Sugarcane Juice For Jaundice

Sugarcane Juice For Jaundice

Jaundice is a serious health condition in which the patient turns pale and yellow due to an increased level of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is the yellow pigment generated as a by-product of the natural breakdown and destruction of red blood cells in the body. It is the function of the liver to metabolize and excrete this bilirubin in the form of bile. However, owing to an infection or disease of the liver, it might fail to do its designated task. A malfunctioning of the liver may cause excess production of bilirubin thus resulting in jaundice.

To recover from jaundice, it is vital to set the function of the liver on the right path. Apart from taking adequate rest and timely medicines, it is essential to incorporate foods and juices in the diet that support and uplifts the functioning of the liver.

According to Ayurveda, sugarcane juice is one such amazing beverage recommended for treating jaundice. Sugarcane juice helps strengthen the liver and is suggested as a potent home remedy for jaundice. It works like glucose and refills the body instantly with the necessary nutrients needed for quick recovery. 

In jaundice, the liver becomes very weak and fragile and it lacks the strength to recover itself from the disease. Since the patients are advised a diet with extremely limited carbohydrates, sugarcane juice is recommended as one of the main sources of energy. In fact, sugarcane is often cited as a better alternative to glucose because of the low glycemic index and no simple sugar contents that are harmful to the body. Sugarcane contains complex sugars and nutrients that are required by the body for its healthy functioning. 

Also, sugarcane is alkaline in nature which aids in maintaining low acid levels in the body and it has been proved that no disease can survive in an alkaline environment. This is particularly true in the case of liver disorders. In some cases of jaundice, febrile disorders cause fever where there is a great amount of protein loss. Supple intake of sugarcane juice provides the body with necessary protein and other food elements.

Sugarcane juice with added lime can hasten recovery from jaundice. However, it is very important to note that the juice offered to the patient must be clean and hygienic and preferably prepared at home. Since the resistance of the body deteriorates considerably in jaundice, intake of any contaminated food item could make the condition worse. 

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Dashanga Lepa Indications & Precautions | Ayurcentralonline

Dashanga Lepa is an Ayurvedic herbal paste clinically used as an anti-inflammatory agent and widely recommended for treating a multitude of skin disorders including herpes wounds, eczema and inflammation. 

Ingredients of Dashanga Lepa 

Dashanga Lepa is a polyherbal formulation prepared by blending ten different herbs, viz Shirisha, Yashtimadhu, Tagara, Rakta chandana, Ela, Jatamanshi, Haridra, Daruharidra, Kushta, and Sugandha bala.


Indications for Dashanga Lepa 

Dashanga Lepa is made from ten potent herbs which have a magical effect in various skin infections such as Herpes, skin eruptions, non-healing wound, swellings, boils, migraine, headache, ulcer, skin poisoning, erysipelas etc. It is also used to treat:

  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Rosaceae
  • Boils
  • Cellulitis
  • Erysipelas 
  • Fever
  • Fungal infection
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Inflammation/swelling
  • Itching
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Chickenpox blisters
  • Pain and inflammation in breasts.

Research on Dashanga Lepa in clinical practice

Ayurvedic drugs are used since time immemorial to address a myriad of ailments. In the past few decades, Ayurveda has garnered its due reorganization which raised many questions regarding the scientific evidence of efficacy and safety of such drugs. Many researches are conducted to establish the use of Dashanga lepa for skin disorders and arthritis.

Efficacy of Dashang lepa in the Management of Cellulitis

Cellulitis is a common but potentially serious bacterial skin infection whose impact ranges from mild discomfort to severe toxaemia resulting in death. In the clinical study, the administration of Dashang lepa showed a statistically significant reduction of pain, edema, erythema, tenderness and fever in the patients. Thus the results revealed Dashanga lepa is very effective against superficial inflammatory swelling.

Pain management

Dashanga lepa is found to be very effective in relieving pain which is caused by an increased level of prostaglandins during an inflammatory reaction. Study on the drug Dashang lepa revealed its analgesic effect which aids in combating inflammation.


