Pregnancy Care

Mathulunga rasayana: a multipurpose ayurvedic medicine to help pregnant women

Mathulunga rasayana

Mathulunga Rasayanam is an ayurvedic proprietary medicine to energize and rejuvenate pregnant women and provide necessary nutrients to the offspring. It is prepared exclusively from herbs and fruits without any artificial ingredients or harmful substances. This Rasayana is loaded with all necessary vitamins and minerals derived from its herbal ingredients to promote overall health in pregnant women. Mathulunga Rasayana is the best add-on for pregnant women who do not have the conditions at home to consume fruit juices and soups regularly. This Rasayana is add on to all fruit nutrition but can also be consumed as an alternative to fresh fruit juices if the situation arises.

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Mathulunga Rasayanam is specifically recommended by ayurvedic physicians to relieve nausea and vomiting in pregnant women. It also improves their appetite. One of the symptoms which most pregnant women suffer from is nausea and vomiting associated with morning sickness. Mathulunga Rasayana is a one-stop solution to morning sickness.

This ayurvedic Rasayana also helps relieve hyperacidity and acidity-related symptoms in the stomach. It also helps in regulating the appetite and is recommended for children suffering from pica-related complications. Pica is a condition that is characterized by a craving to chew substances which have no nutritional value. This is prevalent amongst children. Mathulunga Rasayanam is prepared fiber-rich herbs and fruits which give a filling feel in the stomach which can help relieve the urges which occur due to pica.

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One of the primary ingredients in Mathulunga Rasayana is neem extracts. The extracts of various parts of neem have unique medicinal benefits. Leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach disturbance, lack of appetite, skin ulcers, illnesses of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disorders, and liver issues are all treated with neem leaf. The leaf is also used to induce abortions and for birth control. Malaria, gastrointestinal ulcers, skin disorders, discomfort, and fever are all treated with bark. The flower is used to cure intestinal worms, reduce bile, and manage phlegm. Anal fissures, intestinal worms, urinary tract diseases, bloody nose, phlegm, eye diseases, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy are all treated with the fruit.

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Cough, asthma, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, poor sperm counts, urinary problems, and diabetes are all treated with neem twigs. People in the tropics chew neem twigs instead of brushing their teeth, however, this can cause sickness; neem twigs are frequently infected with fungus within 2 weeks after harvest and should be avoided. Leprosy and intestinal worms are treated with seed and seed oil. They are also used to cause abortions and for birth control. Tonic and astringent properties are derived from the stem, root bark, and fruit.

Alpakoda or dry plum fruit are other major ingredients in Mathulunga Rasayana. This fruit is used to increase energy and health in pregnant women. It is also recommended as a part of a weight-loss regime for enhanced results. It has powerful cardioprotective properties and prevents all kinds of heart diseases. It also improves the functioning of the heart. It relieves macular degeneration in the early stages. This disease can eventually lead to permanent vision loss. Alpakoda fruit can also improve bone density.

Grapes or Draksha are loaded with antioxidants which may help protect against cancer, eye issues, cardiovascular disease, and other health concerns. Resveratrol is a substance found in grapes that may be beneficial to one’s health. Grapes are high in fiber, potassium, and a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Grapes are acceptable for diabetic patients as long as they are included in a well-charted diet plan. Grapes are also a powerful immunity booster. Mathulunga Rasayanam is powered by grape extracts.

Pomegranate extracts are also included in Mathulunga Rasayana. Pomegranate is an astringent fruit with a plethora of medicinal benefits. Regular consumption of pomegranate can prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. It is one of the richest sources of antioxidants and vitamins especially vitamin C. It improves digestion and cures heart diseases and relieves arthritis.

Moosambi or Sathukudi is a citrus fruit that is similar to oranges. It is loaded with vitamin C and anti-oxidants. It has a sweet and sour taste with astringent seeds. Moosambi can also boost the overall immunity and act as a rejuvenator.

These herbs and fruits in unique proportions with jaggery or processed sugarcane extracts compose Mathulunga Rasayana. 


In normal circumstances, it is recommended to consume 2 tablespoons of this medicine along with water two times a day or as directed by an ayurvedic physician.


There are no side effects to this medicine. It is safe for consumption for a long period of time.


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