Brihatri Moisturizing Lotion | A Winter Guard

Winters can be a dreadful nightmare for those with dry skin. Dead cells, flakes and dry itchy skin not just steals your glamour away but it makes you look pale and lifeless. However, with a good moisturizing lotion, you can enjoy the winter chill without going through its drill.

A perfect moisturizing lotion need not be the most expensive bottle pitched at the front of every rack, it can be wrapped in one of the humble packages of Ayurvedic lotions. Here are a few tips that would surely help you sort down the heap of lotions and find out your perfect match to guard the winters.

Check for the following attributes in your moisturizing lotion:

* No Parabens

* No Petroleum distillates

* No sulfates

These constituents not only cause skin irritation and allergies but can cause potential damage to the skin and body in the long run.

Check the natural ingredients of your moisturizing lotion. Aloevera based moisturizer works particularly well for dry skin. It not just soothes the skin but also provides ample benefits in uplifting the quality and look of the skin.

My personal favourite comes from the Ayurvedic racks as the very concept of no chemicals gives a sense of safety to my skin and my recent obsession has been Brihatri moisturizing lotion. Its moisturizing action increases the water content making the skin look fluffy and alive almost instantly.

As hydration smoothes the skin by flattening the “valleys” between the skin contour ridges, its moisturizing effect makes the skin soft, and more extensible. Being a natural charmer its effect lasts for 6 to 8 hours under the sun.

With my outdoor shifts that come handy to me as I always carry my wet wipes to wash off the dust and dirt, cleanse my exposed skin and reapply the moisturizing lotion for better benefits. My skin has improved in texture and quality and that is a big plus for me that keeps me going back to Brihatri moisturizing lotion.

Get it from your nearest Ayurcentral store or just order it online at or call 7349744446

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Mentace In Menopause | Ayurcentralonline

Growth is painful… Change is painful… but nothing is more painful than staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.

At 52, Miranda was going through her phase of menopause. The confident and beautiful lady trembled to look into the mirror as she could no more identify with that reflection of hers.

There stood a middle-aged woman cranky and depressed with sore ankles and painful hips rapidly gaining weight.

The successful entrepreneur at Montreal could not adjust to this changing body. It’s like a young soul stuck in an old body.

Her bouts of mood swings, impulsive decisions and emotional outbreaks quivered the career that she had established in over 30 years.

For the first time she stood in the juncture of life where she was directionless and she didnot know which way to head. She cried in the silence of the nights and was lost in the chaos of the day.

Her thoughts were paralysed and body struggled to cope. That’s when she decided to embrace the change and make changes for the change to slip in her life without causing a catastrophe.

She decided to take a short break to travel in search of serendipity. That’s when she got introduced to the awesome world of Ayurveda.

With proper lifestyle, exercise, brihatri

Shatavarikalpa  and Mentace tablets she could find her lost soul. Now she is not only acing her entrepreneurial journey but has started support group to guide and counsel women who fear the change.

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Brahmi Vital Granules Composition & 7 Benefits


Student’s life is often marked as the fun-filled joyous time of one’s life. But the curiosity of learning and the joy of discovering are now overpowered by the heaviness of the syllabus and the pressure of excellence. With the raving competition and the enormous pressure of exceeding in academics, students often suffer from anxiety, stress and depression.

At such times, Brahmi the well-known nootropic herb ( promoting the enhancement of cognition and memory and the facilitation of learning) comes as the perfect weapon to boost cognitive performance. Ayurveda hails the use of Brahmi  as it promotes subtle awareness and the essence of consciousness.

‘Brahmi’, a Sanskrit word derived from “Lord Brahma” signifies the divinity responsible for all of the creative forces in the world. It is a potent herb known for its efficacy in enhancing brain and memory power. This mystic herb is used for aeons by the seers to boost their mental performance and to improve focus, clarity and concentration. 

 COMPOSITION  OF BRAHMI VITAL GRANULES: Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Shankhapushpi, Gokshura, Ela, sugar


BRAHMI  VITAL GRANULES to boost memory

Brahmi vital is the most powerful brain tonic traditionally used to increase memory naturally. It is known to enhance the three basic components of mind: power of learning, power of retention and power of recall; which are very crucial for a student’s good performance. Brahmi vital affects the part of the brain which is responsible for intelligence, memory and concentration.

