
Try ashwagandha: a wonderful cure for stress and anxiety


Humans have been experiencing stress and anxiety for centuries, but in recent years, these are more often heard for been affecting our health. Stress and anxiety are products of our modern lifestyles and have reached levels to hit a fever pitch. At Indian workplaces, stress and anxiety have become an acute problem. A survey conducted by Cigna TTK Health Insurance found that about 89% of the people who participated in the study suffer from stress, and this figure is very high among the millennial, which is 95%. 


Stress may trigger many ailments like depression, allergies, asthma, high cholesterol and hypertension. It also creates an imbalance in our doshas—vata, pitta and kapha— depending on our Prakriti (constitution). Many have started looking for a cure in Ayurveda, which has proved to be a wonderful system of healing with the help of natural herbs like Ashwagandha. The plant, particularly the roots, has been used for over 5,000 years as a natural Ayurvedic remedy against various ailments, particularly to reduce stress and anxiety.


The word Ashwagandha means ‘smell of a horse’, but it has a dual meaning. While the herb has a unique aroma, it is believed that its consumption can help its user to get horse-like power, energy and strength. 


Ashwagandha’s stress and anxiety lowering effects 


Ashwagandha is best known for its stress and anxiety lowering effects. This medicinal herb works wonders in lowering levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands due to stress and anxiety. Known by its botanical name Withania somnifera, Ashwagandha is a small woody plant with yellow flowers, found in India and North Africa. A powerful adaptogen, this medicinal herb is used by Ayurveda to cure stress and anxiety.


The herb is loaded with healthy components like flavonoids, antioxidants, alkaloids, amino acids including tryptophan and many others.


Several clinical studies have found that Ashwagandha is quite helpful in calming stress and anxiety. 


A 2012 study asked a group of people to take either Ashwagandha or a placebo twice a day for 60 days. The Ashwagandha group took Ashwagandha capsules made from its root. This group exhibited a significant reduction in anxiety scores after two months and had no side effects. Basically, their serum cortisol levels were reduced. 


Another case study that used Ashwagandha showed that it benefitted women who were in stress. In them, Ashwagandha clearly made changes in cortisol and progesterone that reduced their stress level.


Stress and anxiety-reducing powers of Ashwagandha work two-ways. While it decreases anxiety, it regulates and reduces stress. The medicinal herb can regulate chemical signaling in the nervous system, thereby balancing stress reactions. The herb has been found useful in effectively reducing symptoms in people with chronic stress and anxiety problems.


Brihatri Ashwagandha tablets to reduce stress and anxiety

Supplements are truly the easiest way to get some of the most necessary nutrients. If you have a problem related to stress and anxiety, it is recommended that you take Brihatri Ashwagandha Tablets along with a balanced and nutritious diet. It is an easy and effective way to boost your immune system sans side effects. Brihatri Ashwagandha tablets are 100% natural with no additives like colouring, flavouring or preservatives. These tablets come with no toxic effects. So it is a safe Ayurvedic supplement.


Ashwagandha tablets by Brihatri are Ayurvedic medicine, which effectively treat general debility, emaciation, and chronic illness, keeping you stress-free and active the whole day.


Dosage and when to consult a doctor


The dose depends on the indication or as directed by your Ayurvedic doctor. Before taking Ashwagandha in any form, it’s always recommended to consult your health practitioner for guidance.


While Ashwagandha has been found to be safe for most people, it is always good to know its side effects. When you decide to integrate the herb in your diet, you should know about the dosage as per your personal health conditions. For example, pregnant women or women who are breastfeeding or people who have autoimmune diseases should avoid Ashwagandha unless prescribed by a physician. People who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and type 1 diabetes should also consult a doctor before consuming the herb. People who suffer from high blood sugar and high blood pressure should also consult a doctor before consuming Ashwagandha. 

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