
SNA laxon laxative syrup

SNA laxon laxative syrup

SNA Laxon Laxative syrup is prepared by SNA Oushadhashala Private Limited for relieving constipation in children and infants. It is a mild medicine prepared from a unique blend of herbal laxatives like grapes and katuki. It is prepared without any chemical, lab made or artificial ingredients to best suit babies. All care is taken by the manufacturers to make this medicine ideal for infants and children. SNA Oushadhashala has been in existence since 1920 serving all kinds of people with their ayurvedic medical services. They trace their origins from Astavaidyan Thrissur Thaikattu Moos. Laxon Laxative syrup is their herbal offering for easing bowel movments in toddlers and infants.

The digestive system of an infant is very tender. The system in children is also constantly evolving. Hence very often they suffer from constipation. Constipation can also occur due to poor nutrition and lack of natural laxative and fiber rich diet. If your kids are regularly suffering from constipation and you are worried about giving them chemical or allopathic laxatives, here is an offering prepared from herbal ingredients to easy bowel movements and make passing stools easy for your children or infants.

SNA Laxon syrup as the name suggests is a powerful laxative. It gently helps in eliminating the undigested food residue or ama which helps in preventing other diseases which occur due to constipation or retaining ama in the body. This syrup also helps improve digestion and nutrition absorption. It is prepared by mild herbs and fruits and hence does not react violently in the stomach. This makes it safe for children and infants. SNA Laxon laxative syrup improves the Jataragni or digestive fire and enhances the body’s ability to break down food which contributes to improved metabolism, digestion and waste output. This syrup lubricates the walls of the intestine and rectum which helps in easy passing of stools. It might also work as a stool softener.

Click here to read about other ayurvedic remedies for constipation.


SNA Oushadhashala’s Laxon laxative syrup is powered by healthy and nutritious herbal laxatives which provide complete nourishment to the body. It is loaded with the nutritious and laxative benefits of Draksha, Sitha extracts, Katuki and Haritaki.

Haritaki or Chebulic Myrobalan is one of the powerful complete body tonic ayurvedic herbs. It helps boost overall immunity and is used to make the exotic Triphala medicine. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties making it a potent weapon to help in keeping diseases caused by such pathogens at bay. It is also rich in anti-oxidants, in a host of vitamins and in many essential minerals.  Haritaki is highly rated in ancient ayurvedic texts for treating indigestion, constipation and sore throat. It has highy anti-inflammatory properties and can help in soothing the internal organs. It might also help in lowering/preventing cholesterol and diabetes. It is also recommended for pain relief. It is recommended in micro quantities for infants to improve digestion, build immunity and to ease bowel movements.

Katuki is an exotic herb found in Nepalese Himalayas. It has a plethora of medicinal and nutritional benefits. It is primarily used to relieve fever. It also helps in improving respiration. Katuki has powerful immune-modulatory and anti-microbial properties. Its powerful anti-inflammatory properties help heal internal wounds and infections. It also promotes digestion and metabolism. Katuki is highly rated in ayurvedic literature to pacify pitta. It can also help prevent liver disorders and is recommended in treating jaundice.  It helps in liver detoxification. Katuki is a powerful herb which helps in weight loss as it improves digestion and metabolism. This can also help have a laxative effect on the body and help in easy excretion. It causes no violent reaction in the body and is recommended in micro doses in toddlers and infants.

Draksha or grapes are another highly rated ayurvedic herb for easy bowel movement. It lubricates and nourishes the entire body, promotes digestion and helps in easy bowel movement. Draksha also help in eliminating ama or the undigested food residue. It is a very safe and mild laxative. It is soft on the walls of the stomach and causes no discomfort. It is pretty safe for infants in limited doses.

A combination of these herbal extracts and many such highly rated ayurvedic herbs make SNA Laxon syrup an ideal choice to relieve constipation in children, infants and also in adults. Doctors recommend this mild laxative for elderly adults above 65 years old.

Click here to read a word of advice from an ayurvedic doctor for constipation in adults.


It is recommended to give one or two ml of this drink twice a day to infants to promote bowel movement.

It is recommended to give up to 5 ml for children and elderly adults.

It is best to consult an ayurvedic physician and know your recommended dosage

Overdosing this medicine can cause loose motion and other complications. Please stick to the recommended doses and time frame prescribed by an ayurvedic physician.

Keep out of the reach of children.


No side effects are observed for consuming in limited doses.

Overdose shall result in stomach upsets, loose motions, fatigue and other complications.


This product is available in our store. Whatsapp us at 8884333462 to get your product

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