

Abhyanga or Oil Massage

Abhyanga or Ayurvedic oil massage is a very important part of growth for the initial months of a newborn baby. The baby’s body should be massaged regularly with potent herbal oil as it strengthens and nourishes body, improves skin texture and accelerates the healthy growth and development of newborn. Bala Taila, is one of the best Ayurvedic oil for baby’s massage regime. 

Bathing the baby

For the initial months, do not put the baby under water directly. Rather use a warm wet cloth to wipe off the baby’s skin and clean the little one or use a small tub to give a short bath 30 minutes after Abhyanga.

Baby’s Sleep

The baby needs ample of sleep in its initial days, a resting child should not be awakened suddenly nor should the sleep be disturbed. Do not cover the child’s face with blanket or cloth while sleeping.

Danta dhavana nishedham

It means avoiding brushing of teeth in the child. The teeth of child should not be brushed until the jaws become strong as it can cause gum bleeding and other dental disorders.

A vigilant eye

Newborn babies are very curious to explore the world around so one has to be very attentive to ensure the toddler do not pick up anything that’s harmful or dangerous. Do not toss the baby high in the air as it develops a sense of fear and insecurity in the mind of the child.

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Bath Salts Health Benefits & Uses | Ayurcentralonline

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

These lines by Robert Frost resonate to utmost perfection for today’s lifestyle. Last minute submissions, tedious unending conferences, assignments that blow over the brain, traffic jams… Ahh!! Even our mere existence has become tiresome. No matter what you do, where you work, most of the energy gets drained till the day approaches dusk and the body is wrapped with fatigue and pain.

It’s time to unwind your body and give it the pleasure it very much deserves. An Ayurvedic oil massage followed by a salt bath takes away all your woes, rejuvenating each cell of the body.

We are no alien to the amazing spell of bath salts that has allured many sores for centuries. A detox bath is one of the greatest healing therapies for the body’s natural detoxification. A detox bath regime drives away negativity and boosts our health and well-being, it also strengthens our immune system and prevents us from disease.

Let’s check out the some of the marvelous wonders of bath salts.

Relieves stress and relaxes the body

A warm salt bath elevates the mood, calms the mind and relaxes the body. It also increases energy and stamina, improves sleep and concentration, de-stress the body completely.

Relieves pain and muscle cramps

Salt bath is well known for its ability to ease pain and relieve inflammation. It is very effective in the treatment of sore muscles, foot ache, bronchial asthma, and migraine headaches. 

Boosts Energy and stamina

Salt bath boosts oxygen utilization of the body thereby taking away lethargy and fatigue from the body and boosting energy and stamina.

Boosts muscles and nerves functioning 

Salt bath helps the regulation of electrolytes in the body, ensuring proper functioning of the muscles, nerves, and enzymes. 

Eliminates toxins 

Salt Bath has a great detoxifying effect on the body. It flushes toxins and heavy metals from the cells through the skin. It readily gets absorbed into the skin and cleanses, purifies and nourishes the body with essential minerals.

Boosts digestion powers

A warm bath soaked in essential salts improves absorption of nutrients, reduces acidity and rebalances the pH levels in your body

Rejuvenates the skin

Salt Bath has amazing antiseptic effects that aids in treating several skin conditions like dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, acne and rashes. It also accelerates healing of small cuts, bruising, swelling, strained or torn muscles and ligaments. It improves skin hydration and soothes insect bites and sunburn.

Calms PMS

Salt water bath is very effective in relieving pre-menstruation symptoms like cramps, bloating, migraine etc.

Salt Bath Health Benefits

Athlete’s foot 

Soothes joint pains and muscle cramps

Improves blood circulation

Reduces numbness

Remove splinters

Treat toenail fungus

Soothe sprains and bruises

Ease discomfort of gout

Improves insulin sensitivity of the body

Salt Bath for Beauty

Exfoliate dead skin

Removes blackheads

Remove foot odor

Remove hairspray

Hair volumizer

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Postnatal Care Massage Oils In Ayurveda | Ayurcentralonline

The tri-trimester journey of carrying your mini-me version is a roller coaster ride to be cherished all life. Right from bursting the news of being pregnant to sensing the little flutters in your tummy it’s a mesmerizing voyage. 

