Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam

Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam : An Ayurvedic medicine with varied applications.

Amrita Bhallataka Lehya is a complex ayurvedic Rasayana. It is a medicinal formula that was developed by the ayurvedic seers of the medieval period. It is a powerful medicine prepared exclusively from herbal ingredients, purified naturally occurring minerals. This unique formula for improving hair health, relieving Hemorrhoids and enhancing youthfulness is derived from the ayurvedic book called ‘Yogaratnakara’ which was compiled in the seventeenth century.

The primary ingredients used in the preparation of this medicine are milk, jaggery, ghee, and a powerful herb called bhallataka. In the formula developed in Kerala, a wide range of ingredients are used including cuttlefish bone extracts, calx of minerals like iron, tin, mica, etc. Amrita Bhallataka Lehya helps in leprosy, Hemorrhoids, greying of hair, and hair fall. It has anti-aging properties and prevents the wrinkling of the skin. It offers long-lasting youthfulness on prolonged use under the guidance of an ayurvedic physician.


Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam is an elixir for improving hair health. Consuming this herbal jam for a period of time can help slow down the premature greying of hair. It can also limit hair damage due to breakage. This Lehyam can also prevent hair fall courtesy to its strong phytonutrients. Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam is thus a complete package for hair health in form of oral medicine. It is the best supplement to tag alongside powerful ayurvedic hair oil for improved hair health.

Click here to know the 15 amazing natural foods which help boost hair health!


Hemorrhoids are inflammatory and swollen tissue collections in the anal region. They come in a variety of sizes and can be internal or exterior. Internal Hemorrhoids are the most typical variety and are often found between 2 and 4 centimeters above the orifice of the anus. External Hemorrhoids form on the anus’s outer surface. It is a lifestyle disease and occurs frequently because of our unbalanced lifestyle. Hemorrhoids can form as a result of prolonged constipation, chronic diarrhea, heavy lifting, pregnancy, or straining when passing a stool. Amrita Bhallaka Lehya is a one-stop solution to this problem. It holistically nourishes the intestinal region, cools and soothes the inflammations, pacifies the digestive fire and relieves hemorrhoid formations.

Click here to know about other available ayurvedic treatments for hemorrhoids


Leprosy is caused by a bacterium known as Mycobacterium Leprae. Skin lesions and nerve damage are the characteristics of this condition. It usually affects the skin, eyes, nose, and peripheral nerves. Symptoms include light-colored or red skin patches with decreased feeling, numbness, and weakness in limbs. According to allopathic physicians, Leprosy can be treated with multi-drug treatment over a period of 6-12 months. Disability can be avoided by seeking therapy as soon as possible yet many cases of leprosy require years of treatment. In some cases, the condition is managed for life and not treated. Amrita Bhallataka Lehya is designed to treat leprosy. It improves the functioning of the nerves and prevents the spread of infections in the skin, eyes and nose.


Amrita Bhallataka Lehyam is also a potent anti-aging medicine. Regular consumption of this medicine improves immunity and provides a youthful look. It delays the wrinkling of the skin and promotes cell regeneration. It is also indicated in all kinds of skin diseases.

Click here to know about a secret tip for a healthy skin without any additional food or medicine!!!!!! 


It is normally recommended to consume 1.5 grams to 3 grams of this lehya two times a day with milk after food.

It is advisable to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this product to know your personalized dosage depending on your physical condition, spiritual orientation and mental state which will be evaluated by the physician.


This medicine is not recommended for pregnant women and lactating mothers.

It shall be given in very mild, minute doses in children if insisted by an ayurvedic physician.

It is advisable to not consume this medicine without the recommendations of an ayurvedic physician.

This medicine can react with allopathic medicines and hence it is advisable to consume this medicine at least 30 minutes after consuming the allopathic medicine

Amrita Bhallataka Lehya should be administered with caution in people who have a Pitta dominant body condition.

It might contain naturally occurring minerals like tin, mica, and copper and is not recommended for people with liver and kidney diseases.


No side effects are reported on people who consume this medicine in limited doses as recommended by a physician.

It is highly recommended not to overdose on this medicine. It can cause serious damage to the internal organs if consumed mindlessly without moderation for a long period of time.


This medicine is available in our store. Click here to buy.

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Carmino soft gel capsules

Carmino soft gel capsules from millenium herbals for relief from flatulence, gastritis and acidity

Carmino Soft Gel Capsules are prepared by Millennium Herbals Private Limited with ingredients lifted from ayurvedic literature for relief from gastritis. It helps in the prevention of gas formation in the stomach and can be consumed after acidity-loaded meals or snacks to prevent harmful reactions in the stomach and intestine. This ayurvedic medicine is prepared exclusively from herbal ingredients and is safe for long-term consumption as a preventive.

Many allopathic medicines are available to relieve gastritis. Some of them have also become household names in India and many countries around the globe. But later studies have shown some of the ingredients in these allopathic preparations to be harmful to the liver and kidneys. In modern times it has become increasingly difficult to avoid our favorite snacks. So, most of us look to grab our favorite snack in one hand and an acidity relieving medicine on the other but most allopathic options are not safe for long-term consumption. This is where ayurvedic alternatives prepared exclusively from herbal ingredients with zero added natural minerals or artificial ingredients come in handy.

