Jeerakadyarishta For Digestion, Effects, & Side Effects | Ayurcentralonline

No one is immune to indigestion. It is one of the most common issues that bring life to an abrupt halt. Indigestion can be caused by a plethora of underlying causes and is usually indicated by severe heartburn, pain, acid reflux, flatulence, bloating etc.

This throbbing issue is mostly caused by a poor choice of diet and leading a sedentary lifestyle. However, there might be some other deep-rooted causes like peptic ulcer, gastritis, depression, stress, lack of sleep etc. Whatever the reason be, this condition requires urgent attention and if left unattended for longer duration it can trigger several fatal disorders.

Though there are several allopathic drugs that claim to soothe indigestion and relieve its symptoms instantly but they hardly care about the underlying issue causing indigestion. Whereas, Ayurveda the age-old science of healing life looks deeper into the issue, checks every aspect of the patient’s life and pins the exact reason responsible for the trouble.


For troubles related to indigestion, Ayurveda long hails the use of Jeerakarishtam a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine that acts as a panacea for indigestion. It is widely used for treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, poor appetite, phthisis, postpartum fever, postpartum debility, acid peptic disorders etc. It mainly acts on the digestive system and reduces gas formation, flatulence, bloating, excessive thirst, loose stools, and mucus content in the stool.

  • Therapeutic Actions
  • Jeerakarishtam is prepared from powerful herbs that have been used since centuries as a tonic.
  • Jeerakarishtam is a potent tonic known to improve appetite and digestive capacity whilst strengthening the stomach, liver and intestine.
  • It is an effective medicine recommended in post-natal care as it detoxifies the uterine and eliminates toxins from the uterus following the delivery.
  • Its antipyretic and antibacterial properties help to manage the infections during the postpartum period in women.
  • Because most of the herbs used in Jeerakarishta are hot in nature, it also keeps one away from cold and infections by boosts immunity.
  • Jeerakarishtam is also used in the treatment of frequent passing of stools, diarrhoea, indigestion etc.

Medicinal Properties
Jeerakarishtam is blessed with many medicinal values which make it a right fit for treating a plethora of disorders, keeping diseases at bay whilst strengthening the body. Some of the most revered medicinal properties of this formulation are:

  • Detoxifier
  • Uterine detoxifier
  • Appetizer
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Stomachache
  • Mild antipyretic
  • Antibacterial & Antimicrobial
  • Anti-diarrheal
  • Hypnotic
  • Antispasmodic
  • Carminative
  • Anti-pruritic
  • Galactagogue

Effects of Jeerakarishtam on the digestive system

  • Treats Loss of Appetite
  • Jeerakadyarishta has an appetizer and digestive stimulant action, which helps to improves the appetite and enhances digestive capacity and absorption.
  • Cures Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Jeerakadyarishta is beneficial in treating loose stools with mucus along with bloating, gas, burning, insomnia and mild abdominal pain.
  • Supports healthy digestion

Jeerakarishtam is known for improving digestion and reducing the abdominal discomfort and bloating. It is immensely beneficial in the management of gastrointestinal diseases. It further detoxifies the body and ensures elimination of toxic products accumulated in the body.

Side Effects of Jeerakarishtam

There are no side effects reported with Jeerakarishtam. However, it is best taken only under medical supervision.

Also, as it contains some level of sugar, so diabetic patients should take it under the supervision of a doctor and should check blood glucose level regularly.

During pregnancy, it is best avoided or can be taken based on doctor’s prescription.
It can be taken during lactation period but again it’s always better to take expert’s advice

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Haridra Khanda In Skin & Respiratory Allergies

The human body is the most complex machine that works in seamless synchronicity to ensure optimum health. The body constantly battles against various germs and disease-causing microbes involuntarily which we don’t even realize. The white blood cells work as the czar that protects the body from the attacks of the unknowns.


Among the different types of WBC, Eosinophils are responsible for destroying foreign substances and regulating inflammation.  They fight substances related to parasitic infection that has been flagged for destruction by your immune system.


Eosinophilia is a condition in which a large number of eosinophils are recruited to a specific site in the body or when the bone marrow produces too many eosinophils. The root cause of this condition may vary from some mere infection to fatal disease like cancer.

Treatment of eosinophils is very crucial as it might lead to severe conditions if left untreated. However, the synthetic medicines used to address the issue may trigger several side effects in the patients. Ayurveda the age-old practice of healing offers some natural way to treat the condition without causing any side-effects.


Common causes of Eosinophilia

Eosinophilia generally occurs due to allergic diseases including common skin diseases, medicine reactions and parasitic infections. 

Other causes of Eosinophilia:

Skin allergies

Lung diseases

Antibody deficiencies

Rare skin disease

Hay fever


Parasitic Infection

Drug side effects

Dermatitis Herpetiformis

Skin rashes

Haridra Khanda for Treating Eosinophilia

Haridra Khanda is a famous and highly effective herbal formulation widely used to treat a myriad of maladies. The main ingredient of Haridra Khanda is Turmeric which is processed with ghee and sugar candy. Many centuries ago, Ayurveda unveiled the efficacy of Haridra i.e. turmeric as the most useful anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, anti-cancer herb. 

Haridra Khanda provides a permanent solution to many ailments by eradicating the diseases from its source and also ensuring protection against them in future. The amazing fuse of its marvellous components makes it one of the best blood purifier which works as an elixir against all diseases which originate from the blood. 

It is highly effective in curing an array of skin diseases, allergies and injuries triggered by diverse reasons. It further helps to improve physical, mental health and immunity. It is excellent for allergic skin ailments like rashes, itching, urticaria and boils.

Haridra Khanda is potent in treating the conditions that might lead to eosinophilia. It is highly beneficial in urticaria (chronic hives) and all skin disorders characterized by itching and skin rashes which may result in eosinophilia. It is also very useful in treating parasitic and fungal infections of the skin which is another major underlying cause of eosinophilia.

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Tamra Bhasma Health Benefits, Precautions & Side Effects

Bhasmas are an important part of Ayurvedic medications. Bhasma is the fine-grained powder obtained by calcinations of different metals or minerals. Tamra Bhasma is obtained by oxidizing and heating the copper metal with different herbal juices including aloe vera and lemon juice.

Copper has great significance in Ayurveda and is widely used in different ways to cure many diseases. Copper bhasma is used since ancient times for the treatment of leprosy, tumors, abdominal diseases, worms, liver, spleen, piles, cough, asthma, diabetes, acidity with indigestion, and in many other disorder treatments. It is also used in Ayurvedic treatment of skin diseases, obesity, chronic respiratory conditions, eye diseases, anemia, piles etc.

Medicinal Properties:

Tamra bhasma is blessed with several extraordinary healing properties. Some of the prominent characteristics are:

Antacid – That cures acidity caused by indigestion.

Expectorant – Helpful in clearing air passage and curing cough.

Mild laxative – Eases bowel movement and cures constipation, piles etc.

Digestive Stimulant – Helps in quick digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Emmenagogue – Stimulates menstrual flow.

Hematogenic – Increases red blood cell count.

Lowers bilirubin – Helps in treating jaundice.

Fat Burner – Fights obesity and helps in maintaining body weight

Medicinal Uses & Health Benefits

The main action of Tamra bhasma is on liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, skin and muscles. It stimulates bile secretion from the liver and gall bladder. It eases digestion and stimulates appetite and helps in maintaining healthy skin and body.

Treats high cholesterol

Tamba bhasma has a scraping quality and it also acts as a fat burner that aids in controlling obesity. Hence, tamra bhasma is widely used in treating high cholesterol. 

Treats Liver & Spleen enlargement

Ayurveda hails the use of Tamra bhasma in the treatment of liver and spleen enlargement. Tamra bhasma gradually reduces the size of spleen and liver by alleviating inflammation. 

Cures Piles, anal fissure and anal fistula

Tamra bhasma is a mild laxative. It eases the bowel movement, stimulates bile salts from the liver and softens the hard bowels thereby providing relief in problems related to irregular, hard or inconsistent bowel.


Relieves acidity with indigestion 

Tamra bhasma is very useful in indigestion and abdominal distention along with acidity. It stimulates appetite, rectifies acid production and cures abdominal distention. 

Tamra bhasma in poisoning

Tamra Bhasma is a very good emetic drug and produces instant vomiting thereby flushes  the toxic poisons from the intestine. 

Other uses of Tamra Bhasma

Apart from the above mentioned uses of tamra bhasma, it is also used in combination with different potent herbs as a panacea to a zillion diseases. The most notable effect of tamra bhasma is found in curing:

Ascitis (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity)


Bronchial asthma, cough

Gulma or abdominal lump or tumour

Neurological disorder

Parasitic infections

Caution & Side Effects

This medicine should only be taken under strict medical supervision.

Self medication with this medicine may prove to be dangerous because of the metal content. Also, it is advised to take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as prescribed by an Ayurvedic specialist.

It is best avoided in pregnant and lactating mothers and chidren.

Over-dosage of this bhasma is dangerous and may cause severe poisonous side effects like:

Nose bleed

High blood pressure

Mouth ulcer





Bleeding disorders

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Khadirarishta For Skin Diseases, Dose & Side Effects

Life comes to a halt and our mind is clogged when the body wears a blanket of skin disease. The itch, irritation, swelling, inflammation and the odd looks irks the brain every second of the day and night. Allergies, irritants, certain diseases, genetic makeup, hormone imbalance, immune system problems and many other diseases can cause skin problems.

Modern medicine has developed several lotions, tablets and soaps that soothe the pain and provides relief in distress. But it does not treat the underlying cause of the skin infection thereby leaving a fair chance of recurrence of the disease. Ayurveda offers natural cure that not only relieves the symptoms but eradicates the issue from its root.

Khadirarishta is a polyherbal ayurvedic formulation prepared using ancient ayurvedic fermentation technique. It is known to purify blood, treat skin diseases and cure intestinal problems. This remedy is used since aeons as an excellent blood purifier, antibacterial and digestive agent and is very beneficial in curing pimples and acne from the skin.

Medicinal Properties:

Khadirarishta is a best antipruritic, which is widely used for all skin disease, blood disorder, intestinal worms, splenomegaly, urticaria, gout, herpes, wounds, tumors, etc. The medicinal characteristics of this potent tonic are summarized below:

– Aam Pachaka (Detoxifier)

– Anti-pruritic

– Anthelminthic

– Anti-allergic

– Digestive Stimulant

– Blood purifier

– Antimicrobial

– Anti-gout

– Anti-histaminic

– Anti-inflammatory

– Antioxidant

– Hepatoprotective

– Removes Toxins


Mechanism of Action

Khadirarishta flushes the toxins by boosting digestion and elimination of wastes. It further stops production of the toxins and their accumulation in the intestines thereby reducing toxin absorption into the blood.

Detoxifies Blood:

Khadirarishta directly works on the blood, detoxifies it, digests AMA present in the blood, and helps kidneys to excrete toxins.

Treats Skin Diseases

Toxins block the micro-channels in the body, which results in poor nutrition to the skin tissues thus causing various skin diseases. The main indication of Khadirarishta is removing these toxins thereby preventing plethora of skin disease. It soothes the skin and reduces itching in almost all types of skin diseases.

Cures Acne/Pimples

The stubborn zits make their way to the skin ruining our look and peace of mind. Khadirarishta is very effective in curing acne. Regular use of this tonic purifies blood, reduces toxins production, regulates sebum production in the skin and inhibits bacterial growth, which ultimately prevents acne. 

Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

In Atopic Dermatitis, Khadirarishta helps in soothing its symptoms like itching, oozing from the skin, crust formation, patchy and scaly skin.

Khadirarishta dose:

It should be taken as prescribed by an Ayurvedic specialist. It is usually prescribed once or twice a day, usually taken after food. It can also be taken by mixing with equal quantity of water. It can be taken internally as well as use its oil topically to reduce the symptoms fast and get relief.

Side effects:

The common side effect of Khadirarishta is burning sensation or heartburn.  It generally occurs when Khadirarishta is taken without mixing water. It should only be taken under medical supervision and as per the prescribed dosage.

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Swarna Bhasma Medicinal Properties & Therapeutic Uses

Ayurveda is the holistic science of healing and uplifting life by using supernatural gifts of nature. This age-old practice of mysterious medicinal knowledge acquired by the seers and sages hails the use of extracts and formulations made from plants, minerals and metals to cure and soothe a myriad of diseases. 

Pure metals are ground into fine powder and blended with several other therapeutic herbs to form a bhasma. Swarna Bhasma is one of the ancient powdered Ayurvedic preparation made with pure gold. It effectively addresses a zillion of issues of the human body but its efficacy in treating health problems like respiratory problems, heart problems, infertility etc.  is commendable.

Medicinal Properties Of Swarna Bhasma :

Swarna Bhasma has numerous medicinal properties. It acts in the body as an:

– Antidote

– Alexiteric

– Anti-convulsant

– Antioxidants

– Anti-rheumatic

– Analgesic

– Anti-aging 

– Anti-asthmatic

– Anti-helminthic

– Anti-depressant

– Anti-stress 

– Heptatonic

– Detoxifier

– Cardio-stimulant

– Nootropic

– Nervine tonic

– Immunomodulatory


Therapeutic Uses Of Swarna Bhasma

The health benefit of Swarna Bhasma goes beyond the imagination of man. Here we have assembled some of its wondrous effects that would leave you in awe of this marvellous formation.

Care for Cardiac Health

Swarna Bhasma is an elixir for the cardiac system. It strengthens the heart muscles and promotes blood flow, cleansing, and detoxification. It further balances blood pressure and regulates the pumping capacity of the heart.

Fever and infections

Swarna Bhasma is recommended in a wide range of bacterial and viral infections. Its anti-pyretic nature aids in curing all types of fever. It is also recommended for healing fever of unknown etiology

Potent blood purifier

Swarna Bhasma is a marvellous blood purifier as it induces removal of toxins and purifies the blood.

Soothes indigestion

Swarna Bhasma helps in counteracting indigestion and microbial infections in the stomach lining. It promotes the removal of toxic accumulations in the body and thus eliminates the risk of the diseases caused by them.

Cures Tuberculosis

Ayurveda uses Swarna Bhasma to treat tuberculosis. Blessed with antimicrobial, anti-toxin and antiviral, this medication has a destructive effect on the tuberculosis-causing bacteria in the initial stages. It acts as a strong antibacterial agent and helps to destroy the tubercular bacilli responsible or causing the infections.  It further combats its symptoms like fever, loss of muscle mass, weakness. 

Mental Disorders

Swarna Bhasma is also beneficial ayurvedic medicine for various mental illness. It reduces the inflammation in the brain and improves memory, concentration, coordination and mental health. Its anti-stress, anti-depression and adaptogenic nature make it a potent cure for depression, brain inflammation, stress, anxiety, insomnia etc.

Relieves conjunctivitis

Swarna Bhasma relieves conjunctivitis and the symptoms associated with it. These include redness, itching, and burning sensation.

Enhances immunity

It is effective in boosting immunity and protecting the body against microbial and viral infections, and it improves the functioning of the whole system. It relieves symptoms like muscle mass loss, fatigue, weakness, fever, and low immunity. 

Protects against tumor and cancer

Swarna Bhasma also prevents and inhibits the growth of abnormal cells in the body. Its immunity-enhancing property combats the development of any tumor or cancerous cells.

Promotes sexual health

Swarna Bhasma effectively treats many sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It is an aphrodisiac and works on improving stamina, low sperm count, and semen abnormalities.

And the list goes on and on. It can act as a blessing to every cell of the body only when taken properly in regulated doses and time. Self-medication and wrong doses may show some side effects because of its strong composition.

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Ayurgenomics | Ayurcentralonline

Ayurgenomics!!! So much of this word yet so little to clarify the concept. So, here we went down every book, every page, every word related to ayur and genomics to find anything and everything about this new hot buzz shaking the medical world. 

Ayurgenomics is basically a blend of Ayurveda with genomics. While Ayurveda is the 5000-year-old ancient traditional system of medicine based on the extracts of nature, Genomics is the modern science that can decipher genes and unveil the information within. So, an integration of Ayurveda and Genomics present a personalized approach in the predictive, preventive, and curative aspects of stratified medicine with molecular variability.

Ayur-genomics is the new science that studies individual variability due to genetic variations through generations. A deeper dive on Ayurgenomics helps in establishing better, faster and more accurate diagnosis and prognosis, mainly on the basis of the constitution type of a person’s Prakriti. While modern medicine has been successful in increasing the average life expectancy of humans, it has failed miserably in availing preventive and qualitative care.

Today, most of the common diseases like diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disorders, epilepsy, stroke, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in the world extend throughout life and require long-term medication with added complications and/or expensive interventions. Such chronic diseases are mainly attributed to sedentary lifestyles and poor dietary habits. Nearly 1% of the world population suffers from these diseases and in some cases like diabetes and obesity, the numbers are considerably higher and also dangerously on the rise. 

Identifying factors that predispose individuals to these diseases and predict their progression as well as designing customized drug regime for each individual to minimize side-effects is a major challenge.

Life-time prevalence, long-term medications, side effects of therapeutic intervention further add to health burden. Prevalence of common and complex disorder today is 1-5%. However, Ayurveda, the traditional science, is known for its knacks with nature and its simple ways to keep life healthy and happy. An integration of Ayurveda and genomics if attempted in a systematic manner could help fill the gap. 

According to Ayurgenomics, every individual is blessed with their own basic constitution or Prakriti which greatly determines one’s susceptibility to diseases and response to the external environment, diet and drugs. The concept of Ayurgenomics contradicts contemporary medicine, where a preventive and curative regime can be adopted only after an individual suffers or shows signs of an impending illness and there are no methods to identify healthy individuals who would be differently susceptible to disease.

Genomics has recently stirred quite a buzz marking the beginning of a paradigm shift in the practice of medicine from a generalized symptomatic approach to an individualized approach based on his or her genetic makeup. Ayugenomics would be the next big innovation and disruption in the world of medicine when done right. It could not only treat, prevent and predict diseases but it can also improve the quality of life by far and large.

Ayurveda has already penetrated the global scene with large tides where the west stands in awe of the ancient simple techniques, India continues to get in the track of their ancestral wealth. Also, genomics has made quite a stride from decrypting the distant relations to unveiling the risk associations of an individual to a particular disease. An amalgamation of the two is sure to pave the way for the futuristic approach to medicine and healthcare making treatment easy and affordable.

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Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (Tkdl)-Flavour Of Indigenous Communities

Alternative medicine as we call our ancient traditional system of natural remedies is now garnering more attention than ever. Many brands including cosmetic and nutrition are now delving deeper into the roots of these scripts to formulate the next big thing. As such, it has become very crucial to patent the tradition treasure troves of knowledge and wisdom so that the credit is given to its due system.

This is where TKDL came into being. Read on to find exciting details about the traditional knowledge digital library.

What is TKDL? 

The treasure of ancient wisdom has generally been passed from generations to generations through oral means. Even, the classical literatures available in these contexts are unapproachable or the language is hard to decipher. As such, many indigenous innovations, inventions or discoveries are misused or wrongly patented by companies causing huge loss to the parent country.

So, TKDL was an initiative of AYUSH to collaborate, elucidate and translate traditional manuscripts in languages and format understandable by patent examiners at International Patent Offices (IPOs), so as to prevent the grant of wrong patents. It is a digital database of authentic translations that gives a glimpse of the magnitude and significance of Indian traditional medicinal system

Why is TKDL needed?

India’s traditional knowledge is scripted in local texts which are inaccessible and incomprehensible to patent examiners overseas. As such, issues of bio piracy started emerging in the late 1990s with the patent fight for turmeric and basmati rice by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and for neem by European Patent Office (EPO). 

Due to the existence of India’s infinite traditional medicine knowledge in traditional languages like Sanskrit, Hindi, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, and Tamil, examiners at International Patent Offices (IPO) faced problems in terms of authenticating the invention claims. Following this debacle department of AYUSH, emphasized the creation of Traditional Knowledge Digital Library (TKDL).

The focus of TKDL was on breaking the language and format barriers by scientifically converting and structuring the available TK in IPC. The knowledge obtained from ancient Indian texts is stored in 34 million A4 size pages and translated into five foreign languages – in Japanese, English, Spanish, German and French.

Accordingly, TKDL has shattered the language and format barriers and made the knowledge available to patent examiners in their own language and in a format which is easily understandable.

Benefits of TKDL

TKDL has successfully identified 1,000 cases of bio piracy of India’s TK in the last 3 years.

So far, TKDL has saved 500 crore rupees by avoiding such situations. 

In 105 cases, patent claims were withdrawn or cancelled by the patent offices at zero costs.

The converted format of the traditional knowledge is easy and readable to any layman.

The available options in TKDL also convert traditional terminologies into modern ones, for example, Jwar to fever, Turmeric to Curcuma longa, Mussorika to small pox, etc. 

TKDL includes a search interface featuring advanced search options. 

TKDL serves as a bridge between formulations existing in local languages and a patent examiner at a global level.

TKDL has made waves around the world, particularly in TK-rich countries by demonstrating the advantages of proactive action and the power of strong deterrence. The idea is not to restrict the use of traditional knowledge, but to ensure that wrong patents are not granted due to lack of access to the prior art for Patent examiners. 

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Ayurveda Vs Allopathy Vs Allopathy – Dr. B.M.Hegde’S Take

                                                            Ayurveda Vs Allopathy – Dr. B.M.Hegde’s take

Belle Monnapa Hedge, the acclaimed Padma Bhusan awardee, renowned cardiologist, medical scientist, educationist and author is a staunch follower of Ayurveda. He completed his MBBS degree from Madras University and earned his MD from Lucknow University and got his training in cardiology from Harvard Medical School. He also has quite a few specializations from international universities.

Born 18 August, 1938, in Moodubelle in Udupi district in India, the man travelled the world, studied medicine across the globe yet found the best treasure back in home hidden securely in the Vedic texts. 

Dr. B. M. Hegde advocates living by nature. He says lemon is the best medicine for an acidic stomach. A vegetarian himself, he widely professes natural diet traditionally made and locally grown food, recipes passed on by ancestors. 

The leading cardiologist also criticizes the way medicine is practised and patients are treated in most places. He highlights the dark shades of modern medicine with the simplest analogy of how the human body is seen as a car machine which can be repaired part by part. But the fact of the matter is that the human body is a whole entity and it needs to be treated in entirety. 

He quoted, “Anybody who walks into a hospital with complaints of chest pain is made to undergo angiogram whereas there is a need to understand heart blocks. Once you get caught in the whirlwind, you continue to remain a patient.”

Dr. B. M. Hedge sheds light on the dark side of medicine saying that curing one disease should not lead to another; this is quite a possibility when the treatment is emphasized on just finding a fix without even giving a deeper look into the possible source or cause of the problem. Like a cure for pain shall not trigger gastric or some sleeping aid shall not play with the hormones.

Author of over 40 books, the scientist holds high regards for alternative forms of medicine like Ayurveda and keeps his mind open to any form of medicine that could aid a better solution to his patients. 

He highly admires the 5000 years old natural science of Ayurveda that holds a holistic approach towards health and overall well being. It goes to find the root cause of the problems and restores the lost balance with the aid of nature.

Mr. Hedge does not shy away from making bold statements and stating the facts of Ayurvedic efficacy. Infact, he even said on multiple platforms that coconut oil is the best oil for the heart.

He also stands by Ayurvedic approach of life through positive thinking and righteous living. The scientist says, “It’s not what you eat but what eats you (the thoughts) kills you,” he says. “The key is to cultivate positive thoughts and surround yourself with positive emotions. Quantum healing is the new method of healing. Your mind can heal you”.

Dr. Hegde, further opposes the burgeoning fitness craze among the young urbane crowd driven by the belief that fitness leads to good health. But chasing fitness is not chasing health. Being healthy is being happy, being contempt and being disease free.

So, in this battle of Ayurveda vs Allopathy, Dr.Hegde prefers ‘Coordinated medicine’, that’s futuristic and meta treatment. It’s a combination of various genres of medicine. He says that modern medicine is a perfect fit for emergency care and corrective surgery and Ayurveda is the best thing for in-depth and permanent cure.

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Kasturi Pills

8 Uses of Kasturi Pills

Ayurveda is the ultimate knowledge that reveals the mysteries of all the energies existing in nature. It provides a pathway that connects the nature to human life. The history of Ayurveda traces back to thousands of centuries and the first written evidence could be found in the scripts of the Vedas. It is believed that the knowledge of ayurveda has been passed on by the creator himself. The Atharvaveda contains 114 hymns that reveal the secrets of Ayurvedic way of treating diseases.

The essence of Ayurveda has stood strong in the test of time and the core values of Ayurveda remains the same even after ages of its inception. Today, Ayurveda has garnered world-wide repute and stature of one of the best and most effective way of life. It not only treats diseases but also keeps the body at the peak of health and prevents it from all the health hazards.

Ayurveda encompasses a broad spectrum of treatment. Right from the diet to our basic activities Ayurveda governs the way to well being. It administers abhyanga(massages), yoga, nutrition, and medications for treatment of any condition. The Ayurvedic medicines are basically an acute concoction of multiple beneficial herbs, plant parts, animal products or earth extracts.

One such Ayurvedic blessing for children is the kasturi pills. Let’s check out the eminent features of these marvellous pills that makes it a stand out in the world of medicine.

Uses of Kasturi Pills

  • Kasturi Pills are an excellent Ayurvedic formulation used to treat a plethora of ailments including neurological and neuromuscular disorders, fever, asthma and dyspnoea. These tablets are a powerhouse brimmed with many medicinal properties like  decongestant, stomach soother and anti smoking aid.
  • Kasturi Pills for children
  • These little pills are excellent medicure for treating cold, cough, catarrh, influenza and ordinary mild fevers in children. It also protects the body from many harmful microorganisms the children often fall prey to.
  • Kasturi Pills for neurological disorders
  • Kasturi pills are often recommended to treat neurological or neuro-muscular problems like paralysis, sciatica etc. It boosts blood circulation and enhances the functionality of the nerves.
  • Kasturi Pills for fever
  • These pills are immensely effective in providing relief in fever with chill or rigor, fever with a cough, heaviness of head or body aches and all the symptoms related to fever.
  • Kasturi Pills for respiratory disorders


In today’s world of high pollution and dirt, our respiratory system gets exposed to many harmful substances and respiratory disorders are becoming more and more common issue. Kasturi pills can be used to treat respiratory problems like dyspnoea and asthma and bronchitis.

Ingredients of Kasturi Pills

  • Kasturi Pills are formulated using a unique blend of many substances like Lavanga, Yavani, Chitraka, Trikatu, Chaturjataka, Rasna, Kasturi, Kashmiraja, Khadirasara, Agaru, Latakasturika.
  • Features of Kasturi Pills
  • Balanced composition
  • Long expiry period

It is recommended to avoid self-medication and consult the doctor before prescribing any over the counter pills.

Side Effects
It should be avoided by pregnant and lactating mothers.
The dosage should be administered properly as an overdose may result in serious health hazard

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Amrita Bindu Benefits, Indications, Dose & Side Effects | Ayurcentralonline

Say goodbye to your troubled tummy with Ayurvedic herbal Amrita Bindu. Prepared with a unique combination of different herbs blended according to the ancient Ayurvedic texts, Amrita Bindu is widely used to cure a range of gastric and stomach related issues. Amrita Bindu acts as a natural protection against a myriad of health issues. It has been used since millennia as a Vedic alternative to surgery for healing gastric ulcers.


  • Shunti 
  • Pippali 
  • Nimba 
  • Apamarga 
  • Ela  
  • Twak 
  • Maricha 
  • Aragwadha 
  • Ashwagandha 
  • Ajamoda 
  • Shatavari 
  • Karkatashringi 
  • Kupilu 
  • Sugar 
  • Navasara sudhi 
  • Chapala 
  • Karpoora 
  • Madhu 



  • Hyperacidity
  • Gas trouble
  • Indigestion
  • Vomiting 
  • Chest Burning
  • Gastric Ulcer
  • Duodenal Ulcer
  • Stomach Bloating
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Flatulence
  • Burning Sensation of chest


  • Amrita Bindu creates a protective coating on the intestine and heals the ulcer from within.
  • It destroys the bacteria that cause these ulcers.
  • It acts as a stimulant and increases the secretion of pancreatic juices and enzymes.
  • It decreases the irritability of the nerves and helps in controlling over secretion of digestive juices.
  • It is also a good carminative medicine that improves digestion and proper assimilation of food. 
  • It is also being used as a remedy for food poisoning and related symptoms like diarrhoea etc.

Direction for use :

  • Take 2 ml of Amrita Bindu with 30 ml of water 3 times daily after food.
  • The medicine should be taken for 3 months continuously.
  • Store it in a cool dry place in an air-tight container.
  • Keep it away from children.


This is not recommended for use in diabetic patients.

Side Effects

Amrita Bindu is a natural and herbal concoction and is free of any toxins, chemicals, flavours or additives.

It is proven to be safe and effective when used as prescribed by the doctor.

Some patients may feel a burning sensation and pain while taking Amrita Bindu. In such case, you can reduce the dose of medication to half, but should not be stopped.

Some patients may also pass dark stools because of the herbal blend.

Things to be avoided:

Avoid Potatoes, Spicy Food, Alcohol, Chicken, Chicken Eggs, Stale Food, Tamarind and Yoghurt etc. 

Restrict coffee, tea and bakery products made using yeast. 

Quit smoking and any other intoxicating practice.

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