The nine months of pregnancy imposes physical and mental demands on the mother and even after childbirth, the mother focuses all her energy on nurturing and caring her baby. However, this might take a toll on the child bearer’s health. As people are becoming more aware and self-conscious they are approaching Ayurveda to support their journey from pregnancy to motherhood.

Ayurveda’s take on motherhood 

The first three months after delivery is very crucial for the mother as during this period, the body undergoes tremendous transformation. The uterus that expanded about 500 times its size shrinks back to normal position, ligaments, muscles and tendons associated with uterus start gaining back the lost power. 

Ayurveda has a dedicated branch to illustrate the importance and ways of postnatal care. It is very important for reducing physical and mental stress.

Ayurvedic oil massages in postnatal care

The most pivotal part of Ayurvedic postnatal care is abhyanga or oil massage. Abhyanga helps the mother’s body recover faster and in a better way. Regular Ayurvedic oil massaging boosts blood circulation and relieve stress in muscles. It soothes the aching body and eases the process of recovery.

Ayurvedic oil massage is also helpful to treat lactation issues and regain the firmness and size of breasts post delivery.

Here are some of the key points that highlight the benefits of Abhyanga:

Ayurvedic oil massage provides relaxation

Postnatal massage helps to relax the whole body and recover from the enormous strain, sleeplessness and pressure during childbirth. It also flushes out the stress causing toxins from the body and ensures good sleep which is very essential for the new mom. 

Ayurvedic oil massage increases Blood Circulation

A good massage stimulates the oxygen and blood circulation in her body which reduces fatigue, anxiety and other health issues in new moms.

Boosts Production of Breastmilk 

A few new mothers may face issues in the secretion of milk to feed their little one.  Postnatal massage is recommended to treat such issues. It helps in releasing Oxytocin hormones that stimulate the milk ejection reflex and induces breast milk production. It also increases the lactation hormone known as prolactin that helps the breasts regain its shape and size.

Removes Stretch Marks

Postnatal massages help to lighten the stretch marks. Ayurvedic oils like “Nalapamaraadi ” or Almond oil helps in dealing with stretch marks.

Aids in reducing weight

A woman puts on weight during pregnancy. Regular ayurvedic massages help to reduce the water weight thereby helping in toning of the whole body. 

Controls Stress Hormones

Postnatal massages help to regulate the stress hormones known as cortisol and keep the new mom happy and relaxed.

Few Recommended Oils:

  • Mustard Oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Almond Oil
  • Dhanwantharam thailam, 
  • bala thailam or 
  • pinda thailam
  • Nalapamaraadi

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Importance Of Milk During Pregnancy

Importance Of Milk During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a bliss that woman loves to embrace. All the care and pampering of the closed ones makes it a memorable journey. As you wait with utmost curiosity to welcome your little bundle of life you must be conscious in every step of this journey. Right from what goes in the plate to how to walk everything gets special.

With oodles of suggestions pouring in from all corners, it might be stressful to decide what works and what not. Among all these hullaballoo one thing remains certain that’s the magic of milk!

Milk is a complete food that nourishes each cell of the body. It is a vital source of calcium, vitamin, protein and essential minerals. As pregnancy brings in the troubles of heartburn, vomiting, morning sickness and nausea you might not feel like eating a lot during the first trimester. Just a glass of milk ensures to keep you going.

Amazing Composition of Milk


Milk is the best source of calcium. As the fetus develops and starts forming the major parts it requires lots of calcium to accomplish the task. If calcium is not provided through the diet the smart little sprout extracts it from mamma’s bones which increase the risk of bone and teeth damage for the mother.


Milk is a store-house of proteins. Protein is required to facilitate the growth of the uterus, breasts, blood supply and the baby’s tissue during pregnancy. Deficiency of protein may lead to decreased birth weight.

Vitamin D

Milk contains vitamin D nutrients that help to prevent neonatal rickets and low birth weight along with other issues. Drinking milk helps in meeting about 59% of the recommended Vitamin D nutrition.