Click here for easy home remedies for acidity. For easier relief buy Carmino soft gel capsules from the link at the end of the blog.

Carmino Soft Gel Capsules are one such preparation. They are prepared exclusively from herbal extracts and loaded into sugar-coated capsules. This medicine powered by herbal ingredients relieves gastritis and balances acidity in the stomach. It works as efficiently and as fast as most allopathic alternatives. Carmino capsules are also safe for long-term consumption. They can be hand as a preventive measure as well after consuming acidity enhancing food items.

For 5 secret tips from an ayurvedic doctor to relieve hyperacidity click here!!

Carmino capsules also help relieve disorders related to abdominal colic. It improves digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients. It also helps eliminate the ama and excess gas accumulated in the intestines and stomach. Carmino capsules promote a healthy bowel movement.  It relieves irritable bowel syndrome.

Click here to know about an easy to prepare secret homemade medicine for relief from hyperacidity!

So if you are suffering from gastritis, stomach acidity, acid reflux or heartburn just gulp a Carmino capsule for quick relief. It doesn’t taste like chalk which most of the allopathic alternatives do. 


This medicine is prepared by a mixture of powerful herbal oils. It is a mixture of pudhina oil, nutmeg oil, ajwain oil, hing oil and ginger oil. All these oils are highly rated in ancient ayurvedic texts for efficacy in relieving gastritis and acidity. The efficacy of some of these herbs to treat gastritis is also proven by scientific studies.

Pudhina oil is rich in many essential nutrients. It is highly rated for its efficacy to promote digestion. It soothes the stomach and regulates the acidity level in the stomach. It can relieve irritable bowel syndrome and promote a healthy and easy bowel movement. Pudhina extracts are also at times recommended to treat cold and other respiratory diseases.  It might also improve brain function.

Ajwain oil is also a powerful standalone reliever of acidity, bloating and gastritis. It helps eliminate flatulence and excess gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Ajwain oil improves digestion and metabolism. It eliminates discomfort and stress which occurs due to indigestion.

Many of our grandmothers might have recommended the consumption of buttermilk spiced with hing or asafetida for relief from bloating in the stomach. They were right in recommending this. Hinga is a powerful herb that promotes digestion and metabolism. It has a rich flavor and also relieves gastritis, bloating and stomach pain.

Nutmeg oil is loaded with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps enhance the efficacy of this medicine for treating bloating, gastritis, and acidity. 

Ginger oil is also available in this medicine in minor quantities.


It is normally recommended to consume one or two soft gel capsules at a time after food or snacks. It is recommended not to consume this tablet more than two times a day.

It is best to consult an ayurvedic physician to know a personalized dosage with respect to your tridosas and guna karmas.


Store it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight

Keep out of the reach of children

Pregnant women, lactating mothers, and other vulnerable category people are strictly advised to discuss with their doctors before consuming this medicine.

For people who are consuming some allopathic medicine for some other disorder like diabetes, It is advised to consume the allopathic medicine first and then consume this medicine after a break of about 30 minutes.


No side effects are observed for consuming this medicine in limited doses.


These capsules are available in our store. Click here to buy! 

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Panchsakar Churna


Baidyanath Panchasakar Churna is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine prepared exclusively from ingredients mentioned in ancient ayurvedic literature for relief from constipation, indigestion and stomach pain. It is completely free from chemicals and artificial ingredients.

Panchasakar Churna offers quick relief from constipation without causing any harm to the body. Constipation might occur due to dehydration, deficiency in dietary fiber or even as a side effect of some allopathic medicine. Many allopathic medicines which offer relief from constipation stimulate the stomach and the doctors themselves don’t recommend the medicine for long-term use. Panchasakar Churna is an ayurvedic alternative that is safe on the walls of the stomach and relieves constipation. This Churna is `to be consumed with warm water. Water hydrates the body while the Phyto-components in the churna promote digestion and helps eliminate the undigested food residue store in the body or ama. This action relieves constipation, promotes a healthy bowel movement and enhances digestion and metabolism. It relieves stomach pain, stress, and discomfort which occur due to constipation.

Click here for ayurvedic home remedies for constipation!


Panchasakar Churna is powered by herbal ingredients which are available in most Indian kitchens and are also mentioned in ancient ayurvedic texts for their efficacy in treating constipation.

The primary ingredient which powers Panchsakar Churna is dried ginger powder also known as Shunti Churna. It is a powerful digestion booster and is also loaded with many essential vitamins and minerals. Ginger helps in gently eliminating the ama or undigested food residue in the intestines. Many scientific studies have also proven the efficacy of ginger extracts in relieving constipation. This herb will top the list of most ayurvedic physicians for treating constipation, bloating, and indigestion. Ginger also has anti-microbial properties. It is also loaded with anti-oxidants and possesses anti-inflammatory properties.  Dry ginger powder also promotes metabolism. It also has the potential to relieve pains that occur in the body. The skin of dry ginger is generally not recommended for consumption or for preparing decoctions. Baidyanath Panchasakar Churna is prepared under the guidance and supervision of experts in the field of Ayurveda and botany which ensures all the ingredients used are of the highest quality and care is taken to avoid use of parts like skin of dry ginger which are not recommended. 

