Blame it on the fairy tales because every little girl on this planet wants beautiful, lustrous, shiny, thick long hairs! Be it Cinderella or Rapunzel, their mesmerizing hair did get a notable expression in the books.
With all the pollution, dirt, dust and stress of the modern life, if you still have some quality hair left on your skull than be thankful and start prepping up to take good care of them. Because if you don’t pay attention to your hair on time, then the day is not far when the not so sexy scalp would make its appearance from the middle of the thin hair.
Salon treatments, medicines, hair transplant, and all the synthetic methods do not guarantee hair growth even after costing a bomb! So, we did a little research and dug a bit deeper in history when the mighty queens and princess flaunted their flawless hair even without the frequent trips to salons. In this exploration of history, we indeed got something incredible, the miraculous hibiscus plant working wonder for hair.
This sacred plant is blessed with an abundance of nutritional value. It is rich in amino acids, phosphorus, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and alpha-hydroxy acids along with several other nutrients. The holy flower is lauded for its many medicinal benefits.
The extracts from hibiscus work like an elixir for the tresses. It is commendable in combating hair fall, inducing hair growth, covering bald patching, preventing premature aging, and colouring hair naturally.
Benefits of Hibiscus for hair
Fights Hair Fall
This exotic red flower helps in re-growth of hair and prevent baldness by penetrating into the dormant hair follicles and regenerating hair growth. It thickens your hair giving you a voluminous bouncy tress just like Rupanzel.
Strengthens hair
The lathery and mucilaginous petals of hibiscus are brimmed with amino acids strengthens the hair from the roots, nourishes them and gifts you the perfect lustrous strong locks.
Promotes Hair Growth
Hibiscus is a perfect combo of vitamin C, Phosphorous, riboflavin, and calcium that induces hair growth, restricts hair fall, and strengthens the hair roots and strands. Vitamin C is known to boost collagen production ensuring healthy hair growth.
A natural conditioner
An impeccable natural conditioner that comes for free, hibiscus is known for repairing brittle hair, treating frizz and preventing dryness and adding the soft, silky touch to your tresses.
Prevents premature aging
It’s an amazing natural dye with zero side effects. It not only dyes the hair but also prevents premature greying of hair. The carotene compound found in hibiscus is a great procrastinator of grey hair.
Dandruff is irritating white flakes that cause dryness and itching to the scalp. Harsh chemicals not just amplify dandruff but damage the hair completely making it dull, frizzy, and unmanageable. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of hibiscus help in treating dandruff.
Stop the split ends
Hibiscus works wonder in treating the split ends that keeps coming back no matter how much you cut your strands. It prevents the split ends while keeping the hair strong, nourished and hydrated for long.