BRAHMI  VITAL GRANULES as the brain tonic

Brahmi vital is known to help in regeneration of neural tissues. Its soothing and nurturing effects on the nervous system as well as its mind enhancing capability are legendary. It removes toxins and blockages of the nervous system and revitalizes the brain cells. This potent marvellous medicine aids in improving confidence, intelligence and bringing mental clarity in the individual.

BRAHMI  VITAL GRANULES for better focus and concentration

Brahmi vital is widely acclaimed for its efficacy as a Nervine herb.  It is highly revered for its mind-enhancing properties and support to the nervous system. Brahmi vital helps to balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain and enhances the higher spirituality in an individual.

BRAHMI  VITAL GRANULES for combating stress

It is believed that Brahmi vital holds the nature’s key for regulating stress, supporting restful sleep, calming emotional turbulence, and improving concentration and alertness. It further encourages deep, restful sleep which is essential for combating daily life stress whilst supporting healthy mind and spirit


Brahmi  vital is renowned for its effects on the nervous system. It enhances and tones  the nervous tissue and helps to relax tension in the body. 

BRAHMI  VITAL GRANULES for better grasping power

Brahmi vital granules is known to improve brain functions, sharpen intelligence, help concentration, and relieve physical as well as mental fatigue. This enhanced performance of the brain results in faster grasping and better understanding among students.

BRAHMI  VITAL GRANULES for better sleep

A good night sleep is vital for the body and mind to be at its optimum best. Lack of sleep not only drains the body’s energy but also blocks the mind from thinking and concentrating. Brahmi vital granule is known for its calming and stimulating properties that improve daytime alertness and focus while reducing stress and improving the quality of sleep at night. 

 With the unending list of benefits of the  BRAHMI  VITAL GRANULES, it definitely deserves a permanent spot in every house!

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Ashwagandhadi Lehya Secret For Happy Marriage

When I got married my mother wrapped all the wisdom of a married life and poured it upon me. But in the very first week, I realised the syllabus to a happy marriage has changed drastically over the generation but still when everything else fails, you go back to basics.

So, here is what my mother taught me:

* Arguing is not bad. Fight for what is right not for what your ego says. Healthy fighting shows concern, love and an effort to make each other better person.

* Kiss and make up. After every fight, the way you patch up seals the bond with a knot in the thread.

* Love from the heart. In a relation, there is no place for pretension. Love like there is no tomorrow.

* Know what to say and when to say. The way of saying things is more important than what you are going to say.

* Don’t let the romance fade away.

* Sex is important, it is divine. Don’t cloud your mind with the taboos.Experiment, indulge and enjoy the joys of healthy sex.

Yes, these are the basics for keeping your marriage as tight as ever. During the hard days, the days of endless work and ceaseless fatigue trust “BrihatriAshwagandhadilehya “to keep you going. It’s a gem from our ancient Vedas. AshwagandhadiLehya keeps things sparkling on the bed and helps with the fatigue and anxiety.

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Sarasaparilla| Wonderful Ayurvedic Coolant

As the scorching sun envelops the planet and the blazing heat sucks up the energy, we try to find solace in the decked up fridge with refreshing drinks. While the cold drinks and the iced brews offer some relief but they hardly benefit the body. With people turning into fitness freaks and health nazis, more eyes are turning towards for healthy alternatives to soothe their needs.But many forget that nature has given us a wonder herb, `Indian Sarasaparilla ( Hemidesmus indicus ),’ popularly known as `Sogade beru.’ The roots of this herb have the medicinal property of protecting human beings from common summer ailments.

Sarasaparilla is a natural coolant and has a lot of medicinal qualities. It grows in cool places. The outer part of its root is brown in colour with a whitish inner part. The root has a pleasant odour with astringent taste. Sarasaparilla syrup is prepared from its root by means of steam distillation. It is mixed with sugar, water and citric acid proportionately to evolve `sarasaparilla’ concentrate (syrup).