Oedema increases due to an elevation of local hydrostatic pressure and accumulation of transuded fluid. Dashanga lepa showed highly significant results in terms of reducing oedema.


Erythema in inflammatory process is due to increased blood supply over injured area due to vasodilatation. Dashanga lepa has shown statistically significant results in reduction of erythema (redness).


Dashang lepa has shown antipyretic effect that is beneficial in reducing generalized temperature. It also reduces local temperature.

Clinical Study of Dashanga Lepa in Acute Inflammatory Swellings

Clinical study proved that Dashanga Lepa was highly effective in reducing pain. There was highly significant reduction in oedema, tenderness, erythema and fever among the patients treated with Dashanga Lepa. 

Dashang Lepa combination for arthritis  

In case of osteoarthritis or joint pain due to injuries, a paste of Dashanga taila and sesame oil is applied over the affected area. The results stated that the paste is beneficial in soothing the inflammation, reducing stiffness, eradicating pain and easing movement of the joints.

Dashanga Lepa for mumps

Dashang lepa, when prescribed in mumps, showed potential results in reducing swelling in mumps.

Safety Profile of Dashanga Lepa

Dashang lepa is found to be safe in almost all cases and dermatological manifestations are extremely rare. In very rare occasions it may cause increased warmth or burning sensation. 

Suggestions and Precautions on use of Dashanga Lepa

This product is meant for external application.

Oral intake should be strictly avoided.

It should be stored in a cool dry place, away from direct Sunlight.

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Irimedadi Taila Composition, Benefits, Indications & Side Effects

Ayurveda is the holistic science of treating diseases and ayurvedic drugs are used since ancient times to cure all ail. Special mention about oral care is traced in the Vedic scripts. Irimedadi Taila is a blessing of Ayurveda that helps in curing all dental problems.

Irimedadi Taila is polyherbal ayurvedic oil prepared with potent herbs that bestows significant astringent, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties to the decoction. This herbal oil is widely used for a famous procedure called oil pulling or gargling. It is very effective in treating swollen or bleeding gums. 


Irimedadi Taila is a blend of many mystic herbs like Gayatri, Manjishtha, Til oil, Clove, Arimaedah and many more that lends its medicinal properties useful in the treatment of dental pain and swelling. These ingredients are very effective in reducing plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation. 



Irimedadi Taila is extremely useful in the treatment of all types of dental issues including pain, hypersensitivity, vitiated gum tissue, black teeth, caries, pyorrhea, gingivitis and hyperemia of gums. It provides fast and long-term relief from toothache, swelling of gums, bleeding gums and pain from wisdom tooth. This marvellous formulation is also indicated in: 

  • Infections and inflammations of oral mucosa
  • Dental Sensitivity
  • Bleeding and / or Spongy Gums
  • Pyorrhoea
  • Toothache
  • Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Research on Irimedadi taila

Ayurvedic drugs are used since time immemorial to address oral issues like bleeding, inflammation and periodontal diseases. In the past few decades, Ayurveda has garnered its due reorganization which raised many questions regarding the scientific evidence of efficacy and safety of such drugs. Many researches are conducted to establish the use of Irimedadi taila for oral care. 

Efficacy of Irimedadi taila on reduction of plaque induced gingivitis 

A study on the use of Irimedadi taila proved its effectiveness in the reduction of plaque and bleeding. Significant reduction in Gingival index and Gingival bleeding index scores were reported in the clinical examination of patients. The study concluded that Irimedadi taila can be used effectively in enhancing gingival health and no adverse effects were reported during the course of this study.

Irimedadi taila for Hypersensitivity

Hypersensitivity of teeth is one of the leading dental diseases. Hypersensitivity of teeth has been studied for several years and it is reported as a painful condition that originates when the thickness of the enamel or cement is significantly reduced. Irimedadi taila is found to be very effective in hypersensitivity.

Research on patient’s response to Irimedadi taila

The benefits of Irimedadi taila for dental issues are beyond doubts; however the bitter taste of the concoction poses a problem towards the compliance in long-term usage. Thus, the possibility of adding some flavouring or sweetening agents without compromising on the chemical properties of the ingredients is under study.

Direction for use:

Take 1 tablespoon oil (15 ml) in the mouth and swish the oil around without swallowing it. 

Move the oil around in mouth and through the teeth like a mouthwash but do not gargle or take in throat. 

It is best done in morning on empty stomach. 

Spit out the oil and rinse the mouth with warm water.

Side Effects and contradictions

Irimedadi taila is a safe treatment option for dental diseases. However, it should be used only for rinsing and swishing and oral intake is discouraged. 

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Apamarga Kshara Therapeutic Uses & Side Effects

Ayurveda is the 50 centuries old science of healing lives and treating diseases with the gifts that nature has conferred upon us. From simple healing to complex surgeries Ayurveda has mastery in all.

Apamarga is one of the most powerful ayurvedic herbs used to prepare a special medicine called kshara. Apamarga Kshara is potash-rich alkaline ashes of Apamarga plant and is used extensively in surgical procedures to treat fistula and as oral medicine for obesity, tumors etc.

Therapeutic uses of Apamarga Kshara

Apamarga Kshara has sharp, hot, slimy, smooth, pain relieving properties. It has laxative, diuretic and antacid properties. Some of its medicinal uses include:

  • Abdominal lump
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Malabsorption syndrome
  • Gastro-enteritis with piercing pain
  • Dyspepsia
  • Tastelessness
  • Distention of abdomen due to obstruction to the passage of urine and stool
  • Piles 
  • Ear diseases and leucoderma
  • Fistula in ano
  • Gravel in urine
  • Calculus
  • Helminthiasis
  • Hernia
  • Asthma
  • Cold, cough and other respiratory diseases

Research on Efficacy of Apamarga Kshara

Clinical study of Apamarga Ksara for corn and warts

In a clinical study, it was found that Apamarga kshara showed great improvements in treating corns and warts. Use of this medicine helped in the reduction of pain, burning sensation, discharge and complete regression of lesion among the patients.

The role of Apamarga Kshara in the treatment of Arsha (Piles)

Several studies stated Apamarga Kshara as the best treatment option for piles as per convenience, adoptability, cost-effectiveness and curative results. In a clinical study, apamarga kshara was applied directly on the different sizes, shapes and degrees of Piles, to discover its effectiveness. It was concluded that the pile masses shrunk out without complete disappearance. Hence, it could be stated that Apamarga kshara was an effective method for the treatment of 1st and 2nd degree piles. The study also highlighted that no side effects or adverse effects were reported after the treatment.

Role of Apamarga Kshara in surgical practice

Several case studies and research on Apamarga Kshara used in different surgical diseases revealed its effectiveness thus proving that Apamarga Kshara has an important role in surgical practice.

Apamarga Kshara for infertility

A study was done to understand the effect of apamarga kshara in the management of infertility w.s.r. Tubal blockage and it was concluded that the trial drug Apamarga kshara gave highly significant results.

Apamarga kshara in fistula- in -ano

A clinical study was done on efficacy of Apamarga Kshara in the management of Fistula – In – Ano and it was concluded that median healing time was 7 weeks for Kshara with a recurrence rate of 0.0 percent. The study concluded that Apamarga Kshara is appropriate for healing of the fistulous tract with minimal complications. In Kshara therapy the cutting and healing of fistulous track happens simultaneously.

Apamarga Kshara side effects:

Apamarga Kshara is generally termed safe when taken under medical prescription. Self medication with this medicine is strictly discouraged.

This medicine is best avoided in pregnant ladies and infants.

Long term use of this medicine might affect the quality and quantity of sperm.

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Ashwagandha Bala Taila

Ashwagandha Bala Taila Ingredients, Benefits, Uses, How To Use & Side Effects

Children are the bosom of our heart and the center of our life. Our day begins analysing their needs and ends with sweet prayers for their well being. The thoughts of our child engross our mind every second of the day. Being a little paranoid as to what goes in and on our baby is just a part of parenting. 

Ayurveda offers the perfect care tools for the overall growth and development of our little munchkins. Ashwagandha Bala Taila is a potent oil widely used since the ancient times as a muscle relaxant to ease pain and rigidity. It is an age-old combination of many mystic herbs that offers complete relief from respiratory infections and quick recovery from injury and weakness. People today look forward to get holistic cure from the natural goodness of Ayurvedic medicines.


Ingredients of Ashwagandha Bala Taila

The major composition of this marvellous oil includes sesame oil as its base oil and is formulated using a number of other medicinal herbs like jalada, ushira, durva, madhuka, and kushta to name a few.

Actions of Ashwagandha Bala Taila

Ashwagandha Bala Taila is prepared by blending many sacred herbs enriched with vitamin C and natural bronchodilators which makes it a potential healer of cold and asthma. The vitamins also boost immunity thus protecting the body from infections. The main actions of Ashwagandha bala taila can be summarized as promotion of strength, intelligence, and sleep.

Indication of Ashwagandha Bala Taila:

This Ayurvedic nourishing oil is mainly prescribed to treat:

Neurological Disorders

Muscular Dystrophy

Wasting, Neuralgia

Benefits of Ashwagandha Bala Taila

Aswagandh Bala Taila is an effective oil for boosting muscular strength. This is a well known massage oil mostly used for children and pregnant ladies. Some of the well known benefits of this oil are listed below:

Ashwagandha Bala Taila helps promote muscle strength and energize the child. 

It nourishes the body, helps with muscle imbalances and promotes calmness at the same time.

Ashwagandha Bala Taila helps support a child in a stressful or changing environment. It is also known to promote a good night’s sleep. 

Ashwagandha Bala Taila is Rejuvenative and Restorative. It strengthens and tones muscles, and improves nerve conduction.

How to use?

Ashwagandha Bala Taila massage should be incorporated in a child’s morning routine. Daily massage with this oil is calming and promotes a healthy lifestyle and nourishing the child’s body. Though this oil can be directly massaged on the body but it works best when applied luke warm. It can be used to massage children and pregnant ladies.

Ashwagandha Bala Taila  side effects and suggestions:

Ashwagandha Bala Taila is meant for external use and has no recorded side effects when used accordingly.

Oral intake should be avoided.

Keep out of sight and reach of children.

The oil should be stored in cool dry place, away from direct sunlight.

How long can Ashwagandha Bala Taila be used ? 

For external use, this oil can be used for a long period of time.

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Somaraji taila in vitiligo

Skin is the mirror of our inner body and health. Digestion to diet, lifestyle and skin care products, tanning and sun care each one plays a vital role in keeping the skin young, radiant and glowy. One of the dreaded issues of the skin is Vitiligo.


It is a skin pigmentation issue in which the melanocytes are wrecked resulting in loss of skin colour and formation of white patches over the skin. It is said that Vitiligo is an immune system malady and can occur in literally any part of the body. 

Symptoms of Vitiligo

The discolouration of the skin and the patchy scales becomes a highlight of your appearance which results in shyness, loss of confidence and anxiety. The patients often feel left out and enter into a depressed state.

Risk Factors of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is associated with certain auto-immune and inflammatory diseases such as Thyroid, Diabetes, Psoriasis and Pernicious Anemia. There is a fair chance of passing on the disease from ancestors and it can run in families. 

Ayurvedic treatment for Vitiligo 

Ayurveda is the traditional practice of curing ails by using the gifts of nature. It’s an age-old practice where the vaidyas precisely formulate the medicine as per the vedic scripts and follow the steps religiously to cure the patients.

The Ayurvedic line of treatment focuses on finding the underlying cause of the disease and treats the source of the malady while soothing its symptoms. In Vitiligo,  Ayurveda prescribes the use of Somaraji Taila.


Somaraji Taila in Vitiligo

Somraji Taila is a polyherbal Ayurvedic oil in which the main ingredient Bakuchi is blended with several other therapeutic herbs. It is very effective in the treatment of various skin diseases. It infiltrates the melanocytes for better pigmentation in the area of white spot and inhibits the further spread of the cells. 

Action of Somraji Taila:

Somraji Taila is extremely beneficial in Vitiligo as its chief constituent Bakuchi is capable of inhibiting DNA synthesis thereby decreasing cell proliferation and spreading of white patches.

Somraji Taila is an irritant that removes the upper layers of the skin.

Somraji Taila helps in shrinking the white patches by allowing the darker area cover the white skin area, thereby leading to visible skin changes.

Somraji Taila herb acts on melanoblastic cells and successfully stimulates it.

Somraji Taila has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-oxidant properties.

Somraji Taila has calming, pain relieving and antioxidant properties.

How to use Somraji Taila?

Somraji Taila is meant for external use only.

Before applying the oil the affected area should be washed and dried properly.

The oil is a strong irritant and should be applied to the affected area only.

The change in skin pigmentation is a slow process and the treatment is usually prescribed for one year.

Side-effects and Warnings

Somaraji Taila is for external use only, internal administration is harmful to the body.

It is advised to do a patch test on the skin before using it. If no irritation, rash, sensitivity occurs in the tested area then it can be safely used on other affected parts.

It should be stored in well-closed containers away from heat.

Discontinue if hypersensitivity occurs.

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yashtimadhu taila in hair fall and premature grey hair

Hair is the crown to our head, the priced accessory, that accentuates our look with endless styles.  The braids or bangs, a pony or bun or simply the laid back open flicks hair are fun, chic and the best ornamentation one could ask for.

But alas!!! The shiny tresses are not for forever. They need lots of pamper, love and care else they might just fall off one by one leaving the crown barren or they might just start turning grey making you look old and a bit creepy.

Common Causes of Hair Fall

Some of the major causes of hair fall are:

Scalp infection, Dandruff, Scalp psoriasis

Hormonal imbalance.

Genetic factors

Nutritional deficiency like Iron, Iodine and calcium deficiency.

Diseases like Anaemia, Typhoid, Diabetes and cancer.

Certain medications, after chemotherapy and post surgery.

Post pregnancy.

Stress, worry and anxiety.


Improper hair care.

Repeated Coloring, straightening, curling and other hair treatments.

Excessive hair styling

Use of harsh chemicals and other hair styling products.

Solutions to hair fall and pre-mature greying

While many might think coloring is trendy or applying henna is a sure cure to grey hair but they have their own repercussions. Degrading the quality of your tresses, fizzing the hair, causing hair fall, further greying are just a few of the many consequences. There are hair loss treatments and hair transplant options but they not only drill your pockets but they also tend to cause side effects.

Ayurveda offers natural solutions that efficiently tackle the problems of hair loss and thinning hair, baldness, dandruff and scalp problems, split ends and premature graying of hair. All these problems can be shut down with the potent Yasthimadhu Taila prepared with Sesame oil base. This herbal Taila preparation is widely used in the treatment of hair fall and baldness.

Benefits of Yasthimadhu for Hair 

Yasthimadhu Taila benefits are known to Indians since thousands of years.  Yasthimadhu is one of the most commonly used Ayurvedic herbs. Packed with flavonoids, phytoestrogens, and other essential oils, this marvelous oil promotes the health of the scalp and takes care of the hair.

The amazing demulcent and anti inflammatory properties of Yasthimadhu help in soothing the scalp by reducing various scalp conditions like scabs and dandruff. Regular application of the oil boosts hair growth and might even combat premature balding. Yasthimadhu tea is consumed by people to combat premature balding.

How to apply?

Licorice oil should be applied evenly in the scalp at least once a week. It helps in treating many conditions, including dandruff, dull hair, split ends, and sun-induced hair damage.

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Fungi are everywhere, everywhere around us. We constantly interact with the world of micro-organisms, some offers benefits and some causes harm. But how to fight these when you can’t even see or feel the tiny foe.

Fungal infections are infections of the skin, hair or any part of the body caused by a variety of fungi like ringworm, tinea, athlete’s foot. Modern sciences have designed many ointments and medicines to treat these infections, but they are hardly able to combat their chance of reoccurrence. This necessitates the need to find a simple, effective, and safe method for the treatment of fungal infections. Ayurveda offers nature’s formulations to treat these issues with ease and comfort. 

Tuvaraka Taila for fungal infections

Tuvaraka Taila is the potential healer for all types of fungal infections. It is an amazing Ayurvedic Oil widely used for the treatment of Psoriasis and Pityriasis rosea. It is highly effective in relieving scaly eruptions, rashes, itching, patches, swollen spots etc. It is also beneficial in treating chronic skin diseases like eczema, ringworm and scabies, even those of syphilitic origin.

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea is a common skin problem which is likely to be caused by a virus. Pityriasis rosea is characterized by a large, raised, scaly patch or a rash on the back, chest or abdomen. It is non-communicable and do not spread from person to person. Some people experience headache, fatigue, fever or sore throat. 

Tuvaraka Taila is particularly administered in the treatment of Pityriasis rosea. It soothes the symptoms of Pityriasis rosea, cures the infection and forbids its recurrence.

Research Study on Efficacy of Tuvaraka Taila 

Tuvaraka is one of the most trusted drugs from the treasure of Ayurveda. A clinical study concluded that Tuvaraka oil has shown promising results at relieving inflammation, and stopping the oozing and burning or other pain and itchiness related to fungal infections. 

Another research has revealed that Tuvaraka taila is effective on various skin forums for the following conditions like Acne, Psoriasis and Rosacea type skin problems. These studies have collectively proved that Tuvaraka taila has encouraging therapeutic efficacy in treating infections when judiciously used.


Tuvaraka Tailam uses:

It is used in treating all types of skin diseases.

Tuvaraka oil is a potent healer of ring worm infestation, dermatitis, Pityriasis rosea, eczema and psoriasis.

It also helps in relieving frequent urination.

How to use Tuvaraka Taila?

Tuvaraka oil can be used for both internal and external application.

For external application, it can be applied over the affected part of skin.

For internal administration 5 – 10 drops of the oil can be taken orally twice a day, before food, with warm water, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.

It is applied over bladder area for frequent urine problems.

How to Apply?

The oil forms a thicky compose and it is best applied after bathing as the absorption is much better when pores are open in wet or damp skin. Because of its thickness, the oil may be diluted by mixing it with coconut oil. Tuvaraka is gentle on the skin and it doesn’t clog the pores.

Tuvaraka Taila side effects:

External administration of this oil has no reported side effects. 

But for oral intake, this medicine should be taken only under medical supervision.

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Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits And Vegetables that increase Platelet Counts

Human body is the epitome of creation crafted to perfection. Multiple unique machines are installed in the body that excels at their duties. The bone marrow is one such part responsible for the formation and development of blood cells.

Blood cells are essentially classified into three groups – the white blood cells, the red blood cells and the platelets. Platelets are important components of your blood. These plate-shaped, minute cells help in blood clotting in case of an injury. This, in turn, prevents excessive blood loss that may be fatal at times.

Major causes of decline in Platelet count

Cancer or severe liver diseases

Leukemia, anemia or viral infections

Exposure to harmful chemicals


Chemotherapy drugs

Alcohol consumption

Deficiency of vitamins 

Symptoms of platelet decline

Slow blood clotting 

Easy Bleeding 

Appearance of red or purple spots on the skin

Heavy bleeding during menstrual cycles 

Cure for low blood platelets

Treatment for low platelets is costly and in case the count is not devastatingly low it can be boosted with effective natural technique. A few adjustments in lifestyle and food choices aids in achieving the required platelet count.

Fruits and veggies to increase Platelet count

Papaya and papaya leaf extracts

Papaya leaf extract is the best concoction for boosting platelet count. It has been used for centuries to increase platelet count and soothe the associated causes leading to this condition. 


The sparkling red diamond seeds of pomegranate are loaded with nutrients packed with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and immunity boosting properties. The multifaceted fruit helps in increasing platelet count, preventing diseases and uplifting the energy levels despite the low blood platelets.


Loaded with vitamin A, the bulky food supports platelet development and regulation of proteins. The regulation of protein cells elevates the number of platelets in the blood.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens, such as spinach, kale, and fenugreek leaves, are high in vitamin K, and are immensely useful in improving platelet count.


Beans are blessed with the goodness of vitamin B9 that greatly boosts the blood platelet count.

Indian Gooseberries

Ayurveda hails the power of Indian gooseberries. Rich in vitamin C they are potent in increasing the production of blood platelets and boosting the immune system. 


The red-blooded food is another potent food that helps in increasing the platelet count. 


Apricot is a super-food replete with oodles of benefits. Being rich in iron Apricot has amazing effects in increasing blood platelets.


These green leaves are brimmed with vitamin K which is often used to help treat low platelet disorder. It aids in proper blood clotting and reduces the risk of excessive bleeding.

Nutrients for your platelets

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays a vital role in the synthesis of healthy platelets and protein in the body. 


Vitamin B9 or folate is essential for growth and production of platelets. 

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is responsible for activating proteins that stimulates blood clot formation. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C boosts the platelet synthesis in the body. It is a powerful antioxidant adept at preventing the free radical damage caused to the platelets.

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Food For Alkalising Body And Their Benefits | Ayurcentralonline

Life is all about balance! Be it your body, mind or soul, balance is very important to be your best self and realize the powers you are blessed with. But juggling between the meagre errands of life we often forget this very basic principle of nature. We oppress our body with stress, strain, bad food habits and unhealthy lifestyle which spells a curse to our well being.

Because of our lack of care for the abode of our soul, the body turns acidic which is a dweller of many chronic and fatal diseases. Maintaining the right balance of acid and alkali in the body is essential for its proper functioning. 

Benefits of Alkalising the Body

It protects Bone Density and Muscle Mass

An alkaline body has lower risk for hypertension and stroke

Lowers Chronic Pain and Inflammation

Boosts Vitamin Absorption and Prevents Magnesium Deficiency

Helps Improve Immune Function 

Prevents Cancer and other fatal diseases

Helps in Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Mr. Otto Warburg won the the nobel prize in 1931 for proving that

“No disease including cancer can exist in an alkaline environment”.

So, how to achieve the perfect pH balance? The answer is obvious through a healthy alkaline diet. There are many foods that boost the alkaline environment in the body. Let’s check out some amazing food stuffs that alkalizes and detoxifies the body naturally.

Foods that promote alkalinity of the body

Fruits and veggies are loaded with essential nutrients that promotes alkalinity and nourishes the body from within, Some of the amazing fruits and veggies include mushrooms, citrus, dates, raisins, spinach, grapefruit, tomatoes, avocado, summer black radish, alfalfa grass, barley grass, cucumber, kale, jicama, wheat grass, broccoli, oregano, garlic, ginger, green beans, endive, cabbage, celery, red beet, watermelon, figs and ripe bananas.


Broccoli is a quintessential healthy food that is, that boosts the alkaline level of the body. 


Apart from its unending list of health benefits, it tops the chart of food in terms of alkalizing effects on the body.


Artichokes are great food that helps to raise your body’s pH levels. Artichokes are full of antioxidants, and help purify the liver, aiding digestion.


The green grass has a myriad of benefits that makes it an essential item. It is one of the rare foods that has the strongest alkalising powers. 


Apart from working wonders on the skin and eyes they also help in maintaining the pH balance of the body. 


Apricots are a delicious fruit that fit perfectly into an alkaline diet. Ladened with fibre and other essential nutrients apricots are just the best food to have.


Rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, and many other vitamins and minerals, spinach is a great alkalizing food. 


The tiny delicious fruit is great for an alkaline diet. Brimmed with powerful antioxidants, fibre, Vitamin C and many other nutrients they work wonder for the system.


This super food helps in attaining the required alkaline balance and shields the body from many potent ailments.

Green drinks 

Green drinks made from veggies and herbs are loaded with alkaline-forming foods and chlorophyll. 

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