Milk is a great antacid that helps to relieve heartburn and other gastric problems which is a common problem faced by many pregnant ladies.


Milk is a good source to keep the body hydrated and compensate for the fluid loss during this time.

Benefits of Milk During Pregnancy

Everybody wants a strong healthy baby and milk is the perfect food to get a chubby cute little toddler. Let’s check out the major benefits of gulping down some milk down the throat:

Aids in building the nervous system of the baby

The abundance of proteins, amino acids and fatty acids in milk helps in the development of the baby’s nervous system. The iodine content in milk enhances brain development and increase the IQ of children.

Helps in developing baby’s bones

As already mentioned milk is rich in calcium and iodine both of which is essential in building a strong framework for the baby. Iron also helps to transport oxygen to the baby. 

Intrauterine foetal development.

Milk is blessed with the goodness of many vitamins that are required for the intrauterine foetal development.

Builds a strong immune system

All the nutrients in the milk help in building a strong protection shield for the baby’s body.

Protects against diseases

Drinking milk in pregnancy lowers the risk of diseases such as multiple sclerosis, neonatal rickets and osteoporosis.

Final Verdict

Whether you like it or not ladies fetch the glass of fresh milk and enjoy your baby growing within you!

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Rice Water

Rice Water ( Tandulodaka )

What is Rice Water?

Rice water is a white thickly fluid obtained from the water used to wash the rice before cooking or boiling the rice with more water than required. This rice water also referred as Tandulodaka, is rich in starch and contains various important antioxidants that are immensely beneficial effects on human health. 

The magic of rice water is known to the Asians since ages and now the amazing perks of rice water are embraced by the whole world.

How to prepare?

Preparing tanduloka is quite a simple task. 

Ingredients Required

1/2 cup uncooked rice

2 cups water

Steps to follow

Method 1

Rinse the rice well with water to remove any dirt or impurities.

Take the uncooked rice in a bowl and cover it with water. 

Leave it undisturbed as the rice absorbs the water. 

Churn it around lightly until the water turns cloudy allowing the minerals and vitamins to seep into the water.

Gently strain out the rice water into a clean bowl. 

And rice water is ready for use now.

This rice water can be stored for 4 to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Shake it well before use.

Method 2

Rice water can also be prepared by cooking the rice in water. Extract excess water after the rice is cooked.

Therapeutic Benefits of Tandulodaka

Rice water has many amazing health benefits and is used for centuries for a number of good reasons. Rice water works wonder for the skin and hair but it also has many therapeutic benefits for the body. 

The efficacy of rice water has been tried, tested and proved in curing the following health hazards:


Rice water is an effective cure for diarrhea and other gastrointestinal troubles. It is also easily digestible and works as an instant energy booster.


Rice water is extremely effective in treating eczema which is a common form of dermatitis. The oils present in rice hydrate and moisturize the skin, calming the dry patches of eczema.


Rice water helps in bringing the temperature down to normal. 

Supply Energy:

Consumption of rice water helps energize the body. Rice water contains very high levels of carbohydrates that will help in fulfilling your energy requirement.

Gorgeous Skin:

Rice water is ladened with many minerals and vitamins that have astonishing results for the skin. It contains a compound called ‘inositol’ that promotes cell growth, delays the process of aging and stimulates blood flow. Rice water also has antioxidant, moisturizing and UV rays absorbing properties that tightens the pores and prevents the pigmentation and age spots.

Glamourous Hair

Rice water helps in getting clean, dark and long hair. It combats dandruff, hair fall and other related issues.

Some more benefits of drinking rice water include:

  • Prevents and cures constipation
  • It is used as a skin moisturizer. 
  • It is known to soothe fly bites.
  • It works as an electrolyte during diarrhoea 
  • It also helps in relieving burning sensation.

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Foods To Reverse Prediabetes

Foods To Reverse Prediabetes

What is prediabetes?

Prediabetes is an alarming condition that indicates abnormally high blood sugar level in the body most often due to insulin resistance. It means that the body is incapable of using the insulin and sugar starts to build up in the bloodstream.