Read this and you will never retain this state of mind for long if you want to keep constipation at bay!!

Another major ingredient in this ayurvedic mixture powder is extracted from the plant called Indian Senna. Senna is also a powerful stimulant that promotes bowel movements. This is used in Ayurveda exclusively for the purpose of stimulating excretions. But at times this herb is also recommended for relieving muscles spasms and pains. It mixed with the other herbs in the mixture can also help relieve stomach pain.

Saindhava Lavana or Himalayan Rock Salt is also present in Baidyanath Panchasakar Churna. It is one of the healthiest salts. It has many essential minerals and is highly rated for maintaining homeostasis. Some ayurvedic physicians believe it can also help relieve stress. The best part about Saindhava Lavana is it helps in increasing the gastric juice secretion in the stomach which promotes digestion and metabolism.

Harad or Myrobalan is another powerful herbal ingredient that is a part of this mixture. Myrobalan is one of the highest-rated immunity-boosting herbs in Ayurveda. It is recommended alongside other adjuvants as an immunity booster in almost all seasons as a part of Rituacharya. It has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It strengthens the body and enhances the Ojas and vitality. Harad also improves metabolism and is recommended for many digestive and respiratory diseases. It is added in the preparation of many ayurvedic medicines to enhance the overall rejuvenating properties of that medicine. Yes, Harad or Haritaki is a complete body rejuvenator.

The fifth and final ingredient in this Panchasakar Churna is Fennel extracts. Fennel is renowned in ayurvedic circles for its ability to prevent diarrhea. It helps relieve gastritis and acidity. It has strong anti-bacterial properties and helps in eliminating the bacterial overgrowth in the stomach. Fennel is more like that ingredient that balances the actions of the other ingredients in the churna.

The combination of these powerful herbal ingredients in a unique proportion constitutes Baidyanath Panchasakar Churna. It is a highly effective medicine to treat constipation and related illness.


An overdose of this medicine can cause diarrhea.

People with high blood pressure are recommended to consume this medicine only after consultations with an ayurvedic physician.


This product is available in our store. Click here to buy!


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Pathyadi kadha

Pathyadi kadha for relief from all kinds of headaches and migraines

Sandhu Brothers Ayurveda has come up with a unique formula with ingredients lifted straight from ancient ayurvedic texts to relieve headache, migraine, earache,  pain in the ENT region, eye pain, and toothache. It is also highly efficient in treating other diseases like night blindness and inflammation-related eye disorders. Some ayurvedic physicians also recommended Sandhu Pathyadi Kadha for vision disturbances. This ayurvedic decoction is prepared with herbal ingredients which make it an effective balancer of Vata and Kapha.

Sandhu Pathyadhi Kadha is made exclusively from herbal ingredients and has no added chemicals for artificial ingredients. Hence this decoction can be consumed every day for a long period of time without worrying about the side effects. It is a natural herbal decoction that is an overall immunity and health booster apart from having a direct action on pain relief. This decoction is not like allopathic pain killers and treats the root cause of the disease. It is made of ingredients like triphala, kalamegha and giloy all which are highest rated in Ayurveda for their efficacy in improving overall health and wellbeing.


Sandhu’s Pathyadi Kadha is a mixture of a plethora of medicinal herbs which are highest rated in ancient ayurvedic literature for overall health, immunity, and balance in the body.

Haritaki is highly rated in ancient scriptures for improving blood flow in the body. It improves the functioning of the internal organs and also helps relieve pain. It has strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties. Haritaki is beneficial for diabetes patients. The consumption of haritaki is recommended as a part of ayurvedic rituacharya during monsoon seasons to keep diseases at bay. It also prevents stiffness in the muscles.

Click here to read more about the benefits of Haritaki

Bhibitaki or Belleric Myrobalan is a fruit that is similar to haritaki. It is also an overall immunity booster and helps improve overall health and wellbeing. Bhibitaki is a tridosha balancer and helps restore balance in the body. This action eliminates and prevents a plethora of diseases. It also has potent anti-inflammatory properties. Bhibitaki also has potent anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.

Amla or the Indian Gooseberry is the highest-rated fruit in Ayurveda. Its efficacy in treating various diseases has been proven by science. Here are a select ten scientifically researched benefits on amla. Amla is a rich source of vitamin C. This fruit is filled with so many benefits that many ayurvedic doctors will claim ‘An amla a day keeps the doctor away’. It is one of the few fruits which contain all the 6 ayurvedic tastes making it the house of all 5 panchabhootas and reliever of all diseases. The extracts from this fruit are amongst the primary ingredients in Pathyadi Kadha.

Giloy or Gudduchi is another major ingredient in Pathyadi Kadha. It is one of the highest-rated ayurvedic immunity boosters. Giloy is loaded with anti-oxidants which help fight invading pathogens and other disease-causing agents. This powerful herb also possesses anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. It is also a potent pain reliever and a tonic for the sense organs (eyes, ears, skin, tongue, ears). It is also a saptadhatu nourisher and provides nourishment to all tissues in the body.