 Benefits of Sarasaparilla sherbet

• Body coolant: Sarasaparilla is a natural body coolant and keeps us hydrated during summer.

• Blood purifier: Sarasaparilla is an excellent blood purifier and health tonic and increases our energy levels

• Urinary infection: Sarasaparilla sherbet is reported to be an excellent home remedy for urinary infection.

• Constipation: Consuming a glass of Sarasaparilla sherbet also is a good and effective home remedy for constipation and it also relieves body pain.

• For Digestion: This Sarasaparilla sherbet is an effective way to treat our stomach disorders

To prepare delicious sherbet, 20 ml of syrup should be added with 100 ml of cold water.

It is generally advised to take Sarasaparilla syrup once a day before breakfast. In some cases, three times a day is also permissible.


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5 Daily Foods That Help Control Your Diabetes

Every man on this planet is living under the constant threat of this devious monster called ‘diabetes’ or ‘sweet blood’. Diabetes is a lifelong metabolism disorder that causes high blood sugar. Some of the common symptoms of diabetes include fatigue, weight loss, excessive thirst, increased urination, cut and bruises that are slow to heal and blurred vision.

Though a rise in blood sugars do not kill the victim instantly it does lure one to death through a painful road that often meets blindness, dialysis due to kidney failure, dementia, amputations, cardiac problems etc.

So, here we have researched and accumulated 5 simple, affordable and daily foods that help you fight and prevent diabetes the natural way:

Lady Finger: Ladyfinger or Okra is a natural vegetable which can be used as a cure for diabetes. Water infused with cut ladyfingers kept overnight is a potent drink in managing and preventing diabetes.

Coriander: Coriander leaves and seeds when included in daily diet help to lower blood sugar levels. It helps stimulate the secretion of insulin.

Karela: Karela helps regulate the blood sugar level in the body. It is blessed with active substances that possess anti-diabetic properties that exhibit a blood glucose-lowering effect. Bitter gourd contains an insulin-like compound which has been shown to control diabetes naturally. 

Garlic: Garlic regulates blood sugar as it enhances the level of insulin in the blood. This may assist in the control of diabetes.

Amla: Amla is a traditional remedy that may help keep blood sugar at a steady level and prevent spikes after meals.

These 5 simple super foods help you to manage diabetes complications naturally. But in this modern day, if maintaining a strict diet is not within your reach then you can try a diabetic supplement of Brihatri Karela Tablet on a regular basis to keep the blood sugar level at ease. 

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10 Reasons Why You Should Use Honey

Honey is much more than just a sweet nectar. The elixir of youth, power-pack of energy, armour against many sicknesses and fighter against pathogens. Honey is the potion to good health. No wonder when you go in search of honey you must expect to be stung by bees.

The medicinal and therapeutic nature of honey was discovered many centuries ago. It has been used since ages to treat a plethora of ailments. Be it minor cuts and wounds, cough and cold or skin and scalp problems honey is the answer to all these troubles.

Honey contains all of the substances needed to sustain life, including enzymes, water, minerals and vitamins. It is the only super-food to contain ‘pinocembrin’ that is an antioxidant that improves brain function. Honey has natural preservatives so it never gets spoil even after ages. 


There are oodles of reasons that makes honey a staple in every household. Be it your weight loss aspirations, skin care regimes or fight for a healthy life, honey is the thing you need. Here are 10 amazing reasons to convince you to get the jar of honey:


Honey is bestowed with an abundance of vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that fights the harmful free radicals that damage the cells. It also helps in boosting immunity and protects the body from infectious agents. 

Reduces the risk of heart-related ailments

Honey is known to reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. It is potent in lowering LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides. 

Reduces allergies 

It has potent anti-microbial property that makes it useful as a natural antibiotic.

Curing Skin Burns and Wounds

Honey is a natural and safe treatment for wounds and skin infections. This sweet nectar is a very effective anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-oxidant. Honey is the perfect natural salve for minor wounds, cuts, and burns.

Treats Cough

Honey is an effectual demulcent that relieves cough and soothes the respiratory tract to avoid infections. It acts as a natural and safe cough suppressant.

Prevents Allergies

Honey has long-term positive effects in avoiding allergy. This is attributed to the small amounts of allergens that helps to build up body’s resistance against it. 

Boosts Energy

It provides instant energy as honey directly gets absorbed by the cells. Honey maintains glycogen levels and improves recovery time post-workout

Remedies Infantile Gastroenteritis

Honey has strong anti-bacterial properties that kill the bacteria causing diarrhea. It is also used as a healthy substitute in restoring hydration levels when suffering from diarrhea. Its rich glucose content is very electrolyte bounty. 

Promotes Burn and Wound Healing

Honey offers an effective treatment for burns, wounds and several other skin conditions. This property is owed to the alkaline nature of honey which is inhospitable to bacteria. It was often used as a natural bandage to protect cuts and burns from infection. 

Hormone synthesizer

Honey is effective in promoting the production of testosterone and other stress-related hormones. It assists in the production of hormones like melatonin and serotonin and boosts growth and development.

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10 Benefits Of Drinking Ayurvedic Buttermilk

Buttermilk is the divine nectar bestowed with enormous health benefits. Also known as takra, this secret spell of good health has been glorified time and again in the Vedas, the Sushruta Samhita and now in modern-day ayurvedic books. Our word stocks have already been exhausted in exclaiming the goodness of this elixir. 

“He who uses takra daily does not suffer from diseases, and diseases cured by takra do not recur.” 

Takra concentrates on inner healing by cleansing the channels of circulation and removing any blockages, thus facilitating smooth flow of the rasa i.e. digestive juices.  This fountain of youth conferred with unlimited perks definitely deserves to be added as a daily drink. Enrich yourself with these 10 health benefits of buttermilk.

Pack of Essential Macronutrients : Buttermilk is a complete nutrition booster packed with all the essential elements necessary for a balanced diet. It contains  adequate amounts of proteins, carbohydrates, minimal lipids, vitamins and enzymes and makes for a complete meal anytime. 

Improved Digestive System: Buttermilk is a great cleanser to drain away the unwanted oils and fats that clogs the inner walls of the digestive system causing blockages over time. Regular and long-term usage of Ayurvedic buttermilk helps the digestive system to absorb nutrient better resulting in a more efficient and effective digestive system.

Anti-aging: Due to saturation of srotas during old-age, the flow of nutrients is hindered causing aging symptoms such as dementia, reduced vision, wrinkles, greying of hair, etc. A glass of buttermilk consumed daily can slow aging and keep the arteries flexible for a longer time.

Instant Re-hydration: The contents of buttermilk are a good source of rehydration. The mixture of salt, water and curd are the best electrolyte drink that the body needs after a hard day at work. Ayurvedic buttermilk is also the best choice to replenish hydration during the summer.

A Source of Calcium: Buttermilk is a rich source of calcium, especially for lactose intolerant people. It provides an ample amount of calcium without any adverse reaction.

Stabilizing Blood Pressure: The protein in buttermilk has anticancer, antiviral, antibacterial, and cholesterol-lowering properties. Curcumin in the Ayurvedic buttermilk helps in stabilizing and lowering blood pressure. 

Decrease Cholesterol: The MFGM and riboflavin content in Ayurvedic buttermilk help to balance cholesterol level.

Riboflavin Helps Detoxify The Body: Buttermilk contains riboflavin, which is essential for converting food to energy. It plays an important role in hormone secretion and aids in digestion. Riboflavin also aids liver function, has antioxidant properties and assists in  detoxification of the body.

Prevents Vitamin Deficiency: Buttermilk is a great source of vitamins like vitamin B complex, proteins and potassium. It helps in combating vitamin deficiency and maintaining good health.

Helps to Relieve Heart Burn: Buttermilk can be an aid as an instant relief to heartburn and acidity. It cools down the stomach and reduces stomach lining irritation by controlling the acid reflux in the body.

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Henna For Natural Hair Color

Henna – the natural hair colour 

Witnessing a strand of grey hair can be petrifying at any age. Whether it’s the stress of premature greying or a repercussion of aging grey hair is never welcome. But no matter how hard we try with utmost care we can just delay these signs but not avoid them permanently. Grey hair is as inevitable as aging itself.

Thankfully there are ways to colour these locks and keep the secret safe. The market is flooded with a range of hair coloring products highlighting their unique propositions whilst smartly concealing the side effects. Hair color brings along the agony of hair fall degrading the quality of your stands and regular use over the years may also cause permanent skin marks. 

A better alternative is our ancient treasure of long, luscious, brown hair. Organic henna not only colours our hair but also provides necessary nourishment. Henna is made from the leaves of Lawsonia inermis and combining the paste with different natural element yields different shades of color.

Here are some of the noteworthy things you might like to know before picking your pack of organic henna.

It is super easy to make and apply

Unlike chemical hair colors, henna needs no expertise preparations. Here are some simple steps for you to follow:

Just take out the henna in a bowl, add some water (you may also use black coffee or black tea for better colour).

Blend it properly. You may add some amount of lime juice to help fight dandruff and egg white for silky shiny hair.

Keep the mix aside for some time and let all the ingredients settle in. Its better if you can keep it for overnight.

After an hour apply the fuse evenly on your hair right from the scalp to ensure deep nourishment.

Wear a shower cap and let the colour settle on your strands.

Wash off the hair properly without leaving any trace of henna and shampoo afterwards.

This will not just color your hair but also give you luscious silky locks. 


Henna provides shine and condition to the hair without altering the actual structure or texture of the hair.

Being a natural coloring agent there is no risk of side effects with henna.

Henna makes the hair strong, thicker and shiny. It does not damage and break hair. So applying henna can penetrate the hair soft and make hair strong.

Henna when applied with fenugreek seed fuse and lemon juice helps combating dandruff and hair fall.


Put on your gloves unless you want to sport orange hands. Henna has strong coloring effects and it can leave the hands stained for many days if proper care is not taken. Don’t forget to put a shower cap or wrap a plastic package.

Some people reports of dryness after using henna but such are rare cases. If the hairs are naturally dry then application of henna makes them drier. It is best to apply henna on well moisturized hair.

The Final Verdict

If you are thinking of coloring your shafts, henna is something you will love. It not just serves the purpose of coloring but also makes your hair strong, voluminous and shiny.

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Brihatri Moisturizing Lotion For Baby Skin

Did you know that baby’s skin loses moisture two times faster than yours?

A baby’s skin is thin , delicate and it’s still to develop the moisture locking follicles because of which their skin tends to dry out faster and quicker. Also because of their high sensitivity and tenderness of the skin it is highly recommended to use only natural and proven products on their skin. As even a trace of chemicals can result in irritation and wreak havoc with rashes and bruises all around.

Brihatri Moisturizing Lotion is a natural and chemical free product from the AyurCentral gallery that is 100% safe and genuine to be applied on the soft gentle skin of a baby. It locks the moisture in the skin and nourishes it with the abundance of vitamins and essential nutrients that keeps your baby happy and healthy. Because of the mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, Brihatri moisturizing lotion also works well in healing small wounds, irritation, rashes and itching.

Here are a few more tips into caring for your baby’s skin

Give your baby the joy of an Ayurvedic massage with Abhyanjana taila ( New bhuvanendra pharmacy). A deep  Ayurvedic massage not only nourishes the skin but also helps the baby build its immune system, relieve colic pain and get good sleep.

Baby’s skin is three times thinner than adult skin and hence everything used on your child’s skin should be checked and tested very carefully.

A baby’s bum may easily get rashes because of the constant dampness from clearing and cleansing. Moisturize the area well every time you give your baby a wash.

Baby’s skin is ten times more sensitive than adult skin. So, apart from checking the products well and using regular moisturizer, it is important to keep the baby away from sun tan and dust as it might cause permanent damage.

Baby’s skin may easily get dry and dull. Dry skin may become itchy and your baby may be too small to itch ,which might make him irritated. Keep an eye on the skin for a happy healthy baby

#AyurCentral #Brihatri# MOISTURIZER #Moisturising lotion # winter care # Aloe vera.

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