If prediabetes is not addressed properly it may result in type 2 diabetes which is a chronic serious disease often causing death by strokes. Fortunately, prediabetes is a reversible condition which can be controlled with a few changes in the diet and lifestyle of the patient.

Foods To Reverse Prediabetes

Diet plays a very crucial role in controlling and combating diabetes. Here is a list of some superfoods that has marvelous effect on reversing prediabetes.

Green vegetables: 

Green vegetables are the powerhouse of good health. Include a lot of veggies like leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and other green vegetables in your diet to lower the risk of diabetes.

Non-starchy vegetables: 

Non-green, non-starchy vegetables like mushrooms, onions, garlic, eggplant, peppers, etc. are essential components of a diabetes prevention diet. These foods have almost nonexistent effects on blood glucose and are packed with fiber and phytochemicals.


The whole family of Beans, lentils, and other legumes are a great source of carbohydrate. The nutrients in beans help to stay full and satisfied. Beans are low in fat and have an abundance of magnesium and potassium, that helps in lowering blood pressure and keeps the heart and blood vessels healthy.

Nuts and seeds: 

All nuts are low in glucose promote weight loss and have anti-inflammatory effects that may prevent the development of insulin resistance. Include a lot of nuts in your diet to stay fit and healthy.

Fresh fruit: 

Fruits less in sugar like berries, kiwi, oranges, and melon and citric fruits helps to minimize glycemic effects. They are also a rich source of fiber and antioxidants which keeps the hunger satiated and cravings away.


Almonds are packed with protein and magnesium, fiber, riboflavin, and calcium. Regular intake of almonds helps in achieving daily requirement of key nutrients which keeps the body healthy and energized.


Walnuts are rich in omega-3s, which reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure and even depression. 


They’re loaded with magnesium, a mineral vital for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. 

Some other food items that have shown potential results in reversing prediabetes include:




Blueberries and Other Berries 

Brussels Sprouts



Olive Oil (Extra Virgin)


Yogurt Apples


Bell Peppers

Cherries (Tart)

Chia Seeds


Coconut Oil (Extra Virgin, Cold-Pressed, Organic)

Dark Chocolate

Green Tea





Sweet Potatoes


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Foods To Avoid During Your Menstrual Cycles

Foods To Avoid During Your Menstrual Cycles

Menstruating is that one thing which keeps the mind ticking at all times. While its untimely routine raises grave concerns, welcoming the periods on every 28th day is no fun either. Menses not only brings the discomfort of bleeding but the cramps, pain, fatigue, insatiable, mood swings, breast tenderness and hormonal gush makes things even more worse.

Since it is a natural and important part of a female’s life there is no choice but to embrace it with grace. Fortunately, there are some natural ways to combat the ruthless pain and frustration of PMS. Following a healthy diet and maintaining an active lifestyle helps in avoiding issues like breast tenderness and cramps, yoga and meditation calms down the nerves and provides relief against anxiety and mood swings. 

However, certain food items can alleviate the symptoms of period and make the days more troublesome. So, here we have done some ground research and assembled a list of food items that can alleviate the pain and agony of the monthly monster.

Foods to Avoid


Caffeinated beverages can contribute to increased breast tenderness and cramps during the periods. Caffeine narrows the blood vessels and dehydrates the body that may result in headache, anxiety and stress during period. Caffeine can also lead to irritated mood, sleep difficulties and menstrual pain.

Processed Food

Processed fast foods and oily items are not healthy for the digestive system. They also contain preservatives that may increase the discomfort, bloating and stress during your PMS days.

Dairy Products

Fat in dairy products is saturated form that causes inflammation and irritation further worsen period pain. Dairy products boost the production of prostaglandins which increases the woes of cramping.

Salty Foods

Salty food causes dehydration in the body which leads to bloating and gastric issues. Consuming salty food may just worsen the period woes.

Sugary food

Food items rich in sugar content causes fluctuations in the blood sugar level which results in mood swings, stress and tension. Sugar consumption also contributes to immune system imbalance and fatigue.

Fatty Foods

Fatty foods influence hormones, lead to cramps and can make you feel gassy. The skin also becomes sensitive during those days of the month and acne is a common problem associated with periods. Indulging in fatty foods just makes it worse. 