Click here to read more about the benefits of Giloy or Gudduchi

Kalamegha or Nilavembu is also known as Green Chiretta is highly rated for its pain relieving properties.  It nourishers and improves the functioning of the sense organs thus enhancing vision, hearing and taste perception. It is an oral cleanser and eradicates bad breath and toothache. As a strong anti-microbial herb, Kalamegha can prevent many microbial diseases.

Click here to read more about the benefits of Kalmegh

These herbs along with neem and turmeric are processed in unique proportions in water to make Pathyadi Kadha. 


Overall Immunity Booster



Ear pain

Eye pain

Night blindness, vision disorders and disturbances

Toothache etc.,


It is normally recommended to consume 10 to 20 ml of this herbal decoction before or after food two times a day.

For a personalized dosage with respect to your physical condition, dosha karmas, gunas, spiritual orientation, mental state, and illnesses consult an ayurvedic physician.


No side effects are recorded for consuming this medicine for a period of time in recommended doses.

Diabetic patients are recommended to consume this medicine with caution as it might cause fluctuations in the blood sugar level of some patients.

This medicine should be taken only under strict medical supervision by pregnant women and lactating mothers.

Keep out of the reach of children.


This medicine is available in our store. Click here to buy!

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cephagraine tablets

Cephagraine tablets from charak pharma: ayurvedic medicine for relief from sinus headache and migraine

Cephagraine tablets from Charak Pharma are an ayurvedic proprietary medicine designed to treat migraine and sinusitis.

Sinusitis and migraine have already exploded across the globe and is like a pandemic in our cities. Both these disorders are caused by Kapha aggravations and are easily treatable with ayurvedic medications. The allopathic medications used to treat these conditions are largely antihistamine drugs, antibiotics, cough syrups, and anti-inflammatory medications. While allopathic medicines might help relieve the symptoms, ayurvedic medicines help treat the root cause of the disease and provide wholesomely and complement nourishment apart from boosting overall immunity and health.

Click here know of a secret yogic nasal cleaning technique which helps in relieving sinusitis.

Click here to buy Nettie pot to practice Jalaneti and relieve sinusitis.

This is why it is best to treat acute and chronic sinusitis as well as migraines with ayurvedic medications. Cephagraine tablets from Charak Pharma are the best in class ayurvedic proprietary medicine to treat sinusitis. Cephagraine soothes the dilated blood vessels in the nose, head and brain which helps prevent migraine.

Click here to know about a secret medicated powder which Keralites use to keep common cold and sinusitis at bay!


Cephagraine tablets from Charak Pharma are a herbo-mineral formula. It is loaded with the benefits of immunity-boosting herbs like bringharaja, dry ginger extracts and tulasi. These ingredients are renowned in ayurvedic circles for their efficacy in treating respiratory illness and in eliminating the symptoms of sinusitis and migraine. This medicine also contains a powerful ayurvedic churna called Sitopaladi Churna. This is highly effective in treating cough, common cold, and sore throat. It can also be used in children.

Nishottara is another powerful herb used in the preparation of this tablet. It is highly effective in treating disease which occurs due to kapha and pitta disorders. This makes it a potent medicine in treating digestive and respiratory diseases. This ayurvedic elixir also contains other powerful ayurvedic herbal ingredients like piper longum roots, ajmoda and dhatura. 

Cephagraine capsules also contain naturally occurring sodium carbonate. The combination of these herbal and naturally occurring mineral extracts with zero added artificial chemicals constitute this medicine.


The primary indication of this ayurvedic medicine is to treat the root cause and symptoms of sinusitis.

Charak Pharma’s Cephagraine helps reduce nasal congestion and can effectively relieve nasal blockage.

From the name, Cephagraine is not difficult to guess this medicine is designed to relieve migraine. It is effective in preventing and relieving recurring migraine.

Relieves nausea, irritation and anxiety which occur due to recurring migraine

Cephagraine powered by ingredients like ginger and tulasi help reduce mucus build up in the chest and respiratory tract.

These ayurvedic tablets have a soothing action on internal inflammations.

Powered by powerful anti-microbial herbs, this medicine is also a powerful anti –microbial.

It is highly effective in treating common cold.

Cephagraine tablets from Charak Pharma can relieve cough and sore throat associated with it thanks to the presence of ingredients like Sitopaladi Churna and piper longum roots.


It is normally recommended to consume two tablets at a time two times a day with warm water.

The dosage can vary according to one’s immunity, tridosa karmas, physical condition, mental state and spiritual orientations. It is advisable to consult an ayurvedic physician to know your personal dose.

It is normally recommended to consume this medicine for a period of two to three months for complete relief from sinusitis and migraine.


Pregnant women, lactating mothers, and other vulnerable groups are advised to consume this medicine only after consulting an ayurvedic physician. It is best to avoid this medicine during pregnancy and lactation.

People with kidney disorders are advised to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this medicine because it contains naturally occurring mineral salts like sodium carbonate.

Cephagraine can react with allopathic medicines. Hence, if consuming along with allopathic medicines, it is advised to consume the allopathic medicine first and then consume this medicine after at least 30 minutes.


No side effects are reported for consuming this medicine in prescribed doses.

However, an overdose of this medicine can cause gastritis in some people

On rare occasions, people also report heart burns after on overdosing this medicine for a period of time.


This medicine is recommended for children above 8 or 9 years old in subsidized doses.

It should be administered to children only at the prescription of an ayurvedic physician.


Cephagraine tablets from Charak Pharma are available in our stores. Click here to buy!

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kooshmanda lehya

Kooshmanda lehya: ayurvedic medicine for complete rejuvenation

Kooshmanda Lehya is one of the most effective complete body rejuvenators. It provides relief from most respiratory diseases. It is very effective in curing inflammation in the internal organs. The Lehya provides relief from a host of other diseases including bleeding disorders, liver diseases, panic attacks and strengthens the body. 

Malnourishment is widespread across the country not only because of poverty but also because our busy lifestyles leave us with no time to properly consume our food. This is why many of us get fatigued at the workplace. Some of us even faint because of malnourishment and improper dieting habits. If it is difficult for you to find time for preparing and consuming proper meals amidst your morning chaos, consume two or three tablespoons of Kooshmanda Rasayana or Lehya. This will provide you with the necessary nourishment to see through your day. If you ever feel you, your children or any family member is malnourished or has a poor immune system, a daily dosage of Kooshmanda Lehya is all it takes to strengthen and energize the person.

Kooshmanda Rasayana improves physical strength. Click here to know about the Rasayana which helps improve mental strength.


Ash Gourd is referred to as Kooshmanda, and Lehya signifies full-body rejuvenator. Kooshmanda Lehya’s main component is ash gourd. Ash Gourd is high in vitamin C as well as all forms of vitamin B. It’s also high in minerals including manganese, zinc, phosphorus, iron, copper, and magnesium. It has a good quantity of protein and fiber. Diabetic individuals can consume the recommended quantity of carbs.

Because of its high concentration of flavonoids and carotenes, ash gourd is also effective in combating illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease by regulating cell damage. Ash Gourd is also high in antioxidants and serves as a potent immune booster for the body. Ash Gourd is can promote digestion and metabolism. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.

Click here to read about an exotic ayurvedic lehya for improving behavior, considered the food of the gods!

Ash Gourd is so significant in Ayurveda, Siddha, and Yoga traditions that the popular yoga guru from South India Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev recommends drinking one glass of Ash Gourd juice every day in the morning on an empty stomach to stay disease-free. This suggestion is also seconded by a host of Ayurveda doctors and other experts.


While Ash Gourd in itself is rich is most nutrients and can be a standalone tonic, the benefits are multiplied by the other ingredients in the Lehya and the methodology.

Ash Gourd is processed in Ghee, sugars, and other powerful immunity-boosting spices like black pepper, long pepper, ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, jeera, and coriander seeds. Enriched by the spices Kooshmanda Lehya becomes a powerful tonic against respiratory diseases. It also acts on the immunity system and works as an immune modulator. It adds strength to the body and help tackle existing illness and prevents new diseases.

Though Ash Gourd is good for diabetes, the Lehya is rich in added sugars and hence is not advisable for diabetic patients.


It is beneficial to increase strength and nutrients after vomiting or draining of nutrients in the body through excretion.

It aids in the treatment of the majority of respiratory illnesses.

Kooshmanda Lehya is used to treat bleeding problems and keeps the body healthy.

It is given to patients who have recovered from major illnesses that have weakened their bodies in order to enhance strength and nourishment.

It is beneficial to the liver and helps in digestion.


Diabetes patients are advised to not consume this product because of the high levels of added sugars.

This medicine is recommended for continuous consumption for a maximum period of 2 months. After which a 15-day break is recommended.


For adults; 5-15 grams of the Lehya with water or milk two times a day.

For children (5-13 years): 2-3 grams with water or milk two times a day

For infants (3-5 years): 1-2 grams with water or milk once a day.

It can be had with equal parts of ghee on for milk or water in the above  recommended doses to help in weight gain.


No side effects are reported for this medicine.

It has cause high sugar levels in diabetic patients

It is best to consume this medicine at least 15 minutes after consuming any allopathic drug.


Kooshmanda Lehya from various brands is available in our store. Click Here to buy. 

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Stresscom capsules

Stresscom capsules

Dabur Stresscom is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine powered by ashwagandha used to counter stress and other mood-related disorders. It is prepared primarily from herbal ingredients mentioned in ancient ayurvedic texts for battling stress.

Click here read about the benefits of ashwagandha in battling stress, anxiety and depression!

Our modern lifestyles especially in our cities are designed to increase our stress levels. Most workspaces in India are toxic enough to keep its employees on their toes for most of the day. This results in stress. The overall spiritual quotient of the people of this country has also gone down. The lack of spiritual understanding amongst a majority of the people has resulted in poor perception of the world around them and this amplifies their problems in the mind. This process of thinking too much and blowing one’s problems out of proportion due to poor understanding is one of the primary root causes of stress in the country. Only if people could implement the words of the wise spiritual guru Gaur Gopal Das would there have been no requirement of Stresscom tablets. He said ‘If you have a problem and know how to solve it, why worry? If you have a problem and you do not know how to solve it? Then again why worry?’ To understand this quote one must have a good spiritual understanding of the world or must at least know or have faith in god. When all this is not and the only stress is present, it is best to opt for Dabur Stresscom.

Dabur Stresscom capsules are prepared after years of scientific research by the teams in Dabur India. These tablets are prepared using ingredients in ancient ayurvedic literature like ashwagandha. The manufacturer claims to use the best quality of ashwagandha in preparing this medicine. It offers relief from stress, anxiety and depression. These capsules contain bio-active components which stabilize the mood and prevent unnecessary hyperactivity in the mind. It also relieves mood disorders and modulates the immunity system. Like most ayurvedic medicines Stresscom tablets have a direct application and also restore balance in the body.  


The primary function of Stresscom tablets from Dabur is to combat stress. These tablets regulate blood flow and contain the release of stress-inducing chemicals in the brain thus help in preventing and minimizing stress. They also promote a clear and relaxed mind which improves productivity at workspaces. Stresscom helps limit hyperactivity in the mind which is one of the primary reasons for stress. So if you are always stressed, confused and are prone to other diseases which occur due to stress, it is time to grab a Stresscom. High levels of stress also result in the weakening of the immune system. Stresscom tablets not only help relieve stress but powered by sapthadhatu nourishers like ashwagandha, they also help improve the overall immunity of the body.

Click here to know about another ayurvedic preparation which relieves new generation stress!


Dabur Stresscom capsules are also highly effective in relieving anxiety. Many people do not understand the difference between anxiety and stress. Stress is a mental state which leads to physical symptoms caused by an external trigger. For example, pressure at work can cause stress. In children, not doing their homework can cause stress. It leads to symptoms like fatigue, digestive issues, irritability and so on. Anxiety has identical physical symptoms of stress but the thing is it can occur without an external trigger and is more prolonged. This prolonged state of confusion and sadness can also be improved to a more positive one by consuming Stresscom capsules and topping that up with some counselling and guided meditation. Stresscom capsules have bioactive components which reduce the release of anxiety-inducing chemicals in the brain. This helps in improving the condition.


The lines between stress, anxiety and depression are always blurred and on most occasions, one leads to another. Depression is an extreme mental state where the baggage in the mind hampers one’s daily activities. Depression prevents one from being able to carry out his daily activities. Stresscom tablets can help battle depression and regular consumption when coupled with yoga, meditation and counselling can help in significantly improving the condition.


Stresscom capsules are a direct action medicine for stress, anxiety and depression. It is strictly advisable to consume this tablet only at the recommendations of an ayurvedic physician. 

It is normally recommended to consume one tablet once a day for a period of one month to overcome the condition.

It is highly recommended to have counselling sessions and yoga cum meditation sessions as adjuvant therapy alongside this medicine.


This medicine is prepared largely from herbal ingredients and is safe for most people including pregnant women and lactating mothers.

No adverse side effects are reported so far for consuming these capsules in prescribed doses. It is highly recommended no to overdose on this medicine.


Dabur Stresscom capsules are available in our store. Click here to buy!

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Mahakalyanaka ghrita

Mahakalyanaka ghrita

Mahakalyanaka Ghrita is a stronger and more densely nutritious version of Kalyanaka Ghrita. It is prepared by infusing 28 powerful ayurvedic herbs in Indian cow’s ghee. The phytonutrients in these rare herbs are made to be dissolved in ghee by heating at recommended temperatures. Ghee is believed to be an efficient carrier of the medicines by ancient ayurvedic seers. Hence any nutrient that is infused in ghee is more readily available to the body. This is why ayurvedic doctors prepared medicated ghee like Mahakalyanaka Ghrita. The phytonutrients of the plants infused in ghee are more easily metabolized by the body when compared to direct feeding of the original herbs.

Click here to read about the benefits of normal ghee

Mahakalyanaka Ghrita is an overall immunity tonic. It is primarily indicated for improved brain functions and memory. It is also alternatively recommended for boosting fertility in men and women by some ayurvedic doctors. The fact of the matter is this medicated ghee is infused with a couple of dozens and a quarter of herbs which makes it an effective tonic to treat many kinds of diseases. It completely rejuvenates the body and pacifies Vata and Pitta aggravations. Most of the diseases described in ayurvedic literature occur due to aggravations of either Vata or Pitta. Regular consumption of Mahakalyanaka Ghrita helps to keep these diseases at bay.

This ayurvedic elixir is enriched with the immune-boosting and health rejuvenating benefits of Amla, Bhibitaki and Haritaki. These herbs are together known as Triphala and are a powerful disease fighter and immunity booster in Ayurveda.  This medicine contains the benefits of these herbs. Then there are other immunity boosters like turmeric, tree turmeric, Himalayan cedar extracts which enrich this product with multiple health benefits. Unique herbs like jasmine extracts, cardamom, nymphea, manjishta, kushta and brihati are also a part of this unique ayurvedic medicine. Milk is also used in the preparation of this medicine. Care is taken to ensure milk from cow that has had a calf for the first time is used in this medicine. 

What is special about ghee prepared from Indian cow’s milk? Click here to find out!

Ashtanga Hrudhayam, an ancient ayurvedic text describes how these unique ingredients have to be infused in ghee made of Indian cow’s milk to prepare this elixir.


Mahakalyanaka Ghrita helps in pacifying the Vata and Pitta. This helps prevent and cure diseases that occur due to the aggravation of Vata and Pitta.

This medicated ghee is the best medicine to enhance fertility. It is recommended to both husband and wife for a period of six to eight months to improve the chance for conception.

It helps in enhancing the quality and quantity of spermatozoa in men.

It improves menstruation and fertility in women. It also helps in preparing the women’s body for pregnancy

Mahakalyanaka Ghrita helps improve memory power and concentration. Stay focused on your work and retain things in your head for a very long time by making Mahakalyanaka Ghrita an integral part of your life

Mahakalyanaka Ghrita is highly efficient in treating a plethora of mental conditions including Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder and Paranoia.

It helps in treating respiratory diseases like the common cold and cough as an adjuvant.

It is useful in treating anemia, epilepsy and psychosis.

This medicated ghee has strong anti-inflammatory properties and helps soothe inflammations.

Mahakalayanaka Ghrita is a powerful and potent overall health tonic and an immunity booster.

This medicated ghee is effective in helping treat fever.


It is normally recommended to consume a quarter to half spoon of this medicine in an empty stomach two to three times a day.

It is highly recommended to consult an ayurvedic physician before consuming this medicated ghee.


No side effects are observed for consuming this medicated ghee in recommended doses for a long period of time.

But an overdose of the product can cause indigestion and diarrhea.


Mahakalyanaka Ghrita is recommended with caution for people with diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. Discuss your conditions with an ayurvedic doctor before consuming this product.

Pregnant women and Lactating mothers are recommended to consult a doctor before consuming this product.

Mahakalyanaka Ghrita can react with allopathic medicines and some nutrition supplements. It is advised to consume this medicated ghee at least 30 minutes after consuming the allopathic medicine. It is safe and does not reaction homeopathic medicine.


This product is available in our store. Click here to buy!

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Kalyanaka ghrita

Kalyanaka ghrita

Kalyanaka Gritha is a medicated ghee with multiple health benefits. This medicine is prepared by dissolving the medicinal benefits of dozens of herbal extracts. Kalyanaka Ghrita is prepared by heating a paste made of powdered herbal ingredients and water along with ghee extracted from Indian Cow’s milk. Click here to read more about the benefits of Ghee prepared from Indian Cow’s milk. Consumption of medicated ghee is encouraged by ayurvedic physicians because according to Ayurveda, ghee is the most effective Anupana or adjuvant. Ghee is believed to be the best carrier of medicinal benefits of the other ingredients. Ghee nourishes all the tissues and organs in the body and its nutrients also easily diffuse into the organs. As a result, ancient ayurvedic seers believed medicating ghee with herbal extracts is the best way to imbibe the medicinal benefits of the herbs. Thus the practice of infusing herbal extracts in ghee began. Over a period of time, many techniques were developed to improve the efficacy of infusion. The herbs chosen to be infused depended on the disorder it was addressing. Kalyanaka Ghrita, unlike basic medicated ghee, is a powerful multi-faceted formulation.

Kalyanaka Ghrita is used traditionally to improve brain functions like memory and intelligence and also to enhance cognition. It has also been at times recommended for respiratory diseases. This ghee is powered by an ocean of herbal extracts including amla, turmeric, tree turmeric, and myrobalan which makes it a powerful and potent immunity booster. This medicine is also recommended for improving fertility in both men and women. Thus with such varying uses and high efficacy in all its applications, Kalyanka Gritha is amongst the best overall health improving medicine in Ayurveda. 


Kalyanaka Ghrita is generally recommended for consumption before food. It is advisable to consume one or two tablespoons of this medicated ghee one or two times a day for improving overall health.

For disease-specific dosage, it is advisable to consult an ayurvedic physician.


In this blog, we will look at some of the applications of Kalyanaka Gritha.


Kalyanaka Ghrita has the potential to help in compulsive disorders like OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). OCD is caused by chemical, structural and functional abnormalities in the brain. This disease is largely believed to be inherited but compulsive behavior can also be picked up over a course of time. When something be it a thought or action becomes repetitive and habitual, it can evolve into a compulsion. This happens because of a lack of nutrition in the brain. Kalyanka Ghrita is powered by a plethora of herbs including Bhibitaki, Amla , Shalaparni, Manjitha, Sariva, and Phalini which help improve nutrition distribution in the brain, relieve stress which forces compulsive behavior, and improves overall cognition.

Kalyanaka Ghrita is also recommended for treating Attention Deficient Hyperactive Syndrome (ADHD) and other brain-related disorders. In general, this medicated ghee improves memory power in children and adults, improves intelligence and helps in enhancing concentration. This medicine is highly effective in treating dementia and mental confusion.

Schizophrenia is a serious psychological disorder that hampers a person’s ability to think, act and behave properly. The condition is characterized by fear of being alone or victimized, belief in being right always, hallucinations, paranoia and even inflicting self-harm. This is a challenging disorder for allopathic medicines to treat. Kalyanaka Ghrita combined with yogic meditation and breathing helps in management of this condition.


Epilepsy is a condition characterized by seizures that occur due to a disorder in the nerve-cell activity in the brain. This condition can only be managed but cannot be cure as per allopathic medications available at the moment. Ayurvedic physicians recommend the herb fused Kalyanaka Ghrita ghee for treating this condition. Since Epilepsy requires lifelong treatment, it might be better to consume herbal ghee for prolonged periods alongside other herbal medicines recommended by an ayurvedic physician rather than lab-manufactured allopathic medicines whose long-term side effects might be quite fatal on some rare occasions.


It is normally recommended to consume a tablespoon of Kalyanaka Ghrita alongside a glass of warm water in the morning for improved fertility. Consumption of Kalyanaka Ghrita on an empty stomach can increase sperm count and quality in men and enhance the quality of ovum and overall fertilization capacity in women. It is advised by many ayurvedic physicians to couples who are looking to have babies to consume this medicated ghee for 6 to 8 weeks for increasing the chance of conception.


Kalaynaka Ghrita is also highly effective in treating many kinds of respiratory disorders. It is useful in relieving the common cold and cough.


Many versions of Kalyanaka Gritha are available in our store. Click here to buy!

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Bravobol capsules

Bravobol capsules

Bravobol Capsules and syrup are prepared by Ban Labs as a tonic that helps improve brain functions. If poor memory is your problem Bravobol capsules are your solution. If you feel you are not sharp enough that is your brain is not thinking fast enough, Bravobol capsules will make you sharper. If you are not able to concentrate at work or at school, it is time to make Bravobol capsules a part of your life. Be it any problem related to brain function, dopamine release, intelligence, and cognition, Bravobol capsules are a one-stop solution. 

If you think taking capsules every day doesn’t sound cool, then opt for the tasty Bravobol syrup which does the same function as the capsule with a tastier and easier-to-consume syrup form.

Click here to read about another ayurvedic technique for improved brain function.


Bravobol syrup and capsules are prepared by Ban Labs with ingredients that are mentioned in ancient ayurvedic literature for improved cognitive functions. This is a herbo-mineral formula and consists of herbal ingredients and naturally occurring minerals like mica in a purified form. This medicine is powered by top-rated ayurvedic brain tonics, most of which are also backed by science for their efficacy. Extracts from herbs like Shankapushpi, Brahmi, and Malkangani Beeja are a part of this ayurvedic elixir. This product also contains the complete body tonic – Ashwagandha!

Click here to read about the multiple amazing benefits of Brahmi.


Apart from being a powerful brain and memory-boosting tonic, Bravobol capsules and syrup are also highly efficient in improving sleep quantity and quality. If insomnia and sleeplessness are you illness, then Bravobol capsules and syrup are your solutions. The restlessness of the mind and stress are the primary causes of sleeplessness. Bravobol capsules and syrup addresses the root cause of sleeplessness and induces a night of peaceful deep sleep.

Bravobol Capsules and syrup are highly beneficial to children. Many children do not like to eat essential vegetables, fruits and other nutrient-rich foods. This compromises their nutrition and immune system. As a result of this, they might not be able to compete with the brightest kids in their schools. Poor memory is directly related to poor nutrition. Bravobol capsules are powered by herbs like Brahmi and Shankapushpi which help enhance the learning capabilities and memory power in children.

Bravobol Capsules and syrup are also very useful for aging adults. It prevents and slows down the cognitive problems which occur due to geriatrics. These ayurvedic capsules and syrup help keep intellectual functions intact for a longer period of time in ageing adults. It is in effect a powerful anti-aging medicine. These capsules also help prevent stroke in aging adults. So stay younger, healthier, and sharper by making Bravobol a regular part of your life.


For Bravobol capsules normally a dose of one or two tablets at a time after food, two times a day with equal intervals in between doses is recommended.

For Bravobol syrup, 10 to 15ml at the time, two times a day after food is normally recommended.

Consuming the capsules and syrup at the same time only increases the health benefits.

It is highly recommended to consult an ayurvedic doctor for personalized doses with respect to your health, spiritual and mental condition.


No side effects are observed for consuming this medicine in limited doses for a brief period of time.

It is recommended to consume this medicine for a maximum period of 30 days, beyond which it shall be extended on the advice of a doctor. Normally a break of 10 to 15 days is recommended after 4 weeks of consumption.


This medicine contains ayurvedically purified edible mica extracts and should be consumed with caution and only at the advice of a doctor who is well aware of your conditions.

It is not recommended for pregnant women and lactating mothers.

For diabetes patients, it is advisable to opt for Bravobol capsules because the syrup can cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

This medicine might react with allopathic drugs and hence if consuming along with any allopathic medication, it is advised to consume the allopathic medicine first and then consume this product after 30 minutes.


This medicine is available in our store. 

Click here to buy Bravobol Syrup!

Click here to buy Bravobol Capsules!

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