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Published 29 Mar 2018


Dr. Pampa Shankar
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Faith, love, and sex are the three most essential elements of life. An imbalance in any of these can create a havoc leading to dissatisfaction, fear, jealousy, anxiety, and stress. The ancient sages understood this ring of life very well and so it stressed the importance of having a life of fulfillment and contempt.

Dissatisfaction in Sex The hue and cry, the crisis and the rat races of modern life kill the pleasure that life has bestowed upon us. The stress, fatigue, tensions of the mundane routine takes away the sex drive and deems your performance on bed. Lately, the problem in sex life has gained momentum particularly for the millennials with the sedentary lifestyle, stress, high work targets, and lack of quality time.

Consequences of poor sex A poor sex life not only creates frustration and anxiety but it is a deadly parasite to a good relationship. Dissatisfaction or lack of physical intimacy leads to more severe troubles like infidelity, suspicions, and bitterness in relation apart from the physical agony caused by the turbulence of sexual hormones. When these things slip out, life goes for a toss. Ayurveda to the rescue To combat the issues of sexual desires, Kamadeva, the Indian God of love and sex, has blessed mankind with Ashwagandha, a powerful Aphrodisiac. Mother nature has taken care of all the basic necessities that are core to living a happy life. All the best things in life do not necessarily come with a hefty price tag. The cure to most of our woes could be found in the laps of nature. Ashwagandha Lehya The enlightened souls of ancient India studied and discovered the hidden benefits of many natural substances. Ashwagandha lehya is an ayurvedic jam prepared with a unique blend of many potential herbs and spices. Apart from Ashwagandha, this lehya is also blessed with the goodness of Atmagupta, Clove, Lavanga, Nagakesara, Salaimisri, Small cardamom, Cinnamon, Yashtimadhu and Jati. A spoonful of Ashwagandha lehya is known to boost sexual desire and satisfaction in women.  Men vouch for this lehya to increase sexual desire and endurance. It is a potent power booster that improves sperm quality, increases secretion of testosterone and treats conditions like erectile dysfunction, low libido, and impotence. Controls stress Stress and sex can never go hand in hand. When one crawls in the other takes an exit. High stress levels result in loss of sexual desires leading to impotence. Ashwagandha lehya works wondrously in controlling stress hormones in the body. An aphrodisiac Since ancient Indian times, Ashwagandha is used as an aphrodisiac. This marvellous herb has garnered its citation even in Kamasutra, the ancient manuscript of sex life. Ashwagandha lehya promotes the production of nitric oxide in the body which results in high blood flow to the genitals. This causes an increase in sexual desire and better endurance.


Higher testosterone Ashwagandha has been proven to raise the levels of testosterone significantly resulting in high stamina and better performance. Increase in sperm count Regular consumption of Ashwagandha lehya results in better libido thus resulting in enhanced quality and quantity of sperms.
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