Consuming tamarind and other citric substances during the menstruating days is believed to cause heavy bleeding and cause indigestion and acid reflux. 


Alcohol consumption can increases oestrogen levels and worsen period symptoms.

Refined grains

Bread, pizza, cereals, and tortillas should be avoided as they lead to bloating and constipation.

It just takes a few smart decisions to turn the tables and make life easy, comfortable and pleasant even in the darkest hours. 

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Turmeric In Cancer Care

Turmeric In Cancer Care

Cancer is a dreadful and fatal disease whose origin and cure are still under mystery. Cancer indicates the uncontrolled growth of genetically mutated cells in any part of the body.  In the recent years, rapid development has been seen both in the progression of the disease and treatment of the same. Though today we have multiple treatment options for cancer these choices come at a hefty cost not only for the pocket but also for overall well being.

Studies on cancer revealed some of the potent natural ways to prevent and inhibit the growth of cancerous cells without having to go through the trauma of adverse effects caused by medications.

Turmeric for Cancer

Turmeric is the yellow spice root widely used in the preparation of a variety of curries. Apart from adding flavour and colour to our dishes turmeric is also enthralled with immense therapeutic potential. 

Curcumin – The cancer fighter

Turmeric contains an active ingredient called Curcumin which is potent for killing and retarding the growth of cancer cells. 

Anti-inflammatory properties

Turmeric helps in reducing inflammation in the body which may lead to the development of cancer. It stops the development of cancer by interfering with the cellular signalling aspects of the chronic disease.

Triggers apoptosis

Curcumin is capable of triggering apoptosis i.e programmed cell death, which is the body’s natural cycle of cell life. 

Enzyme secretion

Turmeric enhances the activity of important detoxifying enzyme and stimulates the flow of bile in the gastrointestinal tract. Proper digestion and non-acidic environment help in protecting cancer of stomach and intestine.

A potent anti-oxidant

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that scavenges the harmful free radicals in the body which damages cell membranes, tampers DNA, and induces cell death. 

Prevents against HPV

Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory property blocks the factors that induce human papilloma virus and activates cancer cell death within the uterine lining.

Better than chemotherapy and radiation therapy

Cancer treatment procedures like chemotherapy, radiation therapy use cytotoxic drugs and strong rays to kill the cancer cells but in the process many healthy cells are also affected. Curcumin in turmeric has the ability to kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Due to this property it may be considered a better alternative of cancer treatment but more research and evidences are required to back up these claims.

Researches and studies

Million dollar researches and studies are conducted on the subject to trace the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, precautions and treatment for different types of cancer. Over these years of continual efforts, many aspects of cancer has been unveiled and many are yet to be discovered. 

A study conducted in 2009, showed that curcumin can kill cancer cells in multiple ways which makes it difficult for cancer cells to become cancer resistant. A 2007 U.S. study of using curcumin to treat bowel cancer showed that adding curcumin to the diet helped in killing cancer cells.

Experiments and researches say that curcumin is effective in the treatment of prostate cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer among many others.

Final Verdict

Turmeric has oodles of benefits for the body and does not cause any adverse effects. So, it is a wise move to add turmeric in your diet. Turmeric tea, turmeric water, turmeric milk are some of the awesome additions to a regular healthy diet.

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Vegan Diet

Vegan Diet

Veganism is the latest vogue among the health enthusiasts and peace lovers of the planet. Celebs and fitness bloggers are going gaga over the endless perks of a vegan lifestyle. However, veganism is not a new concept and has been followed since ages by the sages of India. 

The wise and learned always knew the wonders of this nontoxic diet that keeps the body and mind at the peak of the health. With science backing up these facts the revolution has gained momentum.

Vegans are basically those people who choose not to consume meat or any meat products e.g. dairy, eggs or any other products of animal origin. So, basically we can coin it as a way of eating and living that excludes the exploitation of and cruelty to animals. Though it’s not an easy choice but the pain is worth the gain.

While giving up something may seem difficult replacing it with better options is definitely not tough. So if you too are planning to step up your game and try the vegan life here are some of the awesome food choices that would help you attain and sustain your goal.   

Foods for Vegan

Loads and Loads of Fruits 

Heard about detox juicing or fruit diet? It’s a routine thing for the vegans. Indulge in the pulpy varieties from the plant kingdom and give your body the best of this world. 

A mix of Vegetables

Veggies are anyway a healthy choice and it should be a part of the meal irrespective of the diet you choose to follow. For vegans, consuming vegetables become more important as they need to fulfill the daily nutrient requirement of the body in order to avoid any deficiency disease. Dark green veggies like kale, collards, broccoli and bok choy supply ample amounts of calcium. Green salads are also loaded with oodles of nutrients that the body needs.

Legumes, Nuts and Seeds

Cutting off from a section of food may lead to deficiency of some nutrients. So, it becomes very important to keep track of the nutrient requirement and nutrients provided to the body. Getting ample of protein may be a concern as meat and animal products are a rich source that you are devoid of now. So, add lots of legumes, lentils, peas, beans and seeds to the grocery list as they ensure to supply the necessary protein and fats.

Whole Grains

Vegans have a wealth of whole-grain foods to choose from, including whole wheat breads and pastas and grains like brown rice, bulgur, barley, millet, oats, quinoa, rye, spelt and wild rice. 


What’s better way to start a day with delicious pancakes? Pancakes are delicious and healthy and there are ample of recipes that promote vegan pancakes. Just browse through the net and get an awesome new recipe every time.

Dry Fruits

Dry fruits are yummy and are loaded with bountiful of nutrients. They are also potent of protecting the body in many ways. Get some figs, cashews, apricots, apricots, almonds, raisins and add them to your dishes.

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Natural Remedies For Fatty Liver

Natural Remedies For Fatty Liver

Liver is the second largest and very complicated organ that plays a key role in nearly every function of the body. So if the liver goes hay way a lot of bodily functions would be interrupted in the wrong way finally compromising your overall health.

A fatty liver is the one that is baffled with excess of fat accumulation which is usually an outcome of poor diet and sedentary lifestyle. It disrupts the structure and functions of the liver, which in turn can trigger various other health issues. 

Here are some easy techniques that would help to manage a fatty liver naturally:

Healthy Diet:

A healthy diet is the key to a healthy body. If we deprive the body of all the good nutrients, definitely it would go cranky and start misbehaving. Add a variety of fruits, vegetable and fibrous grains, lean meats to treat fatty liver. Try to keep off from oily and fatty foods as all the fats are just going to get dumped in the organ. Try detox diets once in a while like juicing or fasting whatever suits your body type it works wonder in cleansing your system.


Get the body moving. Be it yoga, cycling, workouts, some active sports or simply a brisk walk; keep your body warm and active to burn off the unwanted fats from the body. A fit body not only ensures physical vitality but also enhances mental and spiritual satisfaction.

Vitamin E supplement:

Vitamin E supplements come with oodles of benefits for the skin, hair and internal organs as well. Its antioxidant properties protect the liver against damage and inflammation.

Don’t take excessive Medications: 

It is becoming a habit for many people to pop a pill every now and then unnecessarily. Trust your body it can heal itself. Dumping off too many medicines and chemicals just pressurize the liver to remove toxins. Consult a doctor about the doses and time for medications and never buy medicines on self-analysis.

Limit Your Toxin Exposure:

The air is no more fresh, the water no more pure and our food is full of chemicals. Try to avoid the exposure to toxins, stay away from hazardous places or take proper precautions while entering such premises. Limit the use of synthetic products that may contain toxins.

Quit Smoking and Drinking:

We all know the evil spirits of drinking and smoking. It’s not wise to trade your life just for a moment of relaxation or joy. Smoking and drinking directly affect the liver and excessive alcohol makes the liver fatty and non-functional. Staying away from such culprits is very essential to reach the peak of your health.

Some food items that treat a fatty liver:

Some food items are very effective in maintaining liver health and boosting liver functioning. Including these items in your diet not only protect the liver from fat accumulation but is also potent in treating fatty liver problems:

Apple Cider Vinegar








Olive oil 


Ginger Root

Sweet Potatoes


Black Seed Oil

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