Vetiver Essential Oil Helath Benefits

Vetiver is revered as a holy herb that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Also referred as “Khus”, this sacred plant and its attributes are highly valued because of its uplifting, soothing, healing and protective properties. Blessed with pleasant, mild, earthy, and musky smell it casts a cooling effect on the body and the mind.

Vetiver essential oil is lauded by Ayurvedic seers for its richness of composition and the wonders it does on the mind and the body. Its combination of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, cicatrisant, nervine and sedative properties makes it a panacea for many maladies.

The relaxing aura of this mystic oil makes it a wonderful component of aromatherapy and the therapeutic properties are leveraged in making medicines. Let us see some of the most effective health benefits of Vetiver essential oil.

Benefits of Vetiver essential oil

Cure for ADHD

ADHD is a mental health condition mostly encountered in children and is characterized by distractions, difficulty in concentrating, lost focus, impatience, and fidgety. Many scientific studies have proved vetiver essential oil to be 100% effective in curing this condition. 

Relieves stress and anxiety

Vetiver essential oil is a great adaptogen and is known for its tranquillizing and calming properties which relieve the mind from the burden of anxiety and depression. It has been used for aeons to soothe emotional stress, nervousness, panic attacks, trauma, anxiety, insomnia, hysteria, debility and depression.

Boosts immunity

This marvelous oil is widely used to boost circulation and immunity of the body. It strengthens the white blood cells which shield the body against viral and fungal infections.

Reduces Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory and cooling effects of vetiver essential oil aids in relieving inflammation, reducing the appearance of rashes and skin redness. It is also beneficial in severe skin conditions like dryness and flaking caused due to eczema

Enhances Libido

This excellent cooling and flavoring agent is enthralled with aphrodisiac properties. The calming and relaxing vibe of this essential oil serves as a remedy for most sexual disorders like lack of libido, premature ejaculation and impotence. 

Prevents Nervous Disorders

Vetiver essential oil is an incredible nervine tonic that aids in healing nerve damage caused by shock, fear, and stress. It also aids in treating nervous and neurotic disorders.

Treats Insomnia

The mystic aroma of this earthy oil casts a magic spell that lures you to sleep. It’s sedating and tranquilizing effects relaxes the mind and body and treats issues related to poor sleep.

Accelerates Healing

Vetiver essential oil is blessed with antiseptic and antimicrobial properties. It not only fastens the healing process but also protects the wound from getting infected. 

Eliminates Scars

Vetiver essential oil is helpful in removing scars and marks on the skin. It also promotes the growth of new tissues and replaces dead and discolored tissues thereby giving an even toned look to the skin. It is an ancient remedy for post-delivery stretch marks, fat cracks, spots left by pox, and burns.

Kills lice

Vetiver oil is a very strong pest repellent. Its strong smell and pest repellent properties kill the lice dwelling in the scalp. It offers deep conditioning to the scalp and heals inflammation caused due to lice bites.

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Millets For Healthy Life | Ayurcentralonline

In the battle of human versus diseases, equipping oneself with the power of good health has become a quintessential tool. Picking the most nutritive food, shedding sweat in the gym and opting for healthy alternatives in every aspect are some of the steps towards a healthy life.

In the quest of finding healthy foods, we investigate the nutritive value of each grain that goes to the plate. Apart from fruits, veggies, pulses and grains, millets are the highly nutritive small-seeded grasses that definitely deserve a place on your plate.

Here are some of the awesome facts that make millets a super food. 

Enhances immunity

Millets offers a punch of natural strength and boosts the immune system shielding the body from infections and diseases. Blessed with a wide variety of micro-nutrients like calcium, thiamin and magnesium, millets offers a plethora of benefits to the body. 

Fuels the digestive system

Millets are brimmed with soluble and insoluble fibre. They help the food move through the digestive system in a smooth way whilst preventing acidity and improving bowel movement. It helps in combating digestive issues and helps in treating constipation.

Aids in losing weight

Millets are composed of complex carbohydrates that digest slower and steadier and are very filling in nature. Just a few spoons of millets are enough to satiate the hunger and keep you fuller for a long time. Consuming fewer calories leads to weight loss without compromising health.

Combat diabetes

Millets are gluten free grains and blessed with antioxidants. They are packed with magnesium, a mineral which is extremely important for starch digestion and secretion of enzymes that assists in insulin’s action. Millets have a low Glycemic Index that slows down the digestion process and keeps the blood sugar level at a constant ratio. It further increases insulin sensitivity and helps to control the sugar levels.

Gifts a healthy heart 

Millets are enthralled with lignans which are known to be prebiotic fiber that gets fermented in the gut by the actions of bacteria. Millets are immensely helpful in protecting us against heart diseases.

Prevents Gallstones

Researches have proved that consuming foods high in insoluble fiber helps in preventing gallstones. Consumption of soluble and insoluble fiber effectively lowers risk of gallstones. 

Aids breast milk production

Lactation is a very important phase; though breastfeeding seems like an easy natural process, but for many it’s quite challenging. One of the most common problems encountered by new moms is the low production of milk. Millets are amazing galactagogue that aids in the production of breast milk.

Slows muscle degradation

Muscle degradation generally comes with ageing. Regular consumption of millets slows down muscle degradation and helps to build leaner muscles. Being rich in protein and having lysine, an amino acid it helps in maintaining muscles in the body.

Aids in Sound Sleep

Millets are adaptogenic in nature which means it is effective in reducing stress. A relaxed mind ensures undisturbed sound sleep.

Apart from the above listed factors, millets also help in soothing menstrual cramps, boosts immunity, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and the list goes on. Many studies are conducted to unveil the true potency of this amazing food. 

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Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bedbugs

After a tiring day juggling between multiple chores, all we want is to relinquish into the laps of the warm dark night. A peaceful sleep takes away the fatigue, stress and tension and repairs the wear and tear of the day whilst refueling us with vigor to welcome the new dawn. 

But this perfect date with our bed can be easily spoilt by the turmoil of the tiny monstrous bedbugs. They crawl over our body, suck the blood out and irritate the hell out of the peaceful time. There is no doubt that everyone unanimously hates these parasitic bugs but many fail to know the truth about them.

Let’s take a deeper look at these notorious bugs and clear the air about the myths doing the rounds.

1. Bed bugs can fly: This is a faux as bedbugs lack the wings to take the flight. 

2. Bedbugs reproduce quickly: In comparison to other insects of its species, their reproduction cycle is actually quite slow. A female bedbug lays one egg each day and it takes about 10 days for the egg to hatch.

3. Bedbugs are nocturnal: This is a pure myth. Though most of the time bedbugs come to life during the night but these vampires can become active during the day too.

4. Bedbugs live only on beds: If you have had an encounter with these tiny monsters then you know this is a complete myth. They can thrive almost anywhere including your suitcase, chairs, railings, sofa and almost anywhere and everywhere.

5. Bed bugs spread deadly diseases: Bed bugs do not transmit disease. However, they can cause an allergic reaction similar to a mosquito bite. Frequent scratching of the bite marks or picking the scabs can cause infections. 

Getting rid of these bed bugs is immensely important before they drive us completely nuts. But it can be a quite a challenge to ward off these bugs because they are hard to detect and they multiply rapidly. 

Here are some of the natural ways to take care of your petite enemy:

Using Tea tree oil bed bug spray

The insecticidal properties of tea tree oil make it an effective and natural insect repellent that aids in getting rid of bed bug infestation. Tea tree oil has anti-allergic and antiseptic properties that aids in curing the allergic reactions caused by bed bugs.

Lavender and Peppermint oil pesticide spray

The insect-repellent properties of lavender oil are toxic for bed bugs and it helps to destroy insect eggs and larvae whilst repelling bed bugs. Peppermint oil also has a strong repellent action. A combination of lavender oil and peppermint oil effectively kills off insects.  

Diatomaceous earth (DE) powder

Diatomaceous earth is a natural and safe insecticide which is very effective in killing the bed bugs. It dehydrates the bed bugs by destroying their outer protective membrane. 

A few more tips:

  • Wash the bedding, clothing, curtains, and other washable items in hot water.
  • Fix any cracks or crevices that provide hiding places for bedbugs
  • Clean the entire bedroom and keep it free of clutter. 
  • Wash all the outerwear that may be a carrier of bedbugs.

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Saraswatharishta Health Benefits | Ayurcentralonline

Saraswatarishta is a prominent Ayurvedic medicine used since ages for improving memory power and treating a wide array of disorders affecting the nervous system. The perfectly blended ingredients present a great combo of anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune stimulant properties. It works magic for the patients suffering from neuralgia, epilepsy and other mental disorders.

The main ingredient of this medicine is Brahmi which is used as a tranquillizer, nerve tonic, diuretic and blood purifier. Saraswatarishta is known for boosting intelligence and improving digestion.

Why should you use Saraswatarishta?

Saraswatarishta is equally beneficial for children as well as adults as it offers a great multitude of benefits for all ages. It can be used as a medicine to treat certain specific disorders or as a tonic to boost body and brain functions.

Here is a list of benefits that Saraswatarishta offers to the human body:

Improves digestion

Saraswatarishta is a natural appetizer that is effective in treating digestive and bowel-related issues. 

Boosts Immuntity

The immune stimulant character of this tonic works effectively well in boosting immunity and strength. It provides endurance and natural resistance against many diseases.

Enhances Memory 

Known for its innate capability of boosting memory and brain power Saraswatarishta is widely used as a memory tonic. In Ayurveda, Saraswatarishta is used to treat ails related to memory loss.

Improves voice quality

Saraswatarishta is widely used to cure hoarseness of speech and improve tone and pitch of voice. It further helps in incoherent speech.

Aids in female problems

Saraswatarishta detoxifies the uterus and its related organs and boosts female fertility. It is also useful in soothing menstrual disorders.

Addresses men’s trouble

Saraswatarishta cleanses and detoxifies semen thereby boosting male infertility. It is useful in treating sexual debility, seminal weakness and general debility.

In Ayurveda, Saraswatarishta is used to treat the following conditions:

Nervous system disorders

The vedic texts mentions the use of Saraswatarishta by the acharyas to boost memory power, get clarity of thoughts, build concentration and improve intellectual abilities in people. It is also used to treat a multitude of nervous system disorders like epilepsy, insanity, and neuralgias and psychological diseases like depression. 

Speech disorders

Speech disorder is a common problem encountered by many individuals that not only poses a barrier in communication but also diminishes the self esteem and confidence in the person. Saraswatarishta is a marvellous tonic that has shown tremendous results in improving voice strength and tone. It helps in correcting pronunciation and prevents mistakes during verbal communications.


Saraswatarishta is a great aphrodisiac that works magic particularly for men. Its immense power is used to overcome male disorders like impotence, low libido, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunctions. It also improves fertility in men by increasing endurance, sperm count, sperm quality and sperm motility. 

Skin problems

Saraswatarishta is also apt at improving the natural health of the skin. It removes the toxins and cleanses the skin from within thereby improving complexion and removing acne, scars, blemishes, pigmentation, aging marks like wrinkles and fine lines.

Aging problems

Saraswatarishta is known to increase the ‘ayu’ i.e. life expectancy of a person. When used as a regular tonic it has proven to improve overall health, stamina, vitality and longevity of a person. Its strong adaptogenic and antioxidant actions help in dealing with stress, tiredness and fatigue.

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Nutmeg Health Benefits & How To Use

The alluring aroma of nutmeg has been known to enhance the flavor and appeal of our food items for ages. An evergreen common kitchen spice blessed with aromatic and aphrodisiac properties has an impressive list of benefits for mankind.

Enthralled with many powers nutmeg is a great spice that can relieve pain, soothe indigestion, and improve cognitive function. It is also known for its detoxification capabilities, boosting oral health, and treating insomnia. The list goes on to encompass strengthening of the immune system, preventing leukemia and improving blood circulation along with many other evidential functionalities.

Health Benefits of Nutmeg

Pain Reliever

Nutmeg contains menthol, a natural pain reliever and sedative that is very effective in reducing the pain associated with wounds, injuries, strains, and chronic inflammation.

Boosts Digestion

Nutmeg is a great aid for digestive woes. It induces secretion of various gastric and intestinal juices and helps in easing bowel movements.

Improves Brain Health

Nutmeg is a potent brain tonic that has been used since ancient times. It contains the brain-power boosting components myristicin and macelignan which reduces the degradation of neural pathways and cognitive function. It is also a potent stress reliever and helps in fighting the darkness of depression.

Detoxifies the Body

Nutmeg is ladened with beneficial antioxidants that scavenge the harmful toxins and free radicals from the body. The active ingredients in nutmeg further help dissolve kidney stones and increase the overall function and efficiency of the kidney and liver.


Oral Health

Nutmeg is considered the king of spices when it came to oral health. Its active antibacterial components prevent bad breath while the eugenol helps to soothe a toothache. It kills the bacteria and boosts the immunity of your gums and teeth. 

Treats Insomnia

The earthly smelling spice has a rich proportion of magnesium that is efficient in reducing nerve tension and stimulating the release of serotonin. This serotonin is a great sleep inducer that creates a feeling of relaxation or sedation.   


The antibacterial and anti-fungal properties of nutmeg help in killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Nutmeg further assists in combating infection inside and outside the body.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Nutmeg is often prescribed as herbal medicine to rev blood circulation, control blood pressure and maintain heart rate because of its high potassium content. The potassium in nutmeg relaxes blood vessels and boosts blood circulation.

Boosts Sex Power

This aromatic spice has been used as an aphrodisiac for ages. Its proficiency in boosting libido, stamina and vigor has been a boon in many relationships.

Improve Immune System

Nutmeg is blessed with a variety of minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, and manganese. These minerals work together to empower the immune system.

How to incorporate nutmeg in your daily diet

Nutmeg in milk

Adding a pinch of nutmeg in a glass of milk is an easy and healthy way of introducing the benefits of this multifarious spice. Having this before bedtime ensures peaceful undisturbed sleep.

Nutmeg in desserts

A dash of the aromatic spice functions does than just ornamentation. The alluring aroma wrapped with oodles of health benefits makes it a perfect topping to your desserts.

Nutmeg in snacks

Be it pancakes or scrambled eggs garnishing with nutmeg uplifts any dish in its appeal and benefits.

Nutmeg in fruit salad

Sprinkling some nutmeg over the fruit salad is a great way of including it in your healthy diet.

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Herbal Ways To Stop The March Of Ants

Ants are timid looking little creatures that dwell almost everywhere. But you should never judge one’s power by their looks. These petite innocent looking insects can give you a lot of pain by their stings. They are also carriers of many germs and bacteria that can cause sickness.

Using the synthetic pesticides is equally harmful to the humans or pets so here are some of the natural ways to keep these tiny intruders away from your home:

White Vinegar

This is the best inexpensive handy method to take care of the ants loitering on your property. White vinegar is an effective DIY ant repellent and a deterrent that keeps off the marching ants away. The strong smell of vinegar is not only unpleasant for the tiny creatures but it also masks their scent trails thus making them lose track. 

Blend equal amounts of vinegar and water in a bottle and spray the fuse in the way of the ants.

Chalk or Flour

The discipline, organized and hardworking nature of ants have made it to many books. But are they really that good at following their leader? Ants have a unique feature of depositing pheromones. It’s the scent of this pheromone that makes the ant stick in one line. So, if we use substances that overpower the scent of pheromones then the ants lose trails.

Using chalk or flour on the way of the ants diminishes the scent of pheromones making them lose their track.

Adhesive Tape

Ants’ piling up in the bottles of sweet is just an annoying sight. The multipurpose adhesive tape is just the thing you may want. Create a trench with the adhesive tape around the food jars. The ants end up getting stuck in the adhesive while attempting to reach the candy jar.

Lemons and Oranges

Lemons and oranges contain a compound called limonene that repels ants. Use the juices of lemon or orange to keep ants at bay. In fact, their peels also act as an effective ant repellent. 


Table salt is the cheapest and best way to get rid of many insects including ants. Just sprinkle some white crystals on the way of the ants or make a solution of water and salt with large amounts of salt and spray it on the ants. It will definitely keep them off your territory.


Cinnamon is an easy and effective household repellent. The smell of cinnamon is too strong for the little ants. Just sprinkle some cinnamon or place cinnamon sticks at the entrance of the house that gives a red signal to the marching ants. Applying cinnamon oil on the cracks and crevices also guards your house against the ants.


Pepper is also very effective in stopping the ants from marching on your property. Its smell discourages the ants from entering your house and scrounging in your kitchen. Sprinkle it directly or mix it with water to ward off the ants.


The strong scent of peppermint irritates the ants as it hinders their natural strength of detecting food and following the scent of pheromones.

Cucumber Peel

The bitter cucumber peel is another DIY method of shooing away the ants. Ants have a natural aversion to cucumber, as they cannot stand its taste. 

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Cracked Heels

Ayurvedic Tips To Heal Cracked Heels

Our foot is the permanent vehicle on which the body wanders. So, it is very pivotal to take proper care of our feet and give them the love and pamper because happy feet take us to happy places!

Crack foot is one of the most common problems that our little feet have to deal with. The skin on the feet becomes thick, dry and rough. They not only make our feet look untidy but can also cause pain and discomfort while walking. Not to mention how they get stuck in every piece of cloth they come by. If cracked heels are not attended on time they may lead to bleeding and severe pain.

Ayurvedic Remedies for cracked heel

Ayurveda the holistic science of treating and curing all body ails suggests the systematic way of living in harmony with nature. Ayurveda brings forth the most effective natural techniques to keep the feet soft, tender and happy.

Foot bath

Cracked or not, regular foot bath is essential for maintaining hygiene and health of the feet. Padasnana or footbath removes all the dirt, dead cells and impurities from the feet. It loosens the tight dead skin from the heels.

A soothing footbath revitalizes the skin, prevents fissures and takes away all the pain from the body. Adding salts or essential oil to the lukewarm water relaxes the heels, loosens the cracks, moisturizes the dry scaly skin and helps combat fungal infections owing to their anti-fungal, analgesic, anesthetic and astringent properties.


Massaging herbal oil after Padasnana is the next step to get healthy heels. It moisturizes the foot skin and helps the hard, rough and dry skin to turn tender and smooth by enhancing the blood circulation in your feet. It also relaxes the complete body as helps to keep you healthy.  

Healthy and nutritious diet

Drink enough water daily and eat a balanced diet with rich nutrients like essential fatty acids, minerals and vitamins, which make your skin smooth and combat dead skin cells in your body. Green leafy vegetables and juicy fruits can supply the essential resilience to your skin.

Few home remedies for cracked heels

Scrubbing the foot with lemon juice removes dirt and other harmful microbes.

Walking barefoot on the grass is a great natural therapy to take care of the feet.

Applying pressure at the right pressure points enhances blood circulation and boosts feet health.

Cleaning the heels by rubbing with a pumice stone takes away the accumulated dirt and dead cells.

Controlling obesity and body weight is necessary to as it increases the pressure on the feet.

Never cut hard edges of fissures with blade, scissors or razor.

Wear socks and comfortable footwear to keep the feet at ease.

Some herbs you can use for cracked heels are:

Manjistha – heals wounds

Neem – disinfects and treats cracked heels

Licorice – heal wounds has anti-inflammatory actions

Sajarasa – Improves healing

Aloe Vera – heals wounds

Sandalwood – has cooling effects and absorbs excess moisture

Beeswax – very effective for cracked heels

Ficus Religiosa – has cooling effect

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Vitamin E Benefits In Hair Growth

Hair is a girl’s best friend. Heartbreaks, hurt but hair fall pierces the soul. Be it long or short, curled or straight luscious hair is the crown that every lady loves to wear. So, to enjoy the blessing of shiny thick strands it is essential to take good care of them.

Beauty care regime becomes easy and fruitful when you are equipped with the right amenities. Vitamin E is one such magical weapon to combat many foes of hair and skin. Vitamin E oil or capsules are a must have item in your secret drawer of youth and radiance.

Let’s check out what Vitamin E does for your treasurous tresses – 

Vitamin E being an exceptional antioxidant offers a plethora of beauty and health benefits. It helps to rebuild and repair aged tissues and damaged follicles. It also assists the healthy follicles to promote hair growth. 

 Maintains scalp health

Sebum secretion and oil production of the scalp are the two main factors that regulate the health of our tresses. When the natural balance of pH level gets disturbed, our delicate strands faces many critical issues like excess hair loss, thinning of hair, dandruff, itching and baldness. 

Vitamin E oil moisturizes the scalp and controls the secretion of sebaceous glands while thereby balancing the pH levels.

Regulates Blood Circulation

A blend of vitamin E in any base oil for hair care makes a perfect combo for hair massage. It broadens the blood vessels thereby facilitating smooth circulation of blood and optimal nourishment of hair follicles. 

Conditions Hair

Vitamin E works amazingly well as a conditioner to our hair. It locks the moisture in the shaft of the hair, eliminates dryness, and provides strong, smooth and easy to comb hair. 

Strong Antioxidant

Vitamin E is one of the finest and rich antioxidants that neutralize the free radicals which damage hair and scalp. It keeps the hair follicles free from any type of damage while fighting breakage and split-ends. 

Prevents balding and greying of the hair

Bald patches and grey strands are the absolute nightmare one can ever have! With the pollutants, dust, dirt and stressful life these are the common problems that can come to you at any age and stage of life. Vitamin E oil prevents depletion of tissues and its antioxidant properties fight off the harmful free radicals which in turn helps stop premature greying of hair. 

Repairs split ends

Split ends are absolutely annoying! They make the hair look dull, lose its charm and inhibit its growth. Regular application of vitamin E oil keeps the strands healthy and combats split ends.

Repairs damaged hair follicles 

Harmful chemicals, toxins, dust, dirt and many small particles get stuck in the hair which makes them rough, dull and itchy. Using the chemical products just worsens the condition. Applying Vitamin E to the scalp and hair takes away the accumulated harmful substances, lightens the hair and opens up the clogged follicles which repair the hair and boosts healthy hair growth.

With so many goodies wrapped in its pockets Vitamin E is definitely worth a try. And the best part about it is Vitamin E capsules do not tear your pockets!

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Artificial Sweeteners – All You Should Know About

White sugar is undoubtedly an unhealthy monster but is artificial sweetener the safer alternative?

Everybody wants a healthy life, a fit body and a beautiful face. Whenever a new trend hit the market, people are ready to plunge into it without even making an effort to analyse the actual truth of a claim. The big brands are using these marketing gimmicks to create strides, make publicity stunts and draw sales.

What is an artificial sweetener?

Basically, artificial sweetener is a sugar substitute that provides a sweet taste but contains significantly fewer calories, which makes them an attractive alternative who are looking forward to shedding some kilos.

Tantalising the taste buds with the sweet taste without compromising on calorie intake seems like a dream come true. But what’s the hidden cost of making this dream come true. Many critics and researchers have criticized the use of artificial sweeteners as their studies claimed it to be linked to several health hazards.

Why should you be extra cautious?

Artificial sweeteners are extremely new to the human diet and so it may confuse the body in many ways. The deceiving taste and composition of the artificial sweetener cause a befuddling impact on the hormones, enzymes and general metabolism of the body. Here are some of the top picked reports that ring an alarm of caution about the use of artificial sweeteners.

Not good for the taste buds

Artificial sweetener is many times sweeter than sugar. Exposing the taste buds to these high-intensity sweeteners makes them less receptive to natural sources of sweetness 

Effects the gut

The intense sweet taste of these sweeteners triggers a signal to the gut that something high calorie is on its way.  So, the gut secretes the enzymes accordingly to process the high-calorie food. But since artificial sweetener contains very less trace of calories and this conflict causes a cascading effect on the body.

Impacts Insulin secretion

As we taste sweet foods the body starts releasing insulin. Insulin leads to blood sugar spikes, which increase cravings which further increases the risk of Type – 2 diabetes. Artificial sweeteners also prevent the production of GLP-1, a hormone that controls blood sugar levels and feelings of satiety. 

May trigger potential health hazards

Knowingly or unknowingly artificial sweeteners are increasingly becoming a part of our diet. These sweeteners are widespread in food and drinks including diet soda, yogurt, sauces and dressings and baked goods. But regular or excess intake of these sweeteners is associated with cardiovascular disease events such as heart attacks and strokes, Type 2 diabetes and hypertension.

A few precautions to consider before lifting your pack of artificial sweetener

If you choose to opt for artificial sweeteners be extra cautious about the amounts you are feeding the body.

Artificial sweeteners are generally safe in limited quantities, but it has adverse effects when the quantity of consumption increases.

There are a plethora of these artificial sweeteners stacked up in the grocery, be wise to read the labels and make the best choice.

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Ayurvedic Remedies To Alleviate Fluid Retention

Fluid Retention

70% of our body consists of water. Any fluctuation in this percentage can possibly trigger a multitude of health troubles. When the body retains more fluid than required it leads to edema, a condition of excessive fluid retention. Fluid retention basically indicates the inefficiency of the lymphatic system in removing excess fluids and it leads to swelling in the hands, legs, ankles, and feet. 

Ayurvedic Remedies for Fluid Retention

Ayurveda offers a natural panacea to all human ailments. It effectively relieves the symptoms of fluid retention and improves the functionality of lymphatic system.

Here are some of the simple Ayurvedic hacks to address the issue of Fluid retention.


Garlic is the age-old home remedy used to treat a myriad of health issues. The white shiny cloves of garlic are great diuretics and antioxidants potent in eliminating excess water and toxins from the body. 

Diuretic Foods

Diuretic foods are rich in water content and have the capability of increasing the frequency of urination thereby aiding in the removal of excess fluid. Cranberry juice and cabbage leafs are potentially effective natural diuretics.

Foods like watermelon, pineapple, pumpkin, berries, artichokes, asparagus, grapes, leafy greens, lemon, tomatoes, beets, onions, cabbage, eggplant, cucumber, lettuce, carrots, celery, celery seed etc are also very effective in curing edema.

Coriander Seeds 

Coriander seeds are blessed with diuretic properties that help in curing fluid retention in the body. Loaded with potassium, magnesium, iron and innumerable other nutrients, coriander seeds are very effective in soothing many health hazards.


Dandelion is a great diuretic which acts on the kidneys to flush out toxins, excess salt and fluids from the body. Potassium in dandelion balances the sodium level in the body and magnesium helps in relieving pre-menstrual bloating.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is hailed for its many perks. Ladened with potassium and is anti-inflammatory properties it is apt at diminishing fluid retention without causing any adverse effect on the body.


The green pulpy leaves of aloevera are brimmed with therapeutic and medicinal advantages. They are widely used to treat fluid retention in the body whilst relieving pain and swelling.

Celery seed 

Celery seeds are efficacious in treating fluid retention especially due to arthritic condition.

Fennel Seeds 

Fennel Seeds act as a diuretic and increase sodium and water output from the kidneys. It also prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body, aids digestion and relieves gas. 

Epsom salt bath

Epsom salt bath relieves water retention and bloated tummy through reverse osmosis. It flushes out excess fluids and toxins from the body, soothes sore muscles and calms the nerves.


Abhyanga is the Ayurvedic oil massage that helps in relieving pain, soothing muscles and nerves, calming the mind and body. It is a great detoxifier that boosts the functionality of circulatory and lymphatic systems.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is very much essential for a healthy life. Any form of physical activity helps in improving blood circulation and toxic elimination.

Few more tips that help in balancing the fluid level:

Limit salt and sugar intake

Drink ample of water

Indulge in Herbal tea

Use ayurvedic